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(remote o 'ja14ad~j, ups ase '~b~ o i1'~S bA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 23234!4'87 VIEW? 480 REMOTE(W)VIEW? 4111 RUSSIA 22480 SOVIET 57265 USSR S4 4 (REMOTE()VIEW?) AND (RUSSIA OR SOVIET OR USSR) ?t s4/6,k/all >>>KWIC option is not available in file(s): 6 4/6,K/1 (Item 1 from file: 4) DIALOG(R)File 4:(c) 1995 Institution of Electrical Engineers. All rts. reserv. 03412835 IN FEC Abstract Number: B89051088, C89042209 Title: Robot m suring devic for contact-free inspection Abstract: A s manufacturers for machine-produced i systems based with rapid pro cameras, charge-coupled devices and lasers, 4/6,x/2 ( tern 1 from file: 6) 1791915 NTIS A ss' Number: DE94009330/XAB + Video imaging fo clear Safeguards NTIS Prices: C' A03 F A01 4/6,K/3 (I em 2 from file: 6) 1393528 NTIS Ac ssion Number: DE88703944/XAB USSR Program fo Science'and Engineering Support of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agen ),.?'Safeguards. Problem 5.1. Development of Safeguards Procedures for a Pool, a BN Fast Reactor U.S. Sales Only. 4/6,K/4 (It e from,f'ile: 6) 1374378 NTIS Access n,NLmber: DE88704409/XAB Possible Procedures for IAEA (International Aomic Energy Agency) Safeguards at NPP wiii R-1000 Reactor., Technical Recommendations ?logoff of devices produced by *Soviet* and other ct-free measurement of shape and surface finish of resented. The survey covers *remote* *viewing* Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 1ST STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. PAGE Copyright l,4ppd" daF4r'n eCZQ90I0?Ilpslip)/~ gkPP uqlggQQgpQa30003-9 Copyright Phi Delta Kappa Inc. 1993 Phi Delta Kappan November, 1993 SECTION: Vol. 75 ; No. 3 ; Pg. 266; ISSN: 0031-7217 HEADLINE: Multicultural perspectives in science education: one prescription for failure; criticism of essays.-on science used in schools BYLINE: Klotz,, Irving M. BODY: ... thoughts and emotions. (p. 5-13) The ancient Egyptians were known the world over as the masters of . . . psi psychoenergetics : precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing and other underdeveloped human capabilities. (p. S-41) Psychoenergetics (also known in the scientific community as parapsychology and psychotronics) is the''. multidisciplinary study of the interface and`,-interaction of human consciousness with`, energy and matter. . . . Psipsychoenergetics as a true scientific discipline, is ... ... astronomical sciences. Instead, the budding astrophysicist should concentrate on psychoenergetics, seeking to acquire and develop talents in precognition, psychokinesis, remote viewing, and related modes of obtaining information. What an oppressive intellectual burden that would be. The Baseline Essay on Science also informs students, For the ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 Phi Delta Kappan, November, 1993 ... inculca~cRp~Rtvoeq JFu% RgJgas(q tQ811 Q (P IPM0OM 200230003-9 A more recent fusion of science and religion -- Stalinist Marxism -- occurred in the Soviet\Union. In this case, "his holiness" ruled, among other things, that Mendelian genetics contradicted the doctrine in his "holy scripture" -- dialectical, materialism. All geneticists in the Soviet Union were admonished to "abstain altogether from teaching or defending this opinion and doctrine and even from discussing it." Those who objected were lucky if they were merely imprisoned. Buddhism, or of the Ainu, Aztec, Zuni, or Inuit people? Are we simply going to hide from students the. stories of Galileo and of the suppression of genetics in the Soviet Union? Will this prepare them to become practicing scientists or productive citizens? Let us scrutinize a few more passing assertions ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 2ND STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approve d,F~gi. IQas 2W0AW1WcCIA RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The Washington Post April 17, 1988, Sunday, Final Edition SECTION: OUTLOOK; PAGE C3; THE MILITARY; OUTPOSTS LENGTH: 2175 words HEADLINE: The Pentagon's Twilight Zone BYLINE: Sally Squires BODY: ... general. Psychics. Seers. Clairvoyance. The Army wanted him back and was willing to try almost anything. Using _, technique known as "remote viewing," the psychics thought they could fi '153zie )in their minds and direct security forces to his location. lives, people tout the power of the pyramid and high-ranking U.S. military officers relax in Esalen hot tubs with their Soviet counterparts, many people say that it is not even unusual that the military should be looking at varied ways to enhance human ... ... memorandum to the principal deputy assistant secretary of the army. "These include such areas as: accelerated learning, inferential focus, previsualization, psychokinetics and biokinetics, remote viewing, biophysical stress prevention, etc. Do any of these areas hold potential value to the Army?" The Army has tried to find out. intelligence communities have looked into these controversial fields. In 1952, for example, Dr. J.B. Rhine -- considered the dean of American parapsychology -- conducted extrasensory perception (ESP) tests for the Army. Ten years later, Air Force scientists tested college ... ... undetected (actually, without even being there). Whether such mind's-eye-spying can work remains a matter of debate. The trouble with remote viewing, clairvoyance, sleep learning, guided imagery and other unconventional ways of enhancing human performance is that the scientific proof to support them has always been ... ... some of these phenomena, particularly ESP, which they say can't be explained by other reasons. There has also been concern among the military and the intelligence circles that the Soviets might be moving ahead in the development of psychic abilities. These concerns were fueled by reports from Soviet defectors of extensive research into parapsychology. According to these reports, the Russians were able to influence the behavior of others, alter emotions or health and knock people out or kill them through mental telepathy. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The Washington Post, April 17, 1988 A report b A ~ DO ed F O~n P11 i~ 0QPIQ 1 1A B1D@B OQ902002300 9 par c o ogy "included sending to the recipient the"anxiety associated with f a dizzying blow to the head suffocation and the sensation o western followers of psychic ... ... Donn Starry, then a four-star general in charge of the Army's Training and Doctrine command. Starry concluded that as the U.S. and the Soviet Union came closer to being equal in high-tech equipment, the difference -- or delta -- in the superpowers' armies would come down to the way soldiers performed. The Search for Data But meanwhile, there was no comprehensive look at parapsychology or any of these other techniques. There was no proven scientific evidence to show that they existed, let alone might be harassed for the Army of the ... committee were stress management, biofeedback, accelerated learning, and such paranormal phenomenona as psychokinesis (the ability to physcially move things with the mind), ESP and remote viewing. The NRC report, called""Enhancing Human Performance?" was released on Dec. 8 and co-nclucTe t"Fiat most of here unconventional techniques were "scientifically Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 3RD STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approve pShRel se?9991 ?klgo CSRDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 i% ngton Post April 26,t 1987, Su iday, Final Edition SECTION: BOOK WORLD; PAGE Xll LENGTH: 814 words HEADLINE: Spying in the Twilight Zone BYLINE: Rory Quirk BODY: ... pp. $ 16.95 YOU'VE GOT TO hand it to anyone who can create a readable novel out of U.S.-Soviet research into the paranormal, which is what David Wise has done in The Samarkand Dimension, an arresting and engaging spy thriller in which blind for the launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base, the CIA literally gets some very bad vibes, namely that the Soviets have sabotaged the project through telekinesis -- the ability to move objects through mental concentration. The agency taps one of its most tried and trusted agents, Markham, to penetrate the Soviet parapsychology facility at Samarkand, deep in Soviet Central Asia. His orders are simple: Report back on the state of Soviet research into the paranormal. And, in the event that his cover is blown and he elects not to kill himself, he has the agency's blessing to cooperate with his captors rather than ... It's a surreal journey into a world of experiments where documents in remote locations are accessed by psychics through "remote viewing," thoughts are "implanted" in unrealizing humans, and laboratory animals are zombieized with doses of "psychic energy." "You've turned a rabbit into ... Markham. "True," sniffs a research honcho, "but it's a far cry from being able to zap a Soviet leader in the Kremlin from a distance of 4,800 miles. In terms of practical application, we have a long way to go." ... ... Kansas, on the Denver-Chicago run. AFTER this lengthy lull, Wise gets things rolling as Markham/Weaver is "dangled to the Soviets as a vulnerable, alcoholic, in-debt American scientist with access to secret research into the military and intelligence applications of parapsychology." The KGB bites, and Markham is whisked off to Samarkand to try to finesse his double agent high wire act for some very skeptical Soviet interrogators. When his seemingly airtight cover is unexpectedly shredded, the Soviets start demanding hard answers, and the whole operation unravels with riveting grimness. Markham's interrogation and torture are convincingly nightmarish -- "Ludmilla Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 4TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approved For RR[e~~ 2~9Q1f/1 Q~cplA-RDP96-00791 R000200230 Reuters North European Service NOVEMBER 12, (1985,\TUESDAY, BC CYCLE LENGTH: 832 words -IEADLINE: SUPERPOWERS SAID STUDYING PSYCHIC PHENOMENA FOR MILITARY USE BYLINE: BY CHRISTOPHER HANSON DATELINE: WASHINGTON, NOV 12 BODY: STUFF OF SCIENCE FICTION -- BUT A U.S. DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (DIA) -REPORT EXPRESSES FEAR THAT A MAJOR SOVIET 'PSYCHOTRONIC' RESEARCH EFFORT MAY BE DEVELOPING JUST SUCH MENTAL POWERS. 'SOVIET AND CZECH PSYCHOTRONIC RESEARCH ... HAS POWERFUL POTENTIAL FOR USE AS AN EFFECTIVE WEAPON AGAINST GROUPS OF MEN AND LEADERS,' ACCORDING TO THE REPORT, A COPY OF WHICH WAS PROVIDED TO REUTERS BY A PRIVATE SOURCE. SOME SCEPTICS HAVE DISMISSED REPORTS ABOUT SOVIET PSYCHIC EXPERIMENTS AS 'DISINFORMATION' AIMED AT CONFUSING THE WEST. MANY MAINSTREAM SCIENTISTS REJECT PSYCHIC RESEARCH. EVEN SO, ... TESTS IN WHICH PSYCHICS, SITTING IN A LABORATORY AND GIVEN MAP COORDINATES OF MILITARY BASES AND NUCLEAR PLANTS IN THE SOVIET UNION, DESCRIBED THOSE SITES IN DETAIL THAT WAS CONSISTENT WITH CIA DATA. A CIA SPOKESMAN WOULD NOT COMMENT ON WHETHER OR NOT SUCH TESTS HAD BEEN ... c- jam, c. 1717- -.- ('~Ol~"13 YEARS SRI S CARRIED OUT A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR SERIES OF U. S. GOVERNMENT EXPER TENT` N 'REMOTE VIEWING', WHICH THEY DESCRIBE AS 'THE PERCEPTION OF EVENTS, OBJECTS OR PEOPLE WHICH ARE HIDDEN FROM THE FIVE SENSES.' IN THESE EXPERIMENTS, THEY SAY, A PSYCHOLOGIST WOULD SIT WITH A ... PINS -- WERE REMARKABLY ACCURATE, THE EVIDENT RESULT OF SOME TELEPATHIC MENTAL PROCESS NOT YET UNDERSTOOD. TARG TOLD REUTERS SOVIET SCIENTISTS HAVE SHOWN GREAT INTEREST IN THEIR RESEARCH, HAVE MET THEM IN THE UNITED STATES AND INVITED THEM TO THE SOVIET UNION FOR TALKS. THE RUSSIANS WERE ESPECIALLY INTERESTED IN WHETHER A WAY COULD BE FOUND TO SCREEN OFF SECRETS FROM PSYCHIC INTRUSION. THE DIA REPORT, 'SOVIET AND CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PARAPSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH', IS BASED LARGELY ON SOVIET SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE AND DESCRIBES A LARGE-SCALE KREMLIN PROGRAMME INCLUDING MIND-OVER-MATTER EXPERIMENTS, A FIELD KNOWN AS PSYCHOKINESIS. IT SAID IN ONE SET OF EXPERIMENTS A SOVIET PSYCHIC STOOD IN A LABORATORY BESIDE A FROG'S HEART WHICH HAD BEEN SURGICALLY REMOVED AND KEPT BEATING Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 Reuters North European Service, NOVEMBER 12, 1985 ARTIFICIALLY. /o1 rS~ e MN For , e~I Se 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200230003-9 ... STOPPED ITS BEAT ENTIRELY,' THE REPORT SAID. HER ABILITY 'MIGHT BE USED AGAINST HUMAN TARGETS,' IT SAID. THE REPORT SAID SOVIET SCIENTISTS HAD REPORTED ON EXPERIMENTS IN WHICH PSYCHICS MOVED OR LEVITATED OBJECTS THROUGH MIND-POWER. IT SAID IN OTHER EXPERIMENTS REPORTED BY SOVIET SCIENTISTS PSYCHICS HYPNOTIZED PEOPLE HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY BY TELEPATHY. MUCH SOVIET RESEARCH DESCRIBED IN-THE REPORT DEALS WITH A THEORY THAT PSYCHIC ABILITIES STEM FROM A FORM OF BRAIN ENERGY THAT CAN BE IDENTIFIED. SOVIET SCIENTISTS HAVE DEVELOPED A MACHINE THEY SAY CAN EXTRACT ENERGY FROM THE BRAIN, AND REPORT THAT FLIES EXPOSED TO A BEAM OF SUCH ENERGY ' ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 PAGE 9 5TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approved For feleas I 1OB/ t0 sCLi4dRDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 November 1 SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 931 words BYLINE: By Christopher Hanson DATELINE: WASHINGTON, Nov 8 BODY: ... stuff of science fiction -- but a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report expresses fear that a major Soviet "psychotronic" research effort may be developing just such mental powers. "Soviet and Czech psychotronic research ... has powerful potential for use as an effective weapon against groups of men and leaders," according to the report, a copy of which was provided to Reuters by a private source. Some skeptics have dismissed reports about Soviet psychic experiments as "disinformation" aimed at confusing the West. Many mainstream scientists reject psychic research. tests in which psychics, sitting in a laboratory and given map coordinates of military bases and nuclear plants in the Soviet Union, described those sites in detail that was consistent with CIA data. A CIA spokesman would not comment on whether or not such tests had been ... ... years SRI has been carrying out a multi-million dollar series of U.S. government experiments in so-called "remote viewing", which they describe as "the perception of events, objects or people which are hidden from the five senses." In these experiments, they say, a psychologist would sit with a " ... ... pins -- were remarkably accurate, the evident result of some telepathic mental process not yet understood. Targ told Reuters Soviet scientists have shown great interest in their research, have met with them in the United States and invited them to the Soviet Union for talks. The Soviets were especially interested in whether a way could be found to screen off secrets from psychic intrusion. The DIA report, "Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research", is based largely on Soviet scientific literature and describes a large-scale Kremlin program including mind-over-matter experiments, a field known as psychokinesis. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 ~~~,~,,~,~,, Reuters Ltd., November 10, 1985 It said in of ''gtVec Fe-c~~~h~~tS#~$Q)i4$/Yc1TJcA"hpd9'iY~M7~u112QQ003-9 PIS ZV in a laboratory beside the heart of a frog, which had been surgically removed and placed ... ... beat entirely," the report said. Kulagina's ability "might be used against human targets," the report said. It said Soviet scientists had reported extensively on experiments in which psychics moved or levitated objects through mind-power, a skill that could be used to "deactivate power supplies or to steal military documents." Larissa Vilenskaya, a scientist who says she particiapted in Soviet psychic studies for 10 years before emigrating to the United States, wrote in a recent book that Kulagina managed to affect human heartbeats in a number of experiments. The report said in other experiments reported by Soviet scientists, including Vilenskaya, psychics hypnotized people hundreds of miles away telepathically. It said some western experts are concerned that such hypnosis could be used against "U.S. or allied personel in (nuclear) missile silos." Much of the Soviet research described in the report deals with a theory that psychic abilities stem from a form of brain energy that can be identified and studied. Soviet scientists have developed a machine which they say can extract energy from the brain, and report that when flies were exposed to a beam of such energy they " Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 6TH STORY o_f..Level.....2...._Printed in KWIC format. t F 07918000200230003-9 S Ol s = Appop rort ForRllea oa0 The November l k, 1984,) Tuesday Transcript #2382 LENGTH: 9398 words HEADLINE: Economy in '85: What's Ahead?; Libel: Taking on the Press; Hearts and Minds: Type A Syndrome; Psychic Warfare BODY: for a record $7.25 billion, and the United States claimed, and Nicaragua confirmed, the Sandinistas have received helicopters and other arms from the Soviet Union, but no jet fighters. Robin? MacNEIL: Here's our NewsHour rundown tonight. First, the news of the day, then our newsmaker interview with the economist ... ... wants to be a peaceful neighbor. MacNEIL: Nicaragua's Foreign Minister Miguel D'Escoto confirmed today that the recent mystery shipment from the Soviet Union consisted of sophisticated helicopter gunships. And he told an ABC News interviewer that U.S. charges that Nicaragua was building its forces to attack its for a suspension of U.S. missile shipments to Western Europe as a way of reopening stalled nuclear arms talks with the Soviets. Trudeau was speaking after receiving the Albert Einstein Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts last year to bring the U.S. and the Soviet Union into a dialogue. PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU, former Prime Minister of Canada: It is the political leaders in office who ... Gault has our next focus section. Charlayne? Psychic ar?are_........... CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT: Robin, the debate is over something called parapsychology or the science of psychic phenomena. it is an open secret that both the United States and the Soviet Union have sponsored research into things like ESP, extrasensory perception,_ to see if. there is any military use for such phenomena. For example, ... move objects to sabotage the enemy -- for example, jamming their computers from a safe distance away. And there's alsso intoawhat's picture known as remote viewing, trying to mentally like detecting where the enemy's missiles are hidden. At a conference of scientists this ... a little uneven. The on y parapsychologist and the author of a book on the Sovietresear into t fi He joins us tonight from plc station KQ in San Francisco. Mr. Ebon, what does it mean to be ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 1984 EBC & GWETA. All Rights Reserved, November 13, 1984 ... two of rgyPCtf.R~ RqtFagg.201Q /0OLOofCI&PJ)P9.fig00a7 Dfl0.2fl0 30003-9 telekinesis is still, I think, in the realm of science fiction. The remote viewing hypothesis, I think that is much more fundamentally correct. And what was the first one on your list? I don't recall. ... ... it -- HUNTER-GAULT: Looking to telepathy to find submerged submarines and so on. Mr. EBON: That, of course, is something that has interested the Soviet Union particularly, and of course it interests us, too, because they cannot reach submerged submarines by wireless, by radio. But, again, the experiments, such as they have been, I think on both sides of the Atlantic, certainly in the Soviet Union, as far as know, and I concentrate on the Soviet Union, have not been -- had any breakthroughs. We'll have to let these exploratory things go on, and then I think we can see whether there is something drastic that has ... think -- well, psychic arms race is again one of these exaggerated terms. Parallel psychical research is being done in the Soviet Union under other terms. They, for instance, refer to telepathy as biocommunications. They call psychokinesis psychotronics. And this has been going for 20 years or ... ... for that matter, phlegmatic. There's a middle ground. HUNTER-GAULT: I understand. You just said that you specifically concentrate on the Soviets. What specifically have they done in this area that might have military applications? Mr. EBON: Well, virtually anything in this field and many ... interested in animal experiments and in human experiments. For instance, they have made experiments between Moscow and Leningrad and other Soviet cities using telepathists and trying very hard to do something which I think is very imaginative, but also rather risky, namely, to enhance the telepathic ... KURTZ: No, we have an open mind. We believe in continuing inquiry into claims. People are interested in ESP, telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis, and we're willing to examine that. We think it should be examined. However, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, we think that has-not been proven. There is no ... ... I think, Charlayne, it's very important that there be careful scientific research. We mustn't dismiss any claim to knowledge. And the point about parapsychology, after 100 years'it's so full of holes, chicanery and fraud too, that I would urge great caution. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 7TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. ARRIov gc tF9EBe4? fiVecp.Oq q8B lg g1 R R6-00791 R000200230003-9 Time January 23( 1984,\U.S. Edition SECTION: NATION; Pg. 17 LENGTH: 692 words HEADLINE: An E.S.P. Gap; Exploring psychic weapons BODY: ... Zodiac," psychic and palm reader. By looking at top-secret photographs and charts, the clairvoyant attempted to predict the movements of Soviet submarines off the East Coast. Madame Zodiac's payment: $ 400 cash. Ronald McRae, a former investigative reporter ... ... published this spring. It is one of several forthcoming works, written by both skeptics and believers, on the military's forays into parapsychology, the quasi-science that studies the interaction of mind and matter. According to McRae, who is skeptical of psychic claims, the Department of Denfense has spent $ ... The Pentagon denies any interest in parapsychology. A Denfense Department spokesman said last week that officials had scrutinized the budgets for fiscal years 1983 and 1984 "and ... ... financed psychic research to study the "shell game" basing mode for the MX missile, a system that would attempt to confuse Soviet military strategists by shifting missiles among a number of concrete shelters. Other esoteric programs uncovered by ... . CIA or both funded his psychic research programs, but he maintains that there was a "multimillion-dollar" project, part of which focused on "remote viewing" experiments. In one test, Targ went to Grant's Tomb in New York City and tried to transmit an ... view, which she said "makes me think of a restaurant or museum." Her vision, Targ argues, was remarkably accurate. On a visit to the U.S.S.R. in October, Targ found that the Soviets had replicated some of the experiments he and his colleagues had reported in scientific journals.Says Targ: "In the Soviet Union, psychic research is taken seriously at the highest levels." sighting submarines by clairvoyance? Sending signals with E.S.P." Representative ... ... a look. "Some people think this is the work os the devil," says he. "Others think it may be the holy spirit. If the Soviets, as is evident, feel it is worthwhile, I am willing to spend a few bucks." Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 8TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. PAGE 14 Approy@AF LR@[qgs@g0 /0,WM iqs`- fa -00791 R000200230003-9 The New York Times January 10, 1984 Tuesday, Late City Final Edition SECTION: Section C; Page 1, umn 1; Science Desk LENGTH: 1888 words HEADLINE: PENTAGON IS SAID TO FOCUS ON ESP FOR WARTIME USE BYLINE: By WILLIAM J. BROAD ... a'high-level review of psychic research behind the Iron Curtain in an attempt to assess a possible Soviet threat. The Pentagon denies that it is spending money on psychic research. The assertions to the contrary appear in a trio of ... For more than a century scientists have clashed over what is now called parapsychology. Some praise it as a legitimate study led by bold visionaries, while others decry it as a ... dollar- program of psychic research financed by the Defense Department and intelligence agencies. The key experiments had to do with what Mr. Targ calls ''remote viewing,'' in which gifted individuals were said to be able to describe distant locations, events and objects. In 1976, for instance, a " ... . so basing scheme in which each MX missile would be secretly shifted among a bevy of concrete bunkers so that Soviet planners would never know which shelter to aim at in a first strike. positive enough to suggest increased MX vulnerability. The former aide, Barbara Honegger, who holds a degree in parapsychology and left the Reagan Administration this fall, confirmed in a telephone interview that the experiments had been done. But she said she did not know whether the ... professional psychic over the course of ll months. Showing the woman top-secret photographs and charts, he had her try to predict the position of Soviet submarines off the East Coast. And she was not alone. Mr. McRae said that the Navy has employed at least 34 psychics, ... All of those who say that the military is engaged in psychic research contend it stems largely from fear that Soviet psychic breakthroughs might mean the American armed forces could be quietly put out of commission. Specialists from the Central Intelligence Agency are ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The New York Times, January 10, 1984 Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96i-gg79i'4. q QPg30003-9 visited one of the nation's top parapsychologists o e Dn whether psychics could jam computers. Jimmy Carter was worried about the Soviet threat in 1976 before he was inaugurated President, according to Mr. McRae, and had a private audience with Jri Geller. The Israeli mentalist told him that the Soviet Union screened all children for paranormal powers. In 1977, Mr. McRae says, Mr. Carter ordered a nigh-level review of Soviet psychic research. The secret report, completed in 1978, found no evidence of a massive ''psycho-warfare'' project such as Mr. Deller had warned of, but it did find definite Soviet interest. White House officials in office during the Carter Administration say either that they had no !knowledge of such Presidential concern or that they can neither confirm nor deny that it existed. The Russian side of the parapsychology story is emphasized in ''Psychic 'Warfare, by Martin Ebon, published this fall by McGraw-Hill. Mr. Ebon says the Soviet Union was goaded into action in 1960 by false reports that the United States Navy conducted telepathy experiments to try to keep ... ... world's first nuclear-powered submarine, as it cruised under the Arctic icecap. Those reports touched off a flurry of Soviet projects, according to Mr. Ebon. He notes a 1972 analysis by the American Defense Intelligence Agency, which states that ''the major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics and bionics are said to come from the Soviet military and the K.G.B. Mr. Ebon devotes a chapter to the knotty problem of how Soviet materialism can accommodate itself to a belief in parapsychology, which in the eyes of some Western analysts is but a short step to the anathema of Karl Marx - the supernatural. ''In the Soviet Union itself,'' he writes, ''bureaucratic and academic pragmatists are at odds with dogmatic ideologues. Within the Soviet bloc, positions range from the determinedly experimental in Czechoslovakia to the disdainfully hostile in East Germany. Are the superpowers, in fact, ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 PAGE e 9TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Copyright 19 83`p1i t fo4irA~q spo?oQao%i`ffils onCCff-Z~`f~%%-ritif~n7pc p 28230003-9 Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science December SECTION: Vol. 222 ; Pg. 997; ISSN: 0036-80 LENGTH: 555 words HEADLINE: Parapsychology update. BYLINE: Holden, Constance. BODY: Parapsychology Update At least one member of Congress, Senator Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.), has publicly expressed an interest in parapsychology, but apparently there are quite a few others sufficiently curious to ask the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to report on the ... ... research in the United States, almost all from private sources. In contrast, research is more or less thriving in the Soviet Union where speculation puts the funding at tens of millions of dollars. However, the only recognized application is dowsing, which is taught to mineralogists and geologists at the Omsk Polytechnical Institute. The People's Republic of China is said to have developed a fairly recent interest in parapsychology, including psychic healing. In the United States, the field has been chiefly explored by psychologists, but physicists have become increasingly ... ... example, the possible disturbance of the memory functions of single microelectronic chips. So far, the most striking results appear to be coming from remote viewing experiments. At Stanford Research Institute physicist Harold Puthoff is conducting double-blind experiments where a person is sent ... SUBJECT: United States. Congressional Research Service, Reports; Clairvoyance, Research; Parapsychology, Political aspects; Parapsychology and science, Research ; Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 10TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approved For Release 2000e0~8~'~g5CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The Associated Press. November SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 911 words 1983 Monday, PM cycle HEADLINE: U.S. Military Research: From War Games to Mind Games? BYLINE: By BARTON REPPERT, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: The United States should undertake more research into potential mind-control weapons to counter Soviet advances in "psychotronic warfare," according to a U.S. Army study disclosed in a new book. The Pentagon study, author Martin Ebon writes, reported that the Soviet Union appears to have made "significant progress" toward developing psychic weaponry that could play a role on future battlefields. Ebon contended that mind-altering effects or "remote monitoring of brain wave activity" were among possible reasons behind the Soviet microwave bombardment of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. "Soviet scientists view the brain as an apparatus available for probing and manipulation," he said. "They are well aware that perfected techniques in ... Publication of Ebon's book, "Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion?" comes amid increased interest in parapsychology research on Capitol Hill as well as within the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies. A report prepared recently by the ... ... persuasion, mischief and disinformation," it said. Psi phenomena include various forms of extrasensory perception, for example telepathy and "remote viewing" of-distant locations. Another form is "psychokinesis," the ability to move or bend solid objects with the mind. Critics of parapsychology, however, charge that much of the research on those effects is either scientifically unsound or fraudulent. Other skeptics argue that even if the phenomena exist, they are ?? research include Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. He said he had discussed the parapsychology field with Soviet researchers during a visit to the Soviet Union in August. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The Associated Press, November Approved For Release 2000/08/10: C~t~Wa07QJRQQD2OW30003-9 1 " I personally have never experienced or seen a P -ecent .. completed by Warsaw Pact countries during the past decade in the area of sychic phenomena, of which psychotronics is one element." The Soviet Union, in particular, appears to have made significant progress oward developing psychotronic weapons," said the Army study, entitled "Fire . 1970s, when the agency was under intense criticism and scrutiny on :apitol Hill. _--But a U S. government official familiar-with the parapsychology field, who there spoke on the condition that he not be identified,--said that currently "there seems to be somewhat renewed interest at the CIA ..~ ... Yuri V. Andropov and other Kremlin officials during their Aug. 17-21 visit to Moscow. In his private discussions with Soviet parapsychologists, Pell said he had !been unable to get a "firm handle" on the overall scope of scientific resources Moscow is devoting to this ... for too short a time to go into anything in any depth," he said. The Congressional Research Service report said Soviet annual spending on psi research has been "speculated to amount to tens of millions of dollars." By contrast, total funding for parapsychology studies in the United States "probably does not greatly exceed $500,000" a year currently, with most of the money coming from foundations and other private sources, it said. Speculation over possible purposes behind the Soviet microwave bombardment of the Moscow embassy believed to have begun as early asy19553j has centeredronic largely on use of the beams for eavesdropping or to am .. elt intelligence-gathering equipment. However, Ebon wrote that "another hypothesis is Soviet use of radiation to effect mind-changes in embassy personnel." An additional possibility is that the beams may have been "used to 'read tuning microwaves to the level of brain waves," said Ebon, a New York-based professional writer specializing in Soviet affairs. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 PAGE 19 11TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approved For Releasq~2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 o a ed press The materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The Associated Press. November 6, 1983, Sunday, AM cycle SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 1112 words HEADLINE: Study Cites Soviet Progress on Mind Weapons BYLINE: By BARTON REPPERT, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: The Soviet Union has achieved "significant progress" toward developing mind-control weapons, according to a U.S. Army study disclosed in ... ... Martin Ebon contends that mind-altering effects or "remote monitoring of brain wave activity" are among possible reasons behind the Soviet microwave bombardment of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. "Soviet scientists view the brain as an apparatus available for probing and manipulation," Ebon says. "They are well aware that perfected techniques ... Publication of Ebon's book, "Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion?" comes amid (increased interest in parapsychology research on Capitol Hill as well as within e Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies. Psi phenomena include various forms of extrasensory perception, for example telepathy and "remote viewing" of distant locations. Another form is "psychokinesis," the ability to move or bend solid objects with the mind. Critics of parapsychology, however, charge that much of the research on those effects is either scientifically unsound or fraudulent. Other skeptics argue that even if the phenomena exist-, they are too ... ... include Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said he had discussed the parapsychology field with Soviet researchers during a visit to the Soviet Union in August. "I personally have never experienced or seen a psychic event," Pell said in a recent ... ... completed by Warsaw Pact countries during the past decade in the area of psychic phenomena, of which psychotronics is one element." Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 The Associated Press, November 6, 1983 PAGE 20 "The soviAnP!9!Qd fnorBpiq@ISaa1,20~0/08/10 : CIA-RDdP96-00791 R000200230003-9 2T~ rr, pears to nave ma e significant progress toward developing psychotronic weapons," said the Army study, entitled "Fire ... 1970s, when the agency was under intense criticism and scrutiny on Capitol Hill. But a U.S. government official familiar with the parapsychology field, who spoke on the condition that he not be identified, said that currently "there seems to be somewhat renewed interest at the CIA ... . Yuri V. Andropov and other Kremlin officials during their Aug. 17-21 visit to Moscow. In his private discussions with Soviet parapsychologists, Pell said he had been unable to get a "firm handle" on the overall scope of scientific resources Moscow is devoting to this ... ... short a time to go into anything in any depth," he said. The senator said he has been particularly impressed by psychokinesis and remote-viewing research being conducted by Robert G. Jahn, dean of the School of Engineering-Applied Science at Princeton University. ... batches of 9,000 plastic spheres tumbling through a "random mechanical cascade." The Congressional Research Service report said Soviet annual spending on psi research has been "speculated to amount to tens of millions of dollars." By contrast, total funding for parapsychology studies in the United States "probably does not greatly exceed $500,000" a year currently, with most of the money coming from ... ... criticized by Paul Kurtz, chairman of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, a group which is skeptical about parapsychology. "In no sense is this an adequate account of the status of research, because the whole parapsychological area is rife with controversy," said Kurtz, ... ... results in other laboratories it's very elusive." Ebon, a New York-based professional writer specializing in Soviet affairs, asserted in his book that there was already considerable "circumstantial evidence" pointing to the Soviet KGB's "unorthodox use of electronic means" in an effort to influence human behavior. Speculation over possible purposes behind the Soviet microwave bombardment of the Moscow embassy believed to have begun as early as 1953 has centered largely on use of the beams for eavesdropping or to try to jam U.S. electronic intelligence-gathering equipment. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 12TH STORY of Level 2 printed in KWIC format. Approved For Relas~ 2000/08/1-0 ? CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 e ssoclate rThe materials in the AP file were compiled by The Associated Press. These materials may not be republished without the express written consent of The June SECTION: Washington Dateline LENGTH: 676 words Thursday, PM cycle HEADLINE: Committee Recommends Assessment of Parapsychology BYLINE: By BARTON REPPERT, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: The esoteric world of parapsychology may now merit a "serious assessment" by Congress to help decide whether further research is warranted, according to a study prepared for the House Science and Technology Committee. Parapsychology, which involves heavily disputed phenomena such as "remote viewing" and influencing people at a distance through mental powers, is among more than 150 science and technology issues included ... ... two years to compile tI 530-page survey. The report's section on "the physics of consciousness" said recent experiments in remote viewing and other aspects of parapsychology "suggest that there exists an 'interconnectiveness' of the human mind with other minds and with matter." Experiments on person-to-person phenomena have offered " ... ... other areas such as investigative work, education and "mind-initiated cures" in medicine. The study observed that U.S. research in parapsychology has received relatively low financial backing "largely because the credibility and potential yield of such research is widely questioned, although less today than ever before." "Given the potentially powerful and far-reaching implications of knowledge in this field, and -given that the Soviet union is widely acknowledged to be supporting such research at a far higher and more officiarl level, Congress may wish to undertake ... > ~^ Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 ... Extras AP p,~ggcFp"i ease 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9 3/5,K/3 (Item 3)from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 8 Ac demic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 03039561 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* *Parapsychology* update. Holden, Constance. ISSN: 0036-8075 AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00048 NAMED PERSON(S): Jahn, Robert--Research; Puthoff, Harold--Research DESCRIPTORS: *United* States. Congressional Research Service... ...*Clairvoyance*... ...*Parapsychology*--... ...*Parapsychology* and science *Parapsychology* update. TEXT: *Parapsychology* Update .member of Congress, Senator Claiborne Pell'D-R.I.), has publicly expressed an interest in *parapsychology ,--but'"apparently there are quite a few others sufficiently curious to ask the Congressional Research... ...almost all from private sources. In contrast, research is more or less thriving in the *Soviet* Union where speculation puts the funding at tens of millions of dollars. However, the only... ...People's Republic of China is said to have developed a fairly recent interest in *parapsychology*, including psychic healing. In the United States, the field has been chiefly explored by psychologists... ...of single microelectronic chips. So far, the most striking-results appear to be coming from *remote* *v .,ewing_* experiments. At Stanford Research Institute physicist Harold 2PTORS: *United* States. Congressional Research Service... ...*Clairvoyance*... ...*Parapsychology*--... ...*Parapsychology* and science ?logoff 02feb95 09:48:33 User221729 Session D338.3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230003-9