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Document Release Date: 
May 3, 2000
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003000500002-2.pdf73.02 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000500002-2 JUSTIFICATION FOR SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENT (U) with SRI INTERNATIONAL 333 Ravenswook Avenue Manlo Park, CA 94025 1. (S) SRI International is uniquely qualified for this sole source procure- ment by nature of a combination of experience and performance on previous government contracts in a related area. They have a high degree of technical carrpetence and are the only known source qualified to furnish the government needs in this specific area of human capabilities evaluation. This effort requires a multidisciplinary effort involving physicists, biophysicists, and psychologists. The basic research core team at SRI has internationally recognized experts in the technical disciplines required for this work, and, in addition, the core team can readily access a broad range of support skills available elsewhere at SRI International. 2. (S) This effort builds on investigations previously sponsored by another government agency; however, biomedical sciences aspects of the subject will now be emphasized. The primary objective is to establish, without a shadow of a doubt, that a reproducible phenomenon exists. A related longer range objec- tive is to define the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. All previous work has focused on the center nervous system as a system influenceable by electromagnetic emanations. Now, for the first time, biochemical and enzymatic intracellular reactions will be examined as well. SRI's previous work on the electromagnetic reaction aspects of remote viewing forms a highly meaningful data base for this new work. It is imperative that the momentum achieved in the immediate past research not be cc pranised by shifting from an established and highly experienced research team to a new team not now -acutally credentialled. Reliance on a new team for a continuation of this investigation would positively delay the achievement of stated objectives and would destroy the much needed opportunity to apply, right now, on a continuing basis research techniques in remote viewing to urgent operational require- ments. For a new contractor to achieve SRI's present level of expertise, if he could be found, would require at least three to five years. Such a time lag is totally unacceptable. Findings and achievements from this work have significant implications for national security. SG1 B Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000500002-2 SG1 B Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000500002-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000500002-2