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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 INTELLIGENCE EVALUATION SHEET Collection Requirement: Collection Requirement Generated By: (ICR/CIR/DIRM/INITIATIVE/OTHER) Does the information YES IN PART NO CANNOT BE satisfy your Intelli- DETERMINED g e n c e C o 11 e c t i o n ~?-?~ n?????u a?-?~ ~????a Requirement ? r ~?-~?~ ~?????~ ?^????~ ~?~?-~ A narrative explanation is required: (Use a continuation sheet if necessary.) Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 This section deals exclusively with the accuracy of the information provided, not its usefulness. Responses are scaled from 0-3 utilizing the fallowing explanatory criteria. If a source has~not addressed a particular item then select UNKNOWN. If a source describes an item which cannot. be verified then select CANNOT BE DETERMINED. 0 - Little or no correspondence with known or suspected components of the target site. 1 - Evidence that the proper target site is being described, however the information contains a mixture of correct and incorrect elements. 2 - Good site correspondence with several items recognizable or confirmatory in nature but some incorrect or irrelevant information is reported. 3 - Good correspondence with the target with unambiguous and unique information and relatively little known incorrect information. IIa - Geographic locale description, i.e., terrain, bodies of water, mountains, etc. IIb - Large scale manmade objects, i.e. ,cities, ~~ storage, troop billets, d ~ ~ ~ ~ p e t c . n.,-.,~.~ ~,.~.~..A ~.m...,..~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 0- Little or no correspondence wit-h known or suspected components of the target site. 1 - Evidence that the proper target site is being described, however the information contains a mixture of correct and incorrect elements. 2 - Good site correspondence with several items recognizable or confirmatory in nature taut some incorrect or irrelevant informations is reported. , 3 - Good correspondence with the target with unambiguous and unique information and relatively little known incorrect information. IIe - Specific target func- tions, i.e., nuclear 0-3 UNKNOWN CANNOT BE testing, CBR storage/ DETERMINED research, missile ~..,-^~?~ d?m?~~??a a??w~~ testing etc. II it H H II H IIf - Personalities at site, i.e., descrip- tions, activities, responsibilities, a~-~~~ political proclivity, H H support for government. ~-^~-~~ IIg - Data of predictive importance, i.e., plans, preparations hostile intentions. r...~.~ H H A narrative elaboration is requested: (Use a continuation sheet if necessary.) Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000300470002-6 SECTION III Please check which best describes the intelligence value of the information provided. ~ ii a u N li ~ a ~ ~ a