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February 19, 2008
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Publication Date:
June 4, 1951
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tONF1~dENTIA~. (b) (2) (b) (3) (b) (6) ,ce Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Chief ~ suBJECTf T~+IILIS. Montrell E. ~ecurity Divisi DATE: 4 June 1951 Tn accordance with instructions, Subject was interviewed at East Lansing, Michigan on 19 February 1951 and limited investigation was conducted on 39 and 20.February 1951 with the following results: The records of Michigan State Gollege revealed that Subject entered -the School of Police Administration as a transfer student from Northeast Junior College and was scheduled to graduate in March 1951 with a Degree of BS in Police Administration, Subject's average for the course was approximate],y 2.7 of a possible t~.e. Subject was interviewed and the undersigned a~;East sings Michigan on 19 February 1951. Subject is the quiet type, speaks slowly with a marked Texas draw~.l, and impressed the interviewers asbeing very .sincere. He is tall and presents a fine appearance. Sub jest advised that, in the event he were appointed he would prefer an assignment in Texas, but that he was willing to accept employment anywhere. In response to questions, Subject advised that he has never been arrested or in trouble of any sort. During the interview, Subject exhibited a Certificate of .Satisfactory Service from ttae Army of the United States, dated 7 September 198 at Camp Stoneman, California. It was indicated. that Sub jest sert~d from 11 .March 19l~S to 7 September 1918, held the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and was employed as Pilot of Four-Engine Aircraft. Arthur F. BRhNDSTATTER~ Head of the Department of Police Administrations Michigan- State Colleges advised. that Subject was rated near the top of a group of l0 as to potential investigative. material by two professors in the. School of Police. Administration. BRANDSTATTER knew of nothing derogatory regarding Subject and suggested that more detailed information regarding his ability, etc. be obtained from Professor TURNER. Ralph TURNF.;H., Instructor, Departam'nt of Po73ce Administration, Michigan State College, was interviewed concerning Subject on 2D February 1951. At the outsets TURNER advised that he could offer a very satisfactory reevmmendation for MILLS. He described Subject APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: NOV 2007 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ MILLS, ~iontrel.l. E. as being conscientious and therefore one who would have initiative. TURNER feels that Subject can think on his feet and' should do well on his own in investigati~ work. .Subject is one who does not require close supervision and with little training should develop into a dependable investigator. TURNF.:R.added that, although. he is not naives Subject could sa indicate by his manner. In the latter regard, Tt3~tlVEtt advised that MILLS had been used on some undercover assists by one of the police departments in the area. TURN. knew of absolutely nothing. derogatory regarding Subject anal highly recommended him for the position in question. Corporal ~f~illiam tvtARD, Michigan State Police, ~ Charge of the In-Service Training Program for the School of Police Administrations at Michigan State College, was interviewed concerning Subject on 2fl Februaz-~ 1951. WARD also indicated that ~L'LLLS had been used in some tmdercovcr wr>rk by one of the local police departments. TrTARD described Subject as being slow and deliberate and one who would undoubtedly got the desired information. i~ARD felt some slight concerns however, about Subjcet~s temper, stating that he was one who s~}nke with utter frankness. WAxD felt that` Subject ~'' ~~ some difficulty with. people of influence contacted if they were to arouse his temper through their attitude or by causing Subject to'ait for a long period of time-for an interview. WARD knows of nothing derogatory regarding Subjects character-or loyalty however and recommended. him for the position with the above reservation. The records of the Lansing, Michigan Police Department and. the Bureau of Identifications Michigan State Polices were checked in the name of Subject on 20 February 1951 with negative results. In accordance with further instructions Subject was given a security briefing by the undersigned at East Lansing, Michigan on 26 March 1951. This briefing included a reading of the Ageney~s securit re~szlations bar Subject, ~ detailed instruction regarding the organization~~ etc., and the execution of the Secrecy _greement. The Secrecy Agreement fo~~ ttached hereto.