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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
NOT RFI Ii 'tr1T/'1[[1 '''l'IC~ NATIONALS REVIEW ON: Mc,,,,- a c~!Dl
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
r- t-11~ ML;
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning an. individual identified
S G1Aes
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. 'Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied' Remote Viewing Protocol (S),.undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. No drawings were made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target. At TAB A is target cuing information
provided the remote viewer.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1100 hours,
19 March 1981.
This will be a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer.
At.this time I'm going to show you a photograph of SG1A
S G1 who is believed to be in
Your task will be to focus on and focus on a time
window in the recent past,
evening hour at his.home.
to ask you about
of the session as .
Nope. SG1A
yes er ay, day before, in a normal
I'm going to have some questions
I will.refer to him at the beginning
Do you have any questions..?
Would you like to keep that
Yeah. You can just leave i
t right on the counter.
All right. You have 25 min
utes to prepare yourself before
the session.
Relax now, relax and concen
trate. Relax, relax, relax.
Focus your attention now,
on now s
focus your at
whose picture I've shown you.
y o
and comp
Focus on - so e y,
completely, completely on iW
hours at home, and describe
e evenin
Move now to
the scene to me.
+04 #27.5: Just a minute ..............................................
.A square table, sitting at a square table...three, three other
people, three other people in the room. Two are sitting......
two are sitting at the table and....... their sleeves rolled up
.....(mumble) his sleeves rolled up.... (mumble)............
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#27.5: Get a sensation that two at the table are male. That the
third person might be female.
#66: Tell me about- SG1A
#27.5: Seems to be a very .... a,very nerv4Us person. He's got, ah.....
#66: Describe the experiences that you've had that makes you say
#27.5: A lot of sub-muscular movement. in his face, ah....watery
eyes.......sort of a hyperactive feeling ......... ah......
got a feeling that he's.....tense like ...tau:t . inside, tense,
taut.......very s----- very easily aggravated temper....
has no temperameht.... he is easily aggravated.
#66: Tell me more about his personality.
+08 #27.5: I get a........get a strong, strong, emotional drive. Like
a, not a...not any controlled emotion, but a.....kind of a
discord emotion..... He's victimized by his emotions. Get
a strong impression that he's, he's sort of like ah, momma's
boy of.some kind. I don't know why I got that impression.
I did. Just got a strong impression of the color black for
some reason with his mother. I don't know if it signifies
his mother's dead or dying. Ah..... he is, ah,...not,-.he's
not too brilliant. Ah....I get a less than, less than usual
intelligence quotient. He's not really too smart. Good, ah,
good order taker, but not a good order giver.
#66: Turn your perception now and describe the time window which
you have accessed.
+10 #27.5: Apparently, early evening,. ah, like after...meal time.
Whenever that is...8:30, 10:00 in between there..... close to
9:00, 9:00 in the evening. Apparently, early evening
8:30, 9:00.....
#66: what relationship to our time now?
#27.5: Ah...... just a minute....... got to look for a calendar or
something, I don't......I think it's past time, like two days
ago...... SG1A
#66: Aha. As you perceive this time window now turn again to
S G1A~ in this time; turn again to and tell me about
his fami7 y. The significant others which may be around him at
this time.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? wZ8 00600330001-0
+12 #27.5: Ah...... just a minute. ....... Get a impression, ah,....the
two male, males at the table, one's a brother, and, ah,.....
one's either.a uncle or.a friend of the family, commonly
referred to as an.uncle. I get a feeling for a second brother
whose not there, and a sister. I think sister. I keep getting
this strong impression of black concerning mother or wife. I
don't get astrong impression he's married. I don't get any
strong feeling of marriage. SG1A
#66: Okay. Let's focus now specifically on and tell me
about his personal interests. Describe his personal interests
to me.
#27.5: Don't,.ah, get too many. He likes to ah.......say he likes to
drink and argue mostly, but.....I don't know why I say argue.
I just get that impression. I get an outdoor impression like
...... I hesitate to say garden..... I don'.t think that's the
word..... something to do with outdoors.... and possibly raise
animals of some kind.......
#66: What is the experience that you have? Describe the imagery of
the experience.
#27.5: I see outside birds, sunshine. Like farm-like smells.......
for some reason. SG1A
#66: Okay. Turn now to again, and describe his character
to me.
#27.5: Ah....just a minute ......................................
#27.5: Have a....look and I want character. I don''s like....
he's an I want type person, and...... in search of satisfying
rather basic needs, not, not necessary needs, but... gratification
type needs. I get kind of a ...I don't know how to describe it.
It's like a....almost a sense of deviance of some kind...strong,
strong lack of...I don't know ...just a minute.
+18 Get a strong lack-of ...of masculinity or..I just like a weasel
image. I.don't...lousy character...if the characterizing would say...he, he lacks some of the more refined... idealisms
of...that are normally personafied by, by men of normal culture.
tie s
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#27.5: I feel like I'm talking in a circle, and I don't...
#66: All right. Let's change your focus now; let' ne in on
S G1A another aspect of - Look now towards in
SG1A his work and his job. Take a moment to relax an concentrate,
focus now on job and his work. Tell me about his
#27.5: See a very ...imp iession of a very.mundane type job, 8 to 5,
+19 so to speak....just.sort of a...handler of files, perhaps...
keeper of records...note taker...just a general office type
impression ..... primarily file keeper of .some kind ...records
keeper...... I. get a feeling of a.....that he takes pride in
what he the extent that he probably feels he does.
more.than...the.job really entails.... It's like he's, uh...'s like an impression that.he takes care of, oh,
like a documents keeper or a consulate or something. I don't
know how to express it, just files and records.
#66: Describe the experience you have, rather than trying to explain
it to me, simply describe the experience you have.
#27.5: I see, uh, cabinets of papers and busy work, uh, removing
these papers, refiling papers,.organizing papers, records,
briefs. Not important work, just busy away from
normal activity... Official stamps, uh...lot of office
space and light. Other people like mostly women doing the
same kind of work. Almost looks like some kind of a pool,
like a secretarial pool. Files clerk pool, or somethin'....
He's, uh, normally he's got his normal mode of operation, his
coat off, tie loosened and the sleeves rolled up about a
quarter of the way. And like a pencil in his ear. That's
the impression I get. SG1A
#66: Turn your attention now away from - in particular and
to the office as a gestaltic entity. What type of office is
#27.5: Large, uh, bay type room, marry desks, many file cabinets,
many records, many papers, checking line against line, page
against page... Some kind of an accountability office of
some kind, collection office, keep.records of what they
collect. Something- just a minute.....
+25 Just had a far away impression.... it's like a liason control
point of some kind. Just had a far away impression like...
they're a prime liason point for something far away.....
Uh, see brown packets, somethin' to do with brown packets...
coming by brown pouch be processed.
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#66: Okay. I have no further questions about ? I would,
however like to give you the . opportunity o exp ore
SG1A life, and comment as you see fit....
#27.5: Uh, I get an impression that he's, uh, on the surface.a...
average, every-day work type person. But I sense a, uh...
like an indefinable or undeterminable instability that, uh,
has a lot to do with, uh, his ability to control his emotions.
And I just sense that there's some recent death or something
associated to him, his mother or wife or sister or something,
someone female. That's all I get.
#66: All right. I have one further question. What is- what is it
that motivates What is e thing in his life
that is the motivating actor.for on The one thing
that he cares about the most?.... SG1A
#27.5 That,.uh, everything stays smooth, that, uh, there's no insur-
mountable aggravation. He wants left alone and to be,
to do his job, be left alone. Uh.... That's basically it.
#66: Okay. Focus your attention now back on my voice in the room
in the present time. Move your arms and move your legs, take
a few deep breaths, and let's prepare to draw the impressions
that you've had.
#27.5: Uh, since you asked me, uh, to describe this guy's person-
ality and, you know, in general.the way he is in life and
everything, I don't.have any drawings that I can, uh, I can
really give you. But there is one thing I wanna say about
his, uh, his personality or whatever.
#66: And what is that?
#27.5: He, uh, he has a tendency to have no mellowed norms, uh,
psychologically. It's as if he's like either. his emotions
at a peak high or it's a pit low, it's not in between. He's,
he violently goes from one to the other, you know, opposite
extremes. Doesn-.t seem to be any, uh, norm there that he
#66: Okay
#27.5: That's about it.
#66: How do you feel about the.session and thinking about your
imagery and what kind of a confidence level do you have in
your perceptions?
#27.5: Have a very high confidence level I. think. I' know.
Uh, from a..personality standpoint I think it's a high con-
fidence level. From a description of him sitting in his room
at the table and everything I'm not entirely sure about that.
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#27.5: From a personality standpoint, you know, I feel very high.
#66: Okay.
#27.5: That's all.
#66: Okay, fine.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07_ CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session
is documented as a pre-session briefing.and is included: in the transcript.
Photographs shown to the viewer are attached.
S G1A 2. During the session the viewer was asked questions pertaining
t "FOR
o personality, interest, character, family relations and job.
L_ \J
OR 0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600330001-0