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Document Release Date: 
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Approverd'Fbr Release 2001/04/012 'I'A- Ah-00h8RO01 200410018-6 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS IAFM-OPS-HU-SA (Date) Project Number: (Assigned by Project Manager) Target: (Specify) Information Provided by Requester: (i.e., Target Coordinates, pictures, etc.) Information Provided to Source: (i.e., Requirement(s), Coordinates, etc.) Desired Information: (List the specific information requested) Time/date Applicable to Information Provided by the Source: (i.e.9 Precognative, current or past time) Information Provided by Source was as follows: (Specific facts provided by the source should be directly quoted if at all possible here. If the source cannot be quoted directly, then every effort should be made to pro- vide the source information in a clear and precise narrative format without interpretation.) Additional Comments: (i.e., When caution is warranted in evaluating material such comment can be made here, any unique situation which may have affected material obtained from the source, etc.) THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS TO BE FILLED IN BY THE REQUESTING ANALYST The above information was obtained from an unconfirmed source therefore caution is warranted in its use. This office has been tasked by the Commanding General INSCOM to evaluate and comment on the intelligence value of the information provided as well as to ascertain the accuracy of source. Therefore, request the above information be evaluated and comments be provided to this office in writing no later than (date). This should be accomplished by responding to the following questions as a minimum: Was the desired Information Provided?: (Yes or No) Can tart of, or all of the Information Provided be confirmed through other collection methods? (Yes orr N_F_ ..~ If Yes to the above, ss state which informational specifics are correct and how were they validated: i.e., COMINT, PHOTINT, etc .T If No to the above, e state which informational specifics are no correc a Tiow t J'Ii?s Sias va i a-ecT- =IQ LX111-1 %71 M'V Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410018-6 Approved For Release 2001/041,02,,. , F =RDP9 -00788 R001200410018-6 For those portions which can neither be validated or invalidated, have anrleads be;endeveloped ~hich later verification can be accomplished through other collection methods?: T'es or N ~~ If Yes to the above specifically tat the information which can be used in lead development~ and .if such action has been taken: Fy If No to the a.bov ee state what information would be necessary to establish a follow on lead: IJG?*` further information desired on the above target.?: additional comments w44-el ---f recommendations Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410018-6