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Approved For Release 2000/08/07400188R000200010003-7
#66 This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
It's time now to relax and concentrate and focus
your attention on the target for today. Focus your
attention on the area in the vicinity of
Relax and concentrate. Focus your attention on the
target for today. On the area in the vicinity of
Simply relax, relax, concentrate and focus your
attention. Move your awareness on the target
for today and describe it to me.
+03 #31 Got some sort of a overpass or over hang...a very
large structure, I think. Expansive, but I can't...
I feel...i.tunnel or underpass is separating what
looks like two portions of a structure. One at right
angle to the other-portion. The overhang was
slanted and had ribbon ridges in it...or lines and
it appeared brown or dark brown hued..uh..
#66 All right focus on the target without recording
so that you may give your full attention to the
target for a moment. Do so now.
+07 #66 Now! Report your perceptions to me.
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#31 I had a..uh..feeling of(mumbling) structure
(mumbling). I keep seeing something very long
like standing (mumbling) overhang. To my right
is..uh..same kind of a structure (mumbling)
like a tunnel (mumbling). This thing is very
long (mumbling). Essentially (mumbling) sides
go up and down and under it. Also have tingling
feeling..uh..but, standing inside of this tunnel the main, or in the wing that extends out..
(mumbling) had this feeling of a great hollowness
inside, an emptyness like this thing is made to
look like something else and really has-there's
nothing in it. It's made of wood, but supposed
to look like it's made of something else. It
looks very unfinished up close. The edges of the
cut....the doorway's cut are very thin, as though
there is no jam around it and no-nothing inside..
uh..I feel all raw wood and a shell is what I feel..
from above it looks as though a long access of
structure disappears as though it's nestled back in
a hill and is partially covered by a hill. That is
a skinny part. On the right side of that skinny
part is the thing I call an overpass. It sticks
over and connects itself to a larger part of the
structure, as though vehicle would drive in under
this roofed overpass and continue on between two
separate parts of the building. But, they could be
seen between the buildings. But, under the overpass
they could not be seen.
#66 How long is this passageway between buildings?
#31 At first I had a feeling it was a very long..uh..
no, I understand your question. The building is
very long. I had a feeling of several hundreds of
yards but the passageway between the buildings is
only 35 or 40 feet long and the buildings themselves
are only 35 or 40 feet apart all along the passage-
way. All along the driveway, or whatever it is.
#66 Ok. What is your position of observation, at the
present time?
#31 Now I am looking down at it.
+16 #66 Describe the terrain adjacent to the structure.
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#31 1 have a feeling it's a hill into which this
thing is dug along this long access. The hill
on my horizon as being looking past the building
at the hill appears high on the right side
much more....much more pronounced... shaped almost
like a buttiess and then tapering slowly down to
the left into a ridge line which proceeds of...
turning around and looking away from the building
I'm getting a feeling that it is on a slope away
from in the foothill of the mountain
but, it slopes away off from the...into a...on the
long sloping run down into a valley..uh..a shallow
valley some distance from me in the distance ...on
the other side of this valley possibly one mile and
a half I see another feeling of a ...I want to say
another sharply rising piece of terrain rising up.
I want to put another hill over there. The hills
seem treed..uh..but the this area..
seems untreed, unforested until it curves away
from my line of sight, and gets down into what would
be the valley. It seems to turn greener in the cliff
down there. Whereas, here where I am is rather brown
and drab as though , I'd say, grassed hillside. It
seems open to me. No trees. in this immediate area.
+21 #66 Focusing your attention once again on the building
describe its color to me.
#31 It.....a darker charcoal appearing on the top.
(Mumbling) size of the roof. Beneath the roof line
it is a lghtex gray or a dark sand color. It is
#66 Focus your attention now on the activity at the
target area and describe the activity to me.
#31 I..uh..although this. thing looks skeletol, or
something, standing under the covered arch, or the
covered (mumbling) or whatever, looking at the
downhill side, away from the hillside..uh..saw
in interior of the building, somewhere a..(mumbling)
maintenance, scenario with some sort of a ...the
rear of a large track vehicle in the building with
men crawling on the dock side and working on it
on the outside ...and..uh..turning around now, at
this vehicle and looking back I have the feeling of
a large bay containing..uh..a significant number of
track vehicles.
+26 #66 Describe the comparative size of these vehicles.
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#31 They are..uh..(mumbling) wheeled... tread is about
nose high on this man and no's a
straight to?'s about upper chest high on
a man. There's a ...a muzzle break thing on the
tube. They all appear about the same size. There
may be four or five here in a row pointing's would be my right at the original
start point looking the other way.
#66 What is the nature of the work done on these vehicles?
#31 Uh...I don't have any feeling of anything other than
maintenance... let me look for a minute.
#66 You may answer this question by describing the
actual activity of a worker.
+30 #31 I'll pick a worker. When I started I had feeling
of a guy handing something down into the turret
and that was being done on the left
side of a ...of the gun mount... forward of the gun
in-possibly the gunner's position on a panel of
dials and gray... , gray, sand gray...the
equipment rack located in the forward and left
side of the tube. Like a part...I had a...I had
like a part being plugged-in and being hooked up.
A small thing. Hand size.Let me find another sample..
#66 Fine. I will wait.
#1 Had definite feeling Mongoloid (mumbling)
person. I'm getting various shots of bogie wheels
off and being replaced... and, one with engine
compartment. open... rear engine compartment... and another
one was some sort of a back compartment of some kind
dropped down and for a moment, I thought I had one
located on a trailer, flat bed, trailer though
+37 moved by road ....but, I don't get any specific
one-of-a-kind or some special type shot of any one
major thing..... similar with all of them. That's
all I got...... sorted.
#66 Ok. Fine. Focus your attention now on this area
continue down beyond these vehicles...describe
what's down beyond these vehicles.
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#31 I'm looking on the starting direction, past vehicle
I..uh..feel that the back of this ...this open bay
area is walled off, and...uh...has a sort of a..uh..
junk racks...I mean bay window type of parts
type of a place. But just past the last vehicle
it's as though if the vehicle made a right that that
goes around a corner and goes through another big
..uh..gate in the wall...just an open passageway
and proceed to other points somehow. I don't know
where I am within the whole building now, but I
have the feeling of a...I'm standing at this open
cut out in the wall. The in tank the in tank is to
my right. There's a wall there, but I have the feeling
+40 on the other side of the wall is light coming down.
Possibly..uh..some sort of an open yard of some kind.
But, that in the past I am..... I would drive along
under an overpas..... an overhang by this court yard.
By-- it's open light area and I can continue down
a long tunnel. I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
But, pecularily, it is is only a one-way
trip. It's only wide enough for one ...for one tank.
I'm going by wooden upright post on the right and a
wall on the left and I'm going by there and it's as
though down in the other part of the building there
are more servicing stalls... stalls or bays for other
types of work or something.
There is some sort of a low rail:. along that court
yard. I call it a court yard, but it's not a court
yard. It's just like a hole between two structures
that I didn't see before. But, I feel that there is
light in there that is not covered over like the
rest of the structure.
#66 I'd like to call to mind now, a comment that you've
made previously, and ask you to focus your attention
on that area again and explain further your impressions.
This impression is concerning the structure and that
it's made to look like something else.
#31 It' looks like a. barns (phonetic) or
something.. .or. . .my impression then was that it
looked to be a more substantive construction than
it really was and that it wasn't a building complex
with walls and with doors and jams and rooms inside
but, it was essentially a shell frame which covered
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_Iwo %L. I
alot of open space rather than alot of closed in
spaces like a regular building would do. The
+46 outside of the place is strickingly funny and that
may have caused me to say it. It's...I had this
definite feeling of,ramshacked, rumble, dumble down
wood while inside it's really got something going
on in it different than would appear from the
outside, it's all.
#66 All right. Now, focusing your attention inside
once again looking at the vehicles. Do you recognize
these vehicles?
#31 I would say they are the T-55 type.
pTell me erception which lead you particular
tocmake nthat statement.
#31 Rounded..uh..sort of..sort of..flattened, round,
low silhouette (mumbling) muzzle break, tubes,
this feeling of large tubes down about one meter
down the barrel ...thing sticking out the front of
it...and..uh..general size in contours of the M60
with about one foot taken off of foot
taken off the height of the chassie and about
another foot flattene' off: the top of the turret.
Lower slung than ours, but not super low. Little
more squat looking. Around fender in the back..
I don't know what else. Different feeling of
a double hatch, rear end compartment. I don't
even know if that is on a 55.
#66 Focus your attention solely on the first vehicle in
mind now.
#31 Yes.
#66 Scan the vehicle for nomenclature.
#31 It has a..uh..a..uh..five point star. I meant to
+50 mention this earlier, but, what I was looking at
before, I had the feeling of a five point star on
what would have been the right side of the cupola.
Now, let me look at this thing. I'm not getting
anything more. (Mumbling) put another star on the
forward top of the chassie end of the barrel, on
the slanted part between what appeared to be two
raised things like light frames or something.
They're round and they stick up...they stick up on
inside of each fender.
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#66 Describe the color of the vehicle.
#31 Is a brown gray. It...not brow, more grayish.
#66 And the color of the star.
#31 Red.
#66 What is the gestaltic nature of the personnel
working on the vehicle?
#31 I get more...they are...more that they are..uh..
+55 Russian. But, that they are Mongolian..uh..
Mongoloid. At least one. But, I don't know. I..
at least one Mongolian. They're Mongoloid,
They'll never draw. But, I don't have..uh..I don't
know. I feel like I'm in some Soviet province
somewhere. A frontier province or something. I
don't feel like I'm in the heartland. Feel like
I'm out in the semi-tactical forward area
frontier type..repo, depot, or something.
#66 Tell me the data which you perceive that makes
you say that these people are Russians.
+57 #31 I don't know why I said that. I have perceived
no actual reason why I should say that. I ddn't
even know what to look for to see why I said that.
#66 Describe the workmen to me.
#31 Has dark hair. Has (mumbling) eyelids. Ruddy
complexion. Wide face. High cheekbones. 5, 6,
5, 6,..uh..size. Wearing a..uh..brown...some
little brown kaki, dark kaki..uh..pants. I see
some sort of a parka (mumbling)..wouldn't mean's
cold, but, even inside, but no gloves, but a parka
type thing with a...which is a darker brown. Padded.
Uh..and has a fur..uh..looks almost like a old..uh..
flight's..uh..fur colored type thing.
Inside of the collar, I want to say it's got fur on
it, but I don't have the feeling that it is cold
inside so much as it's cold outside.
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#31 I wanted to put.a (mumbling) cap on him. The flip
up classic..uh..ear flaps and everything.
+63 #66 I have no further questions about this target.
Now, I would like to give you the opportunity
to add anything that you would like to add.
#31 I don't have anything.
#66 All right. I'd like you now to draw the
perceptions that you have had.
#31 Ok. The first thing I had was a image of some
sort of an entrance way ...that is what I called
an overpass or underpass. It's like a drive
through place. Doing this in magic-marker so I
Ok. It was like the building wall. The little
black square here is the underpass thing. Like
that. Ok. What we end up with...the roof line...
here..the thing that was so hard to describe is..
you know what McDonald's roof line looks like...
it's a roof line like that. Ok. It jets out..
vertical...has these lines into here that I'm
drawing in. Ok. Then, it goes around the dam
corner. This is sort of a quasi aerial view
over here. Ok. This is the first view I had.
And, it's got this slated exterior. At least the
place I was had it. Like that. Ok. This thing
goes on. Now, here is thething that I referred to
as being the overpass. We'll bring it into here.
Ok. And the building goes off like that. And this
is this building here, which I have the feeling
is in a hillside, ok, but dug back in a hillside.
I'll do it ......all right. So here is the overhang
continues on .....and this separate thing .... which
is a separate building thing.....and there is.....
my first impression was that it was a solid flanking
piece, ok. Like that.
#66 The term overpass......
#31 is this thing here.
#66 that we generally use to be something that goes
over a highway or freeway. You use that word now
to describe an area that is sheltered........
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#31 ....but opened.
#66 But opened.
#31 Passed through. Instead of an overpass, it's
like an underpass. But, I used the first word
that came into my head. You know. Because I
was just getting on target.
#66 Sure. Ok. It's an open space but covered over
the top.
#31 Right. Inside of a building or structure of
some kind. I'll do another view of that.
#66 Ok. Draw me an arrow there to show that...where
that black thing is...that kind of like an entrance
to the building or...
#31 Right. I had the feeling it was like opened all
the time. It's just a hole in the wall. You I
can go right through it any time of the day.
didn't get the feeling that there was any kind of
a thing that closed it off or anything. It's
like two separate buildings connected by a roof.
That's all. That's what I'm trying to talk
about by overpass. Ok. Entrance, and I'll call
it overpass in quotations for correlation to the
tape. All right. It looks like this on 2.
Taken from the direction of the arrow it would
look like this. Actually, those things should go
to the other side. Those are the slats, ok.
This goes over here. That's that funny ......God
there was really a weird rivulated roof...... if I
can describe it as rivulated. It was like eroded.
It was like the roof line had grooves in that
were vertical. Ok. Like this. All right. And,
then here into the present foreground is that, ok.
And, there's a recline along there like that.
This building just disappears into the distance
all the way back. Ok. That's the right building
here, just disappears into the distance and here
in the foreground, left, is the other building,
#66 Bo, draw me an arrow that says I'm looking
down entrance way, or something .......
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#31 Looking under a (mumbling). Now, this thing is...
the darkness... I'll draw the darkness with a shadow.
Unfortunately, this is only really two dimensional
here, and it shouldn't have been.'s shadowy
in under there because it's in.....
#66 How large is this?
#31 This is the 35 to 40 feet across thing.
#66 Ok. I can drive in there as opposed to walking.
#31 Right and this is the right building... looking...
I want to call this...looking between two buildings
under the underpass... for lack of a better word..
Now, 3. Let's say I moved in a little bit closer
in under this overhang. Oh, Wait a minute.
There's one thing I want to put on-and this is the
...this lattice shingle feeling of the wall, ok..
and here's all shingle feeling of the wall-like know..I had the feeling you
could-like see the overhanging pieces of......
the overlaping pieces of wood along the edge of the
building. Like that. You know how you lay one and
you lay another piece of wood on top of it.
#66 Is that lap work?
#31 Well, it's not lap work. It's just normal wood
construction. You know. So that the water doesn't
fall in the crack. It runs off. It doesn't fall
in the crack.
#66 Ok. Overlaping wood piece.
#31 Right. Wood construction. Wood siding. Overlaping
wood siding. I guess. All right. Moving into
close and in under this overhang is this feeling
on the left side here. I'll draw a cut-away. On
the left side is this overhang, ok. It's got these
funny rivulets in it. Rivulet shape. Then here's
the wall. Like that. All the way down. This is know ..... and here is....I had the feeling
it was just a standard 2 by 4 frame piece of wood
and looking inside this sucker now, this disappears
off into the horizon. Ok. Drawing this thing is
really weird. It's just a bare wall. It's like
...I remember....I said there's nothing around it.
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#31 It's just like somebody took a buzz saw, built a
house.....a wooden house ...and took a buzz saw and
cut a big hole-in the wall. You know. You're
standing there and here's this raw wood. I mean
there's no molding there's no nothing there. It's
just raw wood. You're just looking at this raw
wooden edge and, that's when I got the feeling that
this thing was covering something. It wasn't
a permanent type of building, concrete and cement,
or anything like that. That it was just this wooden
frame building that had been constructed to cover
something, and this thing here was this large bay
which is down here on the left of two, ok. Which,
when I first looked at it was just open. I had this
feeling of open darkness back in there, ok. So
number 3 is looking.... looking to the left ...inside
the overpass, ok. This is the edge of the wall.
#66 About how long this passageway continues? This
covered passageway. About how long is it?
#31 On one it's not very big. So going back to one to
answer your question I'll say that this is maybe
60 feet, ok.
#66 This area in here then becomes open.
#31 That is open, right. That is open area in there.
#66 And, how long are the buildings themselves?
#31 Well, I didn't get a feeling. I can show you an
aerial of the building. I had the feeling at the
top of one, this building that seemed to go off on
the back of the hillside and was almost dug into
the back of the hillside is this feeling.... very,
very close to the back of this hill and skinny.
You know. It was abnormally skinny. It was as
though there was more of it hidden away from my
sight because it was only a little skinny thing...
that was the thing that was a couple of hundred
meters long .... that's the thing that felt to be
real big, real big. When I was first going into
it .....I'll depart now....ok, just for a minute.
When I was first going into it....four:is, my
second impression. These things came later. Two
and three came later. Four is my second impression
of this weird magical overhang building edge.
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#31 Overhang there. Way down into the distance there
is overhang and here is building coming back into
the foreground. Like this. I had the feeling that
the building on ..... appendage .... the one away from
the hillside is shorter than the one along the
hillside. So I'll show it like this. And, this is
the overpass seen from different.... seen from other
end not different end....other end. Like that.
#66 So, you're telling me then if I went...when I go..
if I was to zip way down the other end of this and
turn around and look back that's what I'd see.
#31 Absolutely. If you were to go to the far left end
of sketch one and look then you would see this type
of a view.
#66 These two buildings never come together again
down there.
#31 No, no. They're opposite all the way down.
#66 Tell me a little bit more about this...this thing
that's close to the mountain. Can you tell me
whether or not it is part of the mountain or
is not part of the mountain?
#31 I don't know. I'll tell you one thing about it
that's not voiced on the tape. That is when I
was about in the situation of viewing the sketch
two, and as I moved in under in order to go to
sketch three, ok, I had the distinct feeling that
the long skinny building to my right turned into a
loading dock, ok. A covered loading dock. I had
the feeling of a..that it was-that it was a platform
in there .... was platform and wood holding up the
risers, you know ...wooden posts. So I'll draw that.
I was going to ;draw that as a other
words, here-that this was a ...I don't know how to
describe it...that had a dock on it. Is what I mean.
I was going to include but, I'm only talking about
where I was, what time. This feeling here. Ok, here.
Let me see...let me draw 5. This thing became very
big. That's our overpass..oh, our overhanging roof
...ok.. It's not a simple box. That's the problem.
The front face of the building became that type of
a shape. Having a dock on it, like that. See.
I didn't want to put railroad tracks or anything
driving in under this know.... moving.... or
road..... anything. So I didn't. As far as I'm
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concerned it's just wheat field in under between
there, because I didn't not put anything in there.
The impression was as though a train would pull
up in front of the long skinny building. Would'
off load stuff onto this loading dock and then
drive out. That type of a feeling. Or trucks
would pull up in under there along this long
building here and would off. load their stuff.
This is the roof and this is a loading dock...
indentation or.... on the face of the building.
That is like an alternative right side to 2, going
into the background. And in four, on the left side,
would be an alternative to the face on four or a
secondary impression. Whatever you want to call it..
#66 Ok. I asked you then to focus on the activity of
the building itself.
#31 Ok. So 6 then is the interior of at least the
first bay then I can draw an overhead, whatever.
All right. Here is wall going along like this.
That's not going to be right. Let me take another
crack at it. Problem using that big marker. It..
don't let me erase nothing. There is the wall
in the back here. Now, as I told you, I don't
know where I went. I just sort of boomed... suddenly
I saw the...I may have been able to maintain the
continuity of movement here, but I'm not too sure
of it. I may have zipped to some other part of the
building. I had the feeling of this long bay area
with...make it a little bit bigger...ok...then
another one in the foreground and another one on
the right side....facing a wall. Which is that.
Like that. Four to five track vehicles was the
first impression located along the right side of this
big expansive bay area. The feeling was that
vehicles would drive in under this overhang into
...would make a left, know.... presumably
it's large enough.... would make a left down through
another gate area-another gate here on the left
side...another big hole and would drive down and
would park in that. Four to five...
and somewhere in the back was a...I'll put a window
in here. Sort of like a parked servicing bay area.
Then the other thing is....there's another one right
there. Exit, large. I'll write large exit door...
As though the vehicles could be serviced on the
right side of the bay and then could be backed out
and then could exit the bay going this way rather
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than having to turn around and come back out.
You know. Its like a one-way street through there.
All right. So, the whole feeling of this thing was
not.....oh, and this is the wall. Now this is an
interesting... this is the thing that makes me wonder
about whether I was in the same place I started or
not to another part of the area or if I'd stayed in
that first immediate wall area is because on the
outside I didn't put any windows in there. On the
inside. however, I did. I put-some sort of light
emitting, ok....not quite that....along
that side, ok . That's about it for that.
Six, seven. Exiting the exit is the way I went.
Exiting the back rear exit door ...had a feeling of
a..uh..again a am I going to draw this
now....let me figure out where my perspective is
going to be. This is very dim through here. This
side comes all the way back, ok. This is the light
area, here. I had the feeling I was looking in
some sort of little court yard. In other words,
what I'm saying is there's light corning down in
here. But, this is the covered area. It's like a
tunnel and, that there might be some more turn-in
areas on the right. Similar to the one I just came
out of. Pulled in like that with a vehicle. But,
it's only a one-way track. It's like once these
things .... once these vehicles are brought in, they
don't turn around and go out the same way. They go
and they have to proceed through all this maze
until they get out the other side. Possibly several
more bays on the right side. I have written it on the
side of the wall here. This is some sort of a railing
or fence. All right. Now for the long skinny building.
I sort of didn't address that...the one you asked
the question.
Eight. The feeling I had was..... hilltop and a
ridge....and this structure... shaped like that, ok.
This line along the back of the structure... the hill
back of the structure was very irregular and I could
not make out looking at it....I could not figure
out if it was a long skinny building or if it was
something....had been inserted back into the mountain-
side or the hillside, ok. The land rolls away then...
and it's gently rolling downward, I'll just say.
#66 Any concepts of roads leading to this building?
#31 No. I'm not saying there isn't any. I just didn't
get any, because of the peculiar circumstances of
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the whole thing, I was really hesitant to say,
you know, to work on any roads in and out, or
anything like that, because this weird overhang...
immediately an overhang, a passover, or a passunder,
or whatever it's .... immediately constitutes road....
It-.could be---anything. I didn't concentrate on
that. I was working more on the building. Uh...
ok, I'll draw you an overhead..... 8, 9.
This funny way (mumbling) line means the back of
the building, ok,. like that, ok. That line really
shouldn't be there ..... show continuity. Where I
was first was.....well, let me is
like entrance door, like big....not even an entrance.
That's wrong! Let me redo that because it gives the
wrong impression. It gives the impression of doors.
There aren't doors, it's just big carved out...and
this is...ok. Ok. is the overpass, right
there, going in like that. Here is the feeling of
at least one bay. Also, the feeling that there's some
sort of a cubicle there, blocking view when I was
standing in the doorway. Here is exit gate. Here
is bay window and here is long tunnel going out.
All right. Four to five. That's what I said. Ok.
Tracked vehicle bay. I will draw a dotted line
along here-open area. I don't know where that is
that's know..... That's it. Track
vehicle bay, and here's..uh..what do you call that.
It's not a gate...gate implies something blockage.
It's just a passage..... passageway....ok. So that
was my track and I stopped right about there. I was
getting the feeling of the open on the right and the
long hallway on the straight ahead. So that's nine.
#66 Ok. Anything else?
#31 I will write on this. Either very skinny building
or it is built into hillside. That rough line
keeps coming back to me. All right. Looking away
from the place I had the feeling of this down slope.
Let me draw way to do is perspective,
I think. Not a perspective, I mean a side view.
Ten. The building...the building level is about
like and then gentles on off like this...down and
then it starts to take up again, ok. This is the
hillside to the rear. Here's the building. The
gentle slope..o.pen slope... slight. valley.... vegetation
begins...ok...and then vegetated hillside. That's
about it. Want me to darken any of this up or do
you think it. will zerox ok?
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#66 That's ok. Anything else you want to add?
#31 No. Wait a minute. Yes, there is.
#66 Ok.
#31 How do you draw a profile of a tank? Tanks.
Tanks are all alike. There's muzzle break.
The squashed cupola. The squashed round cupola.
or not cupola..turret. The. .uh. .fenders.. . .bigger
than that. More like that. It had a split engine
compartment in the back...had it sticking out
like this ...and over here was thing...rear fender
again. This is an artists conception of a piece
of shit. And the other down slope here, is where
the other star was. I'll put one here. That's
all I can do for drawing a tank, I'll tell you.
The front end of it...this is the slope and there
is something on each side of it. Of course, that's
in perspective. That's laying back. Those are
front fenders. That's what I'm trying to get.
There. That shows it laying down like that. I
got the feeling of two lights, lamps or something
or racks, circular racks sticking off the front
end of the thing. That's not looking too bad now,
is it. (Mumbling) I've discovered how artists do
so well. They scribble so that nobody can tell them
it doesn't look very good. You know they put so
many lines down there, one of them has got to be right.
Well anyway.
#66 Why don't you label them front, side, and back views?
#31 Now, Ok. That's all I can do #66.
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