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April 6, 2000
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Approved For Release 2000/0 788R000200130002-5
#28 This will be a remote viewing session (edited 'for
Relax and concentrate now. Focus your attention on your
target for this afternoon. Focus:
Relax and concentrate, relax and concentrate.
Relax and concentrate. Focus on your target for this
afternoon and describe it to me.
+07 #11 The overall feeling of where I am...I do appear to be
outdoors. It's sunny, warm, humid, high humidity. I
saw an overabundance of...ahm...blueish-green color
associated with the overall area, but there was (mumble)
I seem to go to a pinpoint location. There was something
metalic. Something uncomfortable about this area, too.
I have this...this choking feeling, very difficult to
breath. This metalic whatever it is, is associated with
the target, is odd and unusual in that it...I don't know
what's unusual about it. It doesn't make sense...ah...
Who's that asshole hammering on the pipes? Something
+10 strange about this metalic stuff. For some reason, I'll
have to say appears aluminum with texture of lead.
Extreme difficulty in breathing. I'm not sure whether
it's humidity or whether it's something to do with this
metalic stuff I've been drawn to. I couldn't make out
any specific shape of this stuff. Something very
unusual about this metalic stuff. I seem to be extremely
disoriented. The...the first
associated it with water, with the area as if it...ahm...
large body of water, blue-green. I think does
have something to do with that, but also some type of
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blue-green aurora associated with the...with this metalic
+15 #28 Tell me about your position of observation.
#11 Alright. Now I'm orbiting. For some reason I seem to be
fixed above the...somewhere in the area of the Gulf of
Mexico. I...somehwere in that...that part of the hemi-
sphere anyhow. I...I want to try to focus on a pinpoint
location. I get bits and pieces. not getting a
lot of pictures, but I feel...I'm getting a feel for...
ah...twin engine jet aircraft. Not commercial, military.
I want to say air base.
#28 I'm gonna read the coordinates again and see if this helps
you focus.
#11 I see what appears to be a...a narrow strait between two
land masses.
+20 #28 Now tell me about your position of observation.
#11 Again I saw more aircraft, but then I saw...I'm looking
at it right now, what looks like an aircraft carrier. I
don't know where we are, but it sure doesn't make sense.
#28 OK.
#11 I doubt like hell if you'ld be able to pinpoint an
aircraft carrier by coordinates.
+25 #28 Let's draw the perceptions you've had to this point.
#11 Ahm...I don't know what a lot of what I can draw. When I
was orbiting, I seemed to be, oddly enough, I seemed to
be somewhere...drawn to somewhere here, and this...this, I
would say, is probably Florida and this probably Mexico.
#36 But you would not label that Florida then?
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#11 Ah...and this is from the...the overall, you know, from
out here, I seemed to be zeroed in on that...that part,
somewhere...somewhere near the Gulf or somewhere there.
Ah...and I had a lot No. 2 I'll just...I'll just
throw out some of the aircraft that I saw. A,
when they started out, I saw were the...ah...the
after burners of a twin engine jet. Ah...and then I saw
something with sleek, swept wings from the underside and
it was a movement.
#36 Well, you think it was flying or...
#11 Yes. Ah...and at C, that was B, and at C I saw what
appeared...what would appeared to have been a cockpit
section, from a closeup, and those were up...and I saw
other with...too complicated to draw, but I saw different
aircraft, different shots, different angles...ah... And
this doesn't make sense at all, but I had a head-on view
of what looked to an aircraft carrier.
#36 From a front view.
#11 Yea. There seemed to be a dotted line going that way and
a dotted line coming this way. In Drawing No. 4...ah...I
think it was the second time #28 read the coordinates, I
seemed to be getting an overhead view, there seemed to be
two points of land, it appeared to be land, coming
together. I'm not sure that's exactly how it goes, but
there were two points of land that seemed to come close
together, whatever, and this appeared to be some type of
straits or a narrow.
#36 You talked a lot about metalic...ah...I never really quite
understood what it was you were talking about.
#11 I don't either. Ah..
#36 Was the water, was it on land, was it...
did you have any feel where that was?
#11 It was was just all of a sudden I was
there, and I think that's where I...I starting coming over
this problem breathing. I felt almost like somebody was
standing on my chest, but there was...of any shape I think
I can remember, it seemed to be kind of a cubed shape with
a...this is a raised circular knob on top, and it may have
been a container or something like this and then there was all seemed to turn into a mass. had shape
and form, but this is where I think I started getting
this...this greenish...blueish-greenish glow, kind of an
aurora. What's this, No. 5. And...and I don't know why I
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want to say this because it doesn't make sense, but
it''s what I felt at the time, that for some reason
it was shinny and smooth like aluminum...ah...but it was
more of a texture of lead.
#36 I thought that's what I understood you to say. More the
texture of lead. You want to explain that?
#11 I don't...I don't know. It's's something that
just zap, it hit me. may be that it's...
it looks shinny and smooth but it's soft, I don't know,
that might be what it's main... I tryed not to figure out
what my mind, you know, was...was telling me.
#36 Did you have a feeling for size or anything of this...ah...
mass or cube or...
#11 No, because there was nothing else to relate it to, but I
#36 You saw it in space, you didn't see it relative to any
position anywhere?
#11 No, all that...that was an independent type thing. It was
just there. And that's where I started running into the
problems of breathing. And the...the blue...the blueish-
green color I associated with both the water over here,
you know, near the...the land and water, they was something
to do with coast.
#36 Well, you hadn't talked about land and water before.
#11 Well, yea, here you got Drawing 4.
#36 You're talking the...the straits, OK.
#11 Yea. Well also, for the...for the entire...this gulf
area here. I had the feeling of...ah...greenish-blue,
but also...
#36 I knew you had it over here, but do they have anything to
do with eachother?
#11 I don't know, but this had also this...this...ah...
something to do here with this had a
greenish-blue aurora. Maybe that's why I came up with
the...the metalic...tryed to come up with a metalic
description because even though it had the greenish-blue
aurora on it, it was metalic in nature. Smooth and
shinny, but...but a different texture than you would
expect from looking at it. Something to do with the
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texture of it.
#36 It's very interesting. I don't have any more questions...
ah...other than how did you feel about the session?
#11 I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
#36 I have no other questions.
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1. (S) The target for this session is located in the vicinity of the
following coordinates:
2. (S) This viewer has not been previously directed to view this
target. It is recommended that any strong impressions or imagery
responces provided by the viewer be pursued during this session.
Future cuing information will be based upon target area data provided
by this viewer at previous sessions.
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