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August 5, 1966
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5 August 1966 OCX No. 0301/66 Copy N (b) (3) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: 09-24-2008 Europe GENEVA DISARMAMENT TALKS NEAR END Members of the Eighteen Na- tion Disarmament Committee (ENDC) are trying to wind up their pres- ent session in order to report to the UN General Assembly in September. East-West differ- ences over a nonproliferation treaty and diminishing support from the nonaligned members for the Western formula have pre- cluded any real progress, and little is likely in the remain- ing weeks. In the past few months the Soviets have come down heavily on the fact that the Western draft for a nonproliferation treaty would not outlaw the trans'- fer of nuclear weapons to non- nuclear powers--West Germany in particular--but only require the consent of a nuclear state be- fore such weapons are used. These Soviet attacks have tended to erode support for the Western formula, which was designed to leave open the possibility for some kind of a NATO nuclear force. In a recent meeting of the NATO Council, Britain, the Neth- erlands, and Belgium urged in particular that the so-called European option clause in the Western draft, which allows for the development of a European nuclear force, be reconsidered. They contended that some such move is necessary if anything is to be accomplished at Geneva. By all indications, however, the Soviets' genuine concern is the prevention of any form of access to nuclear weapons by West Germany. Any tinkering with the European option clause is not likely to allay this. The prolonged deadlock has disillusioned the nonaligned members, and they may present their own version of a nonpro- liferation treaty. This would reportedly call for a ban on the transfer of nuclear weapons to states not already having them, a cut-off on the produc- tion of fissionable material for weapons, an obligation on nuclear states to reduce stockpiles, and the universal application of in- ternational safeguards to all nuclear activities. By intro- ducing additional measures on which the major powers do not agree, such a proposal would tend to complicate the proceed- ings further. The Italian delegate has revived the "Fanfani proposal," which calls for all states not having nuclear weapons to de- clare unilaterally that they will not acquire them. The Ital- ians have also proposed that the the UN General Assembly should ask the nuclear powers to agree not to use their weapons against states who issue such declarations and to come to their aid in case of nuclear Page 8 WEEKLY SUMMARY 5 Aug 66 STlYn TT J I_ - i attack or blackmail. Rome be- lieves this would at least avoid having the ENDC wind up without having accomplished any- thing, a prospect that might lead to its abolition or to a revived interest in a world dis- armament conference. The Egyptian delegate, to help justify the existence of the ENDC, would have the non- aligned members issue a memo- randum on the topic of general and complete disarmament, men- tioning the proposals that have been made, recognizing the im- portance of disarmament, and stating that discussion should continue. WARSAW PACT FORCES HOLD EXERCISE I N BALTIC Recent naval and air ma- neuvers in the Baltic involving Soviet, East German, and Polish forces are part of the greater effort being made within the Warsaw Pact to improve the ef- fectiveness of the "northern tier" forces in various contin- gency roles. Baltic-based Soviet, East German, and Polish ships prob- ably took part in the naval por- tion of the exercise, which may have included antisubmarine and missile patrol-boat activity as well as torpedo firings and minesweeping. A small amphibi- ous landing possibly also took place. The Polish press announced that the maneuvers were con- ducted from 20 to 27 July under the command of the Warsaw Pact commander in chief, Soviet Marshal A. Grechko, and that their purpose was to check the combat readiness and coordina- tion of Pact forces. The com- manders of the naval forces of each of the countries, as well as the Polish defense minister and his deputy--who is chief of Poland's territorial defense-- were reportedly also present. The exercise may have been the largest of its type held in the Baltic area under Warsaw Pact auspices. It accounts in part for a 30 July Soviet Navy. Day statement by Soviet naval chief Admiral Gorshkov, who said that cooperation between the fleets of the Warsaw Pact coun- tries was "growing and strength- ening with each passing day." Page 9, WEEKLY. SUMMARY. 5 Aug 6&.