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Approved For Release 2004/08/25 :J! -0788R000500930001-5
sort of discussing the project S G1
-1 F
and we had a little debrief on that. And, we A
were talking about what you all may come up with for today.
made the comment that, and what I think is probably
logical as well as a psychical imput that there. was some
discussion as to what photograph, what project, one thing
or another, and he got tuned in on another one, other than
this one. So, we had an interesting game that we can't use
at this point.
All right ..why don't you handle the photograph
and look at it, an we'll work on the, we'll use the coordi-
nates to reinforce your impressions you get from that.
That building is referred to as and we are
interested in We would like to get a description
of the room as you enter the room, and we want to concentrate
on the mission of that room. In other words, you can
describe what's specifically going on now, but also as I
discussed with you that day, what the purpose and overall
purpose and function of that room is.
#6.5: This is a picture of the building. This building that we
are interested in, I have a geographic coordinate. I will
give you a building number and I will give you a room in
that building. It's that room only that we are interested
in. The geographic coordinate is:
1100: All right. Let me say for the record, last nicht up. ware
#99: Okay. First thing that I get //00 is a very heavy, weary
high tension feeling almost to the point of.....high tension
feeling of if people were afraid to,to breath.
Now, I'm starting that way instead of the questions that you
asked ..//00 , because of the feeling that I'm picking up within
the room itself as we're going in. The feeling here is...
I keep would I put it...things opened...there
were sketches.. .and on these sketches things were being
moved or plotted. In other words, certain things had to be
....I'm not saying the whole room, I'm merely saying that
5 &
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#99: .....this is the element here I'm seeing some
pieces of paper or something, and they are like plots
or doing lines or something to this affect on it. Now,
the tension is high.
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#00: Okay, let's go from broad to small. The building is
building. What is the relation ... what is the building.....
is the building a recognized government installation; is it
a private building? What is the status of the building?
Just sort of set aside the particular room, right now.
and we are particularly interested in in the
#99: Let me put it this way from the psychic imput that it is not
fully recognized as a government building. By fully recognized
meaning people around, you wouldn't look at it being singled
this is a government building in a sense of government work,
government project, government this, this and this.
#00: Is the answer quite simply it has a dual function. It's
commercial, and then they're government lease in it.
#99: I would put it in the second one.
#00: Does the government own the building, or is it a private
building in which some space is leased by the government?
1199: I would have to say the space is leased.
#00: Now, I don't want to mislead you.
#99: No, no, no. It's just something that when you asked the
question it said leased.
#00: Okay. But, the space may or may not be leased by the
Now, let's go down and focus specifically on
The occupants of this room, are these U.S.
Gover.,nment personnel, people or not?
#99: They're not.
#00: They're not U.S. Government personnel?
#99: No, not the way I can see it.
#00: All right. Are these people civilians in the classical
sense of the word. That is, they're in a business, U.S.
citizens or a foreign connection with the activity in
A non-U.S. interest.
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#99: Let me put it this way #00 to your question which seems to
superimpose little of what you're asking about. There seems
to be someone involved with the Government there (mumble)
......but the people are American people in the building,
but I cannot tell you at this point whether these people
are for or against what we are doing in the Government.
##00: Okay. Let's don't worry about that yet. Let's go back
to the ...... I want you to try and enter the room #99, and
you may need to go to some altered state at this point,
because I want to try to get a description of the room. Let
me ask you is the photograph enough or me repeating the
latitude, longitude?
#99: The latitude, longitude means very little to me. The
photograph is the most important thing. The latitude,
longitude would only have an importance to me if I was to
put a setting of the building, which I do not need, into
the ......... Into the room...... I'm going to this room.
A door has no glass, from what I can see......
#00: All right. Are you outside the room now? Let's go in the
hallway. There must be an entranceway.
#99: All right. I'm, I'm......... I almost seem to come from
where I'm standing at a block which means that I can see
the end of a hallway. I'm here, I'm coming in front of a
doorway. It does not appear to have glass, or if there is
glass, you cannot see through it. I turn the knob and I
walk the door ......... Inside this room.. ...
I see something like partitions at first or some cubicles
#00: Are these what we can call standard office....
#99: No. It's different than an office. I've seen cubicles of
offices ....... that way.... I'm walking in and there's a
large space ......there's a desk. Wait a minute. Field it!
It's not that easy to go into that room.
#00: IV hat's the difficulty?
#99: The difficulty is that you need an identification.
#00: What is identification? Can you see someone wearing a badge
or a tag or something?. Give us a description of it. Either
color or shape or size.
##99: Wearing identification ...... the word... identification meaning
that the person ....... if I were to go in I would not be
admitted because I was not known to the people within the
#00: And at where is the check point for this?
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#99: Right at the entrance. There's another thing that's
bothering me. The building looks ....the building to me
is a lot of disguise. It's like a double edged sword.
#99: I could go into this building, one of the rooms, and I
could go in and say I'm coming in for something ......
photography, let's say, just an example, I'm not. saying
it's in the building.... but hidden within this building
is more than just this's one of
them, but it's more than one of T1 ese rooms as I'm
describing where there's high tension. I'm just trying to
put this whole element in
Now, here I am entering in. I see a space. I need something
for them or I have to be ident:ified...I have to be identified.
#00: All right. Let. me ask some specific questions about this
process #99. Picture someone who is going to get proper
entry in there. Does he or she show a pass? Is the,pass.?,
taken from them and inserted in something or exchanged for
another pass? What is the process for getting in. The
proper process.
#99: Let me put it this way. The person is carrying nothing on him
to show. The person going in either gets it from his wallet
or gets it from somewhere....sshows something, shows him a looks like a small. card of some kind. Then, the
person will take you from that point in.... Passing the
disguise front that you have.
#00: Well, now, you call it a disguise. Is it necessarily a
disguise. Why not just a security entranceway. That does not.
seem to be an exceptional. If it's a secure facility where
authorized people are allowed in, there's a checkpoint where
a receptionist either recognizes you or doesn't, and requires
#99: All right. Disguise may be the wrong word #00......
#00: Well, maybe it's the right word, but I'm.............
#99: You could-be right. I'm only ...... as you know as we work
together...I can only give you the impressions as I can
understand them.
#00: Okay. You can't give me any details of the check process of
getting in at this time?
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#99: The check process....the person walking in, I only see
someone, and it's not the one at the desk, is a person
there that I saw standing in this space as if they were
waiting for the person and the person shows him his
identification. The person escorts him.
#00: Okay. Where do they go out of this check point. I want
to go deeper into Is there another doorway that they
go in? Give me some descriptions, please.
#99: What I want to work with is the length of the
It's...the way that it'slaid.' out, it's not a
small oom, but it's a long room.
#00: Overall what is the ratio of rit(phonetic) to length?
Is it a square room or is it a rectangular room?
#99: It's square.
#00: My question was about the overall dimensions, not including
the partitions in there. If all the partitions were removed,
when they were setting up the room, it was more square than
#99: Yes, it was more square.
#00: About how many people in the room right now #99? Are we
working in the present?
#99: If you are asking me right here 8:46, I would have to say
I have my doubts that it's 8:46. The work, everything that
I'm seeing is at 8:46 this morning. All I can say is that
I would give you, that it's riot a small operation, and that
not all the people come in at the same time to the building.
It's not shift work, but it's certainly an overturn depending
an what's happening in the room.
Well, is there a normal number of people there, and then they
are augmented, or people come in for a particular...........
There's a working crew.
I'm trying to say.
That's a poor description of what
Okay. A regular office cadre. What is that number?
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Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : a, TWE I 788R000500930001-5
#99: It can vary. I would say no less than six......six to
#00: Okay, but, is it your sense that at times there are more
than that many?
#00: Why, why would more people show up?
#99: Again, I'm getting these plans or these sketches ...but
the sketches are fragmented and it appears that different
people are one knows the whole sketch....
or knows the whole layout.
#00: Is the reason they don't is because some work is done in
one cubicle out sight of the others? Is this why they
don't know? There are physical barriers?
#99: No, it's not dealing with physical barriers. It's dealing
with the information.
#00: My question was in response that everyone doesn't know what's
going on. I was wondering practically how you keep information
from being shared. Formerly, you said that there were cubicles,
and I assumed that that meant that if I was in cubicle A and
you were in cubicle B I couldn't see what you were doing.
Therefore, I wouldn't know what you were doing unless I went
in there. Is that how they keep information from being shared?
#99: No. Not just that. There's something else.
#00: What is the something else?
#99: I don't know if it's the answer to your question directly,
but, I'm going to have to come back. There appears to be
something like monitors, and I don't know whether it's a
photograph monitor or a knowledge monitor of information.
#00: Is it a monitor in a electronic sense or are there human
monitors? Is there television coverage scanning like we see
in banks for security? Is that what you mean by monitors?
#99: All right. The picture that comes to me, I can only see the
monitor or the square box, but: I can't see what is on it.
##00: A square box as in a television screen?
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r C%R
VA a
1/99: Like a television screen .... or you know, if you were
pressing keys and something would come out on it. Either
it's a picture or it's writing. I'm riot close enough to
see, and there seems to be some of this in this room.
#00: Okay. Well, let's come back to that. I want to go back
to your first psychic impressions now..... I have a question
on that. You said in overview when you first handled the
photograph that there was a heavy feeling of high tension,
and you said the phrase "afraid to breath," When you said,
"afraid to breath," did you mean that in a literal sense that
there might be some hazard in inhalation or in a symbolic
#99: In a symbolic sense. Not that the building or anything else
was .....
SG1A #99: No, no. That's not it. Let's, for example, here's
a meeting is called and heavy tension, and heavy stress,
and whether this is going to go through or how are we going
to handle this or the information coming in, and if there was
a slip or something to this affect. It's only an example
of how I can explain the tension.
#00: All right. Let's talk about that. That could describe a
number of processes. It even could be an academic situation.
It could be a business where people are making corporate
decisions on investments of hiring and firing.
//99: No, no.
#00: All right. You don't like those? What do you think is
the cause for the feeling of tension?
1199: The feeling of tension is information other than academic
or any decision like business, and it has to deal with
decisions that have to be made which have greater value
than just within that office within that building or any-
thing else around.
#00: All right. I can accept that. But, generally, what is the
subject, and specifically, what is the subject?
#99: There is information being fed into this office which is of
great importance or value, which I would believe quite
strongly .....either it's only information that is brought
there then transferred somewhere else which appears more of
information coming in and which is used within the compound
of their work.
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#00: Okay. Information about what? Give me a subject.
#99: The subject of information deals with ------ I want to try and
use the right words here ................ Let's say that will I put it.....see, if you're asking me specific,
and I believe that...there is not one specific piece of
knowledge that it deals with. Let me give you an example.
Let's say that a person was defecting or that we were
going to explode an atom bomb or that something happened in
China... something like this. It's that kind of information.
It's not regular information that I'm giving you. I'm only
giving you the sense of the information. This is what I'm
trying to give you.
#00: Let me rephrase the question. Is it your impression that
the subject matter is more varied than specific. That is to
say they don't deal with maritime information exclusively.
#00: They don't deal with scientific information exclusively.
But, the information they deal with is varied.
#00: So, what is the significance of that?
#99: My significance is this, and I'm going to lay it on the line
as I see it. I am wondering from my tension, whether there
is not part of....... again, I have to go back to a double-
edged sword here .... part. of it is a front and part of it is
information that they receive.. .1 can only use like a double
#00: Well, what is a double agent to you?
#99: Double agent meaning ...... I would say I'm working for the
United States Government, but at the same time I'm working
for someone else.
#00: Okay. Is that a benign situation or is that essentially
a legal situation potentially harmful to the United States?
By that I mean...working against the United States Government.....
Is that the impression that you're getting? Is that going
on in this room?
1199: If you're asking me as a whole if the room is working against
the United States, I would say no. I will keep with no.
#00: Is it a research firm? Is research going on?
#99: There's research going's more than one subject.
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#99: It's more than research. It's something else that goes
with research. It's information that's coming in that is
needed which is given, but at the same time, I'm not....,
I don't know whether the people know what I'm trying to
feel, but certain people in there are dangerous
what's going on within the room.
#00: Okay. That's a little complicated, and we'll have to come
back to that. I'm trying to pin down why the feeling of
high tension in there ...why the stress and symbolically
it's an area where you're almost afraid to breath for
some reason. Is it because of the subject matter or because
people know of the importance of what they're doing or feel
the importance of what they're doing?
#99: It's both on the subject matter and the people. I'm not
saying all of the people ...some of the people.
#00: Okay. Is this correct...that there's tension.... feeling of
high tension is not shared by everyone, but only some of
the workers?
1#00: So, you picked this up from some. Did you pick it up
from only one of the workers?
#99: No. It's the atmosphere within) the room.
#00: Okay. An atmosphere that's not shared by all the people
in there?
#99: By all the people .....
#00: Now, this is important #99, because you may have focused in
on.... on a dominant feeling or emotion, but now do you want
to back away from that a little bit, and say that is not
generally shared by everybody?
#99: When I'm saying not generally shared by everybody #00,
I'm merely meaning that certain people are not all in on
what the information is that is being fed in here.. .what is
taking place in here.
#00: Well, you said that before... there's some compartmentation
in there. Well, who are the people who feel this heavy
tension, this stress? Are they the ones that know more
about the process or the whole thing? Are they the
managers? Why would some feel this and some not?
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U' ......
#99: It depends on how much of the information is given to the
person. The way that I can explain it is this: Let's say
certain things happen during the day or something would take
place, and a number of the people come in. Let's say they're
given what has happened...let's say Asia, bla, bla, bla, bla,
You know, you have all this information here. Only these
people I feel would be responsible with the high tension.
In other words, they're the core.
#00: Okay. Are we talking about supervisors?
#99: I'm not talking about supervisors. I'm talking about people
more than just supervisors. I'm talking about people who
have to handle information.
#00: Well then, if it's crisis oriented... let's say a crisis in
Cuba and information comes in only a few of the six to 10
people would concentrate on that problem.
#00: Okay. Is this something that you are agreeing with me or
am I agreeing with you?
#99: No, no, no, no. You are agreeing with me as putting it more
clearly know the feeling. Remember the first thing
was not words, was feeling, and those first feelings become
an important factor in recreating recreate......
#00: Okay. Well, let's try to get specific. Give me a......
something that has recently passed or something they're
working on today that may be a candidate for this sort or
stressful situation. What sort of subject matter can you
focus on? What topic? What country?
#99: I'm going to have to ask a question. This photograph taken
at this time, was the building complete or incomplete?
It's important.
#6.5: I really don't know the answer to that question.
#00: Okay. Why did you bring the question up? We don't know
the answer to the question but let's talk about it.
#99: In some way some information from that room is leaking
out, and it frightens me.
f#00: Okay. You said that the information is leaking out of the
room. But, is that benign in that it's not a leak, except
that as might be suspected whatever is analyzed or researched
or determined in that is then communicated or
transmitted somewhere else. Is that the type of thing that
you're talking about or is it something else?
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10 S
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#00: That would be an authorized communication or transmission.
#99: It's not authorized.
##00: Okay. You're talking about an unauthorized.
##99: Unauthorized, as if it was bugged, but it doesn't sound
#00: Well, what does that have to do with the completion or
incompletion of the building? What's the link there?
#99: The link here is that someone knew about this room or what
was going to take place in this room.
#00: During the construction period?
#99: During the construction period.
#00: And it what?
##99: And, it appears that something took place in which infor-
mation can be released, and I don't know how.
##00: Well, let's be very practical. If you're going to place
a very sophisticated monitoring device, it would appear
that one of the better times to do it is during the
construction phase. Now, that's rational. Psychicall,
is that what happened?
#99: Let me put it this way, the feeling at this point is that
I have to say some kind of information or a way of getting
information was built in or that there is something built
in. I cannot tell you how. All of these are feelings again.
1100: Okay. This can be important now, so let's perceive this
a little bit. Who was responsible for this? And, I would
like to have your first answer be the placement of a device
that could monitor that what was going to go on in
Was the...let's say divided in two oamps...friendly to the
United States, or potentially, not friendly to the United
States. Of those choices, who do you think was responsible
for this.
#99: All right. It's American, but not friendly to United States
#00: Okay. Not friendly to the United States, but Americans
who were responsible for this placement. Are they controlled
Americans? That is controlled by a foreign country.
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#99: I wouldn't say that they were controlled by a foreign
country, but certainly have relationship to a foreign
#00: Okay. Maybe we're having simantic problem.
When I say control, perhaps I was being somewhat technical.
Controlled in the sense that they are paid in the service
of any other country other than United States. That is
they're actions in this case were controlled. They were
hired, paid to do that.
#99: If you say paid, the answer is yes.
#00: That's what I meant when I said controlled. That they were
hired for a specific task.
#99: Well, you see, this is so disjointed in my mind. We're
talking about one room in here, but the density of the whole
building in other areas ...... I'm going to just stick with
the room that he's asking because I could be picking up
certain things from other areas.
#00: Yes. Let's try the shield against that. That will give
us a feel (phonetic). Let me ask a question about the
success about this monitoring device. Is it functioning?
Has it been functioning as it was designed? Is the leaking
of information in fact leaking.... people able of
monitoring in some respect of what goes on in~ SG1A
#99: There's some kind of monitoring, but I don't know which
#00: Well, we have two cases of monitoring. The first time you
brought up...was someone in front of a square box, that may
or may not have been a television. I assume that that was
an internal monitoring system, for security. Is it possible
that square box of monitoring is associated with this device
that was installed during construction?
#99: I could not say.
#99: The thing here is that the importance of these people here in
this room and the work that's taking place certainly
has a great affect, and that something is going wrong in the
room with thepeople that's jeopardizing what's going on in the
#00: All right. Let me put that in my words. Whatever the room is
dedicated to do, whatever their mission is they are doing it,
but, in fact, something else is going on that diminishes the
affect of their work.
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#99: More than diminishes the affect here. It's how does somebody
#00: Well is this this leakage you're talking about? Otherwise
the security of this room has been breached, so whatever
they are doing it is not as affective if the breach
had not taken place. Well, let's go back to the function
of the room. Put aside the potential of the breach of the
security of the room. Are the people in the room doing
things for the United States Government. That is, have they
been hired to do research .,...and the subject matter, while
varied as far as things they arc discussing, is intended
primarily to be for the benefit of the US Government, and
the use of the Government?
#99: The answer would be yes.
#00: Okay. Then, is this a research firm...that is, hired to
do (had to turn the tape over)
(Reverse side starts thus:)
#99: I don't know how to put it, and why it is coming, and that
has happened in the lab before, and I have to explain it.
1100: Okay.
#99: I'm on the line...a direction line.. all 'rigfit. like I'm
working.....and then something crosses my,
we're going into...what we're saying, government.... and
yet, on the other side of the coin ...and it's not an error,
it's just that I don't know how to interpret it....because
of what's going there is that ...I'm involved in a double
thing here. I'm involved with what appears to be American
Government, and yet it is not, and yet it is. Does that
make sense? In other words, I don't know how to put it into
#00: Okay. That's a little confusing to me, but let's talk
about it.
#99: Here's this building, and everything seems to be American
Government and so forth, but yet we're finding people from
another country infiltrating this, and really what they're
doing is wondering what the people from the other country
are doing, yet it looks like Arnerican.....I'm trying to give
you a sense of what I'm trying to put here.
#00: Well, I need a base. I need a base in order to even come
up with rational questions. And, the base I'm trying to get
is...let's set aside what is...going on that is goofy about
the whole thing, but the mission of the room is know to some-
one...what the nominal mission...what the responsible is.
Now, is that controlled, a private or commercial enterprise,
or is that a government enterprise? I guess I should put
Approved For leflY@ 0081YSPd 1LtD 8-01)78BRb0 09 r5are they
U.S. Government employees"'" .". Government employees?
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#99: The strongest that comes into the place is
. . . I'm going to have to rephrase it.
If you're asking me, "Do I see Army people,
Navy people, Air Force people?" the answer
is no. That's where I give you . for
government. . .
#00: Okay, but. . you know.
#99: But if you're asking me . . . There are more
#00: There are more civilians than military personnel
in the US Government.
#00: Okay.
#99: If you're asking me, are they government people
that would have into. . . had any clearance,
anything of that sort, I would have to say yes.
#00: Okay, there's a great potential for confusion
#99: All right. Let's clear it.
#00: So let's go back. Are the nomina
Paid. Either civilian or military.
say no.
Have to say no.
I don't know why.
Okay. Are they. . . And I'll point out the
. . the potential for. . confusion here. Are
they hired by a . . a commercial, that is a
company, a corporation?
#99: Theansv&,r is here . . . would be, yes.
#00: Okay. Now the potential for confusion is
that if the company is doing government work,
they would be. . . they would be ceritified
by the government and have a security clearance
if its classified work. So, you know, are
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emp_ oyees. That mear ey . . . an
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investigation has been conducted on them
and they are certified to to handle a certain
level of security. That would give them some
sort of imprint of government . . a US security
clearance, but it doesn't . . .
#99: Let me put it in another way. Let's say
that there is a contract where the government
gives their money to this . . . what is going
on. . from which you would be paid. How would
you term that?
#00: That's the other. . the other area of confusion,
though. Which is very common in the research
industry. . . where it is a private enterprise
who's funding comes in many cases almost
exclusive from the US government, from the
government contract. Is that the sort of thing..
that's going on there?
#99: Yeah. Well, this . . this seems to be more
what I'm . . I'm leading towards.
#00: All right. Now is . . do they have . . . let's
just follow that. Let's assume right now. .
as a function theory that what goes on there is
part of, at least, a research firm. And that
they have a government contract. In the govern-
ment, who is their. . their sponsor. Is it a
. . . an Army, an Air Force, a Navy. . a Depart-
ment of Defense Agency, Central Intelligence
Agency. . . you know, who pays the bill. You
know, who . . who has the contract right now
that is keeping them working? I mean who has
provided the contract?
#99: Well, the strongest word is Defense and I was
just . . .
#00: Okay, but that. . you know, that could be.
the Department of Defense as a corporate
entity . . you know can let contracts. But
Defense also can cover. . all the others except
the CIA that I mentioned, you know. Defense
could cover the Air Force, the Army or the Navy.
Can you be more specific? Is it one of the
military services, like the Army, Navy, Air
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#99: I would say, yes.
#00: It's one of them?
#99: It's one of them and I think. . . . . It's
certainly not. . . . Navy is not strong.
#00: Okay.
#99: But something concerning Navy. I would have
to put it - Army Defense.
#00: Okay. Then what you're feeling now is that
the Army is the. . the con. . the agency
providing the funds for what is going on in
the room. Is this psychic or rational?
#99: That's psychic. Psychic.
#00: Okay. The reason I asked is because.
#99: Yeah, I asked that question because of #6.5
over here and I had to rephrase it in my own
mind. That's why the word Defense. I have
to go with Army. . . primarily that the others
don't fit. . into the picture but it does not
mean that they could not be involved in it.
And that's what I want to make known.
#00: Okay. Well, let's leave that sort of soft.
But nevertheless that's a point where I want
to depart from. Right now, we have a situation
with the case you've built. . that there is a
Defense agency, probably the Army, that is
funding the activity of that office and that
you feel that in addition to what goes on in
the office in response to this . . there is a
leakage of the information that is immical to
the. . the the US Army or to the government.
Is that correct?
#99: Yes.
#00: All right. Who is responsible for this leak-
age, that is, is it a foreign country versus
some internal competition in United States. I
think we had settled that it was a foreign
controlled activity that had sponsored the
placement of a potential monitoring device.
What country is that #99? I've asked you that
question before, but this is rather important.
Now don't be surprised. . . I mean don't reject
anything that comes to your mind. . because
foreign country doesn't mean. . In the sense
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that I'm asking the question, a . .
acknowledge an.tagnostic. Don't think
the Soviet Union . . .
#99: No, the Soviet Union is completely out and
China is completely out.
#00: All right. I mean, open it up to all foreign
countries. Now can you . . can you. come up
with any . . . I don't want to give you the
shopping list. . foreign countries.
#99: No, I don't want a shopping list. Primarily
is that I'm taking it out of Russia, I'm
taking it out of China.
#00: Why did you reject them? They just simply. .
#99: It said: This is not China. This is not
#00: Okay. That's important. Do you have any other
#99: And it's not Cuba.
#00: All right.
#99: And I don't have anything in Central America.
#00: All right.
#00: Now there are whole lists of other countries
that are associated with the Soviet Union.
The so-called Warsaw Pact countries. Is it
one of these countries?
#99: You will have to explain to me about Warsaw
because I'm not familiar geographically.
#00: Okay. Okay. The. . This is the political,
economic and military alliance of the Soviet
Union. That includes the Eastern European
countries. Poland, Czechoslovakia, East
Germany, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria -- these
are the Warsaw Pact countries.
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You don't like any o ose?
I have to say that I'm not saying either that
it's not Russia or China that some of the
information could not be fed. All right.
All right.
I just wanted to make that. .
that's it.
But it's not these countries which I'm seeing
. . you know, directly . . I can't say, Hey
somebody from Russia. . . it's a Russian spy
or something, I cannot say that. . It doesn't..
ring that way. Or that the person is bringing
in the information and bringing it directly to
. . you know directing it to Russia itself.
#00: Well. okay. But we had. . earlier in the
session #99, we had a . . a foreign element.
#00: . . that was in some way responsible for the
implantation or the . . or the. . the placement
of a monitoring device. Now, I'm trying to
identify that. . that country. But let me
ask another question. Is more than one country
monitoring this. . this device? That is,
whomever put it in, let's say it was . . and
I don't mean to pick on Canada, but let's say
it was Canada just for an example. Put it in.
Is Canada monitoring this and is also someone
else monitoring it? More than one country?
#99: Not more than one country is monitoring, but
more than one country is receiving certain
information that's coming out of that room.
#00: Yeah okay. But that's an entirely different
#99: Yeah. I'm just . . I'm only throwing out
psychically. . . so that. . .
#00: Your feeling is that. . that one country is
monitoring this.
#99: Let me put it this way #00, I'm gonna have to
say it differently.
#00: All right.
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#99: Whoever's getting the nformation. , is not
in a foreign country. All right. It's. . .
The information is here. . and then transferred.
And that's what I'm trying to follow. Where
is that information going?
#00: Follow it.
#99: And it's saying, not Russia, and its not China
and its not Cuba and its not Central America
and its not . . . Brazil. . its not. . . . it
appears to be more in the countries like from
the Middle East on into the African countries.
That seemed to be the . . . but I don't. . It
doesn't. . . As I say, I keep saying it doesn't
make sense.
#00: Well, don't worry about it making sense.
You know. I realize its stupid of me to tell
you not to worry but that's not important
whether it makes sense or not. Just let the
thing come out #99.
#99: Yeah, you know, in other words if I was to go
with it I would be going that direction. Okay.
#00: All right. Do you have a sense when this
building was built? And. let's
go into time frames. Does appear to be
less than five years old, or between five and
ten, or ten and fifteen?
#00: Or even more preferably, can you give me a
year in which it was. . you know, it was
probably several years in building, but when
was it completed. When do you think people
started moving in?
#99: My contention is that its . . . . . late 70's.
#00: Late 70's. Okay.
#99: You know. I don't know why, this says late
70's but. . . You said it was construction and
I'm not asking the reason why. I don't know.
Late 70's or . . . . I tried to use 75, but
75 doesn't ring anything into me. Its . . .
#00: All right, late 70's.
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#99: You know, I have to go into. . . after 75.
And it could be that they've just moved
into this whole building within the last
couple of years. Maybe a year.
#00: Well, of course, the building's construction
and then. . the occupancy are two different
things. Unless the building is completely
dedicated to one . . . one company or to one
government agency, there would be a change of
occupancy. But its significant that you had
a feeling #99, that someone knew of the
intended use of . . of that suite or that
And, therefore, may have arranged
or are there other . . arrangements?
#99: Well, this is what I was trying to tell. you
earlier. That there seemed to be something
in this building of a monitoring. . . you, know,
not just this room. But I don't know. . I
can't put . . . I can't put it together.
#00: Okay, but are we confusing;the building may
have a security monitor that is one of the
services that's provided by the tenants is
building security. And there is a security
force that watches out for fire and theft.
#99: No. Its not that. Its information that comes
to the ear.
#00: Okay so
#99: And transferrable information.
#00: Okay, now. All right, let's just forget
about the classical building security then.
So you are talking or thinking about a monitor
that surreptitiously gains information from
I I Do they also gain information from
falls in that building?
#99: Feeling and not questioned, the answer seems
to be yes.
#00: Um hm.
#99: But I don't know. . you know. . I have this
horrible feeling the answer is yes.
#00: Well, okay.
#99: But. . All right, I'm not going to say it
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1) () 7.
_or e placement of a monitoring device. Is
your impression, #99, that this is the only
such device in the building, that monitors
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doesn't make sense. I don't know what
it means.
#00: Okay, but. . . if there is second and
subsequent monitoring devices, are they
associated with the same firm, or the same
organization? Otherwise, whatever goes on
in 0. you know, while the question is
focused on that room, there may be. , . there
may be . . . . there may be five other rooms
with that firm.
#99: You know. I'm just gonna through it off,
cause its psychically. I'm wondering whether
one of those rooms is not geared. . . . to
monitoring within the building itself.
#00: All right, this is an internal security.
company security. .
#99: And the information then is leaked out. Let's
say that there wore offices upstairs.
#00: All right.
#99: And I would be down here.
#00: Um hm.
#99: And I would. be getting some of the information.
All right. Then I would be able to leak it
out. Now this is psy. . . .
#00: Are you conjuring up a. . . a plan that is
known to someone in the company?
#99: Somebody knows about this, that's for sure.
#00: Yeah but we're: . . the difference is they
surreptitiously planted a listening device,
or monitoring device, versus a company controlled
security system.
#99: That's right. That's what I'm trying to say.
#00: All right. Which is it? Or is it both?
#99: Let me. . . I'm going to ask you a question,
#00, which is psychic to me. All right.
#00: Okay.
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#99: All right. 'Cause I know nothing about how
building security. The only one I know is
that. . . my friend's apartment, if somebody
is ringing the doorbell, they have it on a
television and they can be seen. That's
about the amount of security that I know.
But, let me ask you a question. It is both
logical and psychic. . . because first it
came psychic. Let's say that there is a
security in the building; a general security
security. All right. Is it possible that
someone could enter into. . without anything
being known. . into the general security and
still tap into the security of the rooms?
#00: Okay, if the question is, can an authorized,
bonafide, security monitoring system be used
as a serruptious device, the answering is yes.
Technically, of course it can be.
#99: If I had a. small cubical or a small room in
there - I'd be somewhere's within there -
and I would. . . All right, here is the whole
thing monitoring within the whole building,
could I plug in. . into it without anyone
knowing? And know what was going on on the
general monitor or within the rooms itself.
#00: I would say, technically, yes. Whether
anyone knows it or not of course is a matter
of efficiency of counter. . . countering such
#99: It seems wild, #00, but that's the vision
that I keep getting. . that the monitoring
or whatever it is . . is unknown because it's
so simple.
#00: Okay, what you're talking about now is the
potential - if I understand you #99, that a
. . an established monitoring security system
is being used not only for that process but
also serruptitiously to get information out.
#00: Unknown . . Unknown and also to the detriment
of the . . of the process.
#99: Yeah. You. see the reason I come up with that
#00, is I )kept asking, how . . . 'cause it
kept bugging me. . . how could information
come out of that. You know, by monitor.
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#00: Okay, well this. . . Is that more plausible
than. . the . . You think that's what
happened when the building was constructed -
that it wasn't a foreign country that caused
a . . the implantation of a listening device,
that in fact it was built into the building
intentionally to provide security and now
that has been breached by someone tapping
into it. Do you think that's . . .
#99: That's . . that's what I . . This is
what is much . . . This just flashed across
my mind.
#00: Okay.
#99: Not, you know . . . I'm trying to put in, know. . what I had seen.. . what the firstou
thoughts came in, here we have this.
#00: Okay. All right. This is the way we've done
before, #99, . . .
#99: I'm not contradicting what I said before.
I'm merely explaining, how . Remember my
. . my incent said that something. . somebody
planted something, how did they do it. You
know. . at the build. . you know when this
was built.
#00: Um hm.
#99: Remember . . Correct me if I'm wrong. And I
. . this has been bugging me. Flow they could
without anyone knowing anything about it. And
this has been what has been praying as we go
along into the monitor.
#00: You know I would like to leave both of them
#99: Okay.
#00: That, in fact, during construction there was
a. . an illegal device or devices implanted.
But right now, you are leaning more towards
the fact that as a part of the architectual
plans, a. security. . internal security system
was put in and that system has now been breached
and is being used to get information out.
#99: Yes.
#00: Now is that the sense of what you're having
23 one
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#99: Right. Now, let me.
Now, let's go back. I want you to still hold
that first one. As Dr. Osis says, you know,
you may be fed into two systems and not just
one system or something to this effect. I'm
just going back over the training .
#00: Okay, let's. . and you think that the information
is leaking to. . into an area of the Middle East
or Africa or Northern Africa. Do you think that's
where the leakage is going?
#99: I have to say that it's going by way of
that, yes.
#00: By way of that.
#99: By way of that.
#00: Okay, I want to try to get spec_ific,, #99.
In that area, we have a number of countries,
although we have a schizem in that country,
essentially, Isreali, Isreal alone and the.
an Arab block. . although there are a number
of independent countries. Of the candidates,
is the information going to Isreali, Isreal or
is information going to one or more Arab
#99: Its not going to Isreal.
#00: All right. So we eliminate that.
#99: I'm going to give you a description. I keep
seeing a dark brown faced man. I don't see
him black.
#00: All right. Where is this man? Is he in.
#99: When you. askedthe question, what country.
this is the image that came in mind.
#00: But is he in his country . . of origin, or is
he. . is he in the United States. Is he at or
around this side.
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#99: This was giving me a description of the race
where I have to look for the question you
#00: Okay, let's let that . . lay and let's go
back to the room #99.
#99: Okay.
#00: I want you to go into a . . . either do an
out of body, a #99 two, or at least go into
a . . a deeper state and attempt to go to the
room and give us as much descriptive narrative
of the room as you can. We started off that
way but we got. . we got diverted on other
things as we frequently do. All right, Room
Just give us a brief
11ow o descriptions of things that you see
in the room. Jointed or disjointed.
#99: All right. As I go in I see a . . space, I see
a desk. . what appears to be perhaps a couch or
something to sit on. There are cubicals. By
cubicals, they could very well be rooms, you
know, that one could not hear. They could very
well be rooms. Doors. I see monitors. I keep
seeing certain equipment, #00. I can't locate
it. High things, like equipment. Some kind of
equipment. Then, . . paper, as if there was
something to plot on or work with. Perhaps
something you would say on a, drawing board or
that's a word to use.
#99: But in one. . one end of the room. . I don't
know what it is. . I keep seeing high. . .
As if I was going to be . . something technical.
#00: Is this machinery or some sort of apparatus or
#99: Its an apparatus of some kind.
#00: Well, how about a computer? Is there a
computer in the facility?
#99: I see it. I have to describe it 'cause I'm
not. . . I don't know what different types of
computers look like. The only thing of computers
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0% n
I know is these little ones here. It looks
high to me and there are dials or . . knobs.
. things that I can turn. They're meters.
#00: Meters of some sort.
#99: Some sort.
#00: Are there tapes on them? You have a reel-to--
reel tape recorder. Is . . is. . . Are there
tapes on there'?
#99: I'm seeing it from an angle. . . and I'm trying
to get in the front of it to look what its like.
#00: Is this equipment used to receive messages?
Is it communication equipment? Or is it used
in some sort of analysis?
#99: I would have to put it more in an analysis.
#00: All right.
#99: May I ask you a question?
#00: Um IUD .
#99: Can you feed tapes to that and then get an
answer on paper or something like that?
#00: Well, you can put a tape. . . when you say
tapes, tell me what you mean.
#99: As if I was feeding something and. then . . I
would get . .
#00: Well, describe what you're feeling, what are
you . . .
#99: Like something going, round and round and then
I see a piece of paper.
#00: Okay. But when you say tape, do you mean
magnetic tape. . that is as in a tape recorder
or is it some other type of tape?
#99: Well, the only reason I used the word tape is
that I keep seeing this thing go around and
then some information coming out.
#00: All. right. Well, the answer is yes. I mean
that's . . you know what could come out could
be a numerical or alpha-numerical presentation
of what was on the tape. Are you familiar with
ticker-tape. . from the Wall Street . . .
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#99: Yeah. Yeah. When you only have this little
thing. But this is not what I see.
#00: Okay. What do you see? I want to know what
you see.
#99: 1 keep seeing like a sheet of paper coming
#00: Okay, what's on the paper?
#99: It looks like numbers. More than words.
#00: All right. And this is. . And. you say this.
you think this is some sort of an anai_ytical.
process or an analysis of something?
#99: Its some kind of analysis or something thats
. . . is fed and you're getting some kind of
#00: Okay.
#99: I don't want to say its coded either. I'm
merely saying that I don't know what it is.
#00: Okay.
#99: 1 see. . . It doesn't. . . I see numbers. I
don't see the whole page. But I do see
#00: Okay. What. . What is the . . Can you give
us the general subject matter. . of what is
being analyzed. In what field? Does it
have something to do in the field of astro-
nautics, in the field of communications, in
the field of oceanography, or what field?
#99: It has nothing to do with oceanography. I'm
I keep seeing hands, tight. Something.
#00: Is thhere a, keyboard associated with this
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#99: Yeah. At one . . . Not there. But I keep
seeing this here and then something out of
there comes out. I don't know what that . .
#00: Well. Is this . . The process that you've
described in general - is this a normal function?
Is this a routine that they go through as far
as how they do their job?. . In analysis or in
#99: It would appear to be.
#00: Okay.
#99: Yeah.
#00: And, how about the subject matter? What are
they working on right now? What's the problem?
What are they trying to analyse?
#99: It doesn't give me an answer right now. But
let me put it into the back of my mind. I
have to get closer.
#00: Okay.
#99: I have to . . Going back into this room,
. . in one area I see a large. . it's a
closed room that I know within that room a
. . . and there's a table, like a conference
something like that. A conference room.
#00: Well, what's the significance of this, #99.
I mean that. . to me in any, in most
corporate areas. . .
#99: No. No.
#00: . . Its not unusual to have a conference
room.. . combination library.
#99: No. Its . . .
#00: Is it something significant?
#99: Yeah. There's something significant and I'm
trying to . . .
#00: Well, what is it?
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#00: Is this room kept secure from the other
#99: Yes it is. What I'm picking up is. . I'm
trying to tune in on a conference #00.
#00: All right.
#99: There are six people. But there's one woman.
#00: Five men and one woman?
#99: Um hm.
#00: Okay and they're in .
#99: At least the way I . . . In this one. . section.
They're in this big room.
#00: All right.
#99: Or in this room.
#00: What's going on? What are they discussing?
#99: They are discussing something that they are
going to do.
#00: What. . . Can you pick up any words at all
#99, that would shed light on the subject?
#99: It said, message. . something concerning the
message has been relayed to such and such a
person, action. . is to be taken in regards
to . . and they are not saying the subject.
but it looks like . . it's more of a code.
Like two . . .
#99: The number 206, but I don't know what that
#00: Okay, well, is that a project number?
#99: It could be a project number.
#00: Action is being taken.
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#99: 206.
#00: Is there a code name for the project? You
#99: That's what I meant. . the number. . that's
what I gave 206, that comes.
#00: Is that important #99?
#99: That's important. The meeting is important,
primarily. . . whenever this happened, whether
its happening now or it happenedin the past, I
don't know. Because. . . .
#00: Okay, let's get that straight. You don't know
if you're dealing; with a meeting going on or
one that has happened. . in the past.
#99: Yeah.
#00: Can you. . can you clear that up.
#99: It appears to me that its one that has happened,
#00: Okay.
#99:' Which is very . . important in which something
went wrong with the information.
#00: Something went wrong with the information in
what sense?
#99: In the sense that . . .They are back after. .
after whatever was worked on and 206, whatever
that means, and now they're . . . they're re-
hashing what went wrong.
#00: Okay. Okay, so . . so let's just make up
something here. 206 was the project they
were working on and . . they didn't get the
results that they wanted or. something happened
and they're discussing that. Is that.
Is that something like that or what?
#99: Yes. Yes. But its. . its so important. Its
so important that they have to restructure
#00: Well, is it important to them? As a company
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#99: No. No. Important to the project. To the
#00: To the customer? To the.
#99: The customer.
#00: Well, is it important. . let me shift on you.
Is the importance that there was an allegation
that it was leaked? The results. I mean is
the security an angle here or not? Or is there
some other . .
#99: No. Its security.
#00: Did I plant that in your mind?
#99: No. No. The reason I say that is that the
man who is speaking. . . . is. saying something
to this effect.
#00: Who is the man?
#99: Wait a. minute! Hold it.
#00: Okay.
#99: Whatever number means, 206, whatever that
comes in, had to be stopped. . . and we have
to re. . . . redo it because of security.
and it appears to be security leakage.
#00: Okay.
#99: Its a project. . Its something that happened -
a security leakage.
And related #00 with somebody that was killed.
#00: Now let's be more precise - related to someone
who died or to someone who was killed?
#99: I have to say killed. I'll keep my first
#00: Your first impression. . .
#99: You've got to realize, #00, and I. . this is
from prior knowledge and I think we know that,
I don't know what I'm picking here.
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#00: Yeah okay. Tha But
#99: All right?
#00: But this person who was killed. . was
associated with this company.
#99: Yes. Now I said killed, you said died.
#00: Uh hub.
#99: All right. I have to say killed.
#00: All right.
#99: I'm not saying. . I don't know whether its
a gun or ran over or whatever.
#00: Well, you know, as you know I'm not arguing
on it, because it is . . is
#99: I'm trying to clear it for (not audible).
#00: There is a difference, you know, that Mr. Smith
died of a heart attack or was killed, you know,
from . . . you know died of natural causes or
unnatural causes.
#99: To me, its not natural causes.
#00: Okay.
#99: That's if we're going to clear that.
#00: Well, all right. Go on #99, what else are you
picking up?
#99: But I'm picking up that this had such a great
affect that its still continuing right now.
#00: Was Mr. . . . What's the name of the person
who was killed?
#99: They don't give a name.
#00: Well, okay. Let's call him Mr. Smith.
#99: They give a number, but they do not give a name.
#00: Is it a different number than 206?
#99: Yeah.
#00: Okay.
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But I can't. . . I can't hear it.
#00: Well, okay, was . . was the person who was
killed. . . did he impact on the project
because he was a key member of the project,
or what was the significance of the person
who was killed to the . . repeating the project
or the security leak?
#99: Everything.
#00: But that's more than I can handle. You
know. . .
#99: By everything . . let me put it this way.
That he was a key man in the project.
#00: Okay. Is the suspicion. . . was he killed
and something taken from his person or his
. . his home or apartment?. Was that where
the security . . problem arose?
#99: Let's go back. . . may I take a minute off
and then come back. I've got to go to the
#00: Yeah.
#99: It's very important. Assume. . . all right,
let's put it this way. I said, killed. Now
that might be my psychic impression. Is missing
and assumed dead according to . . or killed.
Do you follow what I'm trying to say.
#00: Yeah. But that's
#99: Assumed. They have no . . They have. . Its
just that this person has disappeared.
#00: Okay, but you say killed.
#99: I say killed. That's my psychic impression.
#00: Okay. Do they know that he is killed?
Otherwise are you telling us more than they
know at this time?
#99: Yes. They are assuming something. And I am
saying that he is killed.
#00: Okay. But their knowledge is that he has
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#99: Disappeared. And, assumed dead.
#00: Okay, but is that their concern of the
breach of security - that on Project 206,
if that's. . .
#99: The number.
#00: That's a correct association?
#99: Yeah.
#00: That Mr. Smith, the person that disappeared,
. . . you know, carried with him, you know
a great deal of knowledge. . .
#99: It said this person is young. Give you a
description - thin, by thin I mean he's not
fat, he is late 20's early 30's, hair looks
as if it was curly or short, and it said
this person was very important.
#00: Okay, now this is the person that is missing
slash killed.
#99: Yeah. Killed.
#00: All right. The person that. . . let's go
back in the conference room where they're
talking about this. The man who's leading
the conference, what does he look like #99?
#99: He's and elderly person - by elderly, oh what
you wouldn't call elderly. Ha ha.. Is this
in reference to what you want, .1 suppose. . .
#00: You won't hurt my feelings if you say. . he's
50 years old, go ahead.
#99: You know, you know, he's probably over 50, #00. /
#00: All right.
#99: IIe's not in 75 for sure, let's put it this way.
#00: All right.
#99: And he's very concerned about this young
#00: Okay.
#99: And he's briefing. . briefing this that this
person has certain information. . . which was
in. the whole project of this.
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#00: Well, what does that person look like who
is briefing now? Is he grey-haired, or.
#99: I would salt and pepper hair. Not, you know,
grey. I wouldn't say stocky, but. . . I would
put him more like #6.5 than more. . you know
size wise, okay.
#00: Uh huh.
#99: Okay. But dressed not in uniform or anything,
he's just: . , .
#00: Since there's only one female in the room, you
can . . should be easy to focus on her. What
does she look like?
#99: She's
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#99: . . . and she's slim, you know, she's
not chubby or anything else. Very
attractive looking. .
#00: Okay, how about a name; people are talking
to her, to they refer to her . . .
#99: There's. . . There's no name given to
anybody in there, that's what's. . .
#00: Okay.
#99: When I went to the bathroom that was the
whole thing that I was trying to put.
#00: Okay.
#99: No one - he didn't say Hey Jim or Hey Susie.
Its just . . . there are no names given by
this person. I don't even know the name of
the person . . . you know, the name of the
person who's speaking.
#00: Okay.
#99: The other thing that came while I was in
the bathroom. . . . #00 is this: We started
out. . . #6.5 asked me to describe the room,
and I seem to be going . . beyond. . you
know more than that and I have to explain
to #6.5 as we do in the laboratory and
#6.5 knows about it. What comes more
strongly in anything that I work is what
is most important. You make ask me to
describe - its not that I'm getting away from
it. Its just that the strongest part always
affects me more than, maybe, your question.
It doesn't mean that I won't be coming back,
to, you know, as we've been doing to the
description of the room. Okay.
#00: Okay, but now you told us that for a reason
other than education. Do you suspect that
you got out of I land went somewhere SG1A
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#6.5: But the con m is within the
confines of
#99: No. No no no. That's not what I'm saying.
I'm merely saying that . . . . I . . . Like
in the lab test, Dr. Osis would say, Hey
#99 will you do this. And suddenly that
whole thing has not mattering, something
else had some up, supers-imposed itself,
which was more important.
#00: Yeah. Okay, we'll go with the flow.
#99: And that. . this is what I'm trying to say.
#00: We're not against that at all.
#99: I just want #6.5 that I'm not getting away
from the description of the room that you're
asking first, its just that these impressions
seem to be much stronger and much faster. . .
#00: Uh huh. Okay.
#99: And'is . . are meaningful.
#00: Okay, that's how we got in the conference
room. . .
#99: Yes.
#00: As a matter of fact, because that which may
have taken place before now, was important.
#99: It was important; this is what I'm trying
to explain.
#00: All right.
#99: This is what it appears to me.
#00: Um hm.
#99: . . as I'm looking at it, Okay. At least,
their meeting. . place.
#6.5: Within
Yeah. I'm still within
This is . . I have not . . I have not gone
out of this room as far as I know now.
All right. As far as I know now, I haven't.
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#99: I have to also state that there are times
that I have jumped from one room to another
without knowing it. But, later on it comes
back to me. But as far as I know now, no I
#00: Okay, #99, I want to try . . . . back out,
you know relax now, let's go out of body
But get out in the hallway.
#99: All right. Before we do that, I want to
take a drink of something and we'll come
back on that, 'cause I want to keep . . .
#00: All right, we are continuing after a break.
#99 if you will settle back down now - the
last thing we were discussing was a . . a
psychic impression of a room in which there
were five men. and one woman. You provided
You had provided a sketch of a table, an
oval table where a more elderly man is
holding forth and discussing the project
and the death of a younger colleague. You
indicated the death actually was the man
was killed and you've given a description
of that.
Can I make a preference. . another note on
that #00?
The why that its appearing; its appearing
as if it was happening or has happened.
All right.
The meeting.
The meeting.
I also want to preface that at times, that meeting could still be coming. I want
. . . . . I'm not trying to throw a monkey
wrench in what I've said.
uu: xean, but I need sPI=-n ` y.
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#99: All right. I want to put this clarity.
We're working here on something that's
very important and I have to take into
consideration all the things that have
happened before into it to explain. . .
what has happened. There has been a
couple of times where I saw a meeting
which was actually . . . I was living in
. . that it was happening or had happened.
All right. When, in all of a sudden,
there was no information but lets say
three or four weeks later that meeting
took place. All right. Now, as I'm seeing
it now, I can only explain that I'm living
within that meeting as it has happened.
#00: All right.
#99: But I also want to preface. . . the other.
Not to throw a monkey wrench in it, or
to be aware of it if it has not happened.
#00: All right #99, this is not disturbing, but
#99: Okay.
#00: I must ask you then in view of that state-
ment about something that is probably . .
something that you should be able to pin
down better as to whether it has happened,
already occurred, or will occur. And this
is the death of the young man. Has that
#99: This is what I was trying to put together
when I was in the bathroom and that's why
this scene. . what I've just told you . . .
you know, I'm repeating. Before we end the
meeting today on this, I will have the
answer for you.
#00: Okay.
#99: I will get the answer.
#00: Psychically you're (not audible - both
talking at once).
#99: Yes, I'll have the answer for you.
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#00: Okay, so the young man may have died
or have been killed or may not as of
. . as of the . . the state in. . . .
#99: Let me put it this way. The answer is
. . . I have it. The answer is that
the meeting that I'm seeing - that one
meeting -- is past.
#00: Is past.
#99: Is past.
#00: And so . . since they are discussing the
Project 206 and the death of a colleague
who is already been. . . he is already
dead - has been killed.
#99: 'Yes. Yes.
#00: And the issue that is still unsettled in
. . . You suspect, or do you know, that
they don't know that he's been killed.
They know that he has disappeared.
#99: Um hm.
#00: And presumed dead.
#99: Presumed dead.
#00: What are the conditions . . . What are
their other assumptions? Disappeared in
a . . he took a trip and never came back?
Was on a sailing vessel and never returned?
Any details of his disappearance.
#99: No he wasn't. All I can say . . . in the
meeting place. . you have to understand
that I am not hearing a meeting like you
and I are talking. I'm hearing something
. . . . very cryptic. . .
#00: All right (not audible) you brought up the
fact that the. . . that they feel, that they
believe he simply disappeared and presumed
#99: All right. The question. . . The answer
is this.
#00: What is.
#99: The question is that this man . . . went
somewneres from wh ther from the
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meeting, and . . has disappeared.
#00: And never came back.
#99: Never came back. We have nothing on
#00: Okay.
#6.5: And you're now satisfied that this
meeting has taken place.
#99: Has taken place.
#00: Okay, The trip that the young man went on,
was it associated with the project or was
it unassociated with it?
#99: It was associated with this project.
#99: Or, associated with what's going on in
#00: Yeah. Well, why is there a presumption of
death? Simply because he didn't return?
#99: I'm trying to read the man's mind, you
know, what he's talking. . .
#00: Um hm,
#99: . . and that's why its taking me time.
I'm trying to see what he is saying.
#99: When I say it doesn't make sense, I'm
going to leave it at, "doesn't make sense"
but I'm going to tell you what it says.
This man. . . as far as I can read his
mind. . and I don't know how he is brief-
ing the others in the room. . .
#00: Urn hm.
#99: . . This man was to be assumed disappeared
for the reason here whatever it is. They
don't know thatthe man has been killed.
#00: Okay.
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#99: Do you follow. . Do you follow. . .
#00: You said that before, right.
#99: Yeah. In other words, they would report
him as missing/presumed dead.
#00: Okay.
#99: And that's what they did. Now whatever
this was involved with. Now I am picking
up the man is dead.
#00: Okay.
#99: Do you follow . . Do you follow the double
thing here?
#00: Yeah but my question still stands unanswered.
Why is there a presumption of death? Simply
because he's been gone a long time?
#99: That's. . No no. This is . . This is
what I'm reading in his mind that is the
#00: Oh. Is the purpose of the meeting to discuss
how they're going to . . . I mean this partic-
ular subject. You know, how are we going to
handle the disappearance of young Mr. Smith.
#99: Which appears to be what .
#00: Well, I'm a little confused. But let me
ask another question, #99, in this regard.
Of the five men and the one woman in the
room, do any of these people know that he is
#99: No.
#00: Okay, so that there is . .
#99: It appears to me that the man is giving a
briefing about this young man.
#00: Uh huh.
#99: All right. And this what the information
is coming out.
#00: Okay. All right.
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to be
center point.
gonna ask
the side--track
#00: All right, #99, lets go back to the number
206, Do you think that was the number of a
project that they were involved in? I guess
I'm . . . Eventually I want to get at what
does 206 mean? Can you tell us. . can you
decode that?
#99: At least that seemed
Now, for what reason,
the question, that is
things that has come
#99: 206 is . . . a way of speaking, . about a
certain thing or certain project without
giving names which everybody knows something
#00: Okay. But you know, I accept that. But
now tell me what 206 means. Does it refer
to a country. . .
#99: It refers to a project.
#00: And the project is what? Any impressions
on that?
#99: It deals . . . . It deals with the leakage /
of information.
#00: Or. . . Okay, so 206 is the concern of
. . okay, earlier I thought it was 206 -
was something, a project that they had to
do over because of leakage.
#99: Yes, because of leakage, but it deals with
. . the. . Again, when the question comes
its a leakage, what they're doing because
of the leakage, all right, they have to redo
the project. Okay, do you follow what I'm
#00: Yeah, okay, but
#99: In other words, what I . . let me try to
explain. That they are gonna have to re
Since this person is now out of the picture,
all right, their gonna have to assign some-
one else as far as I can see.
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#00: Yeah. But you know. My point is this:
And this is conventional - that you'll as-
sign a project a code name or a number
so that in a . . in a common collection.
assemblage of people who are not cleared
for this, you can say, okay, tomorrow
#99, 1 want to . . I'm meeting with you
and I want to discuss 206 and 211. All
right that means something to you. it
doesn't mean anything to the secretaries
or anything else. Okay. Is 206 the code
number for the leak which is now a separate
project or is 206 the code number of the
project which was known to have been
#99: The project.
#00: It was the project?
#99: The project.
#00: Okay. So, I'm back to it. What does
what was 206?
And of course, you're entitled not to have
any input.
#99; I know. Its not an input. I'm gonna give
you pictures. Pictures, again, paper.
And on this paper, which I cannot see, are
certain things. Symbols, other papers. . .
#00: Are they dimensional., that is something that
sticks up from the paper, or is this. . . .
#99; No..
#00: . . something you move around on the paper.
#99: You can . . its rolled. You open it up.
#00: Okay,
#99: Its laying down, you know, on a table.
#00; That's the base paper.
The base paper. And on it seems to be
something as if he was pointing, but I
cannot see the paper.
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00: But you, early, said . . you see things
are open, sketches, things being moved
and plotted.
#99: That was totally different from what I'm
seeing, you know, this is another scene.
Somewhere's out here. We're talking about
#00: We're talking about 206.
#99: We're talking about 206 and its not telling
me exacting what 206 is.
#00: Okay, but we . . we roll out 'something
and that paper a map #99?
#99: I would say. . . yes.
#00: Well, let me give you some.
#99: But I have to . . I have to add something
to this. It is more than a map.
#00: Is it a blueprint? In addition to a map.
Or is it a map. . . is it a blueprint which
could be conceivably called a map of a design.
#99: All right. I don't know what you're saying
but let me describe something closer that
I see concerning that even though I don't
see it.
#00: All right.
#99: There are squares. And I see these lines
running across. There are numbers on the
top, there are numbers on the side. There
are squares that I'm going through. Some.
but I cannot see what is within the squares.
#00: Okay, but have you described a graph paper,
you know. . .
#99: It is not just. . no. No, it is not that.
The squares are bigger than that,
#00: Okay, but something is entered into the
#99: Yeah. Something. . design not writing.
. . are entered into the squares.
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#00: When you say not writing, could the . .
the . . could the entry be a formulation,
that is, a formula. Arithmetical or . .
algebratic. . . When you say not writing,
could it be some symbology, mathematical
symbology? Or chemical formulas?
#99: I have to say that I see mathematical
numbers more than words.
#00: Okay.
#99: AndI don't know what that means.
#00: Okay.
#99: But superimposed. . . these numbers.
as if there was a faint design on the
paper, all right.
#00: All right.
#99: And then numbers are superimposed over
this. . this little design.
#00: Okay. Do we have in this case a
something they're trying to complete.
They have a plan or an outline on the
paper and they are filling in data as they
get it?
#99:. I would have to say yes. Its not . . .The
reason I say that is because I don't see
the completion of it. All right. In other
words I see a number here but I don't see a
number here so there must be something into
that relationship.
#00: Okay, is that . . is that a unique project
in this whole enterprise?
#99:: To me it is, #00.
Well, okay, you need .
#99:: Psychically.
Okay. But my question precisely is this:
If we were . . had knowledge of project
1.15 and 412 would it look the same? They
would roll out a piece of paper and there
would be some sort of symbology and squares?
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#00: Okay, so . .
R 500930001-5
#99: Let me . . Let me put it this way, #00.
Again, clear blue sky. Let's say I was
looking at this map or this design and I
would say number 311. All right. And,
whether its a person or whether it would
be entered 311 on this map or on this piece
of paper. That would be meaningful to those
who know what 311 is and what the relation
is on this blueprint or whatever it is.
#00: Um hm. Okay.
#99: What appears to what I'm assimulating
together about here are certain SG1A
projects taking p ace w ich on the surface
people do not know that they are taking place.`
All right. But in a way, certain people
through codes or through numbers, know what
they're talking about. All right, do you
follow? And I don't know to what extent
these projects are. . To what degree they
are but certainly people, leave this 333 and
.go out. Their not . you know. . and out.
There are also, as it appears, monitors.
There are also things that they can program.
There are rooms. You. know, in here.
#00: Well, what you're. . . Let me ask the
question about making a statement. When you
said that people can go out, I find that un-
exceptional. Well, obviously people Igo
out. They're not prisoners in SG1A
#99: No no no no. I mean they sent out people.
Lets say that I was working for them and
they would say like number 210, you go to
such and such a place.
#00: Well now you've given a code number to an
#99: Yes.
#00: Are employees coded? Do they carry.
It appears that some . . . in some of the
projects that a person or one of the employees
would be coded.
#00,- Okay.
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#99: Do you follow. This is just again,
#00: Okay. Okay.
#99: Now, I don't know how that is worked out
#00: Um hm.
#99: I don't know how its worked out. There
seemed to be a couple of levels of things
going on. As if there were . . Let me put
it this way, security coverage.
#00 : Um hm .
#99: All right and things are going on. Observa-
tions, things that are taking place.
#00: Okay, lets go back to something that we
discussed earlier. We talked about a leakage
of information. Specifically, #99, is this
a breach of security?
#99: Strongly #00.
#00: Okay so that . . . from this enterprise,
from what's going on in there is SG1A
an unauthorized leakage of information.
#99: Um hm.
#00: Is this leakage in a . . going out because //
one of the employees walks out with inform-
ation and then -transmits it, or is it . . .
No, I mean that's one possibility. Possibility
A. Possibility B is that it is an electronic
or listening leakage that somehow the inform-
ation is being transmitted over a system.
Or, is it both or could it be both or a third
#99: The strongest #00 is through a system, but
it does not involve a person.
#00: Okay so . . so . .
#99: That would be secondary.
#00: Okay, the leakage is built in;somehow there
someone is tapping a sensor that . . is
this sensor . . .
#99: See what bothers me #00, in this, is this.
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13 g
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#99: When some information is being worked out
I don't know how they know, you know, that
this is taking place.
#00: Okay.
#99: That's troubling me.
#00: You mean how . . when you say they, who are
#99: I'm saying , . . lets say they're monitoring
this. How would they know that at such and
such an hour . . .
#00: Okay, they being the people who are the
unauthorized. . .
#99: Unauthorized, yes. . . listeners.
#00: Well, I . . . They don't know. I mean the
#99: No. The point is they do know. That's what
is troubling me.
#00: Okay. They do know what? They do know when
to focus in or listen in?
#99: Um hm.
#00: Well, its . . if the system . . . my simple
answer is the system operates 24 hours a day
and they man the listening device or the
viewing device 24 hours a day.
#99: That doesn't buy it psychically.
#00: You reject that.
#99: I reject that psychically.
#00: Well tell me what you think happens and then
we'll . . try to figure out why it happens,
how it happens. What is happening?
#99: I think someone in there is leaking out
information and then it is monitored.
#00: Well, does the monitor pick up . . and cover
all of or only part of it? For
example, does it monitor the conference room
that you visited?
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#99: It does not monitor the whole building; I
mean the whole room.
#00: All right.
#99: All right. But, . . one of the important
rooms and . . . . . the strong psychic
feeling is wherever they're having a. .
the meeting, whether this meeting room, is
also monitored.
#00: One of the important rooms, psychically;
could we call that room a vault. . or is.
does that term mean anything to you psychically?
And practically, let me tell you what it means
to me. That within a . . secur. . within an
area like this if they wanted to have a storage
and/or a conference room that for which special
internal access is required, that . . such an
area might be called a vault. Is
#99: Right.
#00: The room called vault is an area that is being
#99: Yeah. What I see . . . . . . closed room,
separate, and that's monitored.
#00: Okay, is that the conference room or is that
another room?
#99: That's something else.
#00: Something else.
#99: Plus, this conference room. All right. But
I'm not going to ask how, because I don't
#00: All right.
#99: And I don't
know how the leakage is taking
#00: All right. Okay.
#99: Now, I have to preface . . , I have to do a
lot of things. I have to make a point known.
How much of the people,and I have to say that
again, of what I'm seeing is available to them
or not, I don't know. All I'm saying is this.
I don't know . . you know, what you are looking
for. I'm giving you my psychic impressions
of some of the things which are in the confines
of that. And I want to make that known.
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Okay, yeah, but, of course you weren't asked
to do what we're doing. You're simply . . .
Where originally we were tasked to talk about
what goes on in I land we considerably
enlarged upon that. But I expected to enlarge
on it. I mean thats . . . I . . . I . . working
with you, I know how these things go.
#99: Yeah. I'm always saying that these impressions
are coming and I'm Just letting them go.
#00: Okay.
#99: And, you're gonna. . . you people are gonna
have to put them together in some kind of
order. That's all 'I'm saying.
#00: Okay, we have a little bit of time left #99
before we run out of what I consider to be
a mandatory two hours.
#99: Yeah.
#00: Any overall . . Any additional overall things
that have . . that has come to you that we
haven't talked about.
#99: Psychically, #00, . . . I'm going to tell you
again - I have a very strong emotional bad
feeling about the room. In that . . bad
feeling is this. By had I mean negative and
I don't know what.
#00: Okay, is . . .
#99: But it deals with the room and it deals with
something very, very important that may not
go off because of what's going on in that
#00: Okay, that was my question. Are we . . . or
you. . talking about; something that has
transpired or something that will . . .
#99: No. Something that is to happen and some
surveyance or something that has to take
place within that room.
#00, Okay. #99, a quick resurvey of the . . of the
room. Can you sketch the room. . . Can you
draw the compartmentization as you see it?
Can you hover over? Take off, if there's a
fourth floor in the building, a fifth floor --
take them off. Hover over I land give
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us a sketch. . . of . . of the compartment-
ization. Show us where the conference room
is in relation to the entry where those
machines, . . the machines that had dials
and all on it were.
#99: All right, let me give you compartment . . .
I'm going into the room r I see this opening
#00: I'd like a sketch. . I think that would be
helpful, if you can sketch.
#99: All right. It will be very sketchy because
its . . By sketchy meaning . . I'm here in
the room, I'm opening the door, here's door,
#00: Well okay. Let me confine you -to a . a
large square room. That's syou said
it is more square than rectangle.
#99: Yeah.
#00: Okay, then we go in . . . .
#99: Oh, wait a minute. Hold it. You meant
more this way. I'm sorry #00, its my error.
All right. My error of misunderstanding
what you mean.
#00: Okay.
I want an architectural drawing of the room
as we . .
#99: I. . I'm seeing it long.
#00: Okay.
#99: All right. I see . . You know, I'm seeing
it long. But doesn't mean that it isn't
square. . I'm seeing. . I see with this.
#00: All right.
#99: So, we'll have to . . Because I don't want
you to be restrained to a little square.
#00: No. You draw what you are seeing.
#99: And what I'm going to do here is, even though
its square, I'm going to do it this way and
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I'm going to leave it open.
#00: Okay.
#99: All right. And I'm going to put a line
here. . Just because of the door.
#00: Okay,
#99: And here I am. As I'm entering what appears
to me is some of the . . . . the instruments
that I was telling you about are here.
#00: All right.
#99: What'll we put here - mechanics instruments.
#00: Okay.
#99: Then., . . along here I see like rooms or
whatever they are, they seem to be separations.
#00: Uin hm. Individual offices?
#99: Yes, because I see doors.
#00: Okay. How many are back in there?
#99: I don't know. Now, the main person's office
is not there. It appears to me from re-
gathering that . . . the head office is more
in here, right in here.
#00: All right.
#99: Now, it seems. . .
#00: Where's the conference room #99?
#99: There appeared . . . the conference room
appears on this side #00. Or the room that
I saw appears here.
#00: Okay.
#99: Now there's something that they can cross
over and there seemed to be something here.
#00: Well hallway, something or another. Where
i.5 the . . the secure, the vault, or the
other room that is monitored?
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Approved For Release 2004/08/25: CIA-RDP 01500930001-5
#99: I'm in the room, I see this . . . Now,
okay. The monitored room appears
here also #00. You know, where the . .
let me show you. Now, I have to say
something. There seemed to be some monitors
in some of the rooms here or something like
monitors. Squares that I see.
#00: Okay.
#99: I don't know what that means.
#00: Well, but . . I'm being. . I'm too casual
in the . . in the use of monitors. I mean
the serepitious, the illegal monitoring.
#99: All right, its in here . . .
#00: Now that was the manager's office.
#99: The manager whoever's . . . yes, that room
#00: Okay.
#99: And here.
#00: Okay. Well, how about the . . the vault, or
the secure room. You erased it.
#99: Oh, you mean here.
#00: Well, you tell me where it is.
#99: No. You mean. . . this. . is where . . I
I. . . yeah. That's all part of it.
Of the . . where its monitored.
#00: Okay, the managers office, the had man's
office, and the secure room and the . . .
#99: Because he's able to go into this room,
you know. . . . to go here, something takes
place here also.
#00: Okay. Now that's what I meant by monitored.
#99: Now, I have to say as I'm thinking about
this, that also has a table or you know could
sit in here.
#00: Um hm.
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#99: So. . I'm gonna have to . . I'm not gonna
retake anything, all I'm gonna say is
psychically I don't whether it took in this
place or took in this place - the meeting
that I'm talking about.
#00: Yeah.
#99: Okay.
#00: All right.
#6.5: But this is all. . you know, what I'm pointing
at is the manager, the head man's office,
the small vaulted area, all one area. . .
#6. 5:
yeah. Okay. But that's all. I see, you
know there, that I can describe to you.
#00: Okay.
#99: But what intrigues me most is this. . the
mechanical., whatever. I see that's mechanical
#00: Well, why are you intrigued by that? Are
you intrigued intellectually or psychically?
#99: Psychically.
#00: All right. We'll pursue it.
#00: A paper input and a paper output.
#99; I. . . I don't see what bothers me.
Psychically is . . . I cannot and I'm not
going to try it. I don't know what's going
on in this room.
#00: Uh huh.
#99: I have to admit that. I don't know. . .
what is going on in this room. All I know
is that certain information which is very
important which is taking place, projects,
and that there is a leakage and there has
been meetings and certain things and how
they're going to deal with certain things,
I know that much. At least that's strong.
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Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96f8 Qq$5U 0930001-5
#99: This machine seems to bring out some of
the data which is going on here.
#00: All right.
#6.5: Do the people that work in there know
that there's a leakage?
#99: No they don't. That's only confined to
very few.
#6.5 : But somebody. . .
#99: Somebody does, yes.
#6.5; . knows that there's a leakage about
what"s going on in that room.
#99: Yes. Yes. That's right.
#00: Okay, but obviously someone knows. The
person who is taking advantage of the leakage.
Someone else other than that person?
#99: Well they seem . . . I have a strong feeling
that the five people who he brought in for
the meeting, know. . you know that there is
a leakage.
#00: Oh, know that there is a leak. But they
don't know that they are talking about it
and being overheard.
#99: No . . no no. That's not what there is.
#6.5: But they're not the cause of the leakage.
#99; No they're not the cause of the leakage.
#6.5: Okay.
#99: I also want to make a very strong statement.
Not the woman I mentioned here, but I don't
know where she plays a part that has to be
very carefully monitored.
#00; All right. Another female.
#99: Female.
. is playing an important role. Is she an
employee in that office or does she have access
to the office?
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#99: She has access to the office, but I don't
know how.
#00: Well, is she. . does she have a badge, is
she recognized as a . . . .
#99: I'm . . . I'm giving this psychically.
#00: Okay.
#99: There's no images. Its . . Its . . you
know .. . an . . .
#00: Well, when I say badged. . . .
#99: This is a clairvoyant aspect of it.
#00. JIold it #99, let me get you . . . .
#99 And I have to make the distinctions on this.
Its a clairvoyant message. Its not a picture.
That a woman. . . . is involved in the leakage
of what is taking place. Whoever this is . .
let me put it this way . . direct or indirect
I mean, you know, voluntarily, involuntarily,
I don't know.
#00: Okay, You know, I accept the fact this is
another type of . . .
#99: Its something that's out of the clear blue
sky that's coming in.
#00: Okay, but my question is, query this input
does the second female have . . have
ordinary and authorized access to room 333?
#99; Yes as i;C it was a report of some kind that
was given.
#00: No. That's. . That's. . That's an answer
but that's not an answer to my question.
She and others, a lot many others could well
receive the information.
#99: No. No. This . . This is something different
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SG1A #00: Does she get into I . by ordinary
procedure, otherwise this . . .
#99: No. She's not. The procedure is that they
-- its clearance, much more than some of the
others here. I would put here in clearance
close to the man here.
#00: Okay, I'm not . . . I'm not being clear to
you #99. The second woman. .
#99: Yes.
#00: By all normal appearances she is authorized
to have the knowledge. Otherwise she appears
to be a legitimate receptor of the information.
#99: Of the information.
#00: Okay. But in fact she has a second part of I
her. She is in part of the leakage.
#99: Part of a leakage.
#00: Okay.
#99: But . . . . . .
Part of the leakage.
I have suspicioned, psychically again, that
they do know something. Now I don't know
what is happening, again. This is totally
off base, I don't know where its coming forth
its happening. Whether a test is being
run on this woman or not and I have a feeling
it is.
#00: That she is under suspicion.
#99: Suspicion.
#00: Okay. #99 I think its prudent that we stop
at this point because I've run you over two
#99; I don't know, this is the last thing that I
had to have it in. I don't know how she fits
in or what but I have to say that.
#00: We can accept that.
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#6.5: Can I ask just one question, I don't
want to run you over?
#99: Yeah, sure. No no.
#6.5: You mentioned earlier, and I'm just trying
to get some things ?- that we have a contact
that I'll have him measure and I'll have
him measure - that there may be an identifica-
tion card or a badge (not audible).
#99: Yes.
#6.5: Can you focus on that and describe that?
Size, color, etc.
#99: There were . . Let me go back and correct
me. because many times these I do not
remember so I have to go back on it. I
believe that I said at first that they were
showing a badge which was not attached to
them. Now that seems to be a small badge
in a wallet or something to that affect that
you could flash and go through. Then, there
is another one which you would put on here.
And, it looks like . . there's some .
yellowish to me, but I cannot be sure. All
right. There seems to be a photograph and
something written on it. Does that answer
you question?
#6.5: All right. Okay. I show you my ID card,
#99: Yeah.
#0.5: and because I have the proper ID card
you give me a badge.
#00: Yes.
#6.5: And I wear the badge.
#99: Yes.
#00: Now don't accept that.
No no no no. I'm merely saying that . . you
. . that's the person . . there are two types /
of badges - one with a picture, the other one
I don't see any picture at all.
#6.5: Oh.
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#99: Do you follow what I'm trying to say?
#00: Yeah, but what #6.5 brought up is a technique
of managing the badges.. When he comes in, he's
authorized to go in O he comes in.
#99: All right. All right.
#00: This is the question now, let me go through
it. He comes in, does he had the reception-
ist or the guard an ID card and then he gets
something in exchange. Is that the way it
works or is there some other technique?
#99: No., At least the one that I see is . in
other words. . . let me put it together #6.5
so . . what I see and that's the only way I
can explain it. I see someone bringing. . .
showing a badge and he's admitted. Whether
.he's given a badge to go on I don't know.
Then I see others which have a different type
of badge or something that looks like a picture
on it or something written on, so I . . .
#00: And then, that one may be trimmed in yellow v"
. the one . , .
#99: Yeah. Maybe trimmed in yellow.
#00: Now #99 I don't want you to try to give me
an answer now, but I want you to think about
this. When you approach the door from the
outside in addition to the number there
probably is something on the door that
identifies it as the Atlas. Research Corporation
or something like that. You know, I'd like
to have you just relax and if you can pick
up a name or a title, you know, sometime, let
me know, but work on that. And that is
obviously, . . would help. . give some level
of confidence. That in fact you were at
in that building. And that's the reason I
ask. If. - If . . If it . . you know, let it
come out anytime. But I'm going to turn you
#99: Certainly. Certainly, names do come at
certain times and at certain times they don't.
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#99: You can turn the tape recorder off.
Its Just that I'm .. , . .
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