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Approvelhf4or Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-W87R000100190001-2 A RES'E.1%Rar Pa:GRA!' 1;'::OSE GOAL IS TO UN1L3IGUOUSLY /-) RESOLVE TIE QUEL:.-3TION PS TO tc:1-LET= OR NOT \ i,...../ c tC. r-NL?, ,-- , Ix, ? k ,, .... \ .--- l.o -I- DIRECT BRAIN PERCEPTION and DIRECT BRAIN ACTION EXIST Submitted by Captain Edgar D. Mitchell, USN prepared by Henry (Andri:ia) Puharich, M.D., rrlitor /-,,,//_c 7w,7e,---,0,"/A>s-lz ge,7- d47-ive-?-5, /19 7ZAteka/20P /0,4.4?72 X /9 /4/44fGli Appi7ved For Release 2003/09//19:/91foRM0e007,874461-606604462e 7--e; 5- 7 -S- i E eC 7s ApprovellinFior Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP964141787R000100190001-2 Preface This pronosel represents the editor's collation of the thoughts and feelings of same forty-two men and women from many disciplines who have been trying to ration- alize the phancerelTan of direct brain action. In addition to many informal conferences, they have ret in two formal conferences. The first was the international Conference on acploring the Energy Fields of Yen, NOverber 19 7 22, 1973,. seonSorad 137 `.?airf,Nrrieht Eouse, Rye, New York, and Life Energies Research, Inc. New York, New York. The second was the Twentieth Annual International Conference, Parapsychology Today: A Geographic View, August 25 - 27, 1971, St. Paul de Vence, A.M. France, sponsored by the Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., New York, New York. ? The ideas expressed at these conferences are now ? beginning to crystallize as the result of two events. The first is 4-1;0 ascovery of a person, Uri Geller, who. has . been able to reocatebly deronstrate under rigid scientific eon'-rol the nover -f Airect brn4r. sctien. The se-er/i event grows out of Captain Edgar D. Yitchell's unofficial Apollo 14 ESP experirent. Captain Yitdlell has undertaken to robilize and organize the resources required to study direct brain action-. Mr. Geller has agreed to be one of the first of several experLlental subjects for this study These two events are now being brought to the attention of the scientists above mentioned in order to exerine the experimental and theoretical problers involved. The present proposal represents a first draft atter nt by the editor, and is now being circulated for review, criticism, and consensus. The editor takes the sole responsibility at this time for :this draft proposal. It will be several months before the Scientific Advisory Conrittee, and Research Committee are fully formal, and inforred, and: can assure responsibility for a _Final Proposal under Section VI, Program Alpha, Phase II, and a long tem Pesearch Plan and Program. If the editor has taken any undue liberties in reporting, formulating con- cepts, or use of neres, or institutions, he has done so solely in the interests of expediting the formulation of a research program, and hunbly requests understanding for any trane.grecczienq fhni- may have occurred. Andrija Puhaxieh, M.D. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100190001-2 Approvetleldor Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-8/1187R000100190001-2 Abstract This proposal deals With the general problem of the interaction of mind with raterial systems, and more specifically with the action of mind .upon material systems which is called direct brain action (MA). A 24 year old Israeli rale has been investigated under field rese.,7.1rcl conditions for six months, and it has been concluded that he possesses the power of direct brain action. It is now proposed to bring him into a laboratory situation to be studied by a group of scientists. An exparinental des5Lqn is proposed which should iyIld an uTbicuous answer to the question as to whether or not direct brain action exists as a part of the laws of nature.. Preliminary data and conclusions With respect to DBA indicate that this power can be a useful tool with which to re-examine some of the basic laws of physics. The rather simple a:?',-;->3r-1=-Its proLosed herein would apt>ear to have profound implications for the clarification of basic theories about the universe, and the place of ran within such theory.; Appi9ved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100190001-2 Approve/14dpi. Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-4/087R000100190001-2 Contents Preface ? . . page b .. Abstract page c I. Introduction to the Research Program page 1 II. Introduction to the Status of Scientific Parapsychology page 3 III. Proposed Research Program . . . . page 11 IV. Inzvediate Research Program : . page 17 V. Results of Program Alpha -- Phase T . . . page 19 VI. Program Alpha, Phase II Research Design . page 29 VII. Anticipated Outcome and Further Research . . page 34'. Appendices . ? a ? page i. ILLEGI SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100190001-2 Approve*tor Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-9,Q,787R000100190001-2 INTDODUCTION 10 Tim. 1-,ESFAR71.1 P1OBLE4 We are so accustomed to getting information about the world at'ound us through seeing, hearing, touching, and other natural or z.vtifioial sensors that it rarely occurs to us that this may not be t11-% only way to receiving knowledge. When we want to do something, to c-ry out an action, we do it through our muscular system -- the tc,nz;ue, the hand, the feet, etc. It rarely occurs to us that personal acL.ion may be carried out by any other mans than these transducer systems. ? Yet the rodern technic-rue of direct brain stimulation (DES) has shown that it is possible to stiJ,:lulate the brain directly with electrical pulses to produce a sensation, or to initiate an involun- tary action. D3S is a state-of-art laboratory technique today which will be increasingly used in the future in practical applications. There are still other direct brain effectSwhich are not state- of-art, and in fact ray be considered- rare. In the world today there are people, perhaps in the hundreds, who claim an extraordinary capa- bility for direct perceptionof informaticn, and direct bicenorgy action. on raterial systaa-s. Direct perception ray he defined as the . acquisition of inforration by a person by direct brain perception (DDP),. i.e. without stLcmiation of the sensory eh=nels or any other? knoc..n bio-transducer. Direct bioenerqy tr.?^- ray be defined as the initiation ofa physical effect by direct brain action (DBA) with- out using any known physical interaction processes. There is cmlpirical as well as some experimental evidence- to - shew?rthat DER and DaA powers exist- in eertain-pco-ole. -These people are little understood by humanity at large, and more specifically less so by science. Yet it is believed by stuents of those phenomena that a kr,41gledge of, and -control over such human powers, is of the greatest consequence to mankind. - ToLy has this field of knowledge -been so neglected if it is of such great- irortance- for man's welfare? 1 1. Scientists Who have examined the evidence for direct brain action (DEW believe that the phenomenon is of basic inpartanee, and mustibe studied intensively in order to find out if known laws of nature are involved (electrcmagnetism, gravitation, etc.) or whether we h4ve the opportunity to discover a new law of nature, A clear resOlution of this one .problem would do mare to mobilize the interest and resources of science and philosophy tcr.ard answering a basic question than any other approach now known. Sce'tts i- +-he 11F.,-",,3 have rf,comized thr, pressing irportance of.thse cu-stionq, particularly ti o quettion of "ean thought rove an cbjeCt?", N'nile scientists in the usA, generally, speaking, have not. roved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100190001-2 2. ApproveWor Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-64787R000100190001-2 rft aountries, and the need not., and should not lag in research ro:;sible application of 12',]:?A. The I.TE.,;\ particularly has lagged because coneryatives in the f.ciontifie establislyt.cnt havL. held to the taboo that these subjects lend thez?,-,elves to -scientific study.-. Blat twenty years. ago. it. w,-ts held that hypnosis -could not be handled scientifically, yct this. taLK)so has been broken by the pioneering work of 7:rons, Wolberg, etc.- Fifte-an years ago it was held that. Iran's sex life -could not be studied scientifically, and. this taboo has been abolished by the. pioneering - urrk of lansey, and by ,1::Isters? ce-id Johnson. ? 11?on. years ago it as be- lieved by many scientists.. that ran could not survive in the vacuum and 2,-,ro-cTravity of space; this _taboo died when .a :ran stepped onto the...sur- .. face of the moon. Five years -ago it was hold that man could not live without his own heart, and w%:3 are now watching this taboo sludy vanish as surgeons transplant human hearts., and mZ.ical engineers design im- pl,,ntable artificial -hearts. Tcxlay it is still ext-Lretrt?lv difficult to have. any -research results in Da:? and DBP accepted and in scientific journals. Yet there are many competent and prestigious scientists who are activzly - interested in this kind of research, and who are willing to devote nore of their time and effort in a well-organized major scientific effort. - in the next two sections we will briefly describe the. nature of the scientific work .that,has .been done. in MA and MP, where .we stand today,. and \.:aat could be done to advance basic scientific knowledge. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R00010019000,1-2 3. Approvederor Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-61087R000100190001-2 II. INTPDDUCTION '10 THE STATUS OF sca-amric PARAPsycnaurY A number of historical events have occurred which may give - birth to a scientific approach to 'MP and DEA. me observation of th- Count de Puyscgur that his 'thoughts" could put another person in hypnotic trance (1765) cuLnlinated, in Charcot's e: