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Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300390001-2
BY: Song Kongzhi, Li Xianggao and Zhou Liangzhong
This article uses strict scientific procedures, one of a kind test
samples, videotape and high speed photography to demonstrate the objective
existence of the paranormal ability of breaking through spatial barriers. rt
also shows the physical process of this ability. It demonstrates that through
the function of the paranormal ability, the macrobody was able to pass through
the wall of a container and be removed, but no visible damage to the wall of
the container was detected.
Breaking through spatial harriers is one type of paranormal ability. The
characteristics of this ability is that the person with this paranormal ability
is able to remove an object placed in advance in a sealed container without
damaging the seal of the container or damaging the container itself.
In China, Li Shuhuang, Zhang Chonggi1 and eleven others discovered that
persons with paranormal abilities were capable of removing such objects as M3
nuts, nails and bundles of matches from a sealed plastic 35 mm film canister.
In the canister lid there was a 1.55 mm hole, but the lid was not opened.
Following this, it was discovered by the All-China Paranormal Physical
abilities Joint Testing Group2 that persons with paranormal abilities were able
to remove the target stationary paper from a sealed kraft paper envelope.
1 Lin Shuhuang, Zhang Chongqi and others, NATURE MAGAZINE, 4,9(1981)652
2 Human Paranormal Abilities Joint Testing Group, RESEARCH IN HUMAN
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Then, Liu Shuhuang, Zhou Binghuang and 17 others3 conducted special research
testing on breaking through spatial barriers. They not only demonstrated that
persons with paranormal abilities could extract stationery from sealed kraft
paper envelopes, but they could also remove insects from glass tubes with
sealed caps without any discernable effect on the life or actions of the
insect. At the same time, in this experiment, they also conducted an
experiment where the subjects removed a sponge which had been dipped in FeC13
from a double layer sealed KCNS type paper bag without any visible change of
coloring of the test paper. This research opened the way for research into
ability to break through spatial barriers and provided a number of preliminary
bases of a physical nature for this phenomenon.
On the basis of these experiments, we believed it was necessary to use
even stricter methods to conduct further proof of the reality of this ability
and that we should observe the process of this breakthrough and the point of
penetration in order to demonstrate whether or not there was penetration of the
walls of a physical object.
Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was:
1. To use a sample that once damaged could not be restored and to combine
this with visual records to further demonstrate the reality of this ability.
2. To use larger and longer objects, and combine this with videotape and
especially with high speed photography to observe just exactly where the three
dimensional spatial barrier was broken through, and whether or not the
penetration of the wall was achieved over a span of time.
1. In order to fully demonstrate the reality of the ability to break
through spatial barriers, we designed the following two samples.
A. TEST SAMPLE ONE: We used sealed transparent glass bottles. The
bottles were four centimeters in diameter and 12 to 13 centimeters long.
Inside these bottles we placed 30 medicine tablets which were colored either
red, greed or purple. The tablets were 5.5 mm in diameter and three
millimeters thick. Different ratios of the numbers of the different colored
pills were placed in the different bottles. Each bottle was numbered
individually. The numbers of each different colored tablets, the number of the
sample, and the serial number of that sample bottle were all marked on the test
3 Lin Shuhuang, Zhou Binghui and others, RESEARCH IN HUMAN PARANORMAL
ABILITIES, 1, 3(1983)110
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labels using a binary system. The tablets were first placed in the sample
bottles and then the top of the bottle was heated and closed to a small slit.
Even if the tablets were broken in half there is no way they could be poured
out. The sample on the right in illustration one is a sample one.
Illustration 1: To the right is sample one: the sample label gives the
type number, the bottle number and the different colors of tablets. The
bottle on the right I sample five, the label gives the type number and the
bottle number
B. TEST SAMPLE FOUR: We use exactly the same type of sealed transparent
test bottle as used in Sample one. However, inside were placed 15 plexiglass
pieces which were red, yellow and green. The test pieces were 5 X 5 X 1.5 mm
squares. The different test sample bottles contained different ratios of the
different colored test pieces. Also, there was a Russian letter on each test
piece. The fifteen letters formed three Russia words. Each color was a
separate word. There was also a serial number on different places on the
bottle indicating the serial number of the bottle. For example, four pieces of
plexiglass had the Soviet letters S, 0, D ad A, meaning soda. On another
location of S, 0, D and A were added 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each test sample bottle
held different ratios of the different colored pieces of plexiglass. The test
pieces were first placed in the bottles, and the tops of the bottles were
heated to form a slit. The test piece could not be pored out through this
slit. The sample on the left of illustration one is sample four.
Each sample was one of a kind, so it could not be duplicated. The glass
containers could not be put back together if they were broken and the glass was
transparent which allowed for better observation.
2. In order to observe just where the objects, that is the objects which
were placed into the containers beforehand, broke through the space barrier,
and to see what happened to the objects and the container wall when the barrier
was penetrated, we designed the following samples.
A. We used unopened CIWUJIA [exact translation unknown. Probably a
Chinese over the counter medicine] and XIAOYANLIDANYAO [another over the
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counter medicine for reducing fever and to help the gallbladder] bottles.
These two medicine bottles are both clear glass and have a cork stopper sealed
with wax as well as a plastic screw-on lid. The tablets are disc shaped, one
centimeter in diameter and 0.6 centimeter thick at most. The CIWUJIA tablets
are yellow sugar coated tablets and the XIAOYANLIDANYAO are blue sugar coated
tablets. EAch bottle contains 100 tablets. Illustration two shows the CIWUJIA
unopened bottle.
Illustration 2: Unopened ciwujia bottle with 100 disc shaped yellow sugar
coated tablets. The bottle is sealed wit cork sealed with wax and a plastic
screw on lid.
B. One-hundred milliliter dropper bottles of GAOSENGPUTAOTANG [high
ginseng content glucose]. These were 100 ml dropper bottles of
GAOSENGPUTAOTANG after clinical use. After they were washed clean, five types
of capsules and tablets were placed inside the bottles. Three types of tablets
were round, being one centimeter in diameter and 0.6 centimeters at the
thickest. These included yellow, red, and light brown tablets all which were
sugar coated. In addition there were two types of plastic cased capsules 1.5
centimeters long and 0.5 centimeters in diameter. One capsule was half red and
half blue and the other capsule was all blue. There were ten of each type, 50
tablets and capsules in all. Then, the bottle was stopped wit a rubber
stopper, and an aluminum cap was put on with a capper (see illustration three).
dropper bottle with fifty tablets
and capsules of five different
types inside. It is sealed with
a rubber stopper and aluminum cap
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C. TEST SAMPLE FIVE: The test samples were made by heating and forming
clear glass tubes. These tubes were four centimeters in diameter and 20 to 25
centimeters long. The two ends were heated and closed, and three millimeter
holes in the side indicated the model number and one millimeter holes in the
side indicated the bottle number. Inside the tubes was placed two meter
lengths of spiraled enamel insulated wire one millimeter in diameter, the
spirals were one centimeter in diameter. One end of the wire was sealed into
one end of the glass tube, and the other end was free but welded to an M8 nut
(see illustration four).
Illustration 4: Test sample five: clear glass tube containing two meters of
t2 mm enamel coated wire, one end of the wire sealed in an end of the tube
D. SAMPLE SIX: This sample was also made by heating and forming clear
glass tubes. The tubes were the same size as those in sample five. The two
ends were heated and closed. At one end there was a one millimeter hole.
There were no holes on the sides of the tubes. Inside the tubes were a 1.5
meter length of shielded wire one millimeter in diameter. One end of the
shielded wire was sealed up int the closed end of the test tube (see
illustration five).
Illustration 5: Test tube 5:
clear glass tube with 1.5 m
length of shielded wire inside
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E. a 500 ml clear glass dropper bottle with a packet of unexposed
photograph paper inside. The packet of photograph paper was connected to a 30
cm length of string and a label with "TEAC" written on. The bottle was sealed
with a rubber stopper (see illustration six).
Similar to this sample was a 500 ml clear glass dropper bottle with a
FUJIAN tea bag inside as well as an iron tea strainer with a packet of
unexposed photography paper inside.
In the experiments using these two types of samples, in addition to
ordinary videotaping, we also conducted high speed photography. Thigh sped
photography was 200 frames per second, 400 frames per second and 1000 frames
per second.
Illustration 6: A 500 ml clear glass bottle with a packet of unexposed
photography paper inside
A. Close uninterrupted observation and video recording of the entire
process of the experiments was required.
B. The test samples were not given to the paranormal ability subjects
prior to the experiment. The samples being tested were not allowed to be taken
away. When the experiments were over, whether the experiments succeeded or
not, the test samples were all collected and were properly stored.
C. Prior to the experiment and during the experiment, a double blind was
maintained for both the person administering the test and the person being
tested for the coded test label for the sample.
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Subject Z with paranormal abilities, male, 26 years old. History of
tuberculosis, presently completely recovered. Normal physical development.
1. A total of 50 experiments in the ability to break through of spatial
obstacles were conducted. The results are condensed in table one. We can see
that of the 50 experiments, 25 were successful, 17 were videotaped and high
speed photography was used in six.
Practice runs
Formal experiments
Total number
Number videotaped
Number photographed
with high speed photography
Number of successful
samples stored
SAMPLE ONE EXPERIMENTS: There were successful results with two bottles
which were also videotaped. The results are listed in table two. During both
experiments the phenomenon of removal of one half a tablet occurred. This was
because when the subject with paranormal abilities was exercising his abilities
and exerting energy to shake the bottles, the tablets were broken in two. It
should be pointed out that even though they were broken in half, they were
still 1.5 mm thick, and could not come out through the slot. Furthermore, the
number of tablets outside the bottle added to the number of tablets inside the
bottle equalled the number of tablets started with inside the bottle, that is,
30 tablets. The number of tablets of each color outside the bottle plus the
number of each color tablet inside the bottle after the experiment came to the
corresponding number of each color prior to the experiment. There was no
damage to the bottles.
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18 Originally
Number removed
1 Originally
Number removed
Date the
Nov. 16, 1983
Nov. 18, 1983
There were three experiments with sample five. The detailed results are
shown in table three. We find from the table that five pieces, D, T, G, Y and
T were removed from bottle one. From bottle four, three pieces, 0, E, and E
were removed. From bottle eight, three pieces, D, 0 and L were removed. The
test pieces removed were the same pieces found missing from the bottles after
the experiment, matching the missing pieces' number, color, letter and code.
However, the glass bottle was not damaged. See illustration seven.
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Illustration 7: First from left is sample bottle one with 15 pieces of
plexiglass. Second from left is same bottle but five pieces have been removed.
Bottle still contains ten pieces. Third from left is sample bottle eight
containing 15 pieces of plexiglass. Fourth from left is the same bottle but
three pieces have ben removed and the bottle still contains 12 pieces.
In the experiment described above, the test pieces, coding and double
blind as well as the samples, were not given to the subject prior to the
experiment, therefore, the test samples could not be prepared beforehand. At
the experiment location, the main person administering the test and other
testing personnel continuously watched, and also the videotape methods
eliminated the possibility of switching bottles. Furthermore, if the bottles
were destroyed, it would be impossible to put them back together, eliminating
the possibility of taking the container apart. The transparency of the glass
ensured that the objects inside could be seen. Under the assurances of these
conditions, the results described above completely proves the objects were
actually removed from the bottle by the subject using paranormal abilities.
This is the ability of breaking through spatial obstacles.
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Plexiglass pieces
No. of
number Red Yellow Green
1. Letter and code
10 Dec 83
of piece removed
2. Letter and code
28 Dec 83
of piece removed
3. Letter and code
30 Dec 83
of piece removed
A. The unopened tablet bottle experiment results are shown in table four.
Some of the results of the videotaping are shown in illustration eight. These
demonstrate that tablets were actually removed from the unopened bottle with
its original seal without breaking the bottle. What is especially clear is the
CIWUJIA medicine bottle experiment seen with high speed photography of 400
frames per second. (See photographs inside front cover) the photographs show
this result. It is a group of continuous frames. In the first frame, there is
no tablet visible outside the bottom or side of the glass. In the second
frame, slightly outside the bottom of the glass, two-thirds of a tablet is
sticking outside the glass. The tablet interfaced with the glass along the
side of the bottom of the bottle which can be diagrammed as follow:
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Name of
Seal Site of tablets Number in
unopened Number Number
container removed remaining Date completed
CIWUJIA Unopened original container, Disk shaped 10 as 100 62 29 Apr 84
cork stopper sealed with wax in diameter and
and plastic screw on lid 6 mm thick
XIAOYAHLI- Original unopened container, Disk shaped, 10 at 100 44 4 May 84
DAHPIAN cork stopper sealed with wax in diameter and
and plastic screw on lid. 6 mm thick
FIVE A 100 ml high ginseng content Yellow, red and light 10 5 5
DIFFERENT glucose dropper bottle with brown tablets were 10mm 10 1 9
TYPES NIXED a rubber and an aluminum cap, diameter and six mm thick; 10 3 7
TOGETHER the blue and red/blue
gel capsules were 15 as 10 5 5
long and 5mm in diameter 10 2 8
Frame three, this tablet is already three at from the bottom of the
bottle. The tablet is one centimeter in diameter.
Similar to this was the removal of unexposed photograph paper from the 500
ml dropper bottle and the removal of removal of unexposed photograph paper from
the iron tea leaf tube. The unexposed photograph paper was all unexposed.
Illustration 11 shows the removal of unexposed photograph paper from a 500 ml
bottle as captured on videotape. It is a continuous process, with each frame
40 milliseconds. Beginning with frame four, the photograph paper appears
outside the bottle. In frame five it is half in and half out, and the 2.5 X
3.5 cm flat packet is parallel to the surface of the table, cutting through the
side of the bottle horizontally. In the sixth frame it is completely removed.
This demonstrates the entire process of a solid object breaking through the
wall of a container and shows the object half in and half out of the container.
7 May 84
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Illustration 11: Videotaped continuous process of removal of unexposed
photograph paper through a 500 ml dropper bottle. Each frame is 40 ms.
4: This is fourth frame. Small
portion of unexposed paper appears
outside of glass
5: Fifth frame: half of unexposed 6: sixth frame: most of unexposed
paper appears outside of glass. paper is outside of glass
other half is inside the glass,
darker portion above packet. The
2.5 x 3.5 Packet canes out flat.
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7: Seventh frame: unexposed
packet of paper already totally
outside the glass
The results of this group of experiments not only demonstrates that the
break through point is the wall of the container, but that the break through of
the obstacle occurs in a time sequence.
The results of the experiments with samples 5 and 6 are shown in table 5.
In the type of sample bottles used in samples six, there is only a firm hole in
one end of the bottle. The removal of the iron washer with its shielded wire
from inside this bottle without damaging the original seal is unquestionably
further proof of the reality of paranormal abilities. From the videotape of
this experiment it can be seen that the process of the fingers pinching one end
of the wire, causing the shielded wire inside the glass to follow the movements
of the fingers outside the glass in a shearing motion. As shown in
illustration 12, from frame two to frame seven are the continuous video tape
results. The space between each picture are four frames. It is possible to
see the subject with paranormal abilities pinch the end of the shielded wire
between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. As his fingers move twice,
the shield wire inside the bottle appear to make the same movements.
Interestingly, although it appears to be making a shearing motion horizontally
against the wall of the container, it did not leave any mark on the wall of the
container which is visible to the naked eye. This is similar to the tablet
breaking through the medicine bottle.
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Serial number Target object
Sample V no.12 2mm diameter single
strand enamel wire coil
Sample 5 no.13 2 m diameter single
strand enamel wire coil
Sample six A 1.5 mm single strand
shielded wire
Sample six B 1.5 mm single strand
shielded wire with
washer affixed to end
Results Record made Date completed
Pulled out
three sections Videotaped
Pulled out
five sections
Pulled out
two sections
2 Apr 84
Videotape 10 May 84
and photograph
Videotaped 25 Apr 84
Pulled out four
sections and one
washer. The wire
inside broke into
three sections
Videotaped 28 Apr 84
and photographed
Illustration 12: Video taped results of the sample six experiment
spacing between pictures is four frames
1: This is the sample bottle
with the 1.5 M shielded
wire inside
2: Frame one. Right. thumb and Frame two: wire moves down in bottle
forefinger pinching wire
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4: Frame three: wire continues to 5: Frame four: wire continues to drop
drop in bottle
6: Frame five: wire continues to drop 7: Frame six: wire is coiled up
toward the left in the bottle
1. The question of the validity of paranormal ability to break through
spatial barriers.
We can see from the results described above that as one of the paranormal
abilities, the ability to break through spatial barriers actually exists. The
sample bottles type one and type four were glass which had been heated to form
the mouth almost shut. If these bottles were broken, they could not be put
back together, any breakage would be irreversible. Furthermore, each sample
had a unique serial number and the target objects were of different colors, and
there were different numbers of each different color. The target objects also
had russian letters and codes as well as dots. Each sample had thorough video
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taping equipment from all angles, ensuring their individual characteristics
formed during heating. The information totalled together forms one of a kind
samples. It would be impossible to copy these samples. In addition, prior to
the experiment, the subject had no contact with the test samples and had no
ideal of the form or coding of the target objects. The test subject only came
in contact with the samples at the experiment site. Therefore, first, copy of
samples was impossible, so switching of containers became meaningless. Second,
the glass bottles could not be broken. Third, the samples could not leave the
testing site, and there was always someone watching the testing site, and at
i ther ere vid o tap ng or high speed photographing of the tests.
~`1I ie ih conui ions, tie number, color, serial number and coding of tablets
or plexiglass pieces on the experiment table exactly matched those in the
sample bottles. This allows us to only reach one conclusion: that the tablets
and pieces of plexiglass were passed through the walls of the container.
Also, in the experiment with the sample six bottles, there was only a one
mm small hole in one end of the glass bottle and the shielded wire in the
bottle was one mm in diameter. This type of one min shielded wire has many
frays at the end (shielded wire is formed from braiding fine metal wires).
Even if we used our band to directly pinch this end of the wire so it would go
through a hole the same size, it would be a difficult task. However, this wire
was placed inside a glass tube, and there was a 7 mm iron washer there as well.
Without breaking the glass bottle, three to five sections were removed and the
washer appeared on the outside. The shielded wire on the inside was broken and
there were several sections of sections of wire three to ten mm long and the
washer was gone. Without a doubt this proves that the shielded wire and the
washer passed through the wall of the container to the outside of the
container. However, the glass was not broken. Therefore, it cold only have
been a type of paranormal ability that caused to be outside the glass. We
should explain that this type of experiment had a high degree of one of a kind.
Because of the thickness and length of the samples, the method of securing the
wire inside, and the closing of both ends al had their own special
characteristics that would be difficult to duplicate. Furthermore, the samples
were very long and it would be difficult to switch them undetected. In
addition, there were videotaping procedures, ensuring the strictness of the
In these experiments, we can see fairly clearly the phenomenon of the
target objects passing through the walls of the container. This phenomenon
tells us:
A. The breaking through point cannot be a hole in the container, a slit
in the container or the edges of the seal but is directly through the wall of
the container. In the experiments with clear glass containers and relatively
small target objects, we can also see them become larger during the process of
the target objects passing through. Also, in the experiments where the
container and the transparent target object were all relatively large, we could
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see the target objects being both inside and outside the container, the changes
and the cutting through phenomena.
B. The targets passed through the walls of the containers at different
speeds. In the experiment with the CIWIJJIA bottles, it took around 2.5
milliseconds for two-thirds of a tablet one centimeter in diameter to pass
through the wall of the container. The average speed was V = 7mm/2.5 ms = 2.8
meters per second.
Assuming that they passed through at a uniform speed, the speed would be
at this level. Somewhat slower than the speed at which an athlete runs.
The removal of the unexposed photographic paper packet from the 500 ml
dropper bottle took more than 10 milliseconds, or a speed of 30 cm/second.
For pulling shielded wire or enamel wire from a glass tube, the speed
could be even slower, or stop for several seconds.
Therefore, we can see from these experiments that the speed at which solid
target objects pass through spatial barriers can be very slow, speeds slow
enough to be followed by the human eye. However there were also changes. We
reason that often we are not able to see the processes because the walls are to
thin. These are granular shaped target objects passing through thin walls in a
number of milliseconds. High speed cameras or slow motion video cameras can
show the visible time progression. This more clearly proves the objective
reality of the paranormal ability of breaking through spatial barriers.
C. In the process of the experiments the walls of the containers have to
have a slit, small bole or stopper for the experiment to succeed. The objects
cannot be removed from a completely closed container. However, in these
experiments we discovered that the point at which the objects pass through the
spatial barrier is not at the slit, the hole or between the wall and the
stopper, but is in the wall of the container. What then, is the significance
of the slit, hole or border between the stopper and the wall of the container?
Is it a psychological requirement or a physical requirement? This is something
that requires further study.
From the analysis of the video tapes and high speed photographs of 25
successful experiments in breaking through spatial barriers by a young subject
with paranormal abilities, we have proved the existence of one type of
paranormal ability - the ability to pass through spatial barriers, that the pas
through point can be the wall of the container, and furthermore, that the
passing through the walls occurs over a period of time.
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APPRECIATION: During the process of these experiments we were aided by
chairman Zhang Zhenhuan and comrade Qian Xuelin. We received guidance from
Office Chief Chen Xin and Associate Professor Wang Xiubi. We were directly
assisted by comrades Zhai Yanxiang, Jiang Gongzhi, Chen Zhiming, Liu Yuezi,
Tian Huilai, Liu Min, Cheng Meiyu, Liu Hu, Li Chenxiang, Wei Yanfang and Yao
Wenlan. We would like to show our appreciation to all these individuals here.
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