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Publication Date: 
December 3, 1968
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(b) (2) (b) (3) S E (When ET i11ed in) (b) (6) EMPLOYEE SERIAL NUMBER FITNESS REPORT SECTION A GENERAL I. NAME (Last) (First) (Middle) 2. DATE OF BIRTH 3. SEX 4. GRADE S. SD Collins Charles P. 12/28/: 6 M GS-16 6. OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE 7. OFF/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT 8. CURRENT STATION 10 General Ch DDS&T 0 DD S&T H s 9. CHECK (X) TYPE OF APPOINTMENT 10. CHECK (X) TYPE OF REPORT X CAREER RESERVE TEMPORARY INITIAL REASSIGNMENT SUPERVISOR CAREER-PROVISIONAL (See instructions -Section C) X X ANNUAL REASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEE SPECIAL (Specify): SPECIAL (Specify): II. DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. 12. REPORTING PERIOD (From- to-) 30 April 1968 1 April 1967 - 31 March 1968 SECTION B PERFORMANCE EVALUATION W - Weak Performance ranges from wholly inadequate to slightly less than satisfactory. A rating in this category requires positive remedial action. The nature of the action could range from counseling, to further training, to placing on probation, to reassignment or to separation.- Describe action taken or proposed in-Section C. A - Adequate Performance meets all requirements. It is entirely satisfactory and is characterized neither by deficiency nor excellence. P - Proficient Performance is more than satisfactory. Desired results are being produced in a proficient manner. S - Strong Performance is characterized by exceptional proficiency. 0 - Outstanding Performance is so exceptional in relation to requirements of the work and in comparison to the performance of others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition. SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating letter which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in performance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (indicate number of employees supervised). SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 1 RATING LETTER Directs the SIGINT Staff S SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 2 RATING LETTER Provides Staff Support to CIA SIGINT Officer and other S Senior Agency Officials. - SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 3 RATING LETTER SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 4 RATING LETTER SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE RATING LETTER DATE: DEC 2007 SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 RATING LETTER OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION RATING Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position such as per- LETTER formance of specific duties, productivity, conduct on ob, cooperativeness, pertinent personal traits or habits, and particular limitations or talents. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period, S place the letter in the rating box corresponding to the statement which most accurately reflects his level of performance. FOR 4-6$ M 45 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS SEC T SE7 (When F l eed d In) SECTION C NARRATIVE COMMENTS Indicate significant strengths or weaknesses demonstrated in current position keeping in proper perspective their relationship to overall performance. State suggestions made for improvement of work performance. (%5~$ ftgo en4etions for training. Comment on foreign language competence, if required for current position. Amplify or explain ratings given InLSett 00&,to provide best basis for determining future personnel action. Manner of performance of managerial or su pervisory duties and cost consciousness in the use of personnel, space, equipment and funds, must be commented on, if applicable. If extra space is needed to compete Section C, attach a separate sheet of paper. (~C '! This experienced officer continues to give a go8A1!ant of himself. He has earned the rating given overleafe SECTION D CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS 1. BY EMPLOYEE I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SEEN SECTIONS A, B, AND C OF THIS REPORT DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE 2. BY SU ER SO MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER MY SUPERVISION IF THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN S WN T MPLOYEE, GIVE EXPLANATION DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR CIA SIGINT Officer 3. BY REVIEWING OFFICIAL COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL 7 No appropriate reviewing official. DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE SE ET