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Approved For Rase 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-0t 87 f 0Mg0%409*-97&
,.i% } AL .11S30 . A OU 'i? . r YI
A14E:I.CAN AE.3.,_.t Vic: P(4 ai ., ADt. A't..rNK ila' SC.E..110.
PftJ.`aI}:;yi.'it?lt.1v:'ry b now Recognized .=sC 1 ^!' ee , i ju it was dine,
by, E. bnv2jas
in 1957 the British au d in 1958 t1 F??:.'a. Median! AnnoWaLlou ,:k
Y:{3 make i'2 `iia''..o4, a i, t .... aY`;rah 4 f t;;' 7 4. ,. t bc Meld of science. H 1 has made
;real advances since ..; ,,"e. For a fi?'?'?;n and -a s.v ,
. ,. i. i.. a~.:8. I :f, jJ - 3=C'4Yt!:.`, ., t
hs,o v ycrnt -,ne l t'h{t''s r f $.e d to b'.s.4.C;=il; legitimate; than Lh y nUld not be M004,
to feet 1es of 4.
L,-?....spy"".ot. oYtC`rced to lose their t ..
h , i.:.~' positions a. Z'
My contributed o gt.SL'ling knowledge in p r p'. ycth loc .f ? So HUM a kuuwa
fla s %wly of Qn:m F'-:; ,:t.:t'c:i ind pCtI',zrJ?, alitd end some a . nvi h r
a: 1 ~ G.i ~ t, 7 composed of all the sGv:?i"Si,i2tc n d1{;?a~ 1 t+
. H ~ ..i. f::.X'~S l lf'sfy ..'.~:o..
t: . n I n th?:_ U. S The nit ll JE."x I.3`."r g about 53D, make p
up C.t.T.[`'. Council of
t:h AAAS NO votes Co ,.:+:....tutj:'w Ch:.1+.tSi_: F:nd neat. l_til".:?-." 5'' to ,';aC.i;'i: n1f l' ,t
. _c;.,. .
After the P.A. had been going ?.h`:: minimum fr`yf year._ 1" 1=133 Dr. wall
Hashl the :7
President, I?. de thfirst attempt to i fi _ .i.i.' e L,'.i.:h t.lii hut s: .i.. s`,., it
rejected, In 1C'
,?' l ~ l : } irv.: t2 promised 1:;? Y
P.A. P:;:...L3' .t.
His 1967 ei.:'{:'r pti'. passed the first hurdle .,5kch was ?'-sr..ds?-i. ....i.'1L ken. b h AA AS
C n1..{.',:Cy_ on A>fili.nt.,.i.. try. H3..1i....,.. IL "'ontai.lx_.d the ?S t.{:;'c,'M t.h"lt: e.t
t;()sI"il.',`CtE:f?; Lr7!:;had 0 i..'!'es ou ,.e, :>C!` at fic 2't..r;`c.(ch in i)= - N l )"-.v bat not to
MY , that ESP 4?+:..,_ thereby p:i'C""i.': n .
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400040024-0
Approved For Rase 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-0iir87R000400040024-0
lifii" VC the.' s C:ti;i.l hu dlc .S :. th ?. .":4 or D rec.,- +e"8 o the t~ PC cii
fit.. F. ? ~i r' fF _, 1 a ? ~.,, ?
Dec ,.mbe}r 26, to-ad ha~:e ir.. VIP
be 4Jr,,:it el to llld' S `
c!,ti7 rat~J 3?Z `i.t1 19z5~)'l the fourth, jil s< i 3l, j t c5t n s r
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400040024-0
% . Approved For Rvjpase 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-0 67R000400040024-0
They co,,-t about $1"50 : ach, T;-
the AAAS Co-m-
.s ,{^
a'.,"3R nd,,:, ;aIgL,l`. Of iit )x F...t.,t ! 7 n;-ire the bcct o st. y,
copies, t::ry 0....1. l.Ri:~ P. A.
cw-j.}titt tioor1 and
t .C:S :Y::i ~ ... , F..( .:' L.?. 1i .~ ~iL L?:Idd.. ~'tia ~. ~d-~~i~~! a.~ G.Y i'] ? .(.l G4df ~1. ~i are
to P. A. Lz'.;i.S -J. a in t1
o?:e!i,=i of their VL-. '-a'J
I~t L.1ecl,:d .-ks hlad to #as !i .. e3- on L?-i Cl:1. C; ,.t ,
tl ;: IS a ten :I,.t r7
t 4^.e x_ Pr,
0--o t Zt'1 e i. _. j' he l rte?u l 'here"
:ii adC1 t:e [,n, about 20 [.1iZ?b t'l F" t {s,, vrx-a inc.-lu~3z6 iii to
.'1:`c',acons why the. P.A. ? : 3 ?I : . e ' : 1 4;-.. ?? '4'h t.te.r the ,?.A. .:atlsfit'04 s7..F
procedural matter., ,s. v enr,1 se'eSl ~, A.. .e the t.criteria of Results of a poll Of P.A. fit. g. ;7 i ea 'L L:C.S: s F
f_ .Y,~. 'g }~iiLCt,')'.~..d ware IeCl71dtF.-~ to show [.lug`
about t o-?thlr s O:f: those r~..~~ .~S _' } ~$i:rx 9r AS'
:x ware t,.'ata a c v1f,S nine P: A. I"tk~111:3a'::4'5
Iawr'o also AAAS Fellmos. =,:y`7b tii list s }
4. t.1 F;? i"LS. i7 ,a.t'd t.h:it ~."'tl..t:~ixdu had a
Ph.D. degree, A list cx about 50 t ds..s .eras and Ph.D. t es z f
3c. s s3 ~:. ,,117;x. tre1.';:i 1S; J. e.x"i
around eworl ~7t~'Ci d that tte trees had been ~ S`t en (by sfmre top?,f ). } ~,h'
~or resraarlmh in Dr. s t'.r R. Van fle Castle (1970
Pf? . preside-at) was very L?elpf l here. A list of re 7t notices of S Ciposia
on Par a .' ycholoc= ( iven at the Ne ~.'.e [ it3 o SCierie New York UnA
ver ,s?.2 i ty, MIT, UUCA.,A, A. Psyeholor-lcol. A .sn. ; A. Psy .` 'i Assn. and ASP1?
was a?.so Presented..
The ?ye 1.teiy typed and f;.r,t-3s-3sJy with the
repair man precen'l to '_n sure it so. Th., ?n they were separated Into
transparent plastic folds Dean had to
C w.^>ctj )'ear fro:Z'd 't -ef or three ? ee
to get this don:, each y-.a . It is human to crr, CUd On the 1969 One h was
completing th.e packets v2.,t11 one hou to ,g:o before the Post Office closed;
suddenly he ree1izad he had Xeroxed the Y?;..:t.rxtc,
,, c.?."Si~~i`.~.4:'sy 1C'.^i; `t1`/ it Cst!i. and
t,ul,itxtt ailg: t;:so or another. So he raced across tcwn to the. Xerox machine b`e-
fort`: it C1.0sct"}., and then to the Post Orrice with fi.`im minutes to spare to
ba gcn for annathei' hour rr3ii:tY1'A , vas cs~aiit. ' ?: t a . to m:,e . j 4 c.^
~_ t~~ t'i1._Cxic.
ctPP cat1011 wa
c CC3;1:'3'd':"E;9d (')y t I jC? ,df ."zt. C'rJ'tt (:?'_t'_ 7, i1 i:1lr-h i-;~'c Gi,d
half Of NOW2T0ber. Dean Could no f,Y r.) ow, Utltti.1 t
that it had The P. nppl l cnti.on. ,as then on the egendn. of the I)AAS CC1t a ?.
sent to as t m 7. But tlzf-~~-c "1,)F, r,
a z. . 4..= Only fct,,,.
P. 1:. members 4:e-re il eted an AAAS So f??n vent up to the
A ,S Aimunl Conven
r G;Y3~ i;... t. ti this Year in "?`u-h`" D7'. out, I i f to r 11L Cc OIL F; V she .I. he eed to hev
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400040024-0
oved For Rase 2001/03/07 : CAA-RDP96-0 7R000400040024-0
ftl~F _A
t }I l"sl[ CC't and gave the t_ t $ s l
rd on. fi:yd passel t:r e P. A
a t,f:; s a a iC?tiL. `ki l:ti.:?r.. f t
't?.i1F: ?:,r.t-i?: C17: i'".LE:72
?...%G~.llIbar. C1lr ay...~
s1C$ on 30, ;..i?[.t. E% s,,.-.. ,i3i?Vont oc-(n,JY3,"C?t1 0.1 iin
7 ?
Is a addi{".3.. aria. poly-ae
Sou 'I, :.'
a. ,laalct iti't'or F1 t.: he i `.T` Z "J=,t # i?s ?e, and 01"1",-17 ten a.ta: for
i:U -H
Tic oust e Y
t, 'k~;s"tJ'?: F?,:1.L.._;iZ lfJ. I"?Eii?Ci C'Z>::~t*.3f; f=}~'C-."' T'f.:':a~1
On the Z)th5 in the at 7 ~.iV1'ii 1 'T h ?
.. ~ 9 7 Y.f::lt',Lii?::'
t? JILL CO ;11 TO YOU SCE{.", Did soon rr an .lt{s t. t1 hal es't`'
The AAAS Comic' 1. t?t?C?)" {.,Z Y'7na hdld 3.a the Stet.I er.til if:on I)a; boom l:?h ch.
was so 'Vast that. III CJX sfi"rv''a Galt. r
f.^_:CY x'01r1`!:.2 4 )LT e2 back, J.h[IS n
could get a t-hand account of what h?appener_d. ?h: Chairman . should have.
been lam'. Spil.Ihaus but he could not be, preee ;ent. Neither caul Dr. Rotaerte,
e:o it fell to th a 1.969 AAAS Pres:. dent, Dr. ~ . Pta t'4. ': f?~y:.=
3.2 ~" \'T l.aES. noon
y)r. Glass brought LIP Iteis 7 0131 aageead a-. the. epp1l3,nation of the A'>ier7.s:':III
Orthopoychiatr. 3.t% A;:: cla,3 a :}cata and the P:t Fap y ?F o1.c5~~3 ra;7. A: soa .ty:,?.i"#.~ 0011 'v ?::;'bG'.'.1. o ':?:):l?? `'?f ? "n I.ra_' e l r 5
is open it7 t1.r?'irit aaSi3.j) to ngv s(?ics; and thai-y `ere