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scientircaliv trim
) It was the first great invention of China.
sped y o China an t ha rw~o peop es a overt e
more ong r ' an o cure a o o comp teate tseases
m4I (100.0;06
~d grey, . ..
n,of the Song Dynasty.On this
tti locations the I.4
Meridiatns_and 354 Agttpoints
.Mere.Aceu atcIj scufnture
e leastof t~cu uncture Meridian S stem. Whether does
the materibasis o theme an, system? These AMS1711
professor Zhu established 3
and they ow impedance (LIP)
Fig 3 Prof. Zhu Zong-xiang of the
Chinese Academy, of Sciences(left)
and Prof. Hao Jin-kai of theYanan
Institute of Acupuncture (right)are
determining the meridian line by
biophysical methods.
Fig 4 The Stomach Meridian line
determined by the sound(red) and
the electric (green) methods met
each other and coincided intima-
tely with ancient chart (see Fig.5)
Fig 5 The Stomach Meridian
(white) sculptured 960. years
ago met closely with the ex-
perimental one (see Fig. 4)
Secondly, through the confirmation of the LIP and HPS characteristics of meridian line before
and after amputation of patients suffered from osteoblastoma, Prof Zhu announced that acupuncture
meridian is a distinctive and independent system from the central nervous or blood circulatory system.
(Fig 6. 7)
The third breakthrough of this Research Group was that by the application of the methods of LIP
and HPS, a lot of animals as rat, rabbit, guinea pig, pig and sheep were found to exhibit acupuncture
meridian system of similar orientation with that of human being.(Fig 8 )The width of animal meridian
line is also 1 mm. Recently, Prof. Zhu has discovered that even in plants as melon, banana etc. there
are meridian lines characterised also by LIP and HPS properties (Fig 9). Acupuncture meridian system
seems to be a universal rule in biosphere.
Is meridian visible ? With the cooperation of several Universities, Prof. Zhu and his colaborators
discovered that under microscope, there are at least 4 cytological evidences relevant to the biophysical
characteristics of meridian line. At the "1988 International Symposium on Acupuncture Meridian Biop-
hysics" held in Beijing, Prof. Zhu announced that acupuncture meridian ought to be aMULTI-LAYER-
SYSTEM of the body.(Fig10)
Fig 6 The Stomach Meridian Fig 7 Photo shows the Fig 8 Experimental Meri-
line determined by the sound existence of 'low impedance. dian of Stomach deter-
(red) and the electric (green) (green) and high percussion mined by sound (red)
methods of a patient suffered sound (red) lines after and electric (green) me-
from A0PW#?W1Fbrh rdas ft/15 : CIA-RDP96tbOM RO?b 0430003-4
Fig 9 Low impedance lines
(blue) and high percussion
sound lines(red)determined
on the body surface of me-
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R0004Qp430003-4
en i ~n
Nerve ,..... If "..I .?N
bundle _ _ ~(I
Fig 10 Morphological Model of
Meridian Showing the Multi-la-
yer, Multi-cytological distribu-
.tions under the Meridian Line:
Mast - - y
vessel ?.- - - ~~
,WWI ''.q! -I '6W1MF1
ve effect on all of these diseases and named this treatment as the EXPERIMENTAL MERIDIAN ACU-
complicated diseases as asthma, emphysema, coronary heart disease, Parkinson's disease by traditional
acupuncture manipulation at the acupoi nt of the experimental line. Prof. Hao has got very good curati-
existence of Acupuncture Meridian System, Prof. Hao Jin-kai of the Yanan Institute of Acupuncture
has applied the biophysical methods to orient exactly the 1 mm meridian line and then to treat many
Finally, what is the significance of these discoveries? Besides the scientific confirmation of the
In conclusion, biophysical and morphological verification of the Acupuncture Meridian System
scientific, generalized and abstruse theory, and to integrate this with all the achievements of modern
science and technology including biology and biological sciences, physics, chemistry, bioengineering,
ture Meridian Theory Is indeed a great treasury of all peoples. Further approach on the highly
has opened a new era of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine. Acupunc-
computer, cybernetics etc. will promote the reformation of a new science of Biology, Medicine and
Human Body, which will much more benefit the peoples all over the world.
May.29, 1989. Beijing, CHINA
Fig 11 EXPERIMENTAL MERIDIAN ACU Fig 12 The world outstanding mathematician. Prof
PUNCTURE THERAPY created by Dr.Hao Chen ling-run(Middle) who has suffered from Par-
Jin-kai and Zhu Zong-ziang has treated many kinson's disease for 5 years, has got marked impro-
complicated diseases as asthma, emphysema, vement after been treated by the Meridian Therapy.
resW%proved For Release, 2000/08/15. cc1A-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
fi.M,Rtr' Y.
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signed and prepare y error Engineers Liu Yimmp and Fu
tngmmg, the highly sensitive a accurate
1 : ERIDR LO ATOR- W 6F30. has been produced by the
~4CT~?RY TJris instrument can locate exactly all the 12 meridians of
:' 1 mm to width in cot chi ence with the ancient acupuncture
or ua Electron ctrument
z WA 4,
M, 10%2W Pfl
i,[ir_Jj~ all'
rted y Prof rrZhu Zon xtang and Prof Hao Jinkat this book wtl lam-published by the BEIJING PRESS in October
uw~ ui uuug rv i s important gmncance ana ancient tustory should now be considered as the First Great Invention of Ancient
the` recent progress in physiological, biophysical a d morphologt'cal aspects of the acupuncture meridian system and its
formation, develo i cm and outline of the classical theory of traditional Chinese acupuncture. The third Section describes
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Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Chinese and Soviet Scientists Cooperate to Confirm
Existence of the "Jinluo" Line (Meridian Channels)
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh l
Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical Research )
Reflexology (manipulating areas on the feet to affect the rest of the body) was
listed as "near bizarre" in a Times cover article on the alternative therapies
[Claudia Wallis, "Why New Age Medicine is Catching On", November 4, 1991 ],
compared with the "more credible" treatments like acupuncture, while in fact they
are both based on the same ancient Chinese theory of "Jinluo" system, the critical
"meridian line network" which links virtually all the human (and animals and
plants as well reportedly) parts and passes the "qi" through them to maintain one's
health and vitality. According to Huang-Di-Nei-Jin, the most ancient known
gigantic Chinese work on traditional medicine, The- system consists fourteen "Jin-
Mai" lines plus numerous "Lou-Mai" lines that governs the circulation of the "qi"
and the "Xue", the two most important elements of life, and adjusts somatic
functions from feedback. It is believed by the work the comprehensive control
system of the highest level in living body. These channels are also strongly
believed by most Chinese parapsychological researchers as well as qigong masters
as the pathway of the subtle energies which carries psi information [L. Zha &
T. MeConnell, "Parapsychology in the People's Republic of China: 1979-1989",
JASPR, 85, 119-143(1991)].
There are huge number of papers on relations between Jinluo system and psi
functions published in China since 1979. Some reported the ESP message's
propagating speed along the lines as a typically 15 to 50 centimeters per second
among the gifted EFHB (Exceptional Functions of Human Body, the Chinese term
for ESP and PK) children and qigong masters [Zhuang Jianxiang, et al. (Inst. of
Space Medico-Engineering, ISME), "Measurements on Human Electromagnetic
Energy Field", Ziran Zazhi(Chinese Nature Journal), 11, 43-51(1988)], a figure
well above the control group's (0.1 to 14 centimeters per second). They observed
that once the "qi feelings" (usually tingling and bloating) reach their forehead, the
desired ESP information appears as an "image" on a special "TV screen" there.
There are as many patients receiving the Jinluo-theory based traditional Chinese
medicine therapy regularly today as those using Western medicine, in the country
where one fourth the earth's population lives (many actually use both
simultaneously since it is not unusual for a Western medicine doctor, "Xi-Yi" as
called, also prescripts the traditional Chinese "thong-Yi" drugs and treatments
along with their Aspirin pills, etc.), since they took the existence of the Jinluo
system as an well established fact right from their birth.
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Wang Weiyi, a famous Chinese physician of Song Dynasty (960-1279) was
the first to inscribe the fourteen Jinluo lines onto a copper body model for
acupuncture-Jinluological teaching, study and therapy, forming that what ve see
often today in an acupuncture clinic. However, direct anatomic efforts faired to
convincingly identify these lines either in vivo or in vitro, thus the q,..:;stion
whether they really exist became a hot controversy in China and the related . _udies
are active in many state-funded traditional medicine centers, research instit:-zes and
universities. Professor Zhu Zongxiang, who leads a group in the Institute of
Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Science (Academia Sinica) claimed
recently that after nineteen year's scientific studies, they had proven rigorously the
Jinluo lines' existence in human, animal and even plant bodies, by at least three
independent and distinctive biophysical methods, including pulsed electronic and
mechanical-acoustical stimulations-response studies and specific micro-electrode
According to Prof. Zhu, the Jinluo lines are identified by their low electric
impedance, high electric potential, and special acoustic and thermographic
conductive characteristics as compared with those of the channel's adjacent areas.
Also, as they reported, the most important meridian phenomenon, known as
propagating sensation along channel (PSC, the current of numb, distensive feelings
propagating during needling at an acupoint), has been extensively studied and
verified by classical physiological experiments such as ECG, EEG, EMG
(electromyograph), EGG (electrogastrograph), local impedance rheogram, etc.
[Zhu Zongxian', Xu Ruimin, et al., "A Study on the Low Impedance characteristics
of the Meridian. Lines before and after necessary amputation", Ziran Zazhi, 9,
281-287(1986); Zhu Zongxiang, "The Advances and Prospect in Physiological and
Biophysical Approaches to the Acupuncture Meridian System", Ziran Zazhi, 9,
327-332(1986); 'Zhu Zongxiang, et al., Acupuncture Research, 5, 308- (1980), 7,
169- , 238- , 299- (1982), 8, 73- (1983); etc.]. A detailed experimental channel
location map had been produced by 1989 which shows all the fourteen Jinluo lines
described in the fore-mentioned ancient works with complete agreement on their
positions. The study reports that the typical width of the lines is about one
millimeter, that their sizes and locations are stable from one's infancy to adulthood
without much change, and that they remain detectable at the same locations in
amputated limbs. Applying the same group of methods, Prof. Zhu claimed that
similar meridian lines are also found in animals like rat, rabbit, and plants like
banana, water melon, Hami melon, and cucumber. These claims have brought wide
attentions among Chinese scientists and news media, partially because some of
their claims are contradictory to another popular school of general believe in China
that the channel system relies on the non-equilibrium physiological dynamic
processes of the living body and therefore it would not be detectable in vitro.
According to a report of the official Xinhua News Agency (September 26,
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
1991, Beijing, by Zhu Baihua), Chinese and Russian scientists were closely
cooperating to further reveal the reality of meridian channels by modern
Biophysical means, and major progress has been achieved.
From the source, the research center headed by Professor Zhu signed a
collaborate agreement with the Institute of Cytological Biophysics, the former
Soviet Academy of Science, to lunch a series of morphological and biochemical
experiments on Jinluo system. The Russian scientists would investigate the special
structure of the channels by optical and electron microscopes, as well as to
measure the lines objectively by biochemical (enzymic) methods. The news reports
that the scientists from the both sides had made exchanges frequently since May,
1990. A delegation led by Prof. Zhu visited the Soviet site in June, 1991, and Dr.
Klamov (name translated from Chinese), director of the Cytological Biophysics
Institute's radiology department, is working in the Professor Zhu's lab in Beijing.
The report says the Russian researchers have successfully detected acupoints
which on the whole agree with the Jinluo map made by Zhu's group.
"Experts" commented in a Xinhua news (May 23, 1992, by Lang Jing and
Chen Jianshan) that the experimental proof of the Jinluological basics achieved
from arming the traditional Chinese medicine system with modem science will
"inexorably bring fundamental changes in our understanding on life and human
Also from other Xinhua reports, Dr. Qian Xuesen, the prominent Chinese
rocketeer and former Chairman of the Chinese Science and Technology
Association, Dr. Robert Jahn(PEAR, Princeton University)'s predecessor of the
Goddard Professorship in the Cal. Tech. Jet Propulsion Laboratory who has been
providing the crucial supports to China's psi studies from the very beginning, was
granted by the party a one-of-a-kind "Outstanding Scientific Contribution Award"
which was described as the highest honor ever to a scientist in China. The Chinese
government had also started a "learn from Dr. Qian" movement throughout the
nation's scientific and technological units. In the grant awarding ceremony
attended by the party's top leaders, Dr. Qian mentioned that he will aim to further
advance the "Somatic Science" research in China, along with the many other
mentioned subjects like the Biological Sciences and the System Engineering.
(Revised on May 25, 1992 )
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
A:New Chinese Academy of Parapsychology
Somatic Science, the common term used in China for Parapsychology (see L. Zha and
T. McConnell, "Parapsychology in the People's Republic of China: 1979-1989", JASPR, 85,
119-143) is still legitimate and favorably received there, according to recent correspondence
from PRC.
The Chinese Academy of Somatic Science, a self-funded scientific research institute
consisting of several administrative departments and research units mainly in Beijing, was
officially established in late 1990. The formal aim of the Academy was stated to carry out "basic
studies of somatic science" on the "exceptional functions of the human body (EFHB, usually psi
functions, ESP and PK), qigong, and traditional and modern Chinese medicine using a "multi-
disciplinary approach", so as to "lay a good foundation" for future development and application,
in order to "benefit the mankind".
The head of the Academy's 18 member council, Mr. Zhang Zhenghuan, was formerly the
Director of the Science and Technology Board of National Defense Science, Technology, and
Industry Committee. Mr. Zhang is also the current president of the Chinese Society of Somatic
Science (CSSS), the sole official Chinese scholastic organization of Parapsychologists. The
Director of the Academy's academic committee, Prof. Chen Xin, is an Academician of the
International Academy of Space Science, and the honorary director of the Institute of Space
Medico-Engineering (ISME, an important Chinese psi research center). Prof. Lin Shuhuang, a
physicist and a major researcher in the field, was elected as the Academy's president.
In July, 1990, the CSSS launched its publicly-circulated official journal, Chinese Journal of
Somatic Science, which is edited by staff members of Ziran Zazhi (Chinese Nature Journal). The
first issue contains papers on macro-PK experiments with high-speed movie camera, along with
many other topics. The Journal comes with a list of contents and abstract of major papers in
The Chinese psi researchers are currently seeking opportunities to cooperate with Western
parapsychologists. The Academy is planning to form a delegation to visit major North American
parapsychological laboratories in the near future. The proposed delegation may include major
Chinese subject(s); if proper testing arrangements can be scheduled. Invitations and financial
assistance will be, welcomed, and may be made through the China International Culture
Exchange Foundation's Somatic Science Research Development Fund (of which Prof. Lin
Shuhuang is a member of the governing board), 3107 Beijing Hotel, 33 East Chang An Avenue,
Beijing 100004, PRC. Suggestions and inquiries can also be addressed to Leping Zha at the
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
((412)268-3263, E-mail
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
A New Chinese Academy of Parapsychology
Somatic Science, the common term used in China for Parapsychology (see L. Zha and
T. McConnell, "Parapsychology in the People's Republic of China: 1979-1989", JASPR, 85,
119-143) is still legitimate and favorably received there, according to recent correspondence
from PRC.
The Chinese Academy of Somatic Science, a self-funded scientific research institute
consisting of several administrative departments and research units mainly in Beijing, was
officially established in late 1990. The formal aim of the Academy was stated to carry out "basic
studies of somatic science" on the "exceptional functions of the human body (EFHB, usually psi
functions, ESP and PK), qigong, and traditional and modem Chinese medicine using a "multi-
disciplinary approach", so as to "lay a good foundation" for future development and application,
in order to "benefit the mankind".
The head of the Academy's 18 member council, Mr. Zhang Zhenghuan, was formerly the
Director of the Science and Technology Board of National Defense Science, Technology, and
Industry Committee. Mr. Zhang is also the current president of the Chinese Society of Somatic
Science (CSSS), the sole official Chinese scholastic organization of Parapsychologists. The
Director of the Academy's academic committee, Prof. Chen Xin, is an Academician of the
International Academy of Space Science, and the honorary director of the Institute of Space
Medico-Engineering (ISME, an important Chinese psi research center). Prof. Lin Shuhuang, a
physicist and a major researcher in the field, was elected as the Academy's president.
In July, 1990, the CSSS launched its publicly-circulated official journal, Chinese Journal of
Somatic Science, which is edited by staff members of Ziran Zazhi (Chinese Nature Journal). The
first issue contains papers on macro-PK experiments with high-speed movie camera, along with
many other topics. The Journal comes with a list of contents and abstract of major papers in
The Chinese psi researchers are currently seeking opportunities to cooperate with Western
parapsychologists. The Academy is planning to form a delegation to visit major North American
parapsychological laboratories in the near future. The proposed delegation may include major
Chinese subject(s), if proper testing arrangements can be scheduled. Invitations and financial
assistance will be welcomed, and may be made through the China International Culture
Exchange Foundation's Somatic Science Research Development Fund (of which Prof. Lin
Shuhuang is a member of the governing board), 3107 Beijing Hotel, 33 East Chang An Avenue,
Beijing 100004, PRC. Suggestions and inquiries can also be addressed to Leping Zha at the
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
((412)268-3263, E-mail
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4
1991, Beijing, by Zhu Baihua), Chinese and Russian scientists were closely
cooperating to further reveal the reality of meridian channels by modem
Biophysical means, and major progress has been achieved.
From the source, the research center headed by Professor Zhu signed a
collaborate agreement with the Institute of Cytological Biophysics, the former
Soviet Academy of Science, to lunch a series of morphological and biochemical
experiments on Jinluo system. The Russian scientists would investigate the special
structure of the channels by optical and electron microscopes, as well as to
measure the lines objectively by biochemical (enzymic) methods. The news reports
that the scientists from the both sides had made exchanges frequently since May,
1990. A delegation led by Prof. Zhu visited the Soviet site in June, 1991, and Dr.
Klamov (name translated from Chinese), director of the Cytological Biophysics
Institute's radiology department, is working in the Professor Zhu's lab in Beijing.
The report says the Russian researchers have successfully detected acupoints
which on the whole agree with the Jinluo map made by Zhu 's group.
"Experts" commented in a Xinhua news May 23, 1992, by Lang Jing and
Chen Ji2nshan) that the experimental proof of the Jinluological basics achieved
from arming the traditional Chinese medicine system with modem science will
"inexorably bring fundamental changes in our understanding on life and human
Also from other Xinhua reports, Dr. Qian Xuesen, the prominent Chinese
rocketeer and former Chairman of the Chinese Science and Technology
Association, Dr. Robert Jahn(PEAR, Princeton University)'s predecessor of the
Goddard Professorship in the Cal. Tech. Jet Propulsion Laboratory who has been
providing the crucial supports to China's psi studies from the very beginning, was
granted by the party a one-of-a-kind "Outstanding Scientific Contribution Award"
which was described as the highest honor ever to a scientist in China. The Chinese
government had also started a "learn from Dr. Qian" movement throughout the
nation's scientific and technological units. In the grant awarding ceremony
attended by the party's top leaders, Dr. Qian mentioned that he will aim to further
advance the "Somatic Science" research in China, along with the many other
mentioned subjects like the Biological Sciences and the System Engineering.
(Revised on May 25, 1992 )
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400430003-4