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R pa Oryove?~y8'ortWeieasea~Mb/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100013-9
this -- more than in any other science -- research is con-
ducted into phenomena which we cannot measure. He
shows us that, in live studies, every science is in the same
Only faith - always present even if unconscious --
motivates and guides research and finally takes us, along a
courageous and eventful experimental path, to results
which make History, in that they express new meanings
and new measures which the soul knows by intuition. -
02468. Marabini, E. With regard to psychic surgery.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologla, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 104-111.
Notes the importance of documentation in every
aspect of parapsychological research, through technical con-
trivances suitable to the phenomenology of the subject.
Thanks Dr. Naegeli for his important contribution. Criti-
cally examines the phenomena produced by surgeon healer
Toni Agpaoa. From this analysis arise serious doubts as to
the authenticity of the modalities used by the "healer"
during the execution of his operations (also excluding the
possible therapeutic action which could be a consequence
of these performances). Expresses hope that successive in-
vestigations may explain the questionable points. - DA
02469. Servadio, Emilio. The 20th International
Parapsychology conference. Metapsichica Rivista
Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971 (JuUDec), 26(3/4), 112-115.
Servadio, who together with Dr. Cassoli, represented
Italy at the 20th annual conference of the Parapsy-chology
Foundation, meeting at Le Piol in August 1971, comments
briefly on the most important reports presented on the
present condition of parapsychology in the most advanced
countries. - DA/R.A.W.
02470. De Boni, Gastone. In defense of the spiritistid
hypothesis. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Para-
psicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 116-122.
At the meeting at Campione, the author, who to-
gether with Mme Saint Clair, undertook the defense of
Spiritism against Animism, presents two famous cases
which constitute two elements of evidence in favor of sur-
vival: The Whymant case (direct voice in ancient Chinese)
and the Rosalie case (materialization observed by Harry
Price). He concludes, against the opinion of Prof. Bender,
in favor of the spiritistic hypothesis. - DA
cautions that the first contact of the novice with a
phenomenon should not he marred by inveterate prejudices
which would hinder him from finding the way to the ob-
jective truth. - DA/R.A.W.
02472. Liotta, Antonio. The Latin American Center of
Parapsychology at the Anchieta Faculty of Sao Paulo.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 132-138.
Brazil is a nation where the ethnic and economic con-
ditions create deep contrasts and violent psychic emotions.
For these reasons Brazil appears as "the land where para-
psychology ought to find the most fertile soil." Relates his
experiences at the Latin American Center of Parapsychol-
ogy (C.L.A.P.), which is managed by Jesuit Fathers, and
was founded for the purpose of solving the problems
presented by parapsychology to psychiatry and psychology,
by devising new terms and new methods for collecting,
selecting, and cataloguing the results. The C.L.A.P. will be
the first university faculty in the world where graduates in
medicine, philology, and philosophy will have the pos-
sibility of specializing in parapsychology. - DA
02473. Sparta, Francesco. Parapsychology and
spiritism in Brazil. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 139-141.
The author, an eminent anthropologist and ."pars
magna" of the Latin American Center of Parapsychology,
reports on the situation of parapsychology in Brazil, ex-
plaining the anthropological causes of the particular posi-
tion of this land with regard to psychic research. He
points out the difficulties met by the Center in completing
their equipment although the main edifices are already
built, and they hope that soon they will be in a position
to start experimental work, considering also the great dif-
fusion of devotee spiritism in the population. - DA
02474. RyzI, Milan. ESP research in the U.S.S.R.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 142-149.
Reprint of almost all of the 4th chapter of the
author's book Parapsychology, recently published in
Italian by Edizioni Mediterranee. The chapter concerns
the researches carried out on ESP in Soviet Russia, about
which Ryzl also spoke at the recent meeting at Le Piol.
Dr. Ryzl, of Czechoslovakian origin, is well informed about
the work in parapsychology behind the iron curtain. - DA
02471. Inardi, Massimo. An important moment for
parapsychology at the Second Modena conference.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 123-131.
In the meeting at Modena organized by Prof. Rossini,
the agenda of the day was "Parapsychology and Psychiatry."
This event is singled out by the author because it is the
first time in Italy that parapsychology was the object of
the official attention of Medical Science, which on. this oc-
casion was represented by an audience of qualified profes-
sors. The author points out, moreover, that Dr. Cassoli has
taken into consideration three kinds of phenomena which
he places, for the moment, outside the limits of the ex-
perimental field, several of which, however, are of great
interest because there exists a possibility to acquire the
tests necessary for their acknowledgment in the future.
The author directs our attention also to Dr. Crosa's "Some
Aspects of the Paranormal Phenomenology," which concerns
healers, voices of unknown origin on recording tape,
haunted houses, and "out of body" experiences. Dr. Crosa
(Editor: Alexander Imich)
02475. Gulak, Jan. Lowering the anxiety levels in per-
sons undergoing biocnergothcrapy. Psychotronika,
1985, 6-9. 10 refs; 2 tables
Anxiety, a contributing factor in somatic illnesses, can
be a brief or time-extended phenomenon independent of
circumstances. The author, himself bioenergetically gifted,
aimed at lowering anxiety in his patients. He hypothesized
that there will be a difference in patients' anxiety level
before and after the treatment; each treatment lasted 15
minutes. Seventy-three persons (56 females and 17 males)
were given C.D. Spielberger and J. Taylor's questionnaires
14 days before and 21 days after the treatment. In com-
putation of the results, Kolmogorov, Smirnov, and Student's
tests were used, the first two yielding p = .01, the last one
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P tyoh v?edyF rl 6j
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this -- more than in any other science - research is con-
ducted into phenomena which we cannot measure. He
shows us that, in live studies, every science is in the same
Only faith - always present even if unconscious --
motivates and guides research and finally takes us, along a
courageous and eventful experimental path, to results
which make History, in that they express new meanings
and new measures which the soul knows by intuition. -
02468. Marabinl, E. With regard to psychic surgery.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologla, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 104-111.
Notes the importance of documentation in every
aspect of parapsychological research, through technical con-
trivances suitable to the phenomenology of the subject.
Thanks Dr. Naegeli for his important contribution. Criti-
cally examines the phenomena produced by surgeon healer
Toni Agpaoa. From this analysis arise serious doubts as to
the authenticity of the modalities used by the "healer"
during the execution of his operations (also excluding the
possible therapeutic action which could be a consequence
of these performances). Expresses hope that successive in-
vestigations may explain the questionable points. - DA
02469. Servadio, Emilio. The 20th International
Parapsychology conference. Metapsichica Rivista
Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 112-115.
Servadio, who together with Dr. Cassoli, represented
Italy at the 20th annual conference of the Parapsy-chology
Foundation, meeting at Le Piol in August 1971, comments
briefly on the most important reports presented on the
present condition of parapsychology in the most advanced
countries. - DA/R.A.W.
02470. De Boni Gastone. In defense of the spiritistic
hypothesis. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Para-
psicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 116-122.
At the meeting at Campione, the author, who to-
gether with Mme Saint Clair, undertook the defense of
Spiritism against Animism, presents two famous cases
which constitute two elements of evidence in favor of sur-
vival: The Whymant case (direct voice in ancient Chinese)
and the Rosalie case (materialization observed by Harry
Price). He concludes, against the opinion of Prof. Bender,
in favor of the spiritistic hypothesis. - DA
02471. Inardi, Massimo. An important moment for
parapsychology at the Second Modena conference.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 123-131.
In the meeting at Modena organized by Poi. Rossini,
the agenda of the day was "Parapsychology and Psychiatry."
This event is singled out by the author because it is the
first time in Italy that parapsychology was the object of
the official attention of Medical Science, which on. this oc-
casion was represented by an audience of qualified profes-
sors. The author points out, moreover, that Dr. Cassoli has
taken into consideration three kinds of phenomena which
he places, for the moment, outside the limits of the ex-
perimental field, several of which, however, are of great
interest because there exists a possibility to acquire the
tests necessary for their acknowledgment in the future.
The author directs our attention also to Dr. Crosa's "Some
Aspects of the Paranormal Phenomenology," which concerns
healers,' voices of unknown origin on recording tape,
haunted houses, and "out of body" experiences. Dr. Crosa
cautions that the first contact of the novice with a
phenomenon should not be marred by inveterate prejudices
which would hinder him from finding the way to the ob-
jective truth. - DA/R.A.W.
02472. Liotta, Antonio. The Latin American Center of
Parapsychology at the Anchieta Faculty of Sao Paulo.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 132-138.
Brazil is a nation where the ethnic and economic con-
ditions create deep contrasts and violent psychic emotions.
For these reasons Brazil appears as "the land where para-
psychology ought to find the most fertile soil." Relates his
experiences at the Latin American Center of Parapsychol-
ogy (C.L.A.P.), which is managed by Jesuit Fathers, and
was founded for the purpose of solving the problems
presented by parapsychology to psychiatry and psychology,
by devising new terms and new methods for collecting,
selecting, and cataloguing the results. The C.L.A.P. will be
the first university faculty in the world where graduates in
medicine, philology, and philosophy will have the pos-
sibility of specializing in parapsychology. - DA
02473. Sparta, Francesco. Parapsychology and
spiritism in Brazil. Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di
Parapsicologia, 1971 (Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 139-141.
The author, an eminent anthropologist and . "pars
magna" of the Latin American Center of Parapsychology,
reports on the situation of parapsychology in Brazil, ex-
plaining the anthropological causes of the particular posi-
tion of this land with regard to psychic research. He
points out the difficulties met by the Center in completing
their equipment although the main edifices are already
built, and they hope that soon they will be in a position
to start experimental work, considering also the great dif-
fusion of devotee spiritism, in the population. - DA
02474. Ryzl, Milan. ESP research in the U.S.S.R.
Metapsichica Rivista Italiana di Parapsicologia, 1971
(Jul/Dec), 26(3/4), 142-149.
Reprint of almost all of the 4th chapter of the
author's book Parapsychology, recently published in
Italian by Edizioni Mediterrance. The chapter concerns
the researches carried out on ESP in Soviet Russia, about
which RyzI also spoke at the recent meeting at Le Piol.
Dr. Ryzl, of Czechoslovakian origin, is well informed about
the work in parapsychology behind the iron curtain. - DA
(Editor: Alexander Imich)
02475. Gulak, Jan. Lowering the anxiety levels in per-
sons undergoing bioenergotherapy. Psychotronika,
1985, 6-9. 10 refs; 2 tables
Anxiety, a contributing factor in somatic illnesses, can
be a brief or time-extended phenomenon independent of
circumstances. The author, himself bioenergetically gifted,
aimed at lowering anxiety in his patients. He hypothesized
that there will be a difference in patients' anxiety level
before and after the treatment; each treatment lasted 15
minutes. Seventy-three persons (56 females and 17 males)
were given C.D. Spielberger and J. Taylor's questionnaires
14 days before and 21 days after the treatment. In com-
putation of the results, Kolmogorov, Smirnov, and Student's
tests were used, the first two yielding p = .01, the last one
roved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100013-9
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R0(t040O'l'''=
Parapsychology Abstracts International
03055. Costa, Alfonso. About the visions of dying per-
sons and survival. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3),
260-270. 15 refs
The attention recently addressed to near-death ex-
periences has confined to the background a phenomenon to
which much more attention was paid in the past: that of
visions of dying persons. Reconsidering once again two
books which can be considered as classics of this matter,
the author re-opens a discussion about this specific
phenomenon. He classifies deathbed visions in four classes:
(1) visions of dead people whose death was known to the
dying person; (2) visions of dead people whose death was
unknown to the dying persons but not to the present ones;
(3) visions of dead people whose death was unknown both
to the dying persons and to the present ones; (4) collective
visions shared by both the dying person and the one who
is looking after him or her. In considering the typical
characteristics of these classes and in trying to explain the
facts, both naturalistic and spiritistic hypotheses are dis-
cussed. Finally, the possibility is suggested that sometimes
alien "beings" able to induce psychic experiences are truly
present. - DA
03056. lannuzzo, Giovanni. The fifth parapsychologi-
cal meeting in Bologna. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep),
87(3), 271-275.
On May 9-10, 1987, the Parapsychological Study
Center--CSP-held its fifth meeting in Bologna. The author
presents a critical synthesis of the works presented for the
occasion by the various researchers. The most important
was the debate held by the scholars belonging to the two
parapsychological movements: the positivists and the
spiritualists. - DA
03057. Simone, Giorgio di. Jacopo Comin: Evidence on
the "Entity A" case. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3),
In this article, the author relates Jacopo Comin's
opinion about the "Entity A;' in particular as concerns all
the data leading us to consider such an entity as most
likely independent from the medium and from people as-
sisting at the seance. In one of his letters Comin wrote:
"We are in the presence of a Teacher in the highest sense
of the word, who undertook the burden of an high
spiritual teaching for the few able to understand it" - DA
03058. Ravaldini, Silvio. The Riccardi case: A "drop-
in" communicator. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Oct/Dec), 87(4),
307-319. 2 figs, 7 refs
The author brings to our attention a case of spiritis-
tic identification. In fact, during a seance held in 1948 a
drop-in communicator told the sitters he was a priest who
died in Canton, Ohio in 1929. In telling his name the
communicator added he was shot dead by a woman inside
his church. Successively in 1949 and 1950, always as a
drop-in communicator, he confirmed what was previously
said but used different words. Researches made in
America by Dr. Stevenson's assistant proved the com-
municator told the truth, i.e., a priest having the same
name was shot dead in a church in the same year the
communicator told. The article goes on with a detailed
analysis, made by the author, about a possible explanation
of facts besides the spiritistic one: cryptomnesia,
psychometry, and so on. There is the very interesting ap-
pendix signed by Dr. M. Biondi in which the above story
is viewed from a more materialistic parapsychological point
of view. - DT/R.A.W.
Vol. 6, No. 2 December 1988
03059. Garzia, Plerangelo. Survival: Belief or
research? Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Oct/Dec), 87(4), 320-324.
Three hundred years ago, the Italian scientist and
man of letters Francesco Redi (1626-1698) exploded the
traditional doctrine about spontaneous generation. In the
same way, psychic researchers in the 20th century are en-
gaged in exploding the traditional doctrine of conscience as
a brain chemical product. Psi phenomena, in their complex
whole, show conscience as able to much further extend it-
self in connection with those activities allowed by brain
activity. Furthermore, conscience could be preexistent to
the formation of the biological human organism and may
survive its disintegration.
The survival theme has always been the domain of
faith. For the first time in human history, thanks to
psychic research, the survival theme develops from objec-
tive facts and rational considerations. Even if, historically,
parapsychology can be considered as an "ibridum," form
came out from the meeting of religious need and the
scientific one. In fact, without this hotchpotch of belief
and research, parapsychology would have never been born.
Actually we absolutely need a certain part of faith to
have the possibility of demonstrating survival for sure
without feeling ashamed about it. For mutual admission
happens in every knowledge field. Without faith we can-
not go further-it being impossible to follow the glimpse of
initial purpose. Without continuous, ceaseless, tireless
research, we would already be dead. - DA
03060. Marabini, Enrico. Psi phenomena: Normal or
paranormal? Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Oct/Dec), 87(4), 325-
336. 14 refs; 1 table
By this report, the author confronts a basic theme in
order to obtain a refitting of the whole problem coming
out of the study of psi phenomena, starting from the con-
sideration that psi is an event resulting from an expression
of human behavior and considering people as animated sys-
tems. The author presents a "classifications" conception. He
explains what a psi phenomenon is and gives the basis of
what particular characteristics such that an event can be
considered and classified in this way. Next he .discusses the
theme. Firstly, he talks about "normality" through its dif-
ferent meanings: a "fixed rule" and a "constitutive rule."
This last is the only one which offers the possibility of ra-
tionally facing the "normality" argument (and respectively
the "abnormality" one) about certain types of events or
about certain well-defined human behavior situations.
Then he analyzes the word "paranormal" and all the
definitions deriving from it that are used to qualify para-
psychological discipline. Returning to human behavior, the
author points out that to every behavior state there is a
corresponding coherent conscious state. Although these are
different knowledge positions in themselves, every state is
a normal and natural event. Since "psi behavior" is an al-
tered state of consciousness, the information and realistic
contents involved are necessarily normal expressions of that
particular behavior state. Therefore, the uncommonness in
the phenomena does not mean they are not normal or
deviate or paranormal or supernormal. Rationally it can
be asserted that the laws subtending the psi phenomena
must be necessarily different from those orthodox science
considers and applies in studying other types of natural
events. The parapsychologists' work is to identify them.
Otherwise, in order to obtain concrete results, it is neces-
sary to the research to study the problem from a different
point of view. - DA
03061. Simone, Giorgio di. Metaphysical reality: The
spirit "program." Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Oct/Dec), 87(4),
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PA@Wn bWAd.afiJ s1sasac2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R00040DUQPU S December 1988
where a materialized entity writes or talks in a language
perfectly unknown to the medium holding the stance. To
underline this peculiar event, the author presents some
documented examples. The article starts with the
phenomenology of Laura Edmonds obtained during her
stances in New York. She was able to talk fluently in
languages she absolutely did not know, so that the
researchers considered the possibility of an outside posses-
sion. We read about Major Tudor Pole who was able to
talk and understand Persian, a language absolutely un-
known to him. The article describes Thtrese Neumann
who, during her mystic raptures, used to talk in Aramaic,
perfectly recognized as the real Christ language by the
scholars who had the possibility to assist her. "Nephentes"
materialized herself during the stances held by E.
D'Esperance. She was able to write a message in the
memo book of a researcher assisting in the stance. In the
end of the article we read of an ancient poem corrected
for a better comprehension by the "Confucius" entity. This
request came from Doctor Whymant during a sitting with
the medium Valiantine. The author ends the article by
saying that during his life he had the opportunity to at-
tend many xenoglossy manifestations where many languages
and dialects were spoken. He is sure that such languages
were unknown to present people, and for this reason he is
perfectly sure of the autonomy of the entities. - DA
03049. Ravaldini, Silvio. In memory of Gastone De
Boni. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3), 205-208.
On the 23rd of September 1986 Gastone De Boni left
us, having finished his human experience. Only after
having put in order all the material he left us will we
fully understand the importance of his wide knowledge.
De Boni's aim was knowledge of the psyche-that defined
by Myers as "the subliminal self' and evidenced in his
book, Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily
Death. We must not 'forget that Myers was considered a
teacher by De Boni. In fact, he wrote: "In this psychic
microcosm we only can catch a glimpse of the power and
shining of psychic macrocosm." As a follower of Jung's
thought, he rationally examined the possibilities of the
psyche under its different appearances, and he once said.
Our position makes us fight in favor of an idea, which,
even if it grows and finishes under the control of pure
thought, must and will have an important place in human
life." - DA
03050. Giovetti, Paola. Near-death experiences in other
cultures. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3), 209-213.
Dr. Giorgio Fonzo is a medical doctor who for many
years worked for the World Health Organization, being
constantly in touch with Moslem people. On several occa-
sions he had the opportunity to deal with persons who
were near death and to listen to their impressions. They
reported experiences that were very similar to the ones
reported by so many people of different religions, which
have been collected all over the world in recent years.
Dr. Fonzo's patients reported out-of-body experiences and
"tunnel experiences," visions of beautiful places and of a
marvelous light, encounters with dead friends or relatives,
etc. Those who are familiar with the specialized literature
will recognize in Dr. Fonzo's material some transcultural
elements of great interest. - R.A.W.
03051. lannuzzo, Giovanni. Studies of the history of
parapsychology in Italy from 1982 to 1986: A report
and a critical revision. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep),
87(3), 214-225. 46 refs; I table
After a detailed review of the most important Italian
parapsychology journals in order to better analyze the way
scientific research has been carried on from 1982-1987, the
author thinks more scholars are interested in pursuing
studies in this field. His research examines the quantita-
tive data at our disposal that specifies which research
areas are the most studied, and he suggests a way to im-
prove such researches qualitatively. - DA
03052. Ravaldini, Silvio. Daniel Dunglas Home. Luce
e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3), 226-244. 54 refs
It is not easy to discuss all the different phenomena
Daniel D. Home produced during his life, especially the
physical ones. Therefore the author has- put in evidence
only three of them: the telekinetic phenomena produced on
an accordion, those concerning levitation, and the fire-
immunity ones. The accordion was playing while the
medium was holding it on the side with no keys, but it
was playing as well as when anybody was touching it.
This peculiar phenomenon was fully described by trustwor-
thy people. In addition, a journalist for the Times was
not able to find any trick. Home's ability to hold burning
coals in his hands was confirmed by scholars such as Sir
William Crookes and Charles Richet. The author describes
Home's levitation in more detail, especially the one at
Ashley House where Home went out one window and
came back in another. In considering every side of the
problem, the author thinks these phenomena actually took
place. He proposes that the phenomena Home produced are
still happening nowadays, for example, those produced by
Roberto Setti, the Florence medium. - DAIR.A.W.
03053. Heim, Albert. Death from falls. (Trans. by
Paola Giovetti.) Luce e Ombra, 1987 (JuUSep), 87(3),
This article was written in 1892 by the Swiss
geologist, Dr. Albert Heim, and published in the Bulletin
of the Swiss Alpine Club. The author describes his per-
sonal experiences and those of several persons who nearly
died because of mountain falls. Their sensations and vi-
sions were wonderful: They felt no fear, no pain. Sensa-
tions of peace, well-being, and beautiful visions were com-
mon. This is very similar to modern near-death ex-
periences, and in this sense Dr. Heim's analysis is really a
pioneer one and worthy of note. - DT/R.A.W.
03054. Giroldini, William. Parapsychology and
research. Luce e Ombra, 1987 (Jul/Sep), 87(3), 253-259. 7
The author critically debates the proposal many
researchers have advanced to reevaluate the study of spon-
taneous ESP-PK phenomena. Many believe that spon-
taneous phenomena are more repeatable and of a "superior
quality" than the results obtained in the laboratory using
the traditional experimental criteria derived from the nor-
mal sciences. Giroldini thinks that all the existing studies
of spontaneous cases overlook the problem of chance coin-
cidence. Because of this, it is not possible to know if the
collected events are mainly "true" or "spurious." Therefore,
the study of spontaneous events runs the risk of being
worthless because of this underlying ambiguity. The
author proposes that the study of spontaneous events must
be made following a method which makes it possible to
evaluate the probability of chance coincidences. The
phenomena that seem most suitable could be hallucinations
in connection with the death of a relative. If this
proposal is accepted by scholars, then it would be possible
to increase our knowledge of paranormal phenomena by
concentrating the study on the less polluted phenomena in-
stead of the spurious ones. - DAIR.A.W.
Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100013-9