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Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700650006-4
Parapsychology Abstracts International
CR method. But the combined result be-
came significant (k < .01), when the
run-score variance was calculated b< the
chi-square method, which is sensitive to
score fluctuations during the experi-
ment. - DA
01663. Jung, Carl Gustav. Letters on
parapsychology. Part I. Zeitschrift fur
PPaara~sycholo ie and Grenz eb Ner
Ps cholo ie, 1973, 15(3), 94-128. 37
Nineteen letters by C.G. Jung con-
cerning various aspects of parapsychol-
ogy are reprinted here. These letters
document Jung's life-long interest in
this area of research. The respective
addressees and dates of each letter are:
Dr. W. Arz' (February 17, 1933), Dr.
Laurence J. Bendit (November 12, 1945),
Prof. Fritz Blanke (November 10, 1948),
Dr. L.M. Boyers (September 30, 1932),
Mrs. Eckstein (September 16, 1930),
Prof. Gebhard Frei (January 17, 1949),
Dr. M. Esther Harding (December 5,
1971), Prof. Pascual Jordan (November
10, 1934); April 1, 1948), Dr. Fritz
Kunkel (July 10, 1946), Prof. Wolfgang
Pauli (October 29, 1934), Mr. Fritz
Pfafflin (January 1, 1939), Prof. Joseph
B. Rhine (November 27, 1934; May 20,
1935; November 5, 1942; September 18,
1945; November 1945; April 1, 1948), and
Dr. Mark Wyman Richardson (June 14,
1934). - G.H.
01664. Jung, Carl Gustav. Letters on
parapsychology. Part II. Zeitschrift
fur Paraps cholo iiee and Grenz a fete der
Pa chi cie, 1973, 15(3), 139-1707 23T
Eighteen further letters by C.G.
Jung again covering a wide variety of
problems relevant to parapsychological
research are reprinted in this second
part of the collection. The respective
addressees and the dates of their cor-
respondence are: Mr. Stephen J. Abrams
(June 20, 1957; October 21, 1957; March
5, 1959), Mr. H.J. Barrett (October 12,
1956; March 26, 1957), Prof. Hans Bender
(February 12, 1958; March 6, 1958; June
10, 1958), Prof. Robert A. McConnell
(April 14, 1953), Prof. Joseph B. Rhine
(February 18, 1953; September 25, 1953;
August 9, 1954), Mr. H. Rossteutscher
(May 3, 1958; May 20, 1958), Mr. Walter
Schaffner (February 16, 1961), Dr. John
R.,Smythies (February 29, 1952), Dr. Ed-
ward J. Steiner (June 5, 1958), and an
unnamed female addressee (May 30, 1960).
- G.H.
01665. Preiser, Siegfried. Emotion ver-
sus information: A methodological
critique. Zeitschrift fur P~~ar__a.
s chologi~ie.__ und Grenz eb.tete der
Psyc o ogle, 1973, 15(3), 171-186.
rail; 3 tables
There exists a remarkable dis-
cre'nnC`v het.Woer: "quanci' ative" parap-
sychological experiments, often inves-
tigating the paranormal transfer of in-
formation in dull laboratory atmosphere
without emotional components, and the
"qualitative" analysis of spontaneous
parapsychological events which only sel-
domly show a clear transfer of
information; instead of this, in the
multitude of happenings, a diffuse, sym-
bolically encoded transfer of emotional
contents and emotional states are found.
The author proposes three models for
investigation which are more adequate to
the emotional character of a parapsy-
chological phenomena than the quan-
titative-statistical experiments used up
to now. Testing two methodical experi-
ments with a few samples (14 to 25 sub-
jects as ESP percipients), only one ex-
periment out of nine partial experiments
yielded a highly significant ESP result
for the group. These results show that
the ESP performance in the group was
highly dependent on the emotional load-
ing of the target material.- DA
01666. Burger, Heidi. Psychosocial as-
pects of spontaneous psychokinesis.
Zeitschrift fur Para s cholo iie and
Gre z e bid to -der Ps c o o ie, 19~
5(49, 213-229. refs
Most parapsychological publications
on recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis
(RSPK) are primarily interested in the
description, documentation and confirma-
tion of the phenomena in question. In
this paper, however, a selection of so-
cial and psychological results are
examined: The effect of "social
perception" (a perception which is con-
ditioned by social influences) on the
witnesses, and on their opinions, as
well as the conflict of the "unex-
plainable" phenomena with the standards
and roles of the persons involved. We
conclude from the results of this study
that the sociopsychological aspect is
indispensible for a comprehensive ana-
lysis of spontaneous psychokinesis. The
implications concern the evaluation of
the witnesses'. credibility as well as
psychotherapeutic arguments in favor of
scientists working in the field of spon-
taneous psychokinesis (RSPK). - DA
01667. Puschkin, Veniamin. Biogravita-
tion and psychokinesis. Zeitschrift fur
Para s cholo ie and Grenz ebiete der
Psyc o ogle, 1974, 1 1 , 3 -42. 13
Psychokinetic phenomena are seen as
manifestations of biogravitation, two
characteristics of which are important:
It depends on situations and is subject
to a dynamism which, in turn, is prob-
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000700650006-4