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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002600050005-4.pdf98.82 KB
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600050005-4 SAP REPORT FORMAT CLASSIFICATION DEPARTMENT and/ar AGENCY Unclassified Program Nickname and Classified Program Title FY 1996 SA-r REPORT ? Resource Summary: (President's budget, dollars in thousands) RU/P1 Prior Appropriation ine# ears X95 F Y1996 FY199Z FY1998 F9 2000 FY2001 RDT&E Proc by program element O&M MILCON s mated total program east: RDT&EfProcurement In Constant 1990 $ (exclude manpower and O&M)* ? Program descrf atfon: (key, objectives of program)' ? Program nccomplishments: (actual progress toward objectives) ? Basis for budget request: (why funds are needed in FY96; where the money is going) ? lash__._ ficatlon: (rationale for continuation of SAP status) ? Nfafor inffestones: N/A if not applicable ? Maior contractors: Include city and state; N/A If not applicable ? DeTiverv schedule: N/A if not applicable ? Production taciiftfes: Include city and state; N/A If not applicable Action Office: Phone: CLASSIFICATION Copy of _ Copies Page of Pages (DO NOT FILL IN COPY OR PAGE NUMBERS) Instructions: Format: 81/2" x ii" bond paper; all margins 1/2", e=t left edge which should be 1" n indin ? 12 pitch font (12 characters per Inch) Times New Roman typeface. Precede all paragraphs with classification markings. Identify all abbreviations on the page on which they occur, Be clear and concise. * For continuing technology base programs compute total through FY2001. Other programs Include all RDT&E and procurement from program Initiation through completion of production. ** Comment separately in the report cover letter on any programs with similar technologies or missions to the specific SAP covered in this report. Please do not staple final In u s? th the ter f,~ high cr,~i ode. Approve or F e se 7 ~ c/8~1~8 : G~ F~D~ y0U7 J QVZ6vUt7 ~~5 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600050005-4 11- XX YYYY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED PICTURE 574/2 C47C PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. BRIEF NARRATIVE FORM. 5TAE CITE i s a una/s prosrcn-, -Pocusin5 on A 12), S K Ssn,~, rt Ctnot optra-40"I ' th 'the_ area 0P DQrQpS ycAl/a eBULLETS FOR HIGH POINTS TASK FY94 FY95 FY96 GO-AHEAD DESIGNIFAB INTEG/TEST DEPLOY d ME= BUDGET NAVY 10 so 2 ARMY 52 40 2 TOTAL $62M $70M $1OM STATUS-ISSUES BUDGET & SCHEDULE . ,..- alr_ R XXX i YYYY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600050005-4 S JA ,c ~, Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00260005 005-4 SiA- 6 - I LI- I m I) S TASK FY95 FY96 FY97 _ CONDUCT BUDGET K DIA TOTAL Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600050005-4 BUDGET & SCHEDULE C~!]4 f AI'~ LI/Yl 1c