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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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M~T~L~MA~I, 5.~. STA~OVJ~k14YA, A.{1.
Studies on reacti4it~ to c~a,~ ~~ r~
i~.ri~:3~ assoc,.~ta~3 vn,;ciua ~':~;eir~st enteric;
inFect ions and t atnn~;~ (no
cina) in Iimitecl fitudiaa. 2htu~~Cmikrobiol. enj,dtitt~ta of ~~-
.~cvorimentel "~iar~.i-
43 4 ' S8 � P ~rtm+ury,, 2q no: I0: ~2..
1. ~z Institute epidEi~uiolo~;ii i rnikrobiolo~ (MIRA 11:1.2 )
(VACCIPTE+.~ .A]!~I) YAG~I~IAI'IQNe ,fi imez~i ~malei AM1Y SSSR,
enteric-tetanus po?;~vnccina, field studies (Rush)
(T~TAATDS, i~a, 1, , ~. f
., -1_ i f -~ I
~, i_ .. ,
1. i..~ i
to 't !^ ~�4 a I..,, -t� y 4 ~
JJ. y I F` ~.
F a,I. G.:y~,- 1.S.f.~ Y 7 Y- -~
t ~c .!. .y;.Jq ~~~'
7 ~~le~.ti~
( a~ ~'~~~~
i ;liX~:
~(;Si C~ ! __..
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K1~~YKI-~I~~ t1/,5.~ 1~IJ~3~'{{~A}}V~~1NA,/ 9~fifi.i~n~ppl~~`~Cl~llv,~ilt~1~'A, A~:1`~~./; f'F;`l`lif~~~~~:+!a r~~~,{1~~ `'>>'!'i~~~Yt~~t,~I,
~~, ~'l ~ ~ iJ~~141~Y.~ ~ LriL[~ 9 E1_r~~,3 ~ ~~~e~~s ~ ~~v~~li!',iV ~ ~i~ ~~ ~ F P, ,~F e 1i, x ~~~~~. ~~ s n
~~o~f.~rc~i, B, ~. ; ~uKx~kc, M, ~.. , cc~~~~ IYI~,r;Y;~ , ~~.~ a , ~ ~~~; . r ~ ~ . _ ~ ,, ~ : .
TEI.~FSHEVSKAXA, M,A, ~ P~~.'~D~'~tOVA, Yu.T~ ,.
~:~~~c~u~t~.on a� ~thQ fxct:f~r~�~ I'r~.c,t~~~.~rn of hyjxis~~mr~E-a~~~~ ... ~.~
a~ tag ~~COn~a ~ ~.; , ,; ;~~~~~z~},
pror.i~itFZtl.c~n nol,h~,d urde~~~ a .1e,w tr>~-,j. ,.~:; `n,:.
o~n. groizv. ~~k~, pz�e~:, 1.f~a:15~->ib~ � bl ~: _ ~ ;Y/tf
,~~ ~~~,
:I.~ Kl~ax�~~tov:~ki;r in~tit,r~t ~ra.~ts~x~ ~ ~yvr~rcE~,ok :i.rn4 ~~~=~~�r~~,~ :~~_
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:,'~1..t~f'd.~:'~, I). ~\~,; i~~~l+~?~.~f r T.:O, '7. i)~ ` f ~i~41.I:i!91:, ;.� -J,~ i:.t1~~ d~.,i.'ti..:~.' :e�
riP~~'t~I;3;3~.3 ~?am;n~.--~t1e~b~.~~ i.n t`r~~;~~ ,::r~~t,;t,~~:~~i:,~ �z.~~. ~r:fl ~~r:ti ~.r; ;Pi'E~s;n,:;~ r.~:~t~vox�~;�_ i_~,.i ,;~ ~.,!F'�r .: -
t~C~lYl,~rt.~l 1?~.C+`p+"v,~ iir'~ ~):[`(9~?~~:C':a.I'CJV'?.Yls :~ c~~1 r,?;t~.l'~sftitJ-;`.1.' - '~f'iiC~~1'll'ti':1-
l;ikli ob"yr?,~ t oit }
~7.~::1~ iJTj ~ C ri~+ , 1'c;,t ~)~,'~.;~i ~ ~ j!l ~~ y ?~~).l ?~ y J.1Y ~ y
i~. L<
1 ~~t~. ~
CO~.~Cid17~i~~, tiil.taT~t7, }?f?S'~.~..LJ.I.?;(1 F'fi:, ~1,:"~ 11:"!1 {'C?1' ~'i ;I`c;Ji~'3~'k��
t7.OT1 Of' O'c7,jf;Ct '~N!!)I.'t ,~tl~'111.:'lr 1 ei _C~;3'Vh1.C I:l ~ CT'~s:;(',()p?t''�
~rllE' ;~01 vc?I"1t trip.}~~.(J;grn(~ l;tcl,,y''1 l'Jti':CV~'-"y ;'.Ct LlwOri 't~t:ti ~. 1. T�.tl :L 2i
a t~~aJ a to ;.~:I.~~+.i~~~ :it;, tz'~~.:^sp~:irs,;,ryo 'Flir~r t~if~~rr>-; t; ,.,~t~~F~ds
4V*~r~ lti'VO~t~;,'?~f;ci ].77 tl~3 ~rvc3~'ti`. Cu.~C' S: :L~~~1 t~'i;' ~it.t3'ii"):iF! ;f
~ -tr~c solv~~~'~ rzcl;~.ori too ~ r:;a.t~irr:um ;'; iI�t,ic,,, vt,_~:= t~l~~;,~;o~
rated for tli~t :~ethod o:f t,h~~ caii._11 ~_f�;t Ind-i~t~.c):~ ,)i t.r~ .~ol,rer.t
(Fi{;~ 1~ ~ 't'he' ,~~,?(~ci.r.;~~~:r; hi~'.~iaversonio flow
B i ~t~~P2~af1
T~;;e cons~~mption of air and w-~tex` by wei.,~ht ~n
crater were both '15�C~ ,~ 7 sec,y respectively., Y~ithin
i;hsse experiments was 4~1~ and U,O~ kg~
laced in the .stream bsoams coverer by a crust o�
E~~~12 sec, a steel rod :~ ~ ~a,nd r~c3f~~r~~~~ ve, ;:> t~~~,r,~tli
ice that ws.s solidly bonded soeedevfo~low~~~~Thi~sph~nomenon rftr. ~~r~c~t~t~bly
I~f this crust ties with the D i esgure ('s:~s we 1.13 and rnt~:tn.a,
�be utilised in industry fox cooling hlF;k.-p '
surfaces in a has s1;rEam~ ~ quantitative thE:c~ry nt`
as well as for cooling resented later~> `,Abstract~ar's nett: Ccanpl"t,e
this phenomenon wi11 be p
ASSQCIA~I1IONa Maskavskiy institut nef gekGulbkinas(Moscowall~Vtit~ute of
p~^omyahlenrosti ~.m~
t)1e Petrochemical and Gas Tndustry irneni I~ h~~ Gubkin
PRESENTED; June 10, 1960, by P~ Yao Kochina, AcadEmici.~.n
5UBMITTEDa 3une ~, 1960
Gard 2~2
APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001134700034-6
~i~L7j .".+~r%
Vil' ker, D � S., (Deceased , ~,li tel' m~~n., 1~:, .~ ~ ,
Cha.rnyy, Ia A`'G. Do
and Ro2enberg,
Two-phase Supersonic flow
Akademii Hank SSSR, v o 1 ~7 , no ~ 1 ~ 1 ~~~~ , ~ :5
the temperature of a gall it a t~~ee �l~w~ aty lo6v ry
~ It i.$ known that
~~XT: ation ten~peratur~ o ~rt~ c~ r:,
a of gt~r~ pa.x'~t.cleo and p;
dt.ffere ana.y little Pram ~f~sesf.low c;anf~lst.~ng lt.cjul.d, ~v'~i;~~ ~~ fr�,e~,;.,
Pr. ~ 1 ~, Hs~wevez'~ a two~P
' uid may be assumed. to :,.rise w~aen ,.~ mint t,hcn k~f~
frozen .11Q a,s temps r'm pure il3 in trodut. ~~;:
of higher i,han tha ~
ing point ~consisierably erg~ture of the wall in the flow
to the gas flr7w~ The temp ~ as� I,a order to che~k
in s,ti.on temperature of, the .~ d~umerhFan:ic.r~:l
much Lower than the etagn t,r,rn~.,irc,:;vv~~
ion an experiment wr~t~ cc~r~i,ed rout r:1 b thy: Y tv9.: V
this gs~um~t ' osudarstvcnnyy ~.~~niversite,:t im~
mhrough a Laval nc,z,~,~.e
Laboratory of ~oskovskiy g
V Lomorrosov~ o
ai~~stream (~2 ~ 1 ~ 2 and ~'`. = 3 ! �
(Moeco~.r Si;ate Unive~s~nto~~e~i p~gr9onic r~ ~,f the
tem ~trr~turs~ oi' tli~~ f.>,i.rki t~~e~~rn rtit~d th4~ tr3mpex'a u..
~rc~ts3r ~v~zs in tirc~duce
The str~gnt~tion p
Card ~ ~~
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AUI'RO~tS:'man, _~._ -~., Ro~enber.~, G.D. and Charr~yY, 1:.A..
'~TTT~: Cn th� thec;ry s-~ a hydraull.c :~i.r�~,n (tU,rl~o';~c~~~~r~tc:~E~. ).
(,K teorii ~a.drs~vl~Cii~;s~oj~ si:~eny (tUrbptv.~:rlorf~~;1;~') .
"' (,~~de.~.p~l~.;~{' '.I.IE.,lf.llr.t.:l(;ftt;;~;iC:L!i.ll.
PE`RIO:DICAII: Izvestiya ~~ade:mi.i Natxk SS~R,
I~'euk, 1.95?, No.9, ,ap. 1.~~F3-157. (~SSSR)
A3STRACT: A method is described off' deteru~~i.nin~ -thE 5h~-.~~e cif ~;l~.e
~-ressure impulse i.rl f,rl hydro-u1~.c, si.rcn. ors t f.un~~tic~n o.f
t;he parame~rers oi' ~}~~~; ~;e~rzipment ~ro~tucir~l; t.h~~ f~ ~r.~ltpl_i7_~~e
(;probe) and dlsc~ of ~tl>,e ~~.vera~e a.ncre~sc :ill r~rPssure
produced by its presence. ~rhe probl~.u1 cr~n 'oe :~orf:lulatea_
~r,s f ollc?ws : ti~.e ~.'1ow ra~t~e of t;hc~ l~.qui.d at the entry
into tn.e piping of the len~~h as anu the ar~;~~ of. the
cross section f (Fib.l j ~.s knc}wn equallint,;� ~,
!~ ~ canst. At the ~;nd of ~rhe -;~ipin~; G. probe is . ~..t~E~eci
all v~~r i.nE ~zrecz of ~i;lae: r~~os:~ sect7.c~ri ca:~'
w~th a per~.odic~:-. y ~'�
;oassage S. It is assumed that the :l.r~~'J U1:' cr~~r'~;t, of Lrlc~
~~rea S with time is given by means c, f' u periodic,
,function S = S(t) ~~~ith a period T ~~nd that ~.n this . .
case the flow rote ~ and the -~~ressu~^e p o:f the li,.~u:~
~t the lower cross section Qf t~1.e pip:in~f; can bE: ex~,: es seci
~Y some funct~oz~s of tirr;,e, n�~rn+v7~y, ~ '- fi(t), -~ ~ ~'(t).
Card ~./2
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~tIT]~i,xKU~T, L.a. ~ repodav~~tel'
~~-ccauutir~g ~,~nd o;aarationnl tactu~i~rae c~f the ai;ate ~~~~~;
progrn~a and r~thofio).ogical in~tr~lcstionc for fo~~rth year
~tudenta attending correapondenc:a ~choo7.s in a~~counting
a,nd credit and specializing in, "Currency circu:Lation end
c,rediti" for the 1'59-19ba achG~ol gears Uchet ;L opeaa-
tsionnaia tel~hnik~~l v 4osbanke; progranm~r~ i raet~:~dicheskie
L~zaniie dli~s uch~aahchikhgia ~- zaoahn~.kav IV ',~xrga uchetrxo~Y
kreditnykh tekhnikumov po apei,aial~nos~,i "Dan�zhnan obt^,~ot~c}~~
rrie 1 kx~di,t" na 1~S9~1~6O uchebnyi gacl. ~[oskva, l X59. 2l p�
(1~S)t~~ 1~:).C)
).. 4oeudarstvennyy bank, Moscow, Upravlenive ~uchabnym~. zave-
(Banks and bankiy>;g)
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~VL~LIi51Lln 11. ; AILp I.
Obaelrvatione on the ,;lycalysia an,d tr;icar~=oa~yli+, i~,cid cycle
in ]~,iver tissue in connection ~+ith disturt~snre ~,f the cell ~truntvre.
Acts, physiol. hang. t~ na,l1z~:~3~59 1956.
1. Physiologisch~~chenzisches Institut der K~r1~~f~;~r~,~Univeraitat
ieipzigo and Iioheyes mPdi~iniachss~ Institut Iwn~:l F'etrowits~.h :~awlow,
bioc:hemische ebteilurtg, P3owdiw.
(T~IYSBs metab.
glycogan~ .~.keta~f: c~as`'t:~r~~a-;ir ~ir,i::.~:1~.. ,~~~~~~z~, ~.r~cx �t}~es:i.r ~:,1.-.~
n~.fa.~~.xlre ~'c~r t;rst; ~~t~sc7~� ;f:, ;:~~~ t_,' ~ ,,r ~~'kr
1 ~..~iz~ nt, ti:~l:~s~.e~,t~.E_i1.~
C81..~s� ~djJo ~i'17'1?;3 ~~ 1?t7e~,u~j-~}"~~ tiEi-~~'y~{;~ie 1' ~f . er.
+'A .131iJ~~. lJj~�~.. ~,.n.~.*t''.~i Sir: .1.{)~Ji].1jjiS A~ i!~; ,,~ f";ry r: ;T fi?'~ly -1.W~ ~
~~ ~1.~iU'~i YJ'.~ n a a~ti3f~! ~1:1?;'�i1~1�~ :L
1 ~2,~1.~~~{I~ftf