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Publication Date: 
May 23, 1959
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(b) (1) (b) (3) (S) MP YEE SERIAL NUMBER FITNESS REPORT SECTION A GENERAL. 1. NAME (Lest) (First) (Middle) 2. DATE OF BIRTH 3. SEX 4 . GRADE BARNARD, Edward T. 1010/10_ M GS-14 5. SERVICE DESIGNATION 6. OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE 7. OFF/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT 0C Intelligence Officer (Contact) 00/CD/New York 8. CAREER STAFF STATUS 9. TYPE OF REPORT M'OT ELIGIBLE MEMBER DEFERRED F~ INITIAL REASSIGNMENT/SUPERVISOR PENDING DECLINED DENIED x ANNUAL REASSIGNMENT/EMPLOYEE 10. DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. I I. REPORTING PERIOD To SPECIAL (Specify) 31 May 1959 From July 1958 - Mar 59 SECTION B EVALUATION OF PERFORM ANCE OF SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating number which best describes the ff ' e f n e f h d All d l ectiveness in p r orma c t at uty. oyees er ONLY e o emp manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consi with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (indicate number of employees supervised). 1 - Unsatisfactory table 4 - Competent 5 - Excellent 6 - Superior 7 - Outstan ding SPECIFIC DUTY NO. ATING SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 4 Prepares intelligence R ATING Represents the New York Office NO' information reports; memoranda, and NO. 6 communications supporting his 6 operations SPECIFIC DUTY NO. ?Establishes and maintain ATING SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 5 Takes action on cases R ATING domestic contact with non-governmenta l NO. requiring intelligence or operational No organizations and individuals to wile id t 5 support for other elements of the 6 e intelligence information, prov intelligence and operational support Agency SPECIFIC DUTY NO. "Briefs, debriefs and RA TING SPECIFIC DUTY NO. R NTIING generally exploits for information N US domestic sources in response to 5 5 specific requests or spontaneously SECTION C EVALUATION OF OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position - performance of specific duties, productivity, conduct on job, cooperativeness, pertinent personal traits or habits, particular limitations or talents. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period, place the rating number in the box corresponding to the statement which most accurately reflects his level of performance. I- Performance in many important respects fails to meet requirements. RATING 2 - Performance meets most requirements but is deficient in one or more important respects,. NO. 3- Performance clearly meets basic requirements. 4- Performance clearly exceeds basic requirements. 5 .5- Performance in every important respect is superior. 6- Performance in every respect is outstanding. SECTION D DESCRIPTION OF THE EMPLOYEE In the rating boxes below, check (X) the degree to which each characteristic. applies to the employee 1 - Least possible degree 2 - Limited degree 3 - Normal degree. .14 - Above average degree 5 -Outstanding degree CHARACTERISTICS NOT A P - NOT - RATING P LI CABLE 08- SERVED 1 2 3 4 5 GETS THINGS DONE - x RESOURCEFUL x ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITIES X CAN MAKE DECISIONS ON HIS OWN WHEN. NEED ARISES - - X DOES HIS JOB WITHOUT STRONG SUPPORT X FACILITATES SMOOTH OPERATION OF HIS OFFICE x WRITES EFFECTIVELY X SECURITY CONSCIOUS - X THINKS CLEARLY - X DISCIPLINE IN ORIGINATING, MAINTAINING AND DISPOSING OF RECORDS X OTHER (Specify): SEE SECTION 'E' ON REVERSE SIDE FORM HYYt