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world. As a consequence, the method to be used in the
study of the probable paranormal aspects of magic should
not be experimental, because the experimental method is
based on assumptions opposite those supporting magic
phenomena. The best method for this kind of research
could be that of the human sciences, which also can be
applied to the study of paranormality, which should be
considered as a cultural phenomenon. - DA
01922. Di Simone, Giorgio. In memory of Jacopo Co-
min. Luce e Ombra, 1984 (Jul/Sep), 84(3), 231-232.
Giorgio di Simone, who was a very good friend of
Jacopo Comin, recalls in this short but touching note the
death of Comin, his interest in parapsychology, and his
deep conviction of the reality of survival. - DA
01923. Ravaldini, Silvio. Jacopo Comin, a champion of
the spirit. Luce e Ombra, 1984 (Jul/Sep), 84(3), 233-257.
75 refs
This article is dedicated to the memory of Jacopo
Comin, the Italian scholar who died in 1973. He was a
great and enthusiastic supporter of the spiritistic hypothesis
and of the reality of survival. His work, consisting of ar-
ticles, book reviews, and lectures, have been many: the au-
thor cites the writings about direct voice, the history of
parapsychology, and the important review of the book of
Susy Smith, The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel. Comin
was a very good propagator of a difficult subject and did
not like the description of phenomena by means of num-
bers and statistics. He considered facts as occasions to
practice speculative thought, with prudence and objectivity,
without easy enthusiasms, and always looking for truth.
The article ends with the description of a seance held by
the Centro Italiano di Parapsicologia of Naples. A bibli-
ography of Cumin's work is appended. - DA
01924. Sbacchi, Vincenzo di. An analysis of Cicerone's
work, "De Divinatione;' in the light of current psychi-
cal research. Luce e Ombra, 1984 (Jul/Sep), 84(3), 258-
264. 12 refs
The author analyzes the work, De Divinatione, by
M.T. Cicerone, which shows the method used by the
Roman orator in misevaluation of divination, and em-
phasizes his critical ability to judge mysterious events.
Some of these are reported in the article and evaluated
according to the methods of modern psychical research, -
01925. Garzia, Picrangelo. Servadio in his 80th year.
Luce e Ombra, 1984 (Jul/Sep), 84(3), 265-267.
On August 14th Emilio Servadio became 80 years
old. He was born in Genova, but he went to Rome, where
he still lives, in 1946. From 1938 to 1945 he lived in India,
where he worked as a psychoanalyst. His interest in the
problem of human personality, from the psychological and
parapsychological points of view, was very precocious.
When he was 13 years old, he read The Great Initiated
(1899) by Edward Schure, which impressed him very much.
Referring to psi phenomena, Schure says in the introduc-
tion of his book: "Modern science has made very little
steps in this field." For the young Servadio, this was an
exalting challenge, and still today he is working on it. -
01926. Mengoli, Ettore, Occhipinti, Luigi, and Inardi,
Massimo. Considerations concerning the 25th anniver-
sary of A.I.S.M. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1970 (Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 97-103, 111.
The President observes that Prof. W.H.C. Tenhaeff
has accepted the honorary presidency of A.I.S.M. (Associa-
zione Italiana Scientifica di Metapsichica), whose foreign
connections are increasing. Some research is programmed
for 1971. Mr. Occhipinti cites names and events. The Presi-
dent of the sister association, Centro Studi Parapsicologici
of Bologna, has sent cordial greetings. - DA
01927. Nestler, V. In memory of Mrs. E.J. Garrett.
Metapsichica Rivista Italian di Parapsicologia, 1970
(Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 104-111. 1 illus; 15 refs
The author illustrates three aspects of the late Mrs.
Garrett: the medium, the researcher, and the founder of
the Parapsychology Foundation, and underlines her ample
contribution to the development of psi studies everywhere.
- DA
01928. Di Simone, Giorgio. Sitting with Gustavo Adolfo
Rol. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia,
1970 (Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 112-118. 43 refs
The author draws some conclusions based on a single
sitting with Rol: (1) The axis of the phenomena is iden-
tified as a force similar to that of one of those discar-
nate intelligences who take part in spiritualism; (2) an
ideal harmonic structure has been achieved by Rol through
years of trials and experiments. - DA
01929. Comin, Jacopo. Notes about reports and debate
on G.A. Rol. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsi-
cologia, 1970 (Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 119-122, 118.
The author declares that he considers mediumship as
a charisma that compares well with divine grace. In his
opinion this state has been fully reached in Rol's per-
sonality, especially when he performs experiments. of high
importance by rearranging decks of cards. - DA
01930. Assennato, Pcricte. Physiology and parapsycho-
logical phenomena. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1970 (Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 123-125.
The author, after noting that the difference between
parapsychological phenomena and normal phenomena is
only a question of quantity, observes that present
knowledge of human physiology is not yet in a position to
give sufficient explanations of paranormal phenomena, but
only more or less plausible hypotheses. Only by remark-
able progress in physiology and neurophysiology can these
fields make an important contribution to the study of the
parapsychological phenomena. - DA -
01931. Riccardi, Nicola. Mediumistic movement of tents.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1970
(Jul/Dec), 25(314), 126-134. 6 refs
The author hypothesizes that in her dissociated state
of trance Eusapia Palladino could make her unconscious
mind produce, among other deeds, strong movements of
tents. The medium's intentions and desires penetrated her
mind with extraordinary strength, creating many impersonal
entities molded in her own unconscious substance. In-
visible, they executed the motions of the tents. -
01932. Kuchynka, Karel. Jugoslav clairvoyant Mrs. C.
Dolezal. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsico-
logia, 1970 (Jul/Dec), 25(3/4), 135-142-
The author presents many extracts from the diary of
a nonprofessional psychic, Mrs. C. Dolezal, for the years
1932 to 1937. There are accounts of spontaneous visions in
the waking state, precognitive visions in the dreaming
state, induced visions, telepathy, PK, and hauntings. - DA
01933. Zorab, George. Sittings with D.D. home at Am-
sterdam. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsico-
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