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Appr Wfla lW tt4ffP RDP9&0@ ~9 0 1959 (bum), 1 111, 64-78. 2 refs.-The aim of
the present essay is to examine more closely than has hitherto
been possible certain curious aspects of the table-tipping and
planchette seances which were conducted" at night in Borley
Rectory. The seance statements are given and the authors try to
verify them. Their findings demonstrate "how seance messages
regarding matters known to sitters can be influenced by sugges-
tion...It is of great interest that the answers they obtained con-
firmed their beliefs in every particular, despite the fact that the
stories had no foundation in truth."-DT
75. Amadou, Robert. The situation of para-
psychological activity in France. (In French) International
Journal of Parapsychology, 1959 (Sum), 1 (1), 79-88.-A con-
cise account, with bibliographic citations, of recent para-
psychological activity in France. References are made to
societies, periodicals, and books. The book section comprises
translations, proceedings of international congresses, and
original works in French. Particular paragraphs are devoted to
literature on important questions, such as unorthodox healing,
Catholicism and parapsychology, etc. - DA
76. Kline, Milton V. Soviet and Western trends in hyp-
nosis research. International Journal of Parapsychology,
1959 (Sum), 1 (1), 89-105. 5 refs.-Surveys trends in Russian
hypnosis research as reflected in a series of six papers published
in the transactions of the IF. Pavlov Institute of Physiology in
1956. Also discusses current Western research, with emphasis
l Journal of Parapsychology, 1959 phenomenon. He deals with hypnotic alterations of con-
- Provides a history of the Virgin of sciousness and age regression.- RAW.
quivalent of Lourdes. Discusses the 77. Nash, Carroll B. The unorthodox science of para-
the shrine and their symbolic psychology. International Journal of Parapsychology, 1959
(Aut), 112), 5-23. 37 refs. - General overview of the scientific ap-
proach to studying parapsychology through classifying spon-
taneous psi experiences and tests of ESP, including precogni-
tion. Emphasizes experimental evidence for ESP and responds
to specific criticisms. Reviews the characteristics of psi as
revealed by experiments. Discusses the implications of psi for
religion. philosophy, and medicine and the nnssih!e
sr,i,;,,.euon, ~, Psi. Lir ens the signincance of parapsy~r,~.~~j
establishment of the nonphysical nature of mind to Darwin's
theory of evolution and Freud's discovery of the
unconscious. - R.A.W.
78. Lansing, Gerrit. Psychic elements of poetic
creativity. International Journal of Parapsychology, 1959
(Aut), 1 (2), 24-38. 14 refs.-Parapsychologists can profit from
the study of the process of poetic creation, more than any other
form of literary creation. This is because the poet while compos-
ing is often drawn out of him -- or herself in a state of poetic
trance. There is a connection, moreover, between writing
poetry and casting magic spells. The poet has no choice-but to
cultivate the unconscious and poets have been pioneers in ex-
ploring "the peculiar relationship between the conscious ego
and the unconscious levels of the psyche." The level of emotion
that is touched in poetic creation is also associated with spon-
taneous psi and prophecy. Some instances are cited of the possi-
ble transmission by ESP of images, symbols, and in one case, an
entire poem, between poets working separately. Less impor-
tantly, the study of poetry may also benefit parapsychology by
providing documentation of the historical occurrence of types
of psi henomena.-R.A.W.
39-50. 9-re- fs. - Magic is practically nonexistent on Samoa, as are
spontaneous psi experiences, despite widespread belief in
magical principles. Administered standard ESP and PK tests to
Samoan subjects with only chance results in spite of their great
interest and enthusiasm in the experiments. The single outstan-
ding psychic or pseudo-psychic phenomenon common in Samoa
is ma'i aitu or "spirit sickness," which apparently involves
possession. Compares the culture and environment of Samoa
with that of the Australian aborigines and New Zealand Maoris,
who provide evidence of both spontaneous and experimental
psi. Concludes that among native peoples, magic arises only
where it is a cultural or environmental necessity, that is, where
there is a considerable uncertainty in daily activities, in the
struggle to survive, and in relation to other people. Magic is
tion to the
the propheti
ing truth
71. Hu
meaning.- R.A.
72. Omez,
been produced by n
ings the natural caus
main, without exclu
Even Pope Benedict
when he established
bility to explain the
subject, as it seeks to
will screen out false
licity which these had
ciates the work of scie
falsely marvelous.-
70. Progoff, Ira. The role of parapsychology in modern
thinking. International Journal of Parapsychology, 1959
(Sum), 1 (1), 5.18. 16 refs.-Discusses why "a holistic depth
psychology contains the means not only with which para-
psychology can grow as a science but with which it can play an
exceedingly creative role on modern thinking." Depth
psychology teaches "that the knowledge which the deep psyche
derives from its contact with the cosmos is transmitted in sym-
bolic form." In dealing with th tatements of mediums and sen-
sitives we must discipline o Ives not to take the messages
literally. "On the other hand does not mean at all that the
material coming through t cep psyche in the form of
spiritualistic readings is 'not but psychological' in the sense
of being derived from perso material, conflicts, complexes,
etc. ate the opposite-v often such material is derived
here the psyche reaches out
one investigates the processes and
xperiences and represents his rela-
r can use this information to fulfill
are moving u
caning of
55 have b
rench.) International journal of
um), 1 (1), 32-46-To the Catholic
cause. In view of this, the Church
hes of parapsychology, which are
possibility of a miracle, which is
tilized the findings of science
eived in the press and public. It appre-
ts who make it possible to define more
separate what is truly from what is
r. The statistical controversy in
International Journal of Para-
psychology, 1959 (Suff 1 (1),, 47-63. 12 refs.-Discusses the
criticisms of probability theory as applied to parapsychological
experiments as set forth by G. Spencer Brown. Examines some
traditional ESP experiments to see if target peculiarities may
have accounted for some of the results. The implications for
repeatability in parapsychology experiments are
discussed. - R.A. W .
74. Hall, Trevor H. and Hall, Kathryn E. An Appraisal
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resorted to in an attempt to influence the environment of the
course of events only where there is considerable doubt as to
the outcome. Changes underway in Samoan society are describ-
ed which may eventually be psi-conducive.-R.A.W. ~mm"
80. Ehrenwald, Jan. "Non-Euclidian" models of per-
sonality. International Journal of Parapsychology, 1959
(Aut), 1 (2), 51-68. 17 refs.-Several attempts have been made to
provide a theoretical framework capable of accomodating psi
phenomena but few have taken into consideration the main
source of the epistemological difficulties involved in the con-
troversial observations on human personality. Ehrenwald
focuses on various hypothetical models of personality structure
and on the corresponding world-views or modes of experience
which, it is assumed, are isomorphic with or attuned to these
variegated world-views or experimental modes. He constructs
various psychological models of personality without claiming
anything like empirical reality or even probability of their ex-
istence, thus calling them "non-Euclidian" models of personali-
ty. View A considers personality as a closed system. B conceives
of personality as nonexistent as in the Zen doctrine of
"no-mind." C sees personality as a supra-individual, collective
organism. With C, psi would be viewed as an intro-psychic com-
munication. Theorizes about temporal anomalies such as
precognition and retrocognition as well as spatial anomalies
such as telepathy. Psi need not be simply a vestigial remnant of
the past but could be a viable function pointing toward the
81. Osmond, Humphry. A call for imaginative theory.
International Journal of Parapsychology, 1959 (Aut), 1 (2),
69-83. 12 refs.-Thoughts on parapsychology stimulated by
reading the Ciba Qkndation Symposiums Extrasensory Percep-
otion that the scientific
e tend to forget that the
f parapsychologists -superstition we
where they exist i
community life.
ogy-ESP, PK, etc.
trol, practices of s
natural state." Hei
because important spadework had already been done in study-
ing superstitious practices there. In what follows, individual
points are illustrated by numerous detailed case-histories. II.
"Healers." a. Les Rebouteux (Bonesetters). Many bonesetters
achieve remarkable results in using rational experimental
methods. But these successes are of no special significance to
parapsychology. b. Les persigneux (Faith-healers who use prayer
and the sign of the cross(. These are by far the most numerous
and the most interesting group of "healers" in the area in ques-
tion. Three of the best-known Persigneux, described in some
detail, are shown to have traits in common. In general, they
treat all kinds of human and animal sicknesses, without any
clear distinction between those that are "natural" and those in-
duced by sorcery or witchcraft. c. Urban-type faith-healers.
These have of late penetrated the countryside and look askance
at the "primitive" techniques of the traditional rural healers.
dwork, t
of always too thoughtful of the
si may be more akin to artistic
ost conducive to creative effort
If sensitives prove difficult for
ith, parapsychologists should
Perhaps the time has come for
piricism and, like the physicists,
rt L. A review of ESP tests car-
International journal of Para-
miscellaneous studies which at-
the research reported in the first
ortcomings, and discusses promis-
T. Telepathy experiments in
run and a CR of 47. "Evidently the Welsh boys have introduced
us to a whole new psychic world, if their results are free of
fraud, and much of this review must be concerned with this
possibility." Describes sessions in which the boys were caught
cheating as well as some of the opportunities for fraud that had
been set forth since the experiments were conducted, such as
the use ofupersonic whistle. Calls for renewed testing in
which these ssibilities are4uled out.-R.A.W.
arapsychological studies and
ernational journal of Para-
24-36.14 refs- Reviews academic
ciences." Phenomena mentioned are
owsing, reincarnation, premature
periments. - R.A.W.
Houston. Religious aspects of
and shows high defensiveness. On the
, namely that such phenomena as
eutral, objective attitude toward
84. Ch
poltergeists, st
burial, and ESP
maintain an opposi
telepathy, clairvoya
the researcher to
to establish the fa
commitment of t
Spiritualistic religi
kept in mind as
(Win), 2
ref or
method depends large
science starts with
we would have new knowledge,
Are we asking the right questi
to wrestle with theory, every
seems doomed to repeat, in
Overpreoccupation with fraud
gifted people they investiga
inspiration than to radio trq
should discover the condition
parapsychologists to work
unleash their imaginations.
82. Van de Castle, Ro,
ried out in the classroo
psychology, 1959 (Aut), 1
of ESP in the classroom,
perimental programs: the
of Anderson and White,
83. Birge, Raymo
Wales. InternationalJo
Z 11), b-Zi.-analysis of too nor expenuieuw -LL1 L- J.,."-
boys reported by S.G. Soal and H.T. Bowden in The Mind Many of them use magnetism and radio-electric detection. They
Readers (Doubleday, 1960).Summarizes many of the sessions in claim top be able to cure most diseases except cancer and tuber-
which 701 runs ~grRie~V~Ct brR 1 0/08t 1'Is 1r1 ~KUl"~0~ VU/ ~ b?U U-2
ipounded. These considerations must be
e pursue and evaluate. parapsycological
obert. Superstition in the Sancerrois.
tional Journal of Parapsychology,- 1960
cture. Although the number of cases of
in urban areas is quite high-higher than
lcontrast,to phenomena of,parapsychol-:
Which are subject to observation and con-
erstition are difficult to observe "in their
, this study, and the one on Southern Italy