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AL) ~:Sr~~ROI~ , G. fi. , }:i~~~'~~:, G. Ye. "On CalculatinC the Statit� rtabiJ_ity of hz.rcraft ra L~?z�fi~~ ~,r;('~r':; cif' /';t.,t,~;.~~,," Uch. zap. Tsel:tr aero~idredinuK: ;;�.-ta (Sci.ent ~:'ic I;o~~: of C~~:~~I-~.~: .~r, -- hydrodynamics Tnstitutej, 1972, 3,yI~}o 1, pp 38-I~!~ (from I~,~,}:-'e�'~.t:~I.., .;c~ 5, May 72, Absjract No ;fi!$O2) Translation: The authors consider thc, problerl cf calculating t}:e s' at: i c stability of a.r. airplane .'or various positions of t};r_~ cc~::ter a. ~- r :-haj-,i n f=. series-coded si,~~ald of .len~,th ~'i. 2'he deva_ce caiitains :phi ?'t r~�t-i::j,c.r3 -u:d eudr:nce ~~ulu�E:~ ~;r_rn~:riri.c,r:.,. A::, ra, di>tan~;~a:irhi.nF; f~'r~t,urc oi' t,f,~~ r,,,.t~,,t,, 1,1,x._ nwnbcr of d:i~;iti~l_ plc~cc:, .in tlic nhi.i't rel,i::ter is iJy r'c.~r;!~~�cl,i�1T t,~~r-~ shift registers i.n a matrix circuit, ane of the re~;ist~'r:; c~~t,;;i.:~Linf� of n digital places, :rhi.le the other consists of IT/r- pl.acc:~. ire nut,~ut ~,f ~`:::~h of the digital nlu.ces in the second register is cenn~.ctcd to thc~:;c~ .inr~~ri;; ~~{ digital places in the first rr;gister where the "ones" of t}~~~ codf� to .~e generated must be rerard~~d for a given group of sy::~bol.s of 1~~nr~t~~ r,. "`I,%: first rc~E;i.ster at;~'rates orj a c~idence freyucmcy of f, s;~-,d the :;r'~~~~:,cz r-,n ,~. 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 z/2 010 U'JCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING l~ATC--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136227 THE RATE OF THE MOI. IODINE A6STRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-O- AE3STRACT. INHIE3ITED OX[DN. OF CUMENE tRH) INITIATED 4Y T1051ITO~U~NAINIBREAKING)IS INCREASES LINEARLY WITH 0 PARTIAL PRESSURE. r DUE TO THE REACTION OF IODINE WITH R LAND SUH2i00VER,K(RAPLUSLO�SUD~2) RATIO OF REACTION RATE CONSTS. KIR PLUS I APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO 0.45 AT 75DEGREES. IODINE IS REGENERATED FROM 7HE INTERMEDIATE RI MAINLY BYMOSGOWr USSRCALS AND ALSO t3Y 0. FACILITY: INST. KHIM. FIZ.r UNCLASSIFIED APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 1/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--O40EC70 TITLE--INHIBITION GF THE INITIATED OXIDATION OF CUMENE BY MOLECULAR [UU[NE -U- AUTHOR-1031-ALEKSA~~OROV, A.L., SAPACHEVA, T.I., DENISOV, YE.T. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUrtCE--ZH. FIZ. KNIM. 1974, 4414), 1122-4 nATE PUBL ISHEO------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS- -CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--GX[DATION INHIBITION, CUMENE, IODINE CONTROL MARKING--NO kE5TRICT[ONS dOCUMENT ClAS5--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--j007/0793 STEP NO--UR/OOl6/70/U44I004/I12?_/I124 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP013b227 ` UNCLASSIFIED APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 tillC: ;1 : f'~01 USSR ALEKSANDROV, A. L. "High-Speed SS~nta:~ Analyzer far Sel.c.t;ticall_y Free Gr~Lm~~�~r~" Sb. rabot Vychisl, tsertra i~iask. trn-ta (Collected Works of the COIr~~uti.nS Center at t~;oscow University , 1971 ~ vYP� 17, pp 1x_17 (from RZh-}.ibci�netiY,a, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5599) Translation: It is proved that for each deterministic sem~.ittic~:l1~~ free grammar there exists a deterministic automaton which rccornizes this gram- mar with magazine memory and linear operating time. However, it is known that every deterministic automaton with magazine Iner~;ory operates on linear tine (Lar.}iarov, V. N. , "Upper Rstimatc of the Operating TimF~ of a, Pc~tcr- ~Iinistic tfktgr,.zi ne Autc,rr~tc~r," , ~:ib , sb . , 19'l1 , 8 ~ PP 135-139) 1/1 - 6~i APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 ` 2I2 020 UNCLASS[FIEO PRUCF:SSI'v:~ OATF--c)41)EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129471 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--t U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE CORROSION RESIST~I~VCE DF FE-NI ALLOYS AND THEIR RESISTANCE TU CORROSION CRACKING IN NAt)N WERE STt)I)IEt) tN RELAT[ON TO TFIE NI CONTENT. INCREAS[NG THE N[ CO`lTENT UP TO 2fiPEkCENT RAISED THE GENEkAL CORROSION RESISTANCE OF T}IE At.lilYS. FURTHER INCREASING THE NI CONTENT HAD LITTLE EFFECT tJN THIS, THE RESISTANCE TO CURROSICIN CRACKING WAS GOVERNED !3Y THE [Nf II~FN%E WfJICH Tt}k NI EXEf2TE0 ON THE STRUCTURE ~1N0 DUC Tilt TY OF TlIE ALlt1YS. .11.111YS 1,i[ T~li A MARTENSITiC STRUCTURE HAD A LOH CRACKRES[STANCE, WNIL- t~l=r A SU~3id E'K I'~ic ~~t: 1i=F- 1', s. SF'~iG k ~ ~, I S GREATER TFiAiv j:~R Ei.;UAL TI] 1) , ~~! i3E A B~UhDED JET I;J .1 'il,f~ ~, A~~;i) Ft~t. A r+t3Tl,i:,LLY SI',Gt.~ ~Al.tlFia ;a,~i'P I~:'v Ut= A SUiii4 ON A S(lii,til P~.Ii~ f_ ;�� ! Tf{ tlit E+ULLOInING PhUt'1=ktTY: TPiL- h1At~ OF I~NY SET T{M)t)~f;1I;Jl:D I-;�.;;v ~~1 r?Y ~'1'4Y PARALLEL TR,iNSLATIuPJ IS T PRIf�iC IM PRIh~E:1 ClE3TAI'~k_U l3Y :; T~',i~VSLA11t!;, k f()t~i THE JI�_T M PR i;�lE E~,U~iLS F { MI ; Aivi) TKANSVE.IZSE:LY, ,'~~~1Y ( i'k: 1;?t""_ {;~ i'It { ;',!) [ A t~AP uF A CEi:TAI11 T{,~3?. Tk~t PE:OIiLEPi [S TU I~ii'i~TiG~1TE. ~~,fiaT (S Ik~f NATU.~tE OF The MAPP{iVGS F; ANY AFFINE MAPPING lJF A SUBN u;~ A SUN -'~~I;~1E BILL GE A ;'~APNIiJG F FGR StlA1E M, fiUT ~lHAr OTHER ;,1APPINt,S k tXIST Fk>>~ pNE ()R ANUTHEk GIVEN M? tNE FULLUrvING THEUkEM [S GIVE1t: lkT TRAtVSLATIUNALLY INVARIANT ;JETRICS 8E GIVEN IN SPACES A SUI~N A SUi~i: PKIME_ SU THAT THE UNIT SNHkRE S IN A SU6kV 1S Nt~T A C?UAS1 CYI.IIV~)t~t. LL-T ~, tll A MUTUALLY SS P~dGLE VALUE t) ;~AFP 1 NG OF A SUtiN UN A SUdh Pk I hiC i .,:1 ~~i I CEI EITHi_R UNIT SPHERES, OPEN UNIT SPHIRE5, UR UNIT SPt1ERES f-11.U~~1 A SUt~~~ ARE= MAPPEU ONTE] THc CURRE:SPUND[f~G SETS 1N A SUEiN k'RI;~C, AfuL~ Ct,`JVEfiSELY'. THEN G IS AFFINE. UNCLASSIFIED APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 USSR A~KSANDROV, A. D., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 197, ~'0 5, 1971, pp 991.- 994 and every di is an into home- where g is the affine mapping of ?~ into Am', omorphism of An transforming the rays parallel to Li into such rays and constituting parallel transfer in each plane parallel to Pi (here, inasmuch as f is defined in G, the right-hand side of (2) is bounded by G; the order of the mapping di in (2) is immaterial: they commute). Conversely, an>' mapping in the form of the right-hand siderof T~ uswlf (C)`l~sl,alwayslthet , Here, f (C) = gt (C) , where t is the t;ransf~. , affine form of C. Cis a cone in the affine space An with the apex 0; that is, the set of points formed by the rays_originatingr~to0�C)Ihass~~trica planeCofssupport; contained in a plane and C (the clos that is, supporting and not having other common points except U wit:~i ~. CX denotes the set obtained from C by the parallel transfer 0 ' :1. G is the domain in An such that OC-:..G and for any X ~ G, C~, G G; f is the one- to-one mapping of G into the arrive space Am' having tt~e properties: ~~) 2/3 -S- APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 USSR ALIlCSbt1DRCV, A. D. , Dokiady A}:ade,Tii Naul: SSSR, Vol 211, I;o E', 21 ~':ui* 73, }~;? i pp 1257-126C specialized for~Ts, but it is proven main here because no reference, cruld be located. The theorem is then used for the proof of two further t},eore~s. Definitions: G is the ~!I�oup of meve~rents of the space R, tran:;a on the set of alI half lines; hC is a one-to-one m?ppinS cf R to itself; 1: is a croue generated by ~ (member of G) ~~nd h~; A and }~ nrr� point: in }t; },~~ i:, t}cc~ cc;n- junction of all h-member: of H with h( fi) = ~; Il~.(~3) is t}ic r.t of r~11 ',~, -h(is) with h-members of H(t,~. Theorem: if h ~, ~.s contirnzous, i s r;ot f, anri prc~r~~rvc~:; thy. nur31 i t.;,,' of d i ;s- tance, then }ix(}s) = R/(is) for r~ pair i~, B. Thearern: it R is ~ Eucli dean or Lobachevsl:i : p~'~cr, rind 1i f.(Ii) ~ s bo.:nc3e a for some pair 1~,8, then hC pre::erves the caw~lity of dist~~r:cc~; ; t}cc :.~~^~!: }~, true in a spherical R if the ciialneter of HA(I3) is less than the day-:c~tf~r c,f R for sol*~e pair ~:, i3. `fwv o~,her t,h~~~~r~,rns, e; s~;ntia~.l;~ ver ~ioY,;: ,.;r t},f ~~r~ ~�; ~I t,~i t}, c3i f'.f ~ r~~r,t, conditions, irre also proven. ?.~?. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 USSR UllC >l~i. ":' AL~:S~,t�+D}tC'l, n, D. , Academician "On biapoin~?s Y~~hich Preserve Conk ruence" Moscow, Do~lady Akademii ldauk SSSR, Vol 211, !10 6, ?1 Aug '1.3, pp 1~'_>7-i.2t~~! Abstract: The following theorem is proved for kliclider~rl, Lobachev;;k:i , tar�i spherical spaces (it can also be extended to Riemann spaces), iricl.uuin~; infinite spaces. It is given that a set Mp which is boundE~d in ;cne space R contt~in:, at least two points and (if R is spherical) has a diameter leis than one-h~1S the diameter of R. It is given, further, that f is a mpapin~; of }t tc }~~ such that if M iS a set congruent with lfb, then f (!4) i s congruent ~,,; th f (: �) ; ar.d conversely, i� ~ is congruent wi1;h f (!~j) thr..n f `l (hT) i : con~nruent, ti; i t,}; }~~), where f~'1(I~) is the complete inverse image oi' N. Then the m~::;r~i.r;~= 1' l~rF�;;crve;, the equality of ditance and, thus, congruence 1'cr e1i set;;. The auth~jr notes that this i s not a new `.}~.~.~;rc�t7, itr..ri,i c~;1 t,r�; ~ i n ~r~ r~~ ~.j %= -10 .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 USSR UDC 621.362.2 ANDRIAI`tOVA, T. I~i. , ALEKSAND~tUV, A. A. , OKH07'I?'d, V. S. , i'f;Iilia/!, ~~. 1. , ~tAZUMEYC}iENKO, L. ~': a:~.~~~,.:~.b:,,,~,a,~.-.,.~,,.. "Investigation of Semiconductor Systems Based on Sb2Se 3 ir. the i'olten ~t ~,~� of 8U at. a Sb~.S~-~~ + ~'(~ ;.;t.~ 1t- ti�ririr~ ; coni,3nuUU:;Iy over t:t-~~ cn! ; rc~ t,~~m- perature internal from y50 to 1300�~.. Two illustration: , bi.t~li~~E r~:,-}~t-y ~~1' two titles. A. r:h. Cherkasskiy. 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 JSSR unc 669.725:621.77 SMIR1~i0V, V . S . , YAKOVT.aEV, V . P . , and ALEI~APZDROV, A . A . "Rol.lin~ of Aerylliur~ in Vacuum" Moscow, T>vetnyye Metall,y, No 3, 173, pp )6-57 Abstract: Comr;;ercially pure (1.2-1.i-�~~ 13e0) ~bery].1i~.~m :ia-n}plc;;; lrot~.t,ecl 1,c~ ',',li~- 950�~ ware rolled in vacuum (2-5'10"5 mm Iii) on a reversing; rolling mill with a roJ.].in~ rRte of O.J.-0.76 m/sec. I~'irst cracks appeared on sampler ~,~Y~en t.}ie reduction in area reaches 3-5~ and a eorrplete rupture was t'ollo.,~ed when the reduction in area was hiE;her. Individ~.ial samples hofited to 85~~�L r~lstazi.nec3. the reduction in area up to 3c>L~ without rupturing when rolled with 0.'T6 r;~~eec . Howevex, the rna,jority of samples were ~~ad1;t deforrx:d when rolled with 0 �'jC~ >.~! ~`~~ Cracks appeared on both the cont>~:~ ciac};s on conl.act sur- faces With rolls. Tnis was attributed to a very rapid cooling., of the sur~"ace layer of r~etal contacted with cold rolls. In order to elir ~inate it, mol;fbcien;z~~ liniru; ~ rpm thick was used on both aides of the sarnple.r; ttu-: lin:in;; was boated to~;Ethe'r` tiw r;cunpler. i,~~a.liti;; af' rr~mT,Z.c:a i.7r ma:lyr;ci.o;z~,r;: linin;~ rlid rcpt produoc szny crac}:r; ors the contf~et curfr~ces. Cruc}:;~ and I�~~i~t~.irer ire tlai,~ ~.r.c?~s 1/2 -5~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 USSR ALEiG~NDRU J, A . ,~..~-r- `~ enom Against Diseases" Moscow, Leninsko;~e I,namya, 11 Neb 71, p 4 Abstract: Snake venom is a valuable raw material from which t;:erapeutic ~ru,;s are made. The Tallin Chemical t'hara3ceutical plant is manufact,,:r~ ~ Jiprosai, an ointment against rheumatic fever. and "Jipraksin. a medicine a,; poly- arthritis. out of snake venom. Tas;zkent pharmacists have ootaii:ed Lecotoice, an effective coaulant out of snake venom. this natu�al s~�o: ~a :ce is oein:; investigated i'or the presence of other therapeutically useful cu~oun:s. T~-~e demand fvr snake venom is perennially increasing, and therefore snakes in Uzbekistan are protected by law and many are being raised in special nurseries. ]./1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 - USSR AI,EKSANDROV, A., Nauka i Zhizn', No 4, 11, pp 89-91 air over crops protects them from hot, dry winds, drought, dust storms, and so forth. It is stated that one hectare of land will require 1.5-20 cubic meters of aerosol sprinkling per day during "critical periods," and 900- 1,000 cubic meters for the 60 or so days in a normal season when, sprinkling; will be needed. This reduces wafer expenditures 3-6-fold over ordinary irrigation. Aerosol sprinkling can also protect crops during frost and cold, by creating a snow coating, 20 cenilmmaintainesoilttemperature at 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter, which wi not lower than - 1�C. 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 BIOLOGY Agriculture USS~t ~~~,,,~, Professor and Scientific Secretary, Moscow Agricultural Academy imeni ?~� A. Tircun azev "Aerosols In Agriculture" Moscow, I~lauka i Zhizn' , A'o 4, 71, pp 89-91 Abstract: Projected population growth, in tt~e L'SSR and worldwide, makes intensive development of agriculture on the limited land avai.labi.e crucial. Similarly, the limited writer supply must be used more economically to be capable of handling intensified a;ricultural production. The author notes that calculations h-hie shosis of tt~e experimental data; (b) data relating to the patterns of absorption and ac- cumulation of the major artificial radionuclides by marine sediments and hydrobionts; (c) regional radioecology of. various parts of the ocean (in- cluding the Slack, Azov, Caspian, Mediterranean, Red, and Central Americatl seas) With a descri tion of the distribution of some radioactive fission products (mainly Sr~O). The second book Rndioel~,ologicf:eskiye issledovaniya Sredizemnogo morya (Radioecological Studies an the Mediterranean Sea) by G. G. polikarpov et al. (Naukova Dumka Publishing i~ouse, Kiev, 1)70) sums up the results of the 10 years' cruising of the R/V Akademik A. Kavalev;:kiy 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 C' ~3 J a n rJ C M ~7 m r~ ~ ~F ~ ! :a ~ ~ F ~ n M i~ G 7 O 4 +`. J r U c ~ ~-t ,a n ~ n r. C n 'q i .. n .^ U' '. ~ O r a .e .. G' ~ lil N Q o7g-C,n7 tic nGj~-.. rt r1 C ~ -- r, r ~ ~ n ~ .r ft ,1 S L 4 U- -, O r v ~ ~ ^ C ~� c+ ~ r- r In r U 1 ~' ,9 n '7 a �~ ^r w ~ ~ r/ D.., C r, ~~ H~ C ~ n _ - n W r ' ~� U V, J r C it -r n 1 V n r~ ..~ C ~ C v, - f s J t; ~ ,~ _' r~ ti r, O h l n 0 �' _ T t r a ,f 1 : y IF ..., ~. ~ ;, r rr - ri'1: i .. .. ~ _ ~ .. n .. r� .. L iti ~ 1 ~ '~ J v. y Y. t!; t Z ~~ G n S G to r r S ,, 7 t~ �' G T J . In G. ~ Ca ~. C ' 9 c ,e ,r ~_ aa,A..y ~ n ~ ~ T G i_ U �� ti ~ C s . i r ~f f i ~ ;~ r4 v . M 1 � W ' f ` t ~ ~ C V f/ ~ T '"' 0 S 0. .. -r ~ r Nay V nd... ., - d x L C n ~ y ' C 1 U Ul y r p .- w '.' C ~ C J . ~~ r- n -. n ., I . , ~ C O ~ r. u. .. .. i ... .,. M ~~ y F T, " ~ ~~ . l; ~ r , J 'a~'1 ~��c7r. ~ L ~.: ~. ~ ~ 5 "J r� C 0 C Y ~ ~ .. 4 ~ - '~ . f ,j n a ~ l I R C r U v ~ ~' C w ~~ U. :1 ~ 5 .i 4. .. ~: .. f V ~p % - .. .~ ~~ .y ~ .. .,~ U v - 7 1 C, V L F i 7 1 1 r APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 iJSSI~ ,~ ~,n, (~ !'1} ~ r rid o~i~a..w I_1 ~i iJ., - f i�..~ i~ i.h_. A�[.,I; :,~AYuiII~ Ii. .� . .~..i r; ~,c~uncil for I~FZd-iol,iolu; ,, r `~"-; .,,,, "' ; ~ ~ '; ` ~ ~~..x "Results of and ProsReets for Resc;arc}1 nn the Tt~~di.occo:l-o~,;Y" oi' ,",'jtz;it:i r ~~,�i-r~.;:is~:,:;,, Mosco;a, l;volo~iy., I3o G, 1{)'(~, pp 10-}-106 Abstract: An Ai 1-Union S~,m::~o~iiLr: on the I~~dioecoloEti: of :~~it.r .l.c. 0''t :-ni:.~~ . (Ri~a~ 1~-2d April 1~J72) spanuored by tii~:~ Institute of ~'io:Lo,-,,-, Late :i~~n Acaderzti- of Scien;:es, heard ~;~ papers dealing ti,~ith -l;he fo11o1; -i.r, ~� su;>,j::ct;s (a) entry of artificial ra:lionuclides into ~,odics of sal.i :.,:d ~ resh.rater; (b) distribution ctnd r:i~;r~ition o1' radionuclides ir: n~riFi~t,ic l:io^vno.;c:~ 1.>Jla~~.. natural and exl~eri.irental co::J.:_tions; (c) r;odes o;' }z~~netrF~i,ioti ~~i' rr:~liun,.r~~ ~.I ~I~= into aquatic or;-zt~iF~rrs; (cI.) eL'Pect of ioniri.nt~;ion :'rc~~ ~4c~io.:ucli~~r~' ) incorporated iJ1~:0 rlyd~'~~1)iUIit~ UT prerC)11: :i.n tiJ~l'CCI' UIl j1].~.;1~�~ if,?I-1 tttla.;,a:l:, ~~ rr~eti~~ods. !;t un c.:,,rnciod r.,c~eti.n~; of the acierzcc C~;]. f~~r 1t~.,.l.a.c~i 1~,!~~i,.; i,~~1~, err the Vernad:;Y.iy :hn^tLtul,c~ of Ger~chc:mir;t.r;r Ftncl Ar:nl.,;~~_cra?. {;;,cr~i:,t.:'~,~ ("; /i;~~ri;. J';'(,_), L. I;. YJZitrov di:;russed thr i:~ost iT.,tzorl,r~:rL' ;,us~.r:; oS' :r'F.~~~it,~,~oLc,,�, ;,;~~~ rr+.~i..i.~,- eco2o^r in cor:~nection tirit.'.1 t'~e r~enerrzJ_ radio; ;evc.,c...i ~t. , another xopol , he descril:~ed the -t,ehs.vicr oL z ~w ;_~~~~ ~~~,~ ~_., . 1~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138002065900022-6 � USSR P,LEKS/1:~tiIII1, R. c�1., Forestry Lal~orrltary, /lcadem;' of Sc~.ence.~ l?S;]l~ (i;:~,�~(;',~;c �) .~:., a - "Deystviye Iarizii~,~nlshclii?rh Izlycheniy na Ed^lc~_ic?~es~~i'.�c ~.:-~tc-~~r" ('i'?,o i'~'ec':, of Ionizing Radiation on Lcolo{,ical S~; stems) b}r F. A. ~il.':~s:~.i.i'~a~r , .'~z~rc.~~Y., Atorlizdat, 1972, 176 pr., ~.nd "R~~dioa}:tivn~~ve Tzot.o~~y � 57.E tc~,:e 'r'ochv~,.- ~,.(~a ~~.:-~,;.~~, ( Isotopes in the Soil-F~1s~slt Systcr,~) ]~~~. 7. ~l. 1'~:~1.c:1;:_zova r:.~._~ ?;. :'. ISlil.ikov, t~roscow, I+torri.zd~.t, 19'2, B6 pp Sverdlovsk, r;k~>>_oii r~., Pao ]., ]-973, 1'I~ lrl)~_lU~ Absti~ct: Tikho~lirov's bao~: is the i'i.rst exten~_i~re tre~ct_i~.(: cc~nc::~-n:~i~ ' th'~ biological ~~~fects of ionizi.n, rZdi ~tion on t,j_c~~;cc;cer,c,~;;c:,. `.~~~:. fir.t ~';.'~. de~.].s kith tti~e 1~~i~;ratioil of ryntlletic radioparticle:;, tli~i. ~� ~?i;'~~,ri' '::..i u~: ~~~: ~~~, ve{;etatior~-coverer. areas Dina entry into plants cina nnir ri].;', ~~.~.~~ ~~(>:;a �~ _: ~~ ~ . -. the second ;art, t:le alztior discusses the: h~ o]_a(~ ic