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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-007888000600250001-9
DATED: 051630ZJUL70
t) tkilit-N-1 r. I
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIARML._VLAME
Approved For Release 0 / 9 I - 6-007888000600250001-9 ECRET
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information pertaining to the whereabouts of
Army 711.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
Approved For ReleasSEl~'?'IPDP96-007888000600250001-9
Approved For Release SECRET 6-00788R000600250001-9
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0700 hours,
30 May 1981.
This will be a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer.
In February 1981 a United States helicopter crashed in the
vicinity of the Ecuador/Peru border area. In March of 1981
search operations were suspended. This month, May of 1981,
several helicopter pilots who participated in the search
were shown some sketches which were provided throughout',the
Grill Flame effort. The pilots were impressed with this
new source of information. They identified specific
correlations between the actual terrain and the sketches.
Based on these sketches SOUTHCOM has planned to continue
search operations, providing they are able to get future
information from this unknown Grill Flame source.
This morning you will be asked for more information so that
we may aid in the search efforts for Army helicopter 711.
You will be asked again to locate yourself at the crash site
and respond to my questions concerning the terrain and loca-
tion of Army 711. Do you have any questions about the
mission for this morning?
#31: Do you have any names of anybody on board the aircraft?
#66: Yes, we have provided you names before. Would you like to
have the names again?
#31: Yeah.
#66: Yes, I will provide you names of the individuals.
#31: Just one or two is all I need.
#66: All right. We have the pilot and some of the crew names.
We'll give those to you also. Anything else?
#31: No, that's about it.
#66: Okay, fine. You now have about 20 minutes to prepare yourself
for this mornings session.
0700 Relax now. Relax. Relax and concentrate. Holding your
focus in present time, fix your mind on Army helicopter tail
number 73-21 711. Reach out now-reach, as a radio beacon
calls for Army 711, Army 711. The pilot
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eac out tor rmy , ana escr e
its present location to me,
+04 #31: Two, uh...(mumble)...that are off to the right and, um...
a big sheet of thick layered thickness...laying to the right,
like the a door or something like that. It's off
on the right side slightly to the rear...
#66: Okay. Tell me of your position of observation, your relative
position as you observe this.
#31: Ground level-right rear...25 yards...
#66: Okay. Now the very first task I have for you at this location,
the very first task.I have for you. Now as I talk do not move
from this site, do not move from this site. I want you to
stay at the site, but notice something. Look now, while
standing at the site, look now for the rising sun in the east.
Look towards the east for the rising sun early now in the
#31: Sun is on my right..
#66: Having now-
#31: Little rear.
#66: Having now fixed the sun rising in the east, describe the
surrounding terrain to me, knowing now the direction of the sun
in relation to the terrain.
#31: Still feel this feeling of a cut-which goes from my left to
right, which-would be east to- west to.east. That's maybe...
20 yards wide. And there's a linear pattern. Earlier I had
a feeling of looking down between the aircraft....
#66: Your position of observation at the present?.....
#31: Sorta drifting around it-looking for any else....
#66: Okay. Fix yourself over the crash site, fix yourself over the
crash site, and I will help you look for significant indicators.
Fixing yourself over the crash site describe your observation
altitude to me.
#31: About 1,000 feet. There's-the valley feeling is still here.
The valley runs east. A short way towards the sun is a, uh...
is another little hill bump that comes down from the left.
On the right is a cleft between two hills. That's at about...
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#31: two-thirty the site. It's like a little pass down
here on my right. Once you're through that pass you're real
close the site.
#66: Okay. Now the site itself, describe its position on this
#31: Feeling is still that it's on the-foothill slope of a..sort
of a larger hill or mountain on my left side.
#66: And the slope-
#31: That is the north side.
#66: It is on a north facing slope?
#31: No.
#66: Describe the direction-
#31: It is on a north slope, a south slope. The north side of the
#66: All right. The northern side of the valley on a slope which
faces south? Am I understanding?
#31: Yeah.
#66: All right. Now from your position of observation 1,000 feet in
+15 the air, describe the level of visibility of the actual site,
from this relative position..........
#31: I don't know. I don't think you could see it unless you were
right over it. All I see is the bumpiness everywhere of trees,
I can't..
#66: Okay, very good. We will work- on this a little bit later now.
Holding your position of your perspective, holding that per-
spective, knowing that right below you is the crash site, look
now down the valley, look now down the slope coming to the
valley. Describe the valley to me. Down the slope from the
site, look down there and describe the valley to me.
+17 #31: No, there's a, uh...seems to be meandering creek in it. There's
water, I have a feeling of light water in the valley..part....
There's the head waters of the creek which would..some-
body lives in the valley. Uh, some sort of unmarked or uncharted
structure in the valley, down at the other end,. at the west end.
I sort of had a feeling of like an Indian village or..two or
three hootches, huts. Maybe three or four miles from where the
crash is.
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#66: Describe the method of access to this small group of structures.
#31; Just walk along the creek side, that's all, I think.. Just the
creek bank trail.. Uh.....
#66: Okay.. Return now to your 1,000 feet directly over the
site. There you are now above this slope, above this slope
looking down, you see the trees below you. Now, looking
towards the sun again, the rising sun, fix in your mind a tether
line down to the site. Fix in your mind a tether line down
to the site. Now move around the compass at 1,000 feet. Move
to the east. Move to the north, holding on to your tether line
looking down at the site. Move now to the west. And move now
around to the south. As you look down your tether line and
move around the compass slowly, broadening wider and wider the
circle you are drawing now. Describe for me the direction
from which you can best see the crash site. Look down your
tether line and describe for me the crash site.......
#31: It's not east. Looking back at it from the east it's a........
Well, I, uh, think your best bet is from the south side.
#66: Looking at the target from the south now describe the scene
to me.
#31: You don't see much of anything, but on a green upward sloping
carpet you're able to get above the tree level, so you can
+24 look at the slope carpet. You'll see a notch in the carpet
from left to right, which is the terrain feature of the cut,
or of the flatness on the hillside. And I think that just
above that you'll see some evidence of a crash in the treetops.
Like, uh, scorching or where it's been burned off. But if you
look at it from just treetop height from any side you won't
see it because the foliage masks the burn, except from the
bottom up, where the trees are lower on one side and they're
higher uphill.
#66: All right.
#31: And you can see the scorchness on that side.
#66: Describe to me this cut you mentioned.
#31: It's the flat thing I was talkie' about that's about 20 feet-
20 meters wide, that goes from west to east that the heli-
copter is in.
#66: All right. Now at the end of your tether, at the end of your
tether, as you look at this from the direction south, you're
looking generally up this slope at the end of your tether.
Now holding this position at the end of your tether, describe
your altitude. Look down now, not at the crash site, but look
straight down and describe your altitude.
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#31: I'm at treetop level, down in the valley looking up the
#66: Now look down the tether and describe the distance from this
position to the target.
#31: Oh, it's, uh...four or five hundred yards up, probably more
four hundred yards up, um, up slope from the floor, from the
very bottom of the valley.
#66: Okay. Not 400 yards from your actual position at treetop,
but 400 yards up from the creek. I don't understand your
#31: It's about 400 yards from the creek.
#66: All right. Very good.
#31: And it's north of the creek. And going north of the creek you
have to go up the slope.
#66: 1 understand, yes. I understand.
#31: So I'm just a little bit above treetop level, so I might as
well be on the ground for all intensive purposes.
#66: All right. I understand. Okay, very, very good. Rise now
on your tether directly over the target. Rise now on your
tether directly over the target. Now just concentrate now
for a moment, just relax and concentrate. Directly over the
target. Now as I talk I want you to recall in your mind some
previous imagery, but don't leave the target. Recall in your
mind the town you described in your previous session, with
the western look and the old church. Recalling this town
while you hover over the crash site, describe the direction
+30 from the crash site to the town....
#31: It's about, um...seems to be, my first impression is its a..
looking to the town it's a little bit left of 180 degrees,
like about-somewhere 155 or 160..somewhat east of due south..
#66: As you face the town then, describe the position of the sunrise.
#31: It seems that the sunrise is right along the shoulder of the
mountain to my left hand. It's right on my left side, right
about, a little bit forward. of due left of me.
#66: Okay. Now, maintaining your present perspective. over the
target, maintaining your present perspective, I have one
other geographical fix for you, one other geographical fix.
Holding your perspective, before we move on, describe the
distance to the town, the distance to the town......
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#31: It's not that far.. It's about..first number that popped into
my mind is nine, and that was a straight shot, nine. That
was like in the direct line of sight. Possibly nine miles
but I was feeling nine, more like nine kilometers straight
shot. But that because of the terrain if you were to put a
ground crew in there to move from the town it'd be considerably
long distance they'd have to go.. Because they have to go
aorund the shoulder of the intervening hillside. That might
make it 15 or 16 miles or kilometers by ground.
#66: All right. Now...from the crash site there's one other terrain
feature which might help us locate your present position of
observation. Without wihking to this key terrain feature,
look now for the known terrain feature, Piedra Blanca. Look
now for the known terrain feature, Piedra Blanca...
#31: I'm getting the feeling that this is to my...ten o'clock..
Looking north up a hillside it's sorta off, hillside or
mountainside, it's off to my left front at..possibly...three
+36 hundred and..ten or so degrees. It's just like half of a
90 degree angle to my left.
#66: Distance?....
#31: Thirty... kilometers. Thirty kilometers.
#66: All right. Very, very good. I have no further questions
about Army 711, but now is the time for you to explore and
comment. Now is the time for you to look at the target,
Army 711, and provide me with that most critical information
which you feel is pertinent to our locating Army 711. I will
#31: Say, um....looking down from what I've been referring to as
a mountaintop, this is a high piece of terrain, but it's not,
still I'm way up high, I'm above it, but I still feel that
I'm not above the tre4line. It's a massive, rolling, high
hill, as opposed to a'jagged, craggy mountain with rocks
exposed. But as I was up- I don't know if this is wishful
thinking or not- but as I was up on this, above it looking
down at this big, lush, green carpet rolling down, I had the
feeling that there was a radio tower up here somewhere.
Some sort of a microwave tower, way out in the middle of no-
where, and it would be used to transmit over a long distance.
That was in the direction of the Piedra Blanca, or whatever
it is. So that when I was up on the hilltop and I was feeling
that there was something up on the hilltop here, some struc-
ture, when I shot back at the site it was essentially the
same direction as that. one that I gave before.
#66: Okay, this tower like thing?
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#66: Okay. Tell me a little bit more about it.
#31: Well, it..feeling is like it's some isolated, god-forsaken
outpost of some microwave station or something. Feeling is
like-the feeling is like a ranger station and a little hootch
down on the base of it and.then this big tower sticking up.
But I don't think it's a ranger station, I think it's something
like a microwave relay tower or something. It's just carved
out of the jungle.
#66: Now, I want you to take a look at it so that you can depict
it in'relationship to the target site.... Let's prepare to
draw now the impressions you've had, to include this unusual
tower or shaft that you have found.
#31: Okay... Okay, first of all, I think we can- I feel that the
sessions, the area that I was in with the- although I seem to
have made some verbal and imagery modifications, uh, essentially
the layout of the area still remain the same.. I don't know
if that's good or bad, but...
Uh, sketch one is looking north from the bottom of the valley.
Someone sitting and looking at sketch one, to their rear would
be the village, up over an intervening hillside. The creek
is at my feet. I'm at treetop level. Uh, feeling, uh, that
I'm right in the foothill. of this mountain that's looming on
the horizon in the north..quadant. Okay? The ground begins
to slope uphill, as it does usually in a foothill type situa-
tion, and all I can see is just treetops. Then there seems to
be some sort of a line in the treetops. That's the important
thing to remember- the line in the treetop reveals the line
of the cut inthe underlying terrain. It's a place where the
terrain on the hillside is unusually flat. Instead of contin-
uing its uphill slope it levels off, so as to look almost like
a rainwashed gulley that might now be grown in with trees.
But it makes a flat feeling on the side of the
the treetops.
Okay, and on the uphill.slope of that flat feeling, I personally
do not believe there's very much which is evidenced from above.
But if there is anything evident you might be able to detect
some burnt or scorched trees on the uphill side of the cut.
The reason is because the, because of the flat part and they're
uphill, they're not, their burned and scarred areas are not
masked by surrounding foliage, like anywhere else it would be.
But it just happens that it's on the cut, so you might be able
to see some of it. Because there aren't trees all around those
trees. Those trees are higher than the trees below.
#66: If you get an angle where you're looking at the cut, as opposed
to being directly overhead.
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Approved For Release 2003IO Ee 3E0 88R000600250001-9
#31: Overhead, yeah. Treetop level up the creek, looking uphill..
uh, might be a solution. And again, I don't know. You know,
you, I know everybody is very, very eager to find this thing
from the air. I had a shot where I was peeking down through
triple canopy forest and I just happened to think that the
helicopter was down below me. I didnt.t really see anything
that was down there. Uh, so I don't know if this is a..wishful
thinking situation, you know, because it's sort of been, it's
urgent that we be able to see the helicopter, so I may have
fabricated a situation which you can see evidence of the
crash site. I don't know. Jungle and trees all over. And
this cut is just like a little, long dimple in the hillside,
a dimple in the foliage.. Okay.
Okay, uh, from the crash site to this.Piedra Blanca, whatever
that is, I had the feeling that it was uphill and over the
shoulder of the mountain, and that it was somewhere else. It
was on another mountain, or:in the direction of another moun-
tain. Uh, and that it was about 30 kilometers..over into a
neighboring valley or something or up on the neighboring moun-
tainside. Um, oh, uphill in the- upstream in the creek was
the- to the left of sketch one is where the small huts, like
a small abandoned Indian village, I mean Indian Indian village.
I mean, I was getting imagery of the pot belly with the bone
through the nose and the G-string, you know, that type of
Indian village. That's about all there is on sketch one.
Okay, sketch two is like a terrain map. Oh, and of course
sketch one to the right is east, north is up top. Let me
write that in.
#66: So the reason is that the only place you really have a chance
at seeing the crash site is if you look towards the crash site
from tree level down near the creek.
#31: Right.
#66: Okay.
#31: Uh, theI uh, there are, let me note some differences between
rrecx, sessions, somethin' that I didn't really talk about
during the session. The feeling of a cut in the level area
is still there. Um, the cut has mellowed and lessened in
distinction, or distinctability. I don't know if that's a
real word or not, it's- whereas in p1e_Cad til3 sessions
I had the feeling this was a recent dry wash and it was very,
very sharp and contoured and bare mud, bare rock, exposed,
craggy, dry, and that there was essentially no jungle in it.
In this session I had the feeling that this was a- still a
land form, still a terrain feature, but that it was not- it
was overgrown. You know, but that it might have been older
than I had recognized in sessions. Less distinct.
#66: Okay.
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#31: Uh, you know, having sludge and jungle and garbage in it
right along with the rest of the hillside. Some bamboo and
banyan trees and that kinda stuff right in it, growing in it,
where it's been there so long that there are actually trees
growing in the cut. Sorta like an abandoned fire break. You
know that type of thing? An abandoned fire break where you
got jungle alongside it, or trees alongside it, and you know
there used to be a path here, there used to be a fire break
here, but there's still, now there are little sapling and stuff,
smaller stuff growing right up in the middle of it. That's
the flavor of it in this session.
Okay. Sketch two. It's a overhead, terrain-map. My poor
rendition of a terrain situation. The general, uh, as .I said
earlier- the general, uh, valley contouring and outline...
remained essentially the same as before. This thing is on the
south side of a mountain, but it's not a craggy, jagged, above
the treeline mountain. It is a bulging, gently contoured,
loaf shaped mountain, that doesn't go above the tree)line.
There's trees, jungle all the way over it. But it's a fair
size, pretty damn fair size mountain. It connects in the terrain
to another mountain that's to the left and behind it that has,
I felt, was in the same direction, the same azimuth, as this
Piedra Blanca, and had this microwave relay type of station
up on it.
Looking towards sunrise was- with my orientation north and
uphill sunrise was a little bit to the rear of my right shoulder.
Sorta like back like that. And when I turned to look east
down the valley, very, very significant to me was- not signi-
ficant, but actually very, very beautiful to me was the sun
playing off an intervening spur that comes down from the north.
Which I've drawn on the map here. Right at sunrise, you know,
you cast that shadow, the blanket of night is still where I
am, but you can see the sun on the moun- on the..on the trees,
you know, of the spur, the trees that go over the spur.
Turning to the south, um, oh, the crash site of course, the
creek is the central thing and the crash site if four or five
hundred yards up from the creek. Turning and looking south
on sketch two,.uh, the rought azimuth to the old village
that I.talked about was about 160 degrees. Line a crow flies
would be about mine kilometer. And if you had-to walk around
by the creek, 'cause that's the only way you can get into this
area is by the creek bank, or the creek. Be about 15 kilometers
around that way, I guess. Uh, and looking to the south, the
sketch of which I am not done, looking-to the south then is
a steeper slope coming up out of the valley. And that's the
flat top. I think that's the flat top mountain. It seemed
to me to be a regular..regular shaped mountain. That's about
all I got.
#66: Okay. How do you feel about this session?
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#31: Well, I don't know. I, uh, I felt all right. It's always
difficult when you Christmas tree on your sessions, or when
you pyramid on.your sessions, rather, to make sure that you
don't have an unnecessary overload. And, um, but in the
same sense when you get something that's different than before
it makes you worry about it. You know, so..I felt good. I
think the focus was good. I was relaxed okay. Uh, but when
you're-the question of- one thing I've learned. It's like
trying to find out where you are in the middle of the ocean.
I mean, I might as well be in the middle of the ocean. 'Cause
the availability of identifiable features is very- I mean,
it's not like you're standing in front of a white dome shaped
building. You say, ah, right there it is. So when you start
asking questions about where I am, you know, it makes me
reluctant, because I don't know if I'm just fabri- you know,
you don't know if you're wishful thinking, you're making some-
thing to look at to talk about, because it's all just a blanket
of forest. I mean, you know, essentially what I'm saying is
all things being considered it felt good, but all things being
considered you were asking me some questions over again that I
had answered before that if they're bad then I'm bad again,
because I had nothing to do but just go back, I could only do,
go back and ckeck my previous data. The only thing that might
be new- well obviously, the only thing that is new in the
session is Piedra Blanca. That's a.. terrain feature there.
#66: And we've got some azimuths and directions which they needed.
#31: Yeah.
#66: Okay?
#31: Which they needed, yeah. I guess, I wish 'em luck.
#66: Okay.
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proved For Release 20031049 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600250001-9
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600250001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session
is documented as a pre-session interview and is included in the transcript.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the interviewer asked the remote viewer to
elaborate on portions of his remote viewing experience as directed by the
control monitor analyst.
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