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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U-1 EPLY TO :1. 1 AL.tquSt , 1988 ATI-N OF: SG1J Vi ew(Feer" Sessisi on dates Star..t times End t i m c,-m Mode:-, of operation P 1. AV 2 031-1:39) ): Target is a per"soI"i. 0 :t a 11. AUG 89 1133 1. x351 SOLO t3 a c k: a c h e "Target must be a +aaIOUS historical figure. " 3. ( S txt ) Ca_ast::i n{ Acc:e?s:as the target and clesc.-:I-ibe. a. Target 's personality (T#ii?er:? 4. a. , below). b. Target's:ii educational k:)aac:kgr'ol..(rnr..d (see 4?. h.. , below). c. Target's nationality (se{::. 4.c., below). d. Target's principal and noteworthy activities Gse=e A. . c:I , 1::) e:'? i {::) w) . e. Target 's ac:{:.or{l1::)i i sl" me1'?1ts (see 4. , below) . + . Principal pt:;?r? ic:)r)awal. i. t:t e:)s=i sl"lrroL.tndi ng target (see A.. f . , 1: e l ow) . a. Personal i tyn Only result was the perception of a strong love for t::now.l e;:?dc:le. 1='{. r 1::)h?)ysi cal r_h?raraacteri sti cs, there were repeated perceptions of target being a male, possibly short, with moustache and s--,somewhat dark cat.Ac::asi can skin.. There were also repeated impressions-:r of target wearing clothing wh?)i.c:l-i was characterized by a c::{::)rlfLP::iirig "wr"inkled n"i e") a t n e?iii s a b. Ed{..lcation: Stage 6 prc:) a project ion that the OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 GSA FPMR (41 cFR) 101-11.6 5010-114 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 target received "schoolhouse" education which ended very early ('?e?/"'" 3rd grade?), but continued sporadically through just below high school graduation. However, tar'get's education outside the classroom continued, and there were strong indications his educational level wound up having an equivalent between an MA and a PhD (see Stage 6 "timelines", pages I and 2 of transcript). C. N"at.:1.onalit:'.y ReI:1ei'ated attempts to access and Nationality: describe target's home country flag resulted in a three-color flag, with gren an top, creamy-white in the middle, and an unidentifiable color (probably black) on bottom (see Stage 6 probe fields on pages 4 -8). There al so appeared to be a design central to the flag (see sketches, bottom of page 5 and middle of page 6). 1 do not recognize suc:::h a flag, and was not able to identify it. ri. Activities: Each time I tried to access target's activities, I got. (what I suppose to be allegorical) solid, moving curves. Accomplishmentso The intangible column produced impressions of politics and demographics. 4. Associated ::) Ie::e r" ? '.1..].'t"":ie~ d5" 5a . There were strong stis l"ica impressions of many young adults who were active, bright, businesslike, ambitious and eager. These people also gave repeated impressions of "slouchy clothing", with the same confusing "wrinkled neatness". 4. Comments: Due to a very heavy personal imclemency of having hurt my back this morning, and the trouble I had with this target yesterday, I took a great number" of breaks during this session, making certain I was starting each task 'f'resh fr-rarei the ? previous one. This session gave me the feeling that I had better site contact, but I was never able to get r i d of the overriding AOL that the person was a famous historical figure, and I feel that this AOL. colored all the perceptions of the session. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0014 1340003-2 P-1 P - 1- 94G/4 ,QGH~ t T~9'y< OY? (5-7 &V 5 Its 13 ,e J Ir e r7 Iztrn C d n d J/ l3 /,. S d-xt f U(! i d 'I- 1.r - ,,.Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96gOk 8${RAD~I401740003-2 nv Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 fi/YK G.- r M t l~ A t d": G/Lp7y1~ Gp Lc/~ p it t r !/~~ W! '~~ S GZ(GW ~~oG-4 /N Cd~-c1 4- ,rcQ7'c r1 rS. 5Z-- Q7 Sv~,IW 5,41140 SLa/"`~ 47 oQx /c 76 yrS A1- '. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 P c A- , Da-- p~ r GG~ rJ~`79 I. 0rtd p~s7tsv~s ~ti"YsZc.n //I ,C0_ 1 20 A NP r~ Al "er3 O~ 4jiLL l..sJ fi ~~ altaK 1r 4 /L- co1a.+''~~' of'-P eaS ,,,,owes) I) v~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 7zz-- Wei- ,,~ sue' K i 2- VI-c d__J Pt T44- l U G r'`t J V H'~ ^~ A N CO- u' r ~J c 4c ` / S r ~ ~ ~~, n r,r-7a~'2e if of .01 At 41- f ?) ? 17P~46 r- dF- Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 -0 6-S e- P ( acs TW6 -17M ms's e- I -t, m..? / T7 / I T'`r. K7 /n ICS It 0- - r- A I r, P6L ~ Q c o4 `GL Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401740003-2 Approved For Release 200:CIWRDP9t3O97B?9.R001401740003-2 iQ