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IAa d For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001100200006-3
. #224806
ORIGINS: The Institute had its beginning in the Research and Development
Division of Monroe Industries, Inc., which at the time (1958) was inves-
tigating methods and techniques of accelerated learning through practical
environmental changes. As a result of certain findings, the decision
was made to.broaden the base of such investigations and to alter the pur-
pose of any such research eff rtw. In 1971, the Institute was created to
conform with and expand this. different approach.
111ZEMISE: Stated simply, the Institute holds to the concept that (1): Con.
sciousness and the focusing thereof contain any and all solutions to the
life processes that man desires or encounters.
ing and appreciation of such consciousness can he2achievedtonlyntthroughd~
inter-disciplinary approaches and co-ordination;
related research effort are meaningful only if redu(3): ult
ced tohc actical of
plication, to "Something of Value" within the context of the contemporary
culture or era.
SU14MARY: Early studies of consciousness and the decay thereof into sleep
EroU9T1it a major tool into use by the institute.
It'was discovered that haled sine waves at discernable sound freIcuenciesp
w n a enc' tci create
.j-aIn waves o u n The various, age3 0f Iiii7ar ianges o e ~'ctrica
-r (_c uenc w n~ g espouse
ua stenan t w1 j n
.[-er o -1Li1
i ?ivid-
1-1 9 aucly aiac iwave T e.-.rrn train `evokes t aysi =
1?ga.ca an meta states an ir`ec
a#irv5 c; P orEgana~"sI -Ii 1us,
With the availability of this new tool, for the first time it became
pO:)ssible to develop and hold the subject into any of the various stages
of sleep, from light alpha relaxation through theta into delta and in
REM (dreaming). A generic patent on the method and technique was granted
to the originator, Robert Monroe, for whom the Institute is narmed.
The Monroe method and techniques were found to be able to "program" slee
cycles throughout the night= of sleep, if so desired. Variations could p
briny adjustment of the duration of each stage of sleep dur.in th
according to the needs and desires of the individual. g e cycle.,
The wng-rom-
sleep moment was enhanced greatly over the traditional a
hid no cognizance of the stage of sleep it was invading By roram.mi
the FFR up into REM sleep for the few minutes before wake-cup time, t.heng
inserting a beta signal, the sleeper was roused gently yet firmly, with-
out startling shock or dull sleep "hrengover?" .
Another important m.iletorie of institute research into conscious
came with the development of a "mind awake.- body asleep" state. rjess
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001100200006-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001100200006-3
The knowina (conviction?) thou h ex e.n-icilce that ,th.ink.in cognUion
,6 e G.t45Fta +i and dn( o .!C.h cam 6 T d CartS OU$nLbd a4c. no
yen r7 upa- t cca zekt6o~y 4, na e t4JU .cn c e?L~ a oe ` no aunaT
earcrlr)AL aceb1ma.6 _~ct,'acc.c._an~r~q_~~~b~e'
In a social structure bound heavily to causal relationships through
matter-time-space, the acceptance of such as valid through personal
experience was indeed profound, disturbing, and extremely stimulating
to both staff and participants. It was truly a suspected Pandora's Box
that offered unexpected potentials in an aspect. that had pre-occupied
man since his early beginnings.
With the advent of a wide interest in brain-hemispheric theory and
study, the Institute undertook to explore the hi-lateral effects of FFR
The natural outcome of this was to seek patterns which would "balance"
or adjust the relationships between the left and righ brain, and help
produce desired changes in behavior. Utilizing the Institute FFR pro-
cess in the binaural mode, a bi-lateral EEG on a volunteer subject was
set up whereby the dominant wave form of each brain hemisphere was dis-
played on a dual-trace oscilloscope.
B.inctu4a.t beat- ne uenc 4.t.f.muta 'iari cne.a.tes a 4u4.ta%nin FFR that i4
4r ne._~nonou4 r 6a am cn ~e+nt4p zee
The total meaning of such coherency is not understood as no extended
studies have been made except those begun by the Institute. Prior to
the development of the FFR method, no efficient technique was available
to generate an hemi-sync state. It may be true that those in a focused,
relaxed state in prayer, meditation, or similar physically-quiet states
may produce periods of such synchronization. Certainly, it must occur
naturally if only momentarily under certain specific conditions in human
life. Exactly what these are is not yet known.
There is a partial entrainment effect, and there are indications that it
can be learned much as in the bio-feedback model. Whether the synthesis
signal crosses the Corpus Callosur (the nerve network between the brain
hemispheres), travels through the brain stem, limbic system - this has
yet to be determined. It appears that new neural pathways are establish
as a result.
The efforts of the Institute have not been designed or performed with
the intent of offering documentation to the scientific community of
the world at large, although much of orthodox scientific method has been
utilized. Instead, such can well be the goal of other organizations and
individuals who may take the basic findings of the Institute to prove
and present them in other forms, in other areas of specialization. The
Institute welcomes this participation.
For further information, write or phone; P. 0. Box 94C, Faber, VA 22938,
(804) 361-1252.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100200006-3