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:na es- is, they _g, who n these ^is prin- use and ierefore, the cor- nnomcna led into directly, tion ob- -e event . - T.K. ve pro- r 1'ara- P works SP ope- n or il- ?hen the which, .s which d to be of ESP eative aneously image is the crea- mes true illumina- and the union of II as the and the ,rise and ke Japa- 20-24. 5 r 44 days author as was con- -ions: the and the d of the score of s, one of aced with Clow the associated is called ,on. Five :ording to frequently F group). - er group rence was and LF called less i the two between Proceed- ogy, 1968. lc subjects ;lationship I the ESP ara cholo ra I te Rp rnatlon 6 o to orcelease 000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000400080001-5 score. They were asked to conduct 4 runs of a clair- voyance test with standard ESP cards by themselves and report to the author their ESP scores and their physiologi- cal conditions. One of them, M.K., took her basal body temperature (BBT) every morning just before leaving the bed; the other subject, Y.O., reported to him the date of the beginning and end of her menstruation. The results revealed that ESP scores in the low temperature phase were higher than those in the high phase, and that the former scores were above chance except for one case, whereas all of the latter were below mean chance expecta- tion. These results suggest a relationship between ESP and BBT, although the difference in the score between the two conditions was not significant. The ESP score of Y.O. was the highest (p = .0000036) at the beginning of her men- struation and gradually declined toward the end of it. Fur- thermore, the differences in the score between the day before and the first day of the menstruation and between the first and the last (fifth) day of it were statistically significant. - T.K. 01940. Mizukami, Toshiyuki, and Otani, Soji. Results of the Argentina-Japan long distance ESI' experiment. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Parapsycho- logy, 1968, No.1, 29-32. 4 illus; 3 refs Eight series of GESP experiments were carried out from September to November 1965 to see if the ESP effect would occur even over a very long distance. The distance between the targets (standard ESP cards) placed in Decep- tion Island near the Antarctic Circle and the 93 perci- pients in Japan was about 17,200 km. The subjects were divided into three groups: adults, children, and students. No significant difference was found in any group, nor was a sheep-goat effect noted. On the other hand, the results revealed an outstanding decline pattern in the second half of the experiment in the student group. - T.K. 01941. Otani, Soji, and Onda, Akira. A survey of opin- ion on parapsychology of Japanese psychologists. Pro- ceedings of the Japanese Society for Parapsychology, 1968, No. 1, 54-58. 1 illus; 3 refs A survey of opinion on parapsychology of Japanese psychologists was conducted in 1963. A questionnaire was mailed to 1,115 randomly selected Japanese psychologists; 262 questionnaires were returned, 16 of which were ex- cluded from the analysis because of deficiencies. Eleven of the 246 respondents considered ESP to be an established fact, 109 of them considered it possible to be proved; 9 of them, on the other hand, replied that ESP is not possible. - T.K. PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE (Editor: Patric V. Giesler) REVISTA DE PARAPSICOLOGIA 01942. Cuevedo, Oscar G. The problem of healers: fart II. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(4), 4-13. 12 illus; 22 refs In this second in a series of 15 articles on healing and healers, Harry Edwards (British) and "Ze Arigo" (Bra- zilian) are discussed in detail. The nature of the distor- tions in the sensationalistic propaganda surrounding each healer and his ostensible cures, the serious problem of patient testimony (memory and observational distortions), the types and limitations of medical verification attempts, and the effect of transitory cures on the healers' movements and support are emphasized in an evaluation of the two healers. Journalistic hyperbole regarding the number of "cures" and the nature of those "cures" is compared with the results of the author's own follow-up survey of clients of Arigo. Of a sample of 836 clients, only three claimed they were fully cured, 15.5% improved, 553% had no change, and 3.9% felt they were prejudiced by the treatments (self-reports). The effects of the healing for 25.1% could not be analyzed. The author concludes that the successes of these healers relied heavily on propa- ganda adorned with hyperbole, on the cures of hysterics who propagated the successes, and on other "cures" of a psychosomatic type brought about by some form of context hypnosis. - P.V.G. 01943. Anievas, Joaquim. Notes and notices. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(4), 14-17. 6 illus Eight brief notes and notices on (1) a parapsychology course in El Salvador; (2) an inheritance left to the A.S.P.R. by James Kidd; (3) a request for spontaneous cases by Rex Stanford, (4) a humorous anecdote on British spiritualist, Maurice Barbanell; (5) a biofeedback course at Esalen Institute; (6) the new presidency of the Argentine Society for Parapsychological Studies (La Sociedad de Es- tudios Parapsicologicos); (7) a satirical account of medium- istic messages from H.G. Wells; and (8) synopsis of a Russian scientist's article claiming evidence debunking Nina Kulagina. - P.V.G. 01944. Fridcrichs, Edvino A. Our opinion. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(4), 18-21. 2 illus Report on the claim that a Brazilian child in the state of Minas Gerais has been receiving visits and mes- sages from the Virgin Mary since she was 2 years old. The author cautions that the atmosphere around the child is suggestion-filled and that such cases of the miraculous must be rigorously examined before the Catholic church would consider them examples of authentic miracles. The author advises that the child is highly sensitive and prone to hallucinations and hypnotic trance. The child's sioiss are not of apparitions, therefore, but are hallucinations shaped by the collective suggestibility of the audience. The case is contrasted with the model religious foundation of the case of Lourdes and the scientific seriousness that it merits. - P.V.G. 01945. Quiles, Ishmael, and Quevado, Oscar G. Dialog with the reader. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(4), 22-25. 3 illus; I ref Several questions by lay and clerical readers an- swered by Ismael Quiles and Oscar G. Quevedo,,two Ro- man Catholic priests/parapsychologists. Key issues raised and discussed included: How do you reconcile your Chris- tian faith with parapsychological phenomena? How might the science of parapsychology help in the treatment of ex- ceptional (e.g. retarded) children? I have begun to develop automatic writing, but I am also moving toward other forms of mediumship and I am worried that it means I'm going crazy -- am I? - Y.V.G. 01946. Anievas, Joaquim. Facts of real life. Revista de Parapsicologia, 1973, 1(4), 26-29. 3 illus; 2 refs Three spontaneous cases are summarized: one from A.R.G. Owen's research on poltergeists; one from Andrew Mackenzie's review of apparitions (Apparitions and Ghosts, 1971, 63-66); and a third from the author's research of poltergeist cases in Sao Paulo, Brazil. All of the phenomena of the cases are discussed in terms of uncon- scious sources and motivations, and this interpretation is contrasted with the Brazilian Spiritist (a form of spiri- tualism) perspective. - P.V.G. A-RDP96-00792R000400080001-5