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Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080055-4
The Director of Central Intelligence
Washington. D.C. 20505
Honorable David A. Stockman, Director
Office of Management and Budget
Washington, D`. C. 20503
In accordance with Office of Management and Budget
Circular No. A-19, revised, I am submitting proposed legis-
lation.for your advice as to whether it is in accord with
the program of the President. Enclosed are ten copies of a
draft "Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1983_"
Also enclosed are draft letters of transmittal to the
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of
The Fiscal Year 1983 Intelligence Authorization Act
was identified as proposal number 97/2-4 in the proposed
Central Intelligence Agency and Intelligence Community
Legislative Program for the second session of the ninety-
seventh Congress, which was forwarded to your Office
on 15 November 1981 with the consolidated National Foreign
Intelligence Program budget. The basic provisions of the
draft Fiscal Year 1983 Intelligence Authorization Bill are
substantively similar to those in the Fiscal Year 1982 Act
.(P.L. 97-89).
I would be most appreciative of your assistance in
securing prompt clearance of this proposed legislation.
William J. Casey
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The Director of Central Intelligence
Washington. D. C. 20505
Honorable Thoas P. O'Neill, Jr.
Speaker of the House of
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker:
This letter transmits for the consideration of the
Congress a draft "Intelligence Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 1983."
Cooperative efforts by the Executive and Legislative
Branches in the authorization process last year reflected the
consensus'which exists with regard to the need to revitalize our
nation's intelligence capabilities. I am confident that for
fiscal year 1983 the Congress will continue to provide the
resources needed to ensure the Intelligence Community's ability
to monitor the military activities of our adversaries and to
provide accurate assessments of the political, economic, and
social forces which will shape world affairs in the 1980's.
The draft Intelligence Authorization Act is accompanied
by a detailed sectional analysis. Early and favorable consid-
eration of
"Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
1983" would
greatly appreciated. The Office of Management
advised that enactment of this proposed
would be in accord with the program of the
William J. Casey
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Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080055-4
The Director of Central Intelligence
Washington. D.C. 20505
Honorable George Bush
President of the United
States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Mr. President:
This letter transmits for the consideration of the
Congress a draft "Intelligence Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 1983."
Cooperative efforts by the Executive and Legislative
Branches in the authorization process last year reflected the
consensus which exists with regard to the need to revitalize our
nation's intelligence capabilities. I am confident that for
fiscal year. 1983 the Congress will continue to provide the
resources needed to ensure the Intelligence Community's ability
to monitor the military activities of our adversaries and to
provide accurate assessments of the political, economic, and
social forces which will shape world affairs in the 1980's.
The draft Intelligence Authorization Act is accompanied
by a detailed sectional analysis. Early and favorable consid-
eration of the "Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
1983" would be greatly appreciated. The Office of Management
and'Budget has advised that enactment of this proposed
legislation would be in accord with the program of the
W i l l i a m J. Casey
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To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1983 for intelli-
gence and intelligence-related activities of the United
States Government, for the Intelligence Community Staff,
for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability
System, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That
this Act may be cited as the "Intelligence Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 1983".
Authorization of Appropriations
SEC. 101. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated
for fiscal year 1983 for the conduct of the intelligence and
intelligence-related activities of the following agencies
of the United States Government:
Central Intelligence Agency.
Department of Defense.
Defense Intelligence Agency.
National Security Agency.
Department of the Army, the Department
and the Department of the Air Force.
Department of State.
Department of the Treasury.
Department of Energy.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Drug Enforcement Administration.
Classified Schedule of Authorizations
SEC. 102. The amounts authorized to be appropriated
under section 101, and the authorized personnel ceilings as
of September 30, 1983, for the conduct.of the intelligence
and intelligence-related activities of the agencies listed
in such section, are those specified in the classified
Schedule of Authorizations prepared by the committee of
conference to accompany of the Ninety-seventh
Congress. That Schedule of Authorizations shall be made
available to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate
and House of Representatives and to the President. The
President shall provide for suitable distribution of the
Schedule, or of appropriate portions of the Schedule, within
the Executive Branch.
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Congressional Notification of Expenditures
in Excess of Program Authorizations
SEC. 103. During fiscal year 1983, funds may not.
be made available for any activity for which funds are
authorized to be appropriated by this Act unless such
funds have been specifically authorized for such activity
or, in the case of funds appropriated for a different
activity, unless the Director of Central Intelligence or
the Secretary of 'Defen.se has notified the appropriate
committees of`Congress of the intent to make such funds
available for such activity.
Conduct of Intelligence Activities
SEC. 104. The authorization of appropriations by this
Act shall not be deemed to constitute authority for the
conduct of any intelligence activity which is not otherwise
authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
Authorization of Appropriations
SEC. 201. There is authorized to be appropriated for
the Intelligence Community Staff for fiscal year 1983 the
sum of $18,100,000.
Authorization of Personnel End-Strength
SEC. 202.(a) The Intelligence Community Staff is
authorized two hundred and thirty full-time equivalent
personnel as of September 30, 1983. Such personnel may be
permanent employees of the Intelligence Community Staff or
personnel detailed from other elements of the United States
(b) During fiscal year 1983, personnel of the Intelli-
gence Community Staff shall be selected so as to provide
appropriate representation from elements of the United
States Government engaged in intelligence and intelligence-
related activities.
(c) During fiscal year 1983, any officer or employee
of he United States or member of the Armed Forces who is
detailed to the Intelligence Community Staff from another
element of the United States Government shall be detailed on
a reimbursable basis, except that any such officer, employee,
or member may be detailed on a nonreimbursable basis for a
period of less than one year for the performance of temporary
functions as required by the Director of Central Intelligence.
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Intelligence Community Staff Administered in Same
Manner as Central Intelligence Agency
SEC. 203. During fiscal year 1983, activities and personnel
of the Intelligence Community Staff shall be subject to, the
provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 401
et seq.) and the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50
U.S.C. 403a-403m) in the same manner as activities and personnel
.of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Authorization of'Appropriations
SEC. 301. There is authorized to be appropriated for
the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability
Fund for fiscal year 1983
Increases in Employee Benefits Authorized by Law
SEC. 401. Appropriations authorized by this Act for
salary, pay, retirement, and other benefits for Federal
employees may be increased by such additional or supplemental
amounts as may be necessary for increases in such benefits
authorized by law.
Compliance with Section 607 of P.L. 93-344, the
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974
SEC. 402. There are authorized to be appropriated for
fiscal year 1984 such sums as may be necessary for the intelli-
gence and intelligence-related activities of the United States
Government, for the Intelligence Community Staff, and for the
Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund.
Amendment to Section 3 of Central Intelligence
Agency Act of 1949
SEC. 403. (a) Section 3 of the Central Intelligence Agency
Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403c) is anended by adding at the end
thereof the following new subsection:
"(e) Section 111 of the Federal Property and
Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C.
759), including specifically subsection 111(e')
of that Act, is not applicable to the procure-
ment by the Central Intelligence Agency of
automatic data processing equipment or services."
(b) Subsection 3(e) of the Central Intelligence Agency Act
of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403c), as added by subsection (a) of this
section, does not apply to a contract made before the date
of enactment of this Act.
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Unauthorized Use Of Defense
Intelligence Agency Name,
Initials, Or Seal
SEC. 501. (a) Chapter 4 of title 10, United States Code
is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new
"140c. ? Secretary, of Defense: Use of Defense
Intelligence Agency Name, Initials, or Seal
(a) No person may, except with the written permission
of the Secretary of Defense or his designee, knowingly
use the words 'Defense Intelligence Agency', the initials
'DIA', the seal of the Defense Intelligence Agency, or any
colorable imitation of such words, initials, or seal in
connection with any merchandise, impersonation, solicita-
tion; or commercial activity in a manner reasonably
calculated to convey the impression that such use is
approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Defense Intelligence
"(b) Whenever it appears to the Attorney General that
any person is engaged or is about to engage in an act or
practice which constitutes or will constitute conduct
prohibited by subsection (a), the Attorney General may
initiate a civil proceeding in a district court of the
United States to enjoin such act or practice. Such court
shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and
determination of such action and may, at any time before
final determination, enter such restraining orders or
prohibitions, or take such other action as is warranted,
to prevent injury to the United States or to any person
or class of persons for whose protection the action is
(b) The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 4
of title 10 is amended by adding at the end thereof the
following new item:
"140c. Secretary of Defense: Use of DID name,
Initials, or Sea].".
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Section 101 lists the departments, agencies, and other
elements of the United States Government for whose intelli-
gence and intelligence-related activities the Act authorizes
;appropriations for fiscal year 1983. - w
Section 102~makes clear that details of the amounts
.'authorized to..be appropriated for intelligence and intelli-
gence-related activities and personnel ceilings covered
under this title for fiscal year 1983 are contained in a
Glassified Schedule of Authorizations. The Schedule of
Authorizations is incorporated into the Act by this section.
Section 103 requires that no funds may be appropriated
or otherwise made available through tran-sfer, reprogramming,
etc., unless specifically authorized or accompanied by notifi-
cation. It is understood that specifically authorized intelli-
gence activities are those activities described in annual budget
justification material as modified by the Congress. The notifi-
cation requirement is not intended to apply to reprogrammings
below agreed-to dollar thresholds, releases from authorized
contingency funds, or to Economy Act transactions for specific
activities otherwise authorized by law. Notification required
under this provision is normally expected to be made at least
fifteen days prior to completion of the funding transaction,
but it is recognized that circumstances may occasionally require
later notification.
Should questions arise as to the relationship between
section 103 and section 501 of the National Security Act
of 1947, it is expected that resolution will be guided by
the principles of comity and mutual understanding set forth
in the legislative history accompanying the statutory intelli-
gence oversight provisions enacted in 1980.
Section 104 makes clear that, with the exception of any
specific legislative authorities which may be contained in
the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1983, the
Act is intended only to authorize appropriations and does
not constitute authority for the conduct of any intelligence
activity prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the.
United States.
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Section 201 authorizes appropriations for the Intelli-
gence Community Staff, which provides the Director of
Central Intelligence with staff assistance to carry out his
Intelligence Community responsibilities:
Subsection 202(a). authorizes personnel end strength
for the Intelligence Community Staff, and provides that
personnel may be permanent employees of the Staff or detailed
from various elements of the United States Government.
Subsection 202(b) requires that detailed employees be
selected so as to provide appropriate representation from
the various departments and agencies engaged in intelligence
and intelligence-related activities.
Subsection 202(c) requires that personnel be detailed
on a reimbursable basis except for temporary situations.
Section 203 provides that the Director of Central Intelli-
gence shall utilize existing statutory authority to manage the
activities and to pay the personnel of the Intelligence Community
Staff. This language reaffirms the statutory authority of the
Director of Central Intelligence and clarifies the legal status
of the Intelligence Community Staff. In the case of detailed
personnel it is understood that the authority of the Director
of Central Intelligence to discharge personnel extends only to
discharge from service at the Intelligence Community Staff and
not from federal employment or military service.
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Section 301 authorizes fiscal year 1983 appropriations
for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability
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Section 401 provides authority for adjustments to
federal employee compensation and benefits during fiscal
year 1983 which are increased by current or subsequently
en.acted law. The section obviates the-rlecessity for
'separate authorizations for such increases during the fiscal
;year .
Section 402 brings the intelligence and intelligence-
related activities authorization of appropriations process
into:technical compliance with section 607 of P.L. 93-344,
'the`Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of
1974, which requires that appropriations be authorized in
the calendar year prior to the year in which the fiscal year
Section 403 restores Central Intelligence Agency
automatic data processing equipment and services procure-
ment authority which was constrained by enactment of
section 111 of the Federal Property and Administrative
Services Act (FPASA) of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 759),
granting certain government-wide authorities to the
Administrator of General Services and the Secretary of
Commerce. In 1981, Congress enacted in the Fiscal Year
1982 Department of Defense Authorization Act a provision,
similar to this section, which excludes all Department of
Defense automatic data processing equipment and services
procurement for DoD intelligence activities from the scope
of section 111 of the FPASA. This congressional recognition
of the need for automatic data processing flexibility in
support of intelligence activities would properly be
extended to automatic data processing support for the
intelligence activities of the Central Intelligence
Agency by enactment of this section.
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Section 501 extends to the Defense Intelligence Agency
name, initials, and seal the same protection against misuse
which has been afforded to the Central Intelligence Agency
and National Security Agency names, initials, and seals (see
sections 503 and 603 of P.L. 97-89, the Fiscal Year 1982
In.t''elligence Authorization Act).
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Note: Where applicable, changes in existing law
are shown as follows: existing law in which
no change is proposed is shown in roman;
existing law proposed to be struck is enclosed
in brackets; new material is underscored.
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Section 101: No substantive-change.
Section 102: No substantive change.
,Sec`tion 103.: No substantive change.
Section 104: No substantive change from
section 805 of the fiscal year 1982 Act.
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Section 201:
Subsection 202(a):
Subsection 202(b):
Subsection 202(c):
No substantive change.
No substantive change.
No substantive change.
No substantive change.
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Section 401: No substantive change (section
804 of the fiscal year 1982 Act).
Section 402:. New provision.
Section 403.: New provi sion.
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Section 501: New provision.
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Section 101: Fiscal Year 19'83.authorizations are
contained in the classified Schedule of Authorizations.
Section 102: Cost analysis not applicable.
Section 103: Cost analysis not applicable.
Section 104: Cost analysis not applicable.
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Section 201: The authorization for fiscal
year 1,983
Subsection .202(a): The authorized personnel
end strength as of September 30, 1983 is 230 full-
time equivalent..
Subsection 202(b): Cost analysis not applicable.
Subsection 202(c): Cost analysis not applicable.
Section 203: Cost analysis not applicable.
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Section 501: No programmed expenditures contemplated.
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Section 401: Cost analysis impossible to determine.
Section. 402: Technical compliance with section
607 of P;L.. 93-344 only; cost analysis not applicable.
Section 403-: Some cost savings through more effective
and efficient procurement can be expected.
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