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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 DRAFT (;1 A5S1FtCATION 2. Training for Operational Reliability a. Background Since the introduction of coordinate remote viewing (CRV) several years ago, it has been apparent that CRV is capable of yielding` highly accurate and useful data. Examples include successful viewings of solid-propellant missile static test firings, the detection of underground nuclear tests, and detailed descriptions of Soviet and East-bloc military facilities.l There are, however, several instances of failures, in which the CRV description did not correspond to ground truth reality. To deal with this variability, a special study program was undertaken with the goal of determining the factors that affect CRV reliability, and, to the degree possible, to develop procedures to minimize the deleterious effects of such factors. We propose to continue to pursue these procedures by which it appears that the RV subject can gain control of his functioning and greatly increase his reliability. It was recognized at the outset that-there were two facets of the reliability problem that were of principal importance and would therefore have to be addressed: (1) High Performance Potential. Given that an individual exhibits a demonstrable CRV ability, is it possible to develop and train that ability beyond a neophyte status-- that is, to greatly increase the SNR,accuracy, and reliability. ~St~aRl +0 -JOTS,- (2041a~ CLASSIFICATION DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RQP96-00788R001200160001-2 DRAFT (2) General Population Potent al. Does the CRV process possess enough internal consistency to allow transfer and trainability across a broad base of individuals, to provide increased reliability based on the correlation of multiple CRV responses? Results of the study program to date are described below, and indicate b. Signal-to-Noise Characteristics The anatomy of the CRV phenomenon has been under intense scrutiny at SRI for the past two years, and has centered about two areas: (1) Observing and understanding the characteristics of the noise. (2) Observing and categorizing the characteristics of the signals. The process of mapping out the noise characteristics of the CRV channel has been one of the principle tasks in our effort to isolate ,the factors involved. Four major categories of noise have been identified in this process. They are: (1) Analytical Overlay. As the CRVer becomes aware of the first few data bits (fragmentary perceptions), there appears to be a largely spontaneous and undisciplined rational effort on his part to extrapolate and "fill in the blanks," in a desire to resolve the ambiguity associated with the fragmentary nature of the emerging perception. The result is premature internal analysis and interpretation on the part of the CRVer. Example: An impression of an island is immediately interpreted as Hawaii. To circumvent this, a procedure for disciplined rejection of premature interpretaions and conclusions is called for. (2) Associational Overlay. In addition to provoking premature interpretation and analysis, the incoming data bits appear DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 Approved For FV6Tease`2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 DRAFT to stimulate pre-existing mental formations (memories and experiences) that are associationally related to the target material. Example: An impression of a round object triggers an image of a favorite childhood ball. The triggering of such associational overlays leads to imaginative, fantastic, and unreal images that divert, abort, or falsely embellish the picture being built up from the incoming psi data bits. To overcome the effects of this type of overlay, training to recognize and discriminate against associational images is required. (3) Monitor Overlay. This consists of noise intruding into the CRVer's awareness inadvertently as a result of undisciplines talk or actions on the part of the session monitor or experimenter. Examples cover a broad spectrum, ranging from, e.g., provocation of sailboat images by a casual pre-session discussion on sailing, to the subtle reinforcement (e.g., by body language) of certain responses that match the experi- menter's biases and preconceptions as to the nature of target; in short, any action on the part of the monitor that degrades the CRVer's attentiveness to the task at hand. To bring this under control, a standardized monitor behavior must be introduced in which, for example, the monitor is restricted to the use of certain standard phrases during his monitoring of the CRV session. (4) Environmental Overlay. This type of overlay has its source in the physical surroundings of the CRV session. Specifically, conditions of the session chamber (e.g., obtrusive shapes, sounds, visual highlights) are found to insinuate themselves into the CRV response. A mundane example: an after-image produced by a strong vertical line in the session chamber can lead to a predominant verticalllne in the "target" image. More esoteric examples involve peripheral and subliminal perception of environmental features, since, as is known from the study of subliminal perception, information not processed at a conscious level can nonetheless infiltrate perceptual and thought processes. Environmental overlay can be minimized by judicious control of environmental factors, such as by providing a relatively homogeneous visual field absent of strong features and peripheral clutter. DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-F DP96-00788RO01200160001-2 With regard to the signal characteristics of the CRV channel, a progressive multistage acquisition process appears to be ,developing. The stages occur sequentially, and track the increasing 'contact that the remote viewer makes with the target during the remote viewing session. An example of the stages of elaboration of a target attribute can be seen in the following example, in which a viewer first' makes contact with the target in the form of a fundamental or archetypal data bit, and then through several stages eventually accumulates enough data bits so that he actually recognizes the target. The various stages would start with the fundamental attribute--for example, circle. Another `data bit might be its ndition--for example, land, surrounded by water. ecognition might then take place--"I see an island." Then he might have feeling or"oensation--"humid, tropical." A higher perception would be itunction--agricultural--foilowed b alysis--Fiji Island. Another example might be: attribute--"strong vertical;" condition--man-made;" `recognition--"building;" sensation--"height;" function--"municipal;" analysis--"Palo Alto City Hall." Success in the early stages of the process requires that a CRVer learn to "grab" incoming data bits while simultaneously rejecting all forms of overlay. A strict and disciplined methodology to perform this delicate and difficult task has been developed and is presently being confirmed with four CRVers; No. 002, who was primarily responsible for ?developing the basic concept, and Nos. 009, 131, and 504, who are in the CLAS'.F ;'A= ION Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2 .role of trainees with regard to this particular methodology. The methodology centers around use of a specially designed acoustic-tiled featureless room with homogeneous coloring to minimize environmental overlay; adoption of a uniform, limited monitor behavior role to minimize monitor overlay; and the use of a strictly specified CRV procedure !involving repeated coordinate presentation and quick-reaction response of a data bit attribute--a procedure designed to minimize analytical CLASSIFIGAI ION DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200160001-2