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Approved For Release 2000/08/v47~,:
IA~~6 g~QJ$$,R000200190001-0
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/~S~J'0~. ~J~i~'-D~96-oi~7sRRn00200190001-0
~' 4
Approved For Release 2000/08 _ _ 07888000200190001-0
1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session
conducted in compliance with a request for information on a
target of interest.
2. (S) At the time of the session the remote viewer was
provided the geographic coordinate of the target area. The
viewer was unable to attain his usual state of relaxed
concentration. Ambient room noise troubled the viewer. He
seemed to lack direction and motivation during the session.
After the session he stated that he thought that he had not
done well.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Uiewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site.
At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/0~,,,:,,~1~--~~,~-007888000200190001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: C~(~0~8R000200190001-0 '
~F'28 This will be a remote viewing session for the
28th of February 1980. We have an on-target time
of 1400 hours.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate.
Relax and focus your. attention on your target for
this afternoon.
Relax, relax, concentrate. Relax and concentrate.
Relax and concentrate and describe the target to me.
~~31 Have a..........feeling of rugged terrain.
I'm in a mountain pass. Feeling of standing on a
small carved ledge. The base of a large rock. A
buttress of rock. The cliff face looks carved
and this flat thing curves around the edge. This
curve, curve disappears in the distance the one way,
anal the other way it appears to straighten, and maybe
200 yards from enters a tunnel. Up above
me though is massive, very big, high, rounded bluff
paint above me, and below me, that's to my right, and
below me, as though I'm looking on down this mountain
side to a valley, and there's a town in the valley.
A city in this long skinny valley.
And, on the other side of the valley is another large
very high mountain.
~~28 Describe the foliage in the area.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CI - _ _ 190001-0
~~31 Feel...going down the mountain side a little bit
that there are...there's a forest mountain side,
but I think a mixture of Christmas trees and, and
~~31 Have a feeling of all drabs and rounds and dryness
both earthenbrown. When I first got the picture I
had feeling it was much more barren than I do now.
Rocky, much barreness. That was above me, but
then below me as I stooped down the hillside a little
bit from this ledge, I had more feeling of short
stubby trees. Not big tall trees, but short stubby
trees covering the ground, but that I could pick
up by hand full of dried and dead leaves and mulch
and muck off of the top of the surface.
~~28 Move to a comfortable altitude and look down at the
surrounding area for many-miles and describe the scene
to me.
~~31 I have a.....feeling of looking at a valley...a river
that comes steeply down two paths between the,mountains
and winds rather sharply around mountains, and then
a funny loop in the river...a bump in the river at the
town. A town that's at the foot of mountains astride
this river, but the main part of the town is on the left
side of the loop that it makes. It's scattered some
on the other side, but it seems to be mostly in .the
loop. I think the mountain on the left is taller than
where I was on the right.
Looking on out I, I get the feeling that river...uh...
may go a little ways past the town, and a body of
water a, another or a main river or a
lake is there. Something bigger feeds in the right by
the town. I'm getting a feeling now that it's...uh...
shore lino, but it's long and's bigger.
I think it's water. But I can't see anything in the
distance. I think from this point it's a flat horizon
....uh...farther on in that direction.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA,~F~ 07888000200190001-0
" 67 ' i'+ ?
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : ~ , ~~~ 0200190001-0
~~31 I'm getting the no...up end of the river
loop a bridge. A steel span bridge....ummm...double
curves on the top of it that appears to go across
the river's on pilings...and the river...the
water front...I feel there's a wall built up along
this is not a's a wall along the, the
side of the river and it curves. It's a...uh...not a's a, a dock along the whole edge of the dock. Like cement loadings squared off
I don't feel...uh...this area buildings...I don't
feel are right up on the edge of the dock, but
rather there's a, a passageway, a road right along
the edge of the river. On the other side of the
road are many draf buildings facing this curve in the
river. It's like a cleared area.
~~28 Describe the construction style of the buildings in
the town.
~~31 Getting a mixture of styles, but it's western , the
peaked roof carved riv...squares on roof...carved...
rubber tile...tile rubber tile...some peaked roof...
brick chimneys...ah... I place that feels
brick... I mean stone...more concrete that has an
arch opening...I was walking through an arch and made
of a lattice work that a flower a garden would
+25 rases would grow on the lattice.. I don't feel any
there now...a trellis is what I mean. I had the feeling
that is a, a restaurant or a public place of some kind
and if you-walk through this trellis you come into a
outside dining area or something. I feel as, appears
very, really very European old country in style here.
I don't know. The buildings I'm seeing are older that
remind me of German buildings. Old town buildings here.
~~28 I have no further questions about the target area. If
there is anything that you wish to add before you draw
please do so now.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : ~_' 7888000200190001-0
~' ^
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C i~ ~ ;; 0 888000200190001-0
+30 ~~31 No. Tell you I have...uh...some questions about
the value of the sessions. I dan't know. I just
don't feel sure in the imagery. Maybe I just need
to be...uh...need to get back at the speed. or something.
But, I kept hearing the noise and it kept dragging me
out and then I'd have to fight and say I didn't hear
it, and try to go back in and concentrate on the imagery.
So I really have some doubts about the value of what
we've got here.
~~28 Ok. My particular requirements, I'm mostly concerned
with the overall geographic layout of the area. So
I would be interested in seeing a sketch of a, you
know, a sketch map of everything you saw.
431 Ok. All right. Well, I'll start with that then.
An overview of what I think we've gat.
That's the one side. The thing down-the middle is
the river, ok, the..uh..I felt that there was a bridge
there, I don't know if there was one on the south side
or not. I wanted to put one on both sides of it. When
I first looked at it, I thought there was abridge on
both ends. And then, this is town in here where the
hash marks are and then there are, ok, and then there
is some town as well on-the other side of the river,
but not nearly so much. Like that.
Ok. Now, on the left side there's an even steeper that. It's down....just down
towards the town on the left side. The....where I
think I was here was that somewhere on the right side,
where I first let down, I think is the tunnel idea,
ok. Somewhere on the right there's tunnel and the ledge
comes around the mountain, like this. Whatever that
ledge is. A road, a railroad or something- coming
around the mountain on the right side. I think
that's where I put..let down first and then this
tunnel goes through that...I'm just drawing dotted
lines because I think that's where it goes. It goes
through this bump here. The feeling was that this
river drained into something bigger ...water. Ok.
This is a river and it just gets rather narrow up
in here and the feeling of steep sides up in there,
like that. Contour lines like that, ok. Ok. so
that's the river there. The main black line is the
river going up between some steep sided valley. Ok.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RQP96-007888000200190001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CI - g , 0200190001-0
~~31 Town. there. This is a tunnel. That won't
xerox. Won't copy. You want it anyway. Ok.
Oh, let me write in bridges while I'm thinking
about it.
~~28 Now, where was this dock area?
~~31 Somewhere up around this bump in here. It was
~~28 In and around the town area?
~~31 In and around the town. I'll draw a line there.
The line drawn along the left bank of the river is
that feeling, ok. This is the..uh..ok, then it goes
on from there.
~~28 I get the idea from your drawing that this is no
small stream. That this is some sort of navigatable
~~31 Yeah. I think it is. Yes. It's not the Nile nor
is it the Mississippi but it is a fair size river that
is navigable. It's about the size of a...I don't know,
the Patomic? Size of the Patomic across? And the
bridge that I got a hold of was, it had two humps on
it, like this, ok. And. it stood on pilings, ok.
Anyway, what I was getting across here was that there
was some sort of ...the feeling, how do I
describe it....ok...there was an open space here...
like this is a wharf, is-what I'm trying to say....
Ok. And here are the building fronts here, like
this.. These are building fronts, here. -You know.
Couple doors, that type of thing...bleak waterfront
type of a place. Place definitely....what later
reminded me of ...definitely reminded me of the type
of atmosphere found in the old city of Heidelberg
along the Necker (phonetic) River. And you. would
have a street, a waterfront street here and there's
gasthouses and warehouses and stuff stuck off of the
river like that, and cars can drive around here.
Trucks can come up and load. That type of thing.
That's what.....definite feeling was something similar
to that. This is like a wharf. Wharf is wh isn't it.
Wharf front. Bridge. Uh...the feeling was that the
wharf was on the left bank of the river, where the
main part of the town is, and I didn't have the
feeling it was dublicated on the right side. It was
more like a regular shoreline on the right side.
And then there were still some buildings over here.
You-know. That can be seen. Now this is a cluttered
.....all you see is what's the waterfront. But, of
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : _ I ~, R000200190001-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : ~ __, 00200190001-0
course, there's buildings...there's buildings all
the way back in th.rough....ok. Uh...a111 the way
off to the left, and less, but still cluttered here
along the shoreline......there was still....their
buildings were solid but for quite far as a distance.
Ok. I definitely had a European flavor about the
whole dam thing.
The one thing that I saw that was arched was......
You're talking about the
you're saying European?
style of
the buildings when
Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah.
It was very.....
Uh.....-.all right this is the.......the only way I
can describe as a beer garden entrance.
There's this feeling of a big building here on the
side, ok; this is a trellis, and this is stone, light
stone, ok, and that inside here is an
there's building all around it, right, but there's
building all around it.....looks like a a cubic
cabbie hole on the side of one building and stuck in
amongst the other buildings here. It's like a beer
garden. This trellis would have roses or some sort of
a-plant on it but that it's wiped out. It's not there
now. It's frozen off or cold frozen off and just the
stubs are around the bottom of it.
~k28 It's not in bloom or something.
~~31 Yeah. Not in bloom. That type of thing.
~~28 Ok.
~~31 Overview wise, that's it.
~~28 Ok. Fine.
~~31 Do you want the tunnel?
~F~28 No. I think that with the overview that you've
given us here is sufficient. What we're interested
in is orienting you to known terrain now. To know
which directions to focus your attention.
~~28 That will do it, then.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? C~~4- DP96-007888000200190001-0
~;~ ~j ~ ~a~ 4~~"
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Ap oved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-R[~P96-007888000200190001-0
~T r.?
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RQP96-00788R000~00190001-0
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Approved For Release 2000/0 ; ~,~. ,?, ; -007888000200190001-0
1. (S) The tar et for this session is located in the vicinity
of coordinates SG1 B
2. (S) This viewer has not previously been directed against
this target. Therefore, only coordinates will be provided.
3. (S) Suggest that the viewer be encouraged to provide more
detail on anything he originates that could be of significant
interest to the intelligence community.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-007888000200190001-0
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