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Approved For Release 200'i6107" iA-KDP96-00788R002000010004-6
Research efforts in our laboratory and elsewhere continue to provide
mounting evidence for the existence of so-called "parapsychological,"
"paraphysical," or "psychoenergetic" processes. These processes include:
(1) The acquisition and description, by mental means, of
information blocked from ordinary perception by distance
or shielding and generally believed to be secure against
such access.
(2) The production of physical effects such as the perturbation
of equipment or instrumentation that appear to be well
shielded against, or otherwise inaccessible to, human
The objectives of this program are to quantify the characteristics
of, and to investigate the mechanisms responsible for, psychoenergetic
The following tasks are under investigation at the present time.
? Role of feedback
? Quantify judging (coding)
Resolution (cannister experiment)
ELF model
Shielded rooms
Submarine experiment
Submarine tracking
Physical effects
-? Strain gauge
Random number generator
e Training
A. Role of Feedback
Theoretical considerations 1* have indicated the possibility that
in remote viewing post-experiment feedback may be an essential element for
References are listed at the end of this report.
P_frel For Release 2001/03/07 :iCIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
success. We have to date completed two series of experiments with
experienced remote viewing subjects to"-determine the effects of with-
holding feedback. Both were of the standard type2 (remote viewing of
target locations within a few miles of SRI, demarcated by an individual
sent to the site). One consisted of a series of 6 trials, all with no
feedback as to the target sites; one consisted of a series of 7 trials,
3 with feedback, 3 without, and a final one with feedback. Both of
these series failed to give a single successful outcome in the no-
feedback condition, while providing good results in the feedback condition.
This result offers strong evidence that feedback is an essential element
for successful remote viewing, whether the reasons be psychological or
The next appropriate series of experiments with these normally
successful subjects is to intermix, on a random schedule, feedback and
no-feedback trials, to eliminate any effect of psychological expectation
that a subject might have with regard to a given trial being carried out
without feedback. If we again find no success in trials without feed-
back, while the subjects continue to demonstrate successful remote
viewing in those experiments with feedback, this would indicate that there
was some substantive, perhaps physical, basis for the effect of feedback
on the experiments.
B. Quantify Judging
One of the most successful psychoenergetic processes is the
remote viewing of target locations demarcated by some means, such as
the presence at the site of an individual known to the "viewer."
Unfortunately, this process--which works so well--results in narrative
description that is difficult to assess in a quantitative manner.
To objectify the. analysis of a single response from a subject
during a remote sensing experiment, it is necessary to quantify the
target content in.some discrete way. From an examination of the data
base accumulated to date it appears that certain recurrent target .
attributes (dichotomies) are frequently sensed correctly by our subjects
(e.g., whether the target is inside/outside, wet/dry, man-made/natural,
etc.) If each of these attributes is assigned a binary digit--a l'one:"'
if the attribute is present at the target site, and a "zero" if it is
absent--we can, then, characterize a site by a. binary code. The
evaluation process becomes a more objective one of matching subject-
generated and site-team-generated binary codes.
We have to date sent two analysis teams into the field with
representative transcripts to generate lists of appropriate dichotomies
which would appear to be optimum for this task. One team has completed
their study; the other is in progress. Upon completion these lists
will be played back over the data base accumulated to date to determine
whether such a procedure is useful.
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
C. Resolution
In our standard remote viewing work natural outdoor target
scenes are used. For these targets resolution on the order of inches
to feet is sufficient. As a first step toward determining the limits
of resolution, ten remote viewing experiments, with 1/8 mile separation
between subject and target, were carried out with objects sequestered
in standard. film cans, requiring resolution on the order of millimeters
to centimeters. The target of the day was chosen by a random number
process from the target pool that was prepared in advance by an inde-
pendent experimenter. All experimenters involved in carrying out the
experiment were kept blind both as to particular targets and to the
contents of the target pool as a whole. The experiment, analyzed on
the basis of standard blind judging procedures, was a success, indicating
that the remote viewing channel permits at least millimeter resolution
at 1/8 mile distances.
The ELF hypothesis suggests that psychoenergetic processes
are carried by electromagnetic waves in the frequency region below
1 kliz. Experimental. support for this hypothesis is claimed on the
basis of lower-than-inverse-square attenuation, low bit rates, and
ineffectiveness of ordinary electromagnetic shielding; factors (among
others) apparently common to both ELF and psychoenergetic processes.
Experiments to test the ELF model were designed,, based on the
use of a submersible and the use of special shielded rooms. Two
standard remote viewing experiments, both successful, have been carried
out to date using a HYCO Company submersible. Given a subject at a
depth of 170 m, and assuming brainwave-type frequencies (10 Hz),
theoretical calculations indicate a minimum attenuation of 22 dB
(3.4 dB surface loss, 18.6 dB sea water attenuation loss, for maximum
transmission grazing incidence TM wave).
To continue experiments in this vein, negotiation for access
to a deeper diving submersible is underway between the sponsor and
the CNO's office (OPS 23). Arrangements have also been made for use of
special shielded rooms at the Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego,
California; and these experiments are in the planning stage.
E. Submarine Tracking
Arrangements have been made for a cooperative effort between
SRI personnel and personnel at the Naval Ocean Systems Center for
submarine tracking experiments. The initial experiments are to involve
tracking on the basis of targeting on a cooperative target person on
the submarine (as in the standard remote viewing experiments).
In preparation for this experiment, three pilot series have
been attempted in which a subject is asked to track a demarcation team
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
travelling in the local area. (The subject was to identify which grid
square on a Palo Alto map contained the team in one case; triangulation
by bearing compass was tried in a second case; discrimination of football
field yard marker lines in a third.) Although there is evidence that
the remote viewing channel is activated (yielding correct descriptions
of the target site), subjects have not yet been able to show evidence
of tracking as opposed to acquisition. Further strategies will be tried
to determine whether tracking is a useful attribute of the psychoenergetic
channel. If a strategy is found on the basis of local experiments, then
the experiment involving the submarine will be pursued.
F. Physical Effects
The study of human/machine interactions as a psychoenergetic
process has posed great difficulties for serious investigators. Among
these difficulties are the combined facts that the reported effects tend
to be small, and that the local environment has rarely been monitored for
causes other than the proposed psychoenergetic ones. In addition, one
finds that the strongest effects are reported as occurring with the most
controversial and/or suspect subjects. out of this collection of
questionable experimentation (and often poor reporting) emergy, however,
a few provocative experimental results that suggest that further careful
examination may be worthwhile and possibly rewarding. Two of these are
experiments with strain gauges and with noise-driven random number
1. Strain Gauge Experiments
As a result of technical contacts with Prof. John Hasted,
Birkbeck College, University of London, during an Iceland Conference
on Physics and Parapsychology, we have developed an interest in attempting
to confirm his claim that he has observed inelastic and elastic deformations
of metal bars by some kind of remote human interaction. During these
experiments the subjects are reported to cause effects without any
physical contact with the metal.
In an effort to replicate Prof. Hasted's results, we
have constructed an electrically shielded enclosure having more than
135 dB RF attenuation from 10 kHz to 10 MHz and plexiglass sides (to
shield against air currents). Within this enclosure is an experimental
system of resistive strain gauges attached to a thin metal bar. These
are wired as a temperature-compensating bridge and connected to battery-
operated amplifiers and recording instruments. At present we can detect
changes in the length of the bar on the order of 500 angstroms and
applied transverse forces of approximately 100 mg. To date, we have
been successful in isolating and correcting several sources of artifact,
and have obtained hours of artifact-free baseline operation. All of the
data will be magnetically recorded for later computer analysis, and a
simple stripchart record will provide immediate feedback to the subject
of any changes in the bar. We are encouraged with the progress of
artifact isolation, and we shall shortly begin to task subjects to attempt
to perturb the isolated metal bar.
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
2. Random Number Generator Experiments
Another class of experiments that have been extensively
reported are those that involve alleged human/machine interaction with
electronic random-number generators. In these experiments, digital
electronic noise derived either from a thermal noise source or from the
decay of a radioactive material is monitored while a subject is
attempting to alter the statistical properties of the noise distribution.
The usual protocol involves providing visual and audio feedback signals,
proportional to various statistical parameters, to a subject who is asked
in a biofeedback scenario to concentrate upon the feedback signals and to
alter them in a prescribed way. To date, there have been 54 such experi-
ments reported in the literature, of which 35 report statistically
significant effects, while none of these studies show similar departures
from randomness during control runs without intended influence.
We are. presently in the development stage of a micro
processor-based random-number generator. We plan to use three funda-
mentally different sources of random events to derive the digital electronic
noise signal. The first of these is a diode designed by R. H. Haitz,3 that
is completely understood from both the quantum mechanical and solid state
construction point of view. A second fundamentally different source of
random events is to be derived from the decay of a single-transition beta
emitter. Lastly, the entire system can be checked against a pseudorandom
shift register, that constitutes a third source of random events. The
device design has been completed, and construction is about to begin.
We propose to use this instrument first to attempt to
confirm the existence of the claimed phenomenon, and, if it, is confirmed,
to begin to investigate theoretical implications with regard to various
modes of human/machine interaction.
In addition to the possible use of sensitive. instrumentation
as targets for active perturbation efforts in, for example, a communication
link, such study offers the potential for determining the use of such
instrumentation as passive detectors of remote viewing phenomena
"instrusion detection").
G. Training
We have begun a series of communication experiments involving
the transmission, from one laboratory to another, of simple shapes
(e.g., T, 0, 4), which also are of different colors for each shape.
Data are being gathered to determine whether this type of testing can
be developed into a training program. The series was designed to
determine whether a gradient series of perception tasks that mimic
the known development of ordinary perception would be useful in the
development of paranormal perception. The decision to follow such a
protocol was derived from data indicating that the laws of paranormal
perception are congruent with, rather than skew to, the laws that
govern ordinary perception, especially under conditions of subliminal
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
With this hypothesis, subjects were asked to differentiate
among simple remote color card targets first on the basis of the
dichotomy dull/bright, then with regard to shape, and only finally
with regard to color, a progression noted in the. development of
ordinary vision.
Numerous data were gathered with two subjects who were
experienced remote viewers. Analysis of the data, which shows learning
in both cases, provides initial support for the hypothesis that
progress in paranormal perception can be made on the basis of training
drills designed from what is known about ordinary perception. Further
data are to be collected.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6
1. 0. Costa de Beauregard, "The Einstein Paradox," Proc. 1977 IEEE.
International Conference on Cybernetics and Society (Technical
Session on. Research in Psychoenergetics), Washington, DC
(September 20, 1977).
2. H.E. Puthoff and R. Targ, "A Perceptual Channel for Information
Transfer over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspective and
Recent Research," Proc. IEEE, Vol. 64, pp. 329-354 (March 1976).
3. R.H. Haitz, "Controlled Noise Generation with Avalanche Diodes,"
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, p. 198 (April 1965).
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : &IA-RDP96-00788R002000010004-6