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Approved For Release 2003/01/17 : CIA-RDP96-0078980039002130004-8
bite threats
)efore blast
r Bruce Frankel
NEW YORK - Investigators
aesday said they are puzzled
'er the disappearance of a vid-
,tape that may have recorded
'hides in the World Trade
enter garage before it explod-
I Friday.
And authorities revealed the
S. Embassy in Algeria re-
ived two threats from the
)puler Front for the Libera-
)n' of Palestine that it would
ow up a building in New York
late January.
Police Commissioner Ray-
ond Kelly said authorities be-
ved the threat had passed
e videotape is missing
By Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY
ANOTHER SCARE: A port authority employee tells workers at a reopened part of the World Trade
Center complex Tuesday to leave after a bomb threat. Workers later returned to the complex.
ien the second deadline - culiar," said James Fox, head of
n. 26, requiring Israel to al- the FBI's bureau in New York.
N 400 expelled Palestinians to "Incredible, isn't it?"
turn - passed uneventfully. Videotapes were recovered
Meanwhile, New York City on Monday for the period from
3200,000 reward for informa- day morning, and from Friday ginaf quality, though subject to looking at several terrorist 50 minutes, authorities
n leading to the arrest and morning to Saturday moring. enhancement, Fox said. groups, including the extremist searched the train station be-
oviction of those responsible Missing. a sequence video- Asked what he would tell the Hamas which is opposed to neath the center while fright-.
authorities cautioned against day at 8 am. to Friday at 8 a.m., to find it! ... Now!" The investigation is spread-
investigation suspicious package later was
ape: --zou couia cal it pe- --sear- of the massive explosion. of brown metal from a vehicle from Michigan, Illinois, New rials.
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A Port Authority employee had been recovered, authorities
has told investigators he may said there is "no reason to raise
have misplaced it, Fox said. It speculation" that`a brown van
may still be buried. with a stripe may have held the
Hampshire and elsewhere.
Seeking to dampen expecta-,
tions of a quick resolution, Fox.
said, "No new dramatic witness
is going to solve this case for us.
Also on Tuesday:
- Investigators pulled about
10 cars from the garage and be-
gan vacuuming them inside and;
outside and scraping their un-
dercarriages. If nothing perti4
nent is found, the cars will be,
returned to their owners.
- Bomb experts said the ex-,'
plosion took place on the B-2'
level below the Vista Hotel in:
the public parking area.
-, The New York City Comp-?
troller's office estimated the`
bombing could cost about $700;
million in lost business during
the first week after the blast
- For the second day in a
row, a retaining wall collapsed
near the crater - described as,
200 feet in diameter, extending
through seven stories. The col-.
umns previously were support-
ed by the horizontal flooring.
"It is in a dangerous position
now," said Walter Boser, head,
of the police bomb squad.
-,A part of the complex that
had, reopened. was evacuated