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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Document Creation Date:
June 22, 2015
Document Release Date:
December 8, 2008
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Publication Date:
September 12, 2002
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Date: , l k z
Office of Public Affairs
To: Name: 6atiee io e
Fax: '703-(/3-300 7
From: Public Communications Branch
Phone: '(708) 482=0623/0624
Fax: (703) 482-1739
Dumber of Paged: (w/cover sheet)
5018diool Sheet, 8W, Sulti 500,
Wattltlnpten, D.C. 20024
Tel: (c2) 849.5172
Fdtc = 0464188
.Preedom of Infomiation.Act Appeal
Tot X& A ry.v T. D ~l ~c
a -70.-Sy.$a -- /V- 3 7
NO.721 P.a0001
Urgent o For Review 0 Please Comment /Please Reply
Comments: If you do not raeelve all pages, please cal 202-64645472.
Freedom of Information Act Appeal
O9/1SEP _12 _20021 1. . f!' 646 5199
50180hoe1 Skeet SW, SL ft
W IOM, D.C. 20094
Tek M* 041.5172
Pane (2m) 940-Mee
Freedom, of infomlationAct Appeal
urgent G Par Rovtow O Please Comment(Piease Reply
P 3001
Comment It you do not reeeiv* all pages, please call 202-646.472.
Freedom of Iflfori ation Act Appeal
08/1SEP.12.20021 1 2:04PM 040 $199 NO.721
Judicial Watch
Because no one is above the law!
September 12, 2002
Kathryn L Dyer
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washingtgn, D.C. 20505
%e Clarification of FOIA Request No. F 2002-00847
Dear Sir/Madam:
P 4002
Our office mail has been slowed do to the anthrax crisis and subsequent precautions and
safeguards regarding mail handling.
On May 16, 2002 Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request with the Cental Intelligence
Agency requesting prior knowledge of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks by federal
In a response letter postmarked June 6, 2002, Infomsation and Privacy Coordinator,
$atltryn I. Dyer. stated, "...in denying item 8, we are specifically refexting to the portions of that
item pertaining to Zacarias Moussaoui, 0sama Bin, Laden and Al-Qaeda. With regard to the
portion of item 8 which pertains to `plans by ...any terrorist group to hijack airplanes,' it will be
necessary for you to define a time-frame and, preferably, specific terrorist groups and/or targets
before we can consider this portion for a search."
This letter is a response to the request of Ms. Dyer.
In order to narrow the scope of the documentation, the time frame requested is January 1,
1995 through September 11, 2001. The terrorist groups we are referring to is A1-Qaeda, Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. The terrorist targets are US interests and/or facilities overseas,
landmarks, government facilities or transportation hubs in the continental United States.
Please proceed to process our request. We will address any relevant appeal upon your
response as indicated in your letter of June 5, 2002.
As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, Judicial Watch does not have a commercial
S01 School Street, SW Suite 725 Washington, DC 20024 : Tel: (402) 646.5172 1 Pax: (204)'546-5199
o9.... _i2_ 20021 1 2: 04PM 649 5198 _ N0.721 P.5
interest in the information, 501(c)(3). Judicial Watch is continually credited by the media and
others of dissemi eating f nfopation obtained under FOJA that has made news (most notably in
the area of national security and privacy rights), as well as informed the public as to the
operations and actions of their government (see Exhibit 1, attached).
08/ EP.12. 2Q % l 2-04PM 648. $199
NO.721 P 6004
_ pg/?gP.12.2002; 1 04PM 64C 5188 N0.721 P.7~005
Scripts Howard News
August 14, 1997
Commerce Department admits
it withheld information illegally
By LdWA rwy
in a major coacessioa, the Jnstioe De panment.admitted yesterday that
the Commerce Department withheld in?cxmaion about the political
activities of Clinton adroiths atioa appointees, including Democratic
iimd-raiser John Rum?,
In a motion filed with the U.S. District Judg&Royce C. LMnbestb,
Assistant U.S. Attorney Brnce Hegyl said the govermaent no longer
wants to contest a costly 3-year-old Freedom of Information suit
brought by the private legal group Judicial Watch. The plea asks the
judge to find against the government and in favor of the watchdog
-The Department of Coerce moves hereby for the Court to enter
jpdgnuat against It in this case," Mr. Hegyi said.
But Larry Klayman, director of Judicial Watch, said he does not want
to accept any govem=nt conccssioa.
He said he heady has exposed how the -defied
repeated court orders to hand over documents, nod that he believes he
can find more If the case conimues,
"Our discovery has shown the Clinton administration has obstructed
this suit by shrcddingjhuting and withholding documents," he said.
He said a Juice Department offer, included in the motion, to pay
Judicial Watch's legal fees was in attempt "to bn'be Judicial Watahto
no 3onger seek the truth." Mr.1l-man said the group's regal ises
amount to "several millions of dollars " Mr May/man was the first to
discover Mr. Hung's involvement impolitical activities during the
perlodheworkedin CommeradS trade officoin 1994 and 1995, and
disclosed othor political activities as well MMr. Huang ba since
become amajor figure in the ealapaipm $aaucing scandal.
Read legal documents related to Judicial Watch litigation on this
sub] sot by Ad-W-19 ha-re-
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SEP.12. 20e22 2:05PM N0.721 P. q 006
09/,Y4~Re 11: Ewa cuc 846 gig* y
The WasIungton Tunes
Janus' 19, 2000
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