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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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i ~ "Gunn-Pex~aha Frain 8e~'eskl~t~" ~~'. A: ~Malakb.Qva
t r ~ "Nauka i Z~~xn ~ f' Val, ~Y.~Ix, IPo.,S, P 37
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F evragey~k~,,~ occur (up tv ' ~`To Nr x`60 ~ and' S5� ~
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~J._L...,._ Q.7.~1.-66. , EwT~..~ ~-~--~--~~ ~ 0 oor~ 00 7ao4a~oo~z
~, SOUi2Cl~ CODE. 3~ ~~
;~~ : x22091 ~A,N) r Shevtsova
AUTHGR: Malakhova T. I. (Candidate of veterinary sciences, Manage ), _._,
(Cane: e o veterinary sciences);~;~a~eve, LLB P. (Direct�r); Chu Y~
Ys. T. Chi+et veterinary physir~ian of Lyubertsy district of Moscow
"""~' ;a'lakhov~ Production Sr:-ction, .Scientific-Production Veteriner""y~~S~~;'~or,~r
xno laboxatori
'M5Kh i~S~~SR ~Praizvodstvennyy ratdel Nauchno-proizvodstvennyy vetarina y
Shevtsova Scientific-Production Veterniar Laborator MSKh ASFSR (Nauchno-
seva L bexta Interdi.stric:t
proizvodatvennaya veterinaxnaya laboratoriy ; Zayt
Veterinary ~ab�_ o~~~LYuberetskaya mezhrayonnaya veterinarnaya l.a oratoriya
TITLES Prepax Lion and use of blood from convalescent ani.male far fa~ of-and- ,-~,
.~ mouth ise se
SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 3, :1966, 40--~ raven
TOPIC T,~GS: foot and mouth disease, blood, epizootiology, experiment animal, p
medicine, animal disease therapeutics e naculated~r~rith blood obtains
AIiST~ACT: A total flf 7,821 cattle and 1,4C-0 swine war i __
The results were best in cal
from animals convalescing from foot-and mouth disease.
up to one month old when the dose was 2.5--3 ml pax kg of animal weight. Very :few of
animals contracted the disease even in thEj midst of an epizootic. And in the few t
did the course was very mild, with the an'.ll4ais ~ thegoutbreak1 temperature and good
appetite. Tn most cases the inoculations halts
The blond of convalescent animals was also administered to very sick adult cows a
bulls in doses of 500-600 ml and 700--$00 '~~ reth~ntinethe controlurse of the diseas
was much mil.dar and recovery took place s~~oner a
Thus, the use of blood from animals recovering fsrom2ff~t-a9dsomoutPRd~aease has bo,
prophylact:Lc and therapeutic Value. Orig. art. ha guy'
SU~~ C,QI7E 3 06, 02/~ SUHM DATE s none ~ ~ ~
rrnr.. F,$$.L3-0$ _ _ _
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s/128~ 1/coo/aa5/aa~,~c~5
AUTHUR9z Ma~veyev, V,D,, Meshkov, D,A,,, Malakhov, i,~,, Krapivka, N.A�
TITLE,a Aii~~tight ladle far addi~ag maE;neaium to cast iron
l,'OA~CALt Liteyn~aye~ proixvod.stvc~, nc~ 5~ l~~~l, ~}~
DTs After 2 years experience with the 1,5 and ~+,5 ton air-.tight l.adie~c
designed by theTsNIlTMA3h for the magnesium; mc~ciifieation of iron it was faund,
that, if securing the cover to the iadie eccentric screws or wedges it was
not possible to obtain the air_tightnsss re~~uired. At the N1tMZ a new device ha~~
been developed to fasten the cover to the ladle` It is based on the prireiple
o#' a 'gun-type" stopper ahd ca~n:~ists of a double thread with afour-fold coil
having a rectangular section and a ~O~.mun pitoh. The angle of c~f they
thread is 2�3t7'. After making the thread one soil ~.s removed while actuall;~ an~~
tail takes p,~rt in the aperat~.on, The new device eliminates any wedging and e,~_
sores a normal. tightening at v~:ttious thicknesses of the insert, The latter is
made of asbe;stas, covered with graphite and lubricated with oil; it$ size is
laxly mm for the ladle and 22x2;? mrn for the cave~r, The testis carried ou~y show
that the device ensures air-tightness aw well as an efficient assembi~~ ~f ~t.he
cover and ladle, There are 3 f;igu; e>/,
Bard l:~l '
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~~~~~=~~ri~>'.,m~~~~ c~n~~~ ~~~~;' ~e~Qri ~ ~~,pet~t~~ri~.; #.~ ~~;n~~ica~~~ ~ha~ ~~e intex~a~
r~~:r:. - '~~~�~s~~~~, ~ e~';~~w~ ~r~c~uen~e~.- aye .d~:~`fex~rit. �r~.~. ~,x ~.
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;?sea@..r;r - .. ., (!!1~!!~l#R4Ni~ .-..- ,... ._ _ ,^..u!i...i!:5~...+Y�:.:%n...,�..n.;6.:�-'.a.:.,w~:... :w .t ,
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l1L~/~J ~{/7 7
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~ ti
value obtained for the activation energy of the diffusion of the
point defects which immob~.lixes the dislocations during the recovery
processes (0.23~,is internnediate between the activation energies
for Age' ions (0.15) and v~:~cancies (p.33 eV) in silver chloride, as. ,
published in the literakuxe. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 4 gorn~u- ,
las . '
AS~SOCIATIONs Moskovskiy institut stall i splavov (Moscow Institute
of Steel and A1]~oya) ,
SUBMITTEDt 02Mar64 ~ ENCLs 00
^- ~ SUB CODE s_ SS NR REF ~6OVs 00 2 ~ OTHER s 004 .
- ,
i ~
;Card 3J3
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sample was clamped in tree relaxator. The activation energies of
'. the recovery process as a whole wEare i:ound to be approximately t'he
same for both pure and alloyed sannples (0.23 + 0.02 eV) (0.1 + 0.02
and 0.00 + 0.02 eV, respectively), The average value of the active-
; tion energy of the diffusion of. point defects was found to be 0.23 �
� 0.02 eV for bath pure and a1loyEad s~tnples of AgCl. This indicates
that the recovery process proceed~f in the same manner in both pure ,
and alloyed silver chloride. The fact that the recovery activation ~.
`energy is on the whole lower than the activation energy for the dif-
fusion of point defects indicates that, although the observed de-
crease in internal friction follo~oing plastic deformation agrees
with the theory of Granata, Hikato, acid Lucke (Arta Met. v. 7, 470, ,
1958) th� diffusion mechanism is riot the only recovery mechanism, ,
and others, with lower activation energy are possible. It is also
shown that the dielocation,immobi]Lization is due to diffusion of th,e
intruded Ag+ ions to the dislocat~~ons'and of the vacancies of these
ions to the~dielocations. This fit corroborated by the fact that the
Cord 2~3 , J~ a;,
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ACCESSION NRs AP4043367 S/0181/64/006/008/2441/2~~44
AUTHORS: Blistanov, A. A.f,.,~alakr-ov, G. V.; Sha$kol'skaya, M. P.
TI'~'LEs investigation of the recov-ery of internal friction in cr~rs~-
talline silver chloride ~ ..
SOURCES Fizika tverdoga~ tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2441-2444
TOPIC TAGS; internal friction, relcovery dynamics,, silver chloride,
single crystal, activation energy, diffusion mobility, crystal
=lattice defect, dislocation immoba.lization
' ABSTRACT: The recovery of low-frs:quency internal friction following:
plastic deformation in w-ire sampleas of AgCl, either pure or allo~~ed
with 0.012 at.~6 NaC1, wars investi5tated at 0, 25, and 50�C. The
freq~enciee used were 1.5--2.5 cpa~. The wire samples were obtai~aed
from single cr~rstals by ;pressing and rolling, followed by ~anneal:Lng
for 10 houre~.~ A second annealing was used (130C, 1 hour) after the
Cord 1/3
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Q,~ bf., doki;+xr tekhn. nau~t; ~'i'~C~Ct, ~'.D., k~xnd, t~~h~.
'Warki~ a depo~~.t in the ~ r~; mires Frith 1~O~aa.-~hi~h l~~~l~.
Gor. Shur. no. 1~:;~~-1.0 l~ 'b~. (M.[RA 1Ss]~~ -
~.. Kr~v~paco~hBk~-Y go.~ nyy ixuatitut (~'c~ M~lgkhav, Ti~crv). ~ .
s ,A
2, t3lav,nyy i5n~herier tr eta I,eni,nrud~t (for Zi~ch~vakiy). ~
3 Upravlyayu~hchi;y'. r~adou ravle~niye~ imen~i Ordxhoni.kf.d~e (fc~'r, .
6`:+ ~ i~4
r 2~ 1
~1 ~.
,jam ~~ i ~~,,
+~ ~
1 ~
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�-R-; VASHCHENKp, V-3., NIKtILIN, S.Ye-, kend.tekhn.iauk;
LINNIK, G.F., ksnd.tekhn.rmttsk; LAVF~II~~t~-Gt V.F., kand.tekhn,nauk;
SULIMA, G.5., gornyy inzh.
Breaking ore in a "oompreaaiyd" medium in the Dzer~Zz naki~yB~ ~~.8)
waa not vorthwhi.le- Gor.zhiar. no.8s21 25 ~ (
1. Glavnyy inzh� rudoupravleniya im. Dzerzhinskogo (for 7.heltetskiy).
2. ~;aveduyushch:I.y ahakhtoy "Gigant" rudoupravleniya im. Dzerzhinakogo
(for Chernenko),~ 3. Glavnyy inzh. shakhty "Gigant" rudoupravleniya
im. Dzerzhinako~~;o (for Vaghchenko).
(Kr:l.voy Rag Basin--Mining engineering)
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_.._ ..._... _ ....,..~~.~.-._sa
� r~
, Grc-Niinit~~ Industry (Cont. ? ~ ,,
' of Technical Sciences {deccasedl~ Part XII by Cs A!i. Malakho~, Professor, ;
Doctor ai
Doctor of Technical Sciences; and Part XN by V.1+1. Voronin, 1
,~ , ad and L.. fI. Vorgnina, Candidate of Technical
~ cchniLnl ficianec:s td+�LCa~j )~ ,
SciencES. Na personalitfes are mentioned, Each pert of the handk~y::ic is
accompanied by referlEnces, all Sovic;t .
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged) + ,
4 {
' S
~Ch. I, Basic Information on Geology and Mineralogy ~
8 P
Ch. II. ("rude Ores and Minerals
eretions 94 4
� Ch. III. Classification of Mineral Resl~urees end of Mining 4Ea }
.. ,
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Ore-Miming lnduatry {~Cont,) SOV~54T4
' PURPC-SF; This hundi~ook fa intended for mining engineers tend tsiG:illed
prr~~anncl of tiict rritning ittdus-try.
COVEA,AGE: Volume II of the handbook reviews various methods of under-
groelnd mining and t~nalyzes the basic principles underlying 'different types
of nt�a mining opt~t�I~tione. 1:'arts .I, VI, IX XI, and XV of this valutnm weret
written by L. Ya. Tarasov, Mininf~ Tngineer~ L, Ye. 1�:gel~, Geological
F~ngl,neer~ salad partf.cipated in writ leg Part X. Part IX was written by A, M.
F3ybtacta~cin, Candidt>6Q4
Sa~zc~ care:~�u~/a41~/b7/aoo/oo2/0043/0044~~1
Glebov, R. ~-. ; _.Malakhov., E. 8.
TLE: A flip-i`lop. Class 21, No. 190418 (announced by the Moscow "order of Lenin"
wer Engineering Institute (Moskovskiy ordena Lenina .energeticheskiy institut)~
Ixobret;eniya, protrr`yshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye xnaki, no. 2, 1967, 4341;
flap flop circuit, counting, pulse ~aignal
~STRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A flip-flop which contains a
ziauble-operatior.~ thyristor, a transformer on a core with rectangular hysteresis loop
hand a stabilivol.t. The device is designed for counter triggering (e. g. by positi~-e
~ulses). The transformer contains a control winding with vne end connected to a
altage divider between. the supply terminals and the other end connected to the posi-
tive terminal through a. resistor ar,~d to the anode of the thyristor through a diode.
~. A modifieatic-n of this flip-flo~- in which sensitivity to triggering by positive
~~u,lses is inerea~sed by substituting, a aeries-connected diode and capacitor for the
!stabilivolt. Tl:te tiepa~int between the capacitor and diode is connected to the initial
end of the eontx~al minding.
l/2 UDC; 621.374.3
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