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Apra Iel l?oG.RBh (L kaof cons SI" Ins 4t A-R thPS nsitrv0~.-deinonsTra~es? fikr titudes of the adult population of Western Germany towards astrology. Whilst about half of those interviewed deny any rela- tion between human destiny and the stars, approximately 30% believe it to be a fact and to the rest it seems not impossible. More than half of the population sympathizes more or less with astrology, but in most cases this attitude is derived exclusively from acquaintance with popularized "horoscopes" of the newspapers. Only 7% know their individual horoscopes, but 69% the sign of the Zodiac corresponding to the month of their birth. The sympathizers are classified according to different points of view: sex, schooling, belief in series of luck and ill luck, sensitivity to meteorological influences etc. The investiga- tion shows that the belief in astrology which is vespread in all classes of the population presents an important p blem of men- es a statistical horoscopes of terpreted by the arrangement in- of figures to which a stimulating an ar- in nature as their coercion, mechanics, 110. Jung, Carl Gust Zeitschrift fur Parapsy from the second chapter of t Acausal Connecting Principle, and senselessness.- DA 111. Gauquelin, Michel. The der Psychologie, 1957, 1 (2 astrology on a scientific level. On the one hand, his experi that astrology as such has n namely the daily revolution tier problem of the and Grenzgebiete de by Bergson) to and results of bearing of the parapsychology to other branches of science and the elements of current hypotheses are dealt with.-DA 113. Uslar, Detlev von. On the dreamlike structure of telepathic assertions. Part I. Zeitschrift fiir Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1957158, 1 (2/3), 166-188. 1 ref.-Images induced by telepathy for the most part do not represent reality in a distinct and conscious way, but rather real facts are elaborated in a dreamlike way. In verifying these im- ages we have to use the experiences and methods of dream- psychology. r flu f hol 10 ence of on the author's book, which he desc significa of a e and Grenzgebiete ality or illusion of ents led hirr o the conclusion the stars, whicriforced him to eory of probability and the importance of spon- kground for the interpretation of statistical ranormal phenomena. Finally the relations of W in periment with structure and the method of its interpretation. Psychometric object was a marriage-ring. It became evident that the material elaborated in the telepath- ic assertions had its origin in the conscious and subconscious memory of two persons: the owner of the ring and his wife. In this case the telepathic communication appears as a texture of relations, with a marked preference for affectively accentuat- ed material.-DA 114. Neuhausler, Anton. Precognition, time and freedom. Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie and Grenzgebeite der Psychologie, 1957/58, 1 (2/3), 189-201.- If we acknowledge the existence of precognition, the idea of a fixed future is con- nected to it. This would entail a denial of freedom as ability to determine what is not yet determined. The elimination of time from reality, however, is impossible. Whenever there are material quanta (mass, energy) existing in different states ex- cluding each other-e.g., a house that is both itn intact and in a demolished state- then therfis time as mode succession. In L e.g., the crash cal crash of the cision for or against tance or refusal of dulit ken as a thr Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2 author discusses a series of cases concer- success was obtained, there are many where the statements of the sensitives were of no practical value but proved to be of parapsychological interest. The contribution deals mainly with the depth analysis of such failures. The author follows up the motivation of the paranormal impressions in connection with the sensitives' history of life. Affective factors often seem to divert the sensitives from the task in question. Laymen should not consult sensitives for only experts can make allowance for the many sources of errors (e.g. telepathic transference of ex- pectations). - DA 117. Binski, Sigurd. Performances by a single subject in exploratory PK experiments. Zeitschrift fur Parapsy- chologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2 (1), 30-40. 11 refs. - The author briefly reports two series of exploratory PK experiments carried out at the Psychological Institute of Bonn University. In the first series, 153,000 coins were thrown in tosses of a hundred at a time. The subjects tried to determine in advance the side onto which the coins fell through psychic in- fluence (by willing it). In the second series, the subjects tried to direct 26,200 balls to the targets "black" or "red" of a roulette wheel. The total results were not beyond chance expectation but one subject went considerably beyond the conventional chance limits especially in the first series. This confirms some human freedom lies beyond th precognition.- DA through their irrationality, throug ordinary patterns, through their im with difficulty, is defended to- apparatus whenever stimulat mostly archaic structure are scientific objectivity is 116. Tenhaeff, W) paranormal faculti (1), 10-29.3 refs.- ning the use of sen mage of th They ca 14 Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700660008-1 d familiar experiences it divergence from the ho-dynamic concep- the magic mentality 1-functioning mental to the very basis of s of denial have to at an approach to Approved- For"ReFease2ODZTO$%11' CIA-RDP96-00792R000700660008-1 118-124 k, conclusions of importance for psi investigations. - DA 1.18._ Strauch, Inge. A contribution to the problem of "spiritual healing': Preliminary report on a medico- psychological investigation. Part I. Zeitschrift fur Parapsy- chologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958, 2 (1), 41-64. 20 refs.-Starting from the definition o ritual healing" given rg U ed and the results of the us diseases'Three quarters of the In contrast to these improvements ods are proposed and the agencies of by Thouless, the author report and the results of an investiga Medizinische Poliklinik of Fre concerning the activity of a "spiri patients were chronically i, Finally, the psycholo "spiritual healing" are discussed.-DA 119. Sexauer, Hans. A contribution to the Zeitschrift fu"-r- Para psycho Psychologie, 1958, 2 (2/3), phenomena are of a very complex cludes qualities in close relation to the anxiety. Poltergeist phenomena may be divid groups: those of a dynamic character as and those apparently attached to certai no parapsychological theory of polterg hallucinations and to dream experien chological point of view the decisive which way do they.-DA 120. Ehrenwald, Jan. Do psychotherapy and problems o Psychologie, 1958, 2 (2/3), 127- concerning the validity of his favorite scientific hypotheses. scious or unconscious, to "op also be aided by telepathic le with objects studied on th of comparison between various other causal and both quantum mechani to date by integrati thought.-DA 121. Uslar, Detlev von. On the dreamlike structure of telepathic assertions. Part II. Zeitschrift Air Parapsy- chologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1958/59, 2 (2/3), 145-172.-The sensitive's impressions induced by the telepathic situation often present important deviations in relation to the material which seems to provoke the parapsychic perception. In analyzing these deviations it becomes obvious that they repre- sent a meaningful and interpretable product of dream mechanisms (e.g. concentration, displacement, etc.). The author poses the question of their origin: are these deviations produced by the mind of the sensitive or are they elaborated by the sub- conscious of the subject (the presumable reagent"), or~~aarreV/ttheesKe deviationsAhc, .s~t ttl~r$~e s; AW1 28 aeSoetL~UdB/1 same time they pted data and a nal resonance. course make ob- any forms of pol- into two different ated with persons, ecific parallels to he catatVmic pseudo- and Grenzgeb$te der ed as compliance bylhe pa- wn theoretical concept and and psychoanalytic theory brought up the psi factor with its system of ampler shows that the deviation had its origin in the mind of the subject. However, these considerations do not seem to exhaust the complexity of the telepathic phenomena, which possibly might be understood as an intrinsic reciprocity between the psyches involved. Further research should also stress the analysis of the unverifiable "mediumistic material" which could perhaps indicate how e telepathic ocess is imbedded in the psychism of the sensi r e, and thus pen the path to under- standing the relations between lepathy and individual 122. Bender, Hans. diumi c ,psychoses: A contribu- tion to the pathology o it listic practices. Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie un Gr zgebiete der Psychologie, 1958/59, 2 (213), 173-201.2 of This paper on the pathology of spiritualistic practices (t -tilting, ouija-board, automatic writing, pendulum, etc.) des es by a series of characteristic cases, typical mental distur ces arising in connection with the alleged spirit-communi i . The emotional shock, caused by the misinterpreted exp ien of the spiritual world by the subject, is important for t at genesis of these disturbances which in the German iterat a are termed "mediumistic psychoses." This misint pretatio is induced by subconscious manifestations which - ply cha cteristic features of an in- telligent activity. This ubconsci s activity is a sort of "in- dependent thinking," of controll by the conscious mind. Such a mental auto ism may res in the frame of the normal but there is the da er of patholo cal degenerations arising, which are characte ed by auditor hallucinations, delusions, compulsions, etc., hich are often misinterpreted as symptoms of schizophrenia ut with the exception of transition-cases they are rather attributable to hysterical manifestations (ego- weakness, deintegration, autonomous complexes). - DA Spearheaded by Paola Giovetti, Ph.D., a group of Italian para- psychologists have promised to prepare English-language ab- stracts of the Italian parapsychological literature. In the mean- time, Michela. Alfieri f the Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Para- psicologia has genero ly supplied the Para svchology Sources of Information Cente ith a run of back i sues. Since 1965 it has published English- guage abstracts, four of which are 123. Inardi, Massimo piritism in razil. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parap ologia, I f65 (JuUDec), 20 (3/4), Ft-Rd--Rased on the book, itism i Brazil, by a Capuchin friar, Bonaventuie Kloppenbu f t Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, this paper describ a situation of spiritism in e ect statistical data Brazil. Shows by means of direct indirect that such practices are widely s a roughout the country. He describes the doctrinal pict , and t ches upon three prin- cipal currents or movements to whic piritism has split in Brazil and also the branches to which ea movement has fur- ther divided over a period o ime. He als onsiders the general and particular cases whit ave brought or may have brought about such a wide and eply rooted diffusion of these prac- tices. Briefly describes- in an ethnological point of view -the spiritistic-fetishistic rit principally of African origin, with American interaction and with Christian religious syncretism, which are commonly known by the name of "Umbanda."- DAIR.A.W. 124. Riccardi, Nicola. An orientation considering the re- establishment of psychical research. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1965, (Jul/Dec), 22 (314), 102-111.-In an article recently published in Luce e Ombra, the author proposes that the vitalistic concept of the "aura" is the turning point of paranormal phenomenology. He urges large scientific institutions to conduct controlled research into the aura, enlisting many teams uncompromised with spiritualism or parapsychology to engage in free interdisciplinary operational research in this subject. Longitudinal repetitions of mediumistic apports in the laboratory would be likely to make it possible to identify the permanent presence of psychical transmutations in the mechanism of sensory perception as well. We can see, then, the gradual nullification of the artificial walls between the nor- mal and the paranormal. The basic hypothesis is that the events o t Ii~ IeoP6 0792Ra00700660008-1ns