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Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 The Director of Central Intelligence ? Washington. D. C. 20505 Honorable Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman Committee on Labor and Human Resources United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 I am writing in support of H.R. 756, which recently passed the House by a vote of 327-82 and is now pending before your Committee. The officers of the Federal Protective Service have done an outstanding job in protecting the personnel and property of the Intelligence Community in the buildings which the Community occupies. These officers receive the same training, have the same types of duties and responsibilities, and run the same occupational risks as do federal law enforcement officers such as the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service and the Capitol Police. Representative Dale E. Kildee of Michigan introduced this Bill in order to raise the pay and benefits of Federal Protective officers to equal those of similarly situated federal law enforcement officers. I believe that H.R. 756 accords Federal Protective officers a status befitting their service to the country, and I support the concepts embodied in the Bill. The members of the intelligence Community greatly appreciate the fine work that the General Services Administration's Federal Protective officers have done for us. Sincerely, John N. McMahon Acting Director Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 ? ? r 9 7 TII CONGRESS 1ST SESSION 75 11 To amend title 5 of the United States Code to provide death benefits to survivors of Federal law enforcement officers and firefighters, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JANUARY 6, 1981 Mr. KILDEE (for himself and Mr. BONER of Tennessee) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor . A BILL To amend title 5 of the United States Code to provide death benefits to survivors of Federal law enforcement officers and firefighters, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That (a)(1) subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5, United 4 'States Code, is amended by inserting after section 8147 the .5 following new section: 6 "?8148. Death benefits for law enforcement officers and firefighters "(a) For the purpose of this section- Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 ? 2 0 "(1) `law enforcement officer' means an em- 2 ployee- "(A) the duties of whose position include performing work directly connected with- "G) the control of crime or juvenile delinquency; "(ii) the enforcement of the criminal 8 laws; or 9 "(iii) the protection of Federal officials, 10 public buildings or property, or foreign diplo- 11 , matic missions; and 12 "(B) who, at the time the personal injury re- 13 ferred to in subsection (b) of this section is sus- 14 tamed, is-- 15 "(i) engaged in the detection of crime; 16 "(ii) engaged in the_ apprehension of an 17 . alleged criminal offender; 18 "(iii) engaged in the keeping in physical 19 . custody of an alleged or convicted criminal 20 offender; or 21 "(iv) assaulted or subjected to the con- 22 duct of criminal activity in the line of duty; 23 "(2) `firefighter' means an employee the duties of 24- whose position include performing work directly con- 25 nected with the control and extinguishment of fires and Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 3 1 who, at the time the personal injury referred to in sub- 2 section (b) of this section is sustained, is engaged in 3 such work in the control or extinguishment of a fire or 4 other emergency operation; 5 "(3) `child' means any natural, illegitimate, 6 adopted, or posthumous child or stepchild of a deceased 7 law enforcement officer or firefighter (as defined in 8 paragraphs (1) and (2)) who, at the time of such law 9 enforcement officer or firefighter's death, is-- 10 "(A) 18 years of age or under; 11 "(B) over 18 years of age and a student; or 12 "(C) over 18 years of age and incapable of 13 self-support because of physical or mental 14 disability; 15 "(4) `dependent' means substantially reliant for 16 support upon the income of the deceased law enforce- 17 ment officer or firefighter; 18 "(5) Intoxication' means a disturbance of mental 19 or physical faculties resulting from the introduction of 20 alcohol, drugs, or other substances into the body; and 21 "(6) `detection of crime' means the physical pur- 22 suit, investigation, or interviewing of any individual at 23 a crime scene, but shall not include laboratory investi- 24 gation, studies, or other similar acts of a nondangerous 25 nature. 11 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 4 1 "(b)(1) In any case in which the Secretary of Labor de- 2 termines, under regulations prescribed pursuant to this sec- 3 tion, that a law enforcement officer or firefighter has died as 4 the direct and-proximate result of a personal injury inflicted 5 by an outside force, and in the line of duty, the Secretary 6 shall pay a benefit of $50,000 as follows: 7 "(A) if there is no surviving child of such law en- 8 forcement officer or firefighter, to the surviving spouse 9 of such law enforcement officer or firefighter; 10 "(B) if there are one or more surviving children 11 and a surviving spouse, one-half to the surviving chil- 12 dren in equal shares and one-half to the surviving 13 spouse; 14 "(C) if there is no surviving spouse, to the surviv- 15 ing children of such law enforcement officer or fire- 16 fighter in equal shares; or 17 "(D) if none of the above, to the dependent parent 18 or parents of such law enforcement officer or firefighter 19 in equal shares. 20 "(2) In any case in which the Secretary determines, 21 upon a showing of need and prior to taking final action, that 22 the death of a law enforcement officer or firefighter is one 23 with respect to which a benefit will probably be paid, the 24 Secretary may make an interim benefit payment not exceed- Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 1 ing $3,000 to the individual entitled to receive a benefit 2 under paragraph'(1) of this subsection. 3 "(3) The amount of an interim payment to any individu- 4 al under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be deducted 5 from the amount of any final benefit paid to such individual. 6 "(4) In any case in which there is no final benefit paid, 7 the recipient of any interim payment under paragraph (2) of 8 this subsection shall be liable for repayment of such amount. 9 The Secretary may waive all or part of such repayment, con- 10 sidering for this purpose the hardship which would result 11 from such repayment. 12 "(5) The benefit payable under this section shall be in 13 addition to any compensation or other benefit that may be 14 due under this subchapter or from any other source, but shall 15 be reduced by payments authorized by section 12(k) of the 16 Act of September 1, 1916, as amended (D.C. Code, sec. 17 4-531(1)). 18 "(6) No benefit paid under this section shall be subject 19 to execution or attachment. 20 "(7) No benefit shall be paid under this section- 21 "(A) if the law enforcement officer or firefighter's 22 death was. caused by the intentional misconduct of the 23 law enforcement officer or firefighter or by such law 24 enforcement officer -or firefighter's intention to bring 25 about such death; Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 ? ? 6 1 "(B) if voluntary intoxication of the law enforce- 2 ment officer or firefighter was the proximate cause of death; or "(C) to any individual who would otherwise be entitled to a benefit under this section if such individ- ual's actions were a substantial contributing factor to 7 the law enforcement officer or firefighter's death. 8 "(c) The Secretary may prescribe rules, regulations, and 9 procedures to carry out the purpose of this section. Such 10 rules, regulations, and procedures will be determinative of 11 conflict of laws and issues arising under this section. Rules, 12 regulations, and procedures prescribed under this section may 13 include regulations governing the recognition of agents or 14 other persons representing claimants under this section 15 before the Secretary. The Secretary may prescribe the maxi- 16 mum fees which may be charged for services performed in 17 connection with any claim under this section before the Sec- 18 retary, and any agreement in violation of such rules and reg- 19 ulations shall be void.". 20 (2) The table of sections for chapter 81 of title 5, United 21 States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating 22 to section 8147 the following new item: 8148. Death benefits for law enforcement officers and firefighters.". 23 (b)(1) Section 8101(9) of title 5, United States Code, 24 relating to definition of "child", is amended by inserting after Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 7 ? 1 "means" the following: ", except as provided in section 2 8148(a)(3) of this title,". 3 (2) Section 8101(12) of such title, relating to definition 4 of "compensation", is amended by striking out "Fund, but 5 this does not in any way reduce the amount of the monthly 6 compensation payable for disability or .death;" and inserting 7 in lieu thereof the following: "Fund, except that- 8 "(A) this paragraph does not in any way reduce 9 the amount of the monthly compensation payable for 10 disability or death; and 11 "(B) such term does not include benefits paid 12 under section 8148 of this title;". 13 SEC. 2. The authority to make payments under section 14 8148 of title 5, United States Code (as added by the first 15 section of this Act), shall be effective only to the extent pro- 16 vided for in advance by appropriation Acts. 17 SEC. 3. The amendments made by this Act shall take 18 effect October 1, 1981, and shall apply with respect to. inju- 19 Ties sustained on or after such date. 0 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 1 - Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 W . W OEXA 82-2022 FROM: MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Director of Central Intelligence Director, Office of External' Affairs SUBJECT: Draft Letter to Senator Orrin Hatch re H.R. 756 . I. Following the death of FPO Wells here on the compound on 23 June when the President visited CIA to sign the' Intelligence Identities Protection Act, two members of my staff were approached by FPOs here to solicit support for H.R. 756, a Bill pending in Congress which will provide death benefits for them similar to those provided other uniformed. officers who serve in positions of occupational risk. Although FPO Wells would not have been covered under the provisions of this Bill, it still seems appropriate that CIA demonstrate a show of support for the FPOs assigned to us. 2. This Bill was introduced and passed during the 96th Congress but was later vetoed by President Carter. At that time former DCI Turner sent a letter of support for the Bill to the head of the General Services Administration. The current Administration, however, is opposed to the Bill. 3. The attached letter has been drafted to Senator Hatch; his Co nittee now has H.R. 756 under consideration. Your letter will of course have to be funneled through the Office of Management and Budget and could well never be sent to the Committee. Once OMB has taken action on it, if approved, it will be sent back for your signature and subsequent for- warding to the Committee. 4. Please indicate your approval or disapproval of this action below. Director, Office of External Affairs APPROVE: Acting Director of Central Intelligence Date DISAPPROVE: ' Approved For Release 2007/07/12: CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3 +i ? The Director of Central Intelligence 115shinzlon. D C. 205i25 Honorable Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman Committee on Labor and Human Resources. United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: I am writing in support of H.R: 756, which recently passed the House by a vote of 327-82 and is now pending before your Committee. The officers of the Federal Protective Service have done an outstanding job in protecting the personnel and property of the Intelligence Community in the buildings which the Community occupies. These officers receive the same training, have the same types of duties and responsibilities, and run the same occupational risks as do federal law enforcement officers such as the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service and the Capitol Police. Representative Dale E. Kildee of Michigan introduced this Bill in order to raise the pay and benefits. of Federal Protective Officers to equal those of similarly situated federal law enforcement officers. I believe that H.R. 756 accords Federal Protective Officers a status befitting their service to the country, and I support the concepts embodied in the Bill. The members of the Intelligence Community greatly appreciate the fine work that the General Services Administration's Federal Protective officers have done for us., Sincerely, John N. McMahon Acting Director Approved For Release 2007/07/12 : CIA-RDP85B00552RO01000080010-3