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P~I~ I~,/i ROV r~: 5 v~�4 ... ~h.~T ~ ~ .~ }3: i':'~i~cZ.:IZ.~.l.~i*J' Cu~.(,'~ t`;,v'..~Ji! ()1 %lu'a.~ ~.i~~~c~z ~;r~i~l:ent~ The nt~w m~7thc~~i i;; advantageous i,hrough these ps.r~.~meters used to an The authors were able to determine two types cif ~rerzrcal dlstr~bu;i.onti= -~f' the sonic velc~ci ty in a 10 degree of the N~~rth-we:at AtlFa.r~ r:.c . Th~~ warm Gulfstre~.m influences the fi:r�st distribution type and cr:~.n be dlvzdpd into five layers The cold Labradorstream influences the other d~str;bu- tian type and can be divided into four layers. Fig 2 sho~,s Toth distributian types. The authors thank V. Ya~ Tolkachev, G, I, li4erino~~a, N. P~ Markova, and N. A, Smirnova fc.r the calculErtions done. The Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheskiy Institut (Scat , ~#i,tut~rf 0 ~ .r~nn-- _ raphy~ is mentioned. Legend to Fi.g~ 2~ A i.s the first type of tiie veloczty distribution and B the second. There are 2 figures and 4 Sov~.~et references. ASSOCIATION: Al:usticheskiy ins ti tut Akademii nauk SSSR (Inst.itute of - A ^n_u_s�{ ~Q of +he Ac~~d~mv of Sciences, USSt~~ ---~~.~ SUBMITTED: Azgust 20, ~q60 Card 2~3 l APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 X6038 ~,~pUD ~3~~D/~ l~t~i,ll~ZJ AUTHORS: Brekhovskikh, I,, ~Yevtushenko ~V, TzTLEs Vertical Profile s/c~~t~/6G/~ 35/ro3~'c~2~/U35 lion 9/077 ~~ , CoY�respond,.,ng N~cmber of the AS USSR, A~~ akarov, S S~,~and P1 sarenkn, V. F. nJ of Sou~rd Propaf.~r~ to r;~ ~ drel.ocl 11 i n t~~ir; O~;F+f~n ..~...,.,..,.m..~~,~...,..,~,~......_...., PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Houk ;;SSR, iJF,O, Vc~1 135, Na 3, p~ 5~1-5a3 TEXTS The authors describe anew method of determining the sonic velocr*,y in dependence cif' the depth of the ocean3 using the so-called "character_ istie points"~ The ocean depth is divided into a certain number of layers, taking their physical and chemical characteristics into account, Ee,ch curve which characterizes -the mutual dependence of sonic v~eloc�:t.y and ~?ces.r. depth is approximated by a broken line, where the do/dz gradi.ent is con- stant within each irdiv~dual layer (c is the sonic velocity, z is the ocean depth). The salient points of this curve are the cria:racteristic points in the c-z plane., for which the mean depth and the ;sonic velocity are determine3~ By changing .l.n time the curv~~ c ~ c(z); a :f of curves is obtained which describe the actual conditions much better especially Gard 1~3 \~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 1 j'i ~ t.).1 � ~ [,.lip1'j,l ii'~ ii 1 p iit. s i'~ '~` p ~.), +~ ~ ~ a.. ;~ubr.i tt,~~c~ i;i; cc, Y,~. r iii; ,; M APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 L080-6 NR>i ~1 CHaCN --~ (CH~CF=NF) ~ Cii;~CFzNFa, CH~CN F: CHzFCN ~{- NF', I CHzFCN -~---' CHFaCN -{- iii' . ~ The cyclic product could have been formed by d~hydroflt~orination of N,N-difluoro-].,1-dif luoroethy~,amine -~ __._.._ CNyC'FzNFz NnF_. CNa----CN'z. _ \N F/ I [B0~ SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 17~u165` QRZt~ REF: 001/ OTH REF; 004 kh I, Card 2~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 L Q; 8'I ~- a7 _r~f~1P ~ J) ~~`~TT (m} F~I/`~'rJ/J',~J ~ _ _ ACC NR:~~~~89.$_._.._ ___ S6URCF CODE:"._-URI00'~9I6~b70;36j~OSS1419j14~20- W i AUTHQR: Makarov, S. P.; Yermakova L I. V.; ShpanskiY,_V. A. ;l ORG: none ~ ~ TITLE: Fluorination` of liquid acetonitrile~ with free fluorine i~~'~ SOURCE: Zhurnal o~shchey khimii, v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1,419-142Q TOPIC TAGS: fluorination, acetonitrile, free fluorine; ~�w,,,~ ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the fluarination of liquid acetona,trile With free fluorine rarefieri nitrogen., The reaction was can~iucted~ at 10--15C with vigaroua agitation. There were no flares o explosion~~. Hydrogen fluoride formed in the react:on slowed down fluorination and had to be bound with sad,ium fluoride. The reaction products were fluoroacetonitrile, difluoroacetonitrile, N-fluoro-l,1- dfl.fluoroethy],en m~ fne, and N,N--dif uoro-l, l-dif].uoroetl~ylamine. The reactions car. be represented as f llows: 1/2 UDC: 547.23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 ' L 32643..66 ACC NR: 1!i?601~~b13 decomposition (i is stable at temperatures up to 200L') . The aul;hora express their ~ gratitude to F. N, ChQlobov and ~,. I4. Kh k -.-, - ~l~~i for ma.,s upectrophotomotric study of some compounds. This paper was presented by Acadomici.:~n I. L. 8;nunyants on 2q September 1965. Orig. art. has: 1 table anti l( equations. - SUB CODE; 07/ SUBN1 DATL; 2L~Sep65~ ORIG R.EF; 003,/' 0TH REFS 001 Card 2 2,z....~` ~- ~- _ ---�- APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 _ . _ ___. ' ~` ~. 32b43-b6 EirTT (m } f ~Y~JF~ (~) f T AcC, NH- Ai'Gal!i61~ tA) ~oc~ rcr ~~. cUC~I~~ : u t4 A.; Vide ka F�; S p ~;n~lin, I AUTIeiQRS: ,~~akar~~v, _ � �, QR.G: none TITLu: iZeactions of hexafluaradimethylnitroxicie 1 SQiJu-L: AJ~ SS4R. Doklady, v. 164, no. 2, 196b, 3i~1~-3~7 T?i'IC TAGS: compound ~a~afUF~f~.G~fag2 fo3~;~ifs~~;~~-_-, ,~ I _., ~ ~ ) .~ 1 _.f ci~lomical reaction, lialol;en oxygen nitrogen compound, fluorinated organic Ai3STt~',CT: Reactions of hexafluorodimathylnitroxide (I), wl1ac11 Was described in an earlier paper 1>y S. P. l~lakarov, A. Ya. Yakubov~.tch i dr. (Zhurn. Vsesayuzn. khim. 1 106 1965 � D.AN, 16a, 131'9, 1965), with atltyler:e obshch. im. D. I. Mend�leyeva, c~,o. , , ? tetrafluoroeth;~lene, acetyl, ~benzenc, tetra-i'luaroh}n1r~L~ne~' phospho us trichlori c ~cra.bed. k'1xoLol;~sis and pyrolysis~oi I were and trifluorid 3, lead and tin are de� -- also investigated. Tho structux'Q of tho procluctm 1acula.r woighty andnbyof elQmentary analysis, mass spec~~.roscopy, detormir~tion of formation of derivatives. Tt was established tl'iat in some reae:tiorxs x aCt:l a7 a typical i"ree red' c ~ Wh1lQ in others as an a~",oli3~~gatg3~~r'x~su].tsGin s o~gen. (Photolysis leads to dimerization of I~ whil� pyx Y Card l f 2 ~~~V /.n'd APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 L,l`11,.11a~1'1~ M111pf i'lril\f�I1.~/V~~,~Jp(~p3 1~41Lri.lV~, ~3o~'-py itiJ~.j~l~l}jdG~al1~ ~Sa1Y~� li~terc~~f.rr~ua flann~n~~u:~c,n ty ~:1~4m,~r,t~7;r i`2~~rrir~ O C O q p~ O g O d w v i m C O A . G M M t/ q o o v .qa M H a + YS A N K y tC O .1 v {i y ~ K b H O .IqF tl m+� H ~ (1 0.1 V v tiA V !. U O ro w ~iV wH YN.1mp ~ M V f e tl � U O ~ N w 0 O e v N H ~ @ M j1 U -N H g V 4 D q a U a~~ 11 d ' t m t, q Y C4 A 1 .~ di7 U p N a ~ y w ,q H q q 0. m t 1 m ('I A ~1 w m ,C H �I O m H t r m w n l d tt m N ti U ,y RS W q l> l 1 .. 1 d �J A Y O N�1w m H P i t f D m~i p r~i g Q O N y M R H ~ H 1! tl H M ~ A O O IM q Q V q vAM a1 b m v ~I N /1 6. Id d Tr.y/ U M ~u7 qq O M ~ N N J U m N N v M~~ YI KI CI /f ,J \1 T t� ~ k1 �/ A y H O q1A 1 U O N h 6A +1 Q pn t)) O 1 � 1� q {t r+, q .1 (1 q M M O M ~? ^ H^ ~ p �t711 `+ ~ 't1' E 1 M t- 1 q 4 ~ N [.~ p f N p+ ~ ~ R . ~ Y Yt ~I ~ N 1 r1 1 I q .~ V ~ + ~~f at .: ai f Itt 11 r d iJ A ~ - 4 Y ~ U ~1 0. F IJ p1 i ~ ,A 1 ~ ' ~~ y p I R~ C (f ,7~ q tf ~ " ~ pp ~rr y ~ r++ d f1 1 {I I1 F~ ~Fi 1F ~ f7 N f ~ ~ ~ ~ q 1 ) / ,o) r}) t~/ f 1t ./} I' ~ ~ 1 ft~ 11 f; 1 ~ u ~ ::y F1 - 1 Ar tl ._.1-1 1 ~ it Ii i~ 1 I f,i ~ 1+ I r iyj M _. - _ H r M M .. _.... ~_ .. ......... .. . ~yy I -~~-. -. _._ ~_-_._...~__.. >~..... ....-__... ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 Ci b r` G O ~~ ~ N M fp \o r" O, \S a~ sq f17 M h fix" ,~ ~ ~ ,... J N � / O }� 1 m H ^Y O 1 O w a ^~ ~ U 1 1 4 Y ~. a t/..'~, ~ ~ o i ., a/ ie~ y ~ k~ ~ a M e I +f M / 1 a I i N= ~ ~-� b �� Y 'r l: b !i �J M a a s r1 d b O m 11 ~ b p a ~�-, n u frP {. V 'M L t. L; ~ G A.dy qN hvd ~ -noa.l ".. I. I.u r C vqn and r. zfou n ~a./ M ~ w/~ yN H ON 1 000 mi'r U,itl a ]Jy JI r. M 21 fi C O a ~ /. O U M/ tl 0 0 r4 N� .1 4. U 0 0 yq 11gM h q4 1 atf Nt4 4 V 1" ~ vyV O~ N M a s O m ryj O �n O [? O M tl N d m G w,7 at7 tl F r ~ MOO qM �rO ~ r00 11 J: a1pN Yp 1,ro L'-�1e9 J; N 9 O Na q MN ~ w111, pNha oo.l 1 u Q N ~ k e N a ., a o�� rl.I N mat o.INI.111 ~,o :av a .Iw-1 M O o,- tl A H m A o m a / m M O d O a +1 O d q q [7 O N N :0 N O � � y ~ H ri y N m. M P 1 a m O a 27 N a +f Y; / u O "~ r ., oJmiq C4./ aNA "'Hi7 o5oa~dadoq""eo ; q Nm f a ym./ ~aNfl w 11� -/allalflLmr�- n o h-do 0o n..� J7 t7 ha-4 yJt~.-OiN~imyO. ~ y h 1 J7 Q� 1 'O N 4 tf A fY a~ 17 IY N E: a I"y � .� m � o a 21 b eA q ., r1 ` - tr ~.. , a I b o n q/ a u o m q a o ;! a 1 �p 11 6 1 V i9 d CI �6, ct JI /i �~ + mn mNrr W O H Y 11 1p TI 'y M ~, i~ b. f y :: d/ ,� a O (. r~tt R � 111 r 't q !q~ Oa 1/ N A Y e O ,, w �1 1 11 Fl 1/ Jl Il O V :~ Jy 11 m v u ly a [i o ~1 �I 1/ A N d M m 0 {) 4 O ;1 .1 rl -1 N W H H a 4J O 1 ~ C '` !' J1 V ly O YS O r, .� 21 �.1 r/ U ~/N h N m t: N N 4 � 17 f7 1� / JI V .4 O q d g tl N tl ~ .! U V O U N I tl O ti f fI r O (a, y +f ti u N a V A w /1 N �O m .-I p % N O i U y tw'f d i C1 1 0 b V� 11 U V N N a H ,1 J'. +1 4 � In M d r-. l 6 o ri p 11 ti d 11 .r1 11 1: ~rl N U p tl J7 l4Vq qO .I a`~f Ji o N �J7 t1 m q 11 .~ ,~" .51 dOO / Nrl Hb - d�,U N., Vry Oa~IUiM O f>t N N Vi `b ,' ~. 9 0 b Q V�~ o IN]j q 6� O H N O d O~ a t: O .1 M d N ~. O .�1 /. r1 �V F, O (5 II d H C +l a y IYt U ~~ �~~ a0 ~ .~ ~ N`'an dy~~1.,�~.:-~~~ r. o ;; v, d N O O d b ~ a M d d +, ! ay 4� a Y~ ,t' H N N A N II A I O rfy~ H y �.O1 /~ a O w 7 vl ./ q N (. ~I -1 V I h / ~I � .. m O ,[I N a Y r. q tl fy A H J1 4 � � ./ rl ! h~ I. O V7 � aN N o �,4d JJ N � r+~ oJS .~i vd yina r yyJ7 Tq Nr.NN ~ a o 1~ �+ tl /.4Nne,4ooa.4o o nr. pN tiN q Rh m OE m w ? M.-M ^1 tl .+ a 11.. !� M V� r4 fOj ~~ J7 H N a O 4 O O a A �n N ./ 1. E ,,qq' ~ pp N M � rt q h �N a N In N O O Jy a t, qY � N 4 H N j � N Oy RI vl O` O N 0 .1,/ S /`/ N Y, a/ A N IA Itl M M q~ A~ k tt t/ m h r7 j ~M, j P{ y jl u Y `/ V p tl a~ Cf ~a d .� d m M 1 0 4'] 7 Y1 O O .y rw, d p Nq 1'(? R ~ p ~] Jn~ -, y1M :lq do H +td7i q N� d 11a ~ +~O MMV N ;r4O N !tf H qi M Ie . N ov r r{ MJ1NC, � p Cf N U !y0 M � 1 +y NOgdO � V V f1 N 61 M ~ ~ 4.1H ~ ~ 17 NNO�,1�AI N N� O H F. 4. ~ it ~ y 40 � 4 mVN a/ t7NN O r� I A {f+ O NC nl / rl� a /M �U 770U .1 N V 0.� ~ M H ~ r�Y 1 q M r~l 1$ N O .s +1 q ri N N A t1 lr y N 01{ ppt~q~y !{-�q7. �rV~ O +ep~p q ~ M q J7 It q N G A 1~ V O p N p / {I I! O a p W HQM ^t01 �~M~ V ~ /~o ~sa0(1 M Y.0 *i Ow1C A M �HN N~NH~gIA�Nfadv O U N kN yf ! u J a ol~ -�I!a� N MA HOp k X M O / q H YI M M a F i N �M / N N a IY{ V h �rro1 b N H (j a C) IQ - - ~'�t 0 R N NI e7 1:0 N r q tl .a w Q y sa ., o bo7 HNN _ a�: o of a a~ A - ~ O n o o H 4A vd~ ' �" O ,Y ~ ~ N P 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 i I~ Fluorination of Silver and Potassium Cyanates S 0 / 79/60/030/007/o36/a39/xx B001/8066 hypofluorite FGCN could not be detected in i:he fluorination roducts. which may be explained by a further fl.uorrnF~tion an the CAN bonds accar ing toFthe formula d F ~, Me0 C ~. ? ~- 2 N' ~~~ ~ FO C~ N~ .__~ --_ -.~ ~FO C F NF ...,.._. 2 2, -~*' FOCF3 NF' ~ This form,,~..- le, is in accc.rdance with the fluorination of potas9ium cyanate, but not with that of silver cyanateo Thus., another formula had to be fc~ur,d for the fl~~ori.nation of the cyanatesn The authors have pxeYl,ously found that ' the het�rogeneous fluorination of the complex' CH CN�BF ~fluc~rine add~;~n chief 1 t o t h? ------_ ~ ~,~. y C-.~N bond to form CH~CF2NF2 (Ref 9)~. Thereforpy the above fluorination takes pla~~e presumably accordin,; to the formula F F McOC :=~N ~--~-Z ~~ ~MeOCF NF 2 2 2, ._...._,_,.._~ tMe0CF3~ -r- NF2 Ass result of further canvea'sion o I~ f the tra.fl.uoro~�meth,ylatE~ of the m�tal, which is farmed as an intermediate, carbonyl .fluoride c>r trifluoro mElthyl ..}l� �,. fluor:ita may k~e formed ~ There are ~2 ; ~ Sovi o,~., a /P 3 German, 2 IJS, and SUBMITTED: July 7, X959 Card 2~2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 ~( ~/079/60/o3o/oa~l/o3~/o39/xx 13ao~/ao66 AUTHORS : Xakubovich~ Ao _ Yao ., En_ ,l in, M� A� i and Makaro~r, S~ P o v `~ ----._..._._._~. orination of ySilver and P1 tassium Cyanates TITLE : Flu ~_,_ _,. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimiiJ 196oy Volo 3a~ Noy 'T, ppo 2374-~~377 TEXT: The f~uthors descxibe the heterogeneous fluorinatic-n of silver and c~~anatesa The initial cyanate wa.i mixed a~~ith calcium fluoride and treated with elementary fluorine dilutE~d with nitrogen at ~~~~~~~ oC and l , The fluorinE~tion of Silver cyanate gives carbonyl fluoride COF2 (7 ~) carbonic ac:ld (24o5~)n No nitrogens~contain:ing praduct~s wFjre detectedY which may bye due to the conversion of cyanomnitride to elementary nitrogen; it was difficult to confirm the pres�nce of the latter because of the con- eiderable dilution of the initial fluorine with nitro~,en~ Silver cyanate is quantitatively converted to silver dif.luoride-. Un fluor:iriati~n of PoF. tassium cyanate, trifluoro methyl-~hypofluorite,f~`3oF (BOf)y and nitrogen trifluoride, NF3(60f )q were separated in ad~liti.on to potassium fluoride and small quantities of c=~Y?~r.r~ic and carbonyl. fluoride b Tre expected Card 1%~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 85f~13 Fluorination of the Comp]ax of Acetan~: tz�j 1e s/o7~~~O~Q,o~oa7~o;`~~ai~~~Xx VPith Boron T,rifluorid e BOO y%T3Of~~i the isomer~.e formulas (I), (II)y (III) CH~~CFNFZ 9 CTi2FCF~NF:, CTi2~-----CFA To confirm the structure of this product its infrar�d spectrum wa-~ ex=~ aminedo There is a band characteristic of the C-~Ti bondrown spots on the baste Spots of dead tissue al.pear on the urine which romes iri contact ti~rith the soil in 'the sheltering ditch, more +~ften in the second Yialf of winter. The main cause of the disease is the frequent chan~-e of positive and nep~ative tempe- a�atures in the soil where the urine is sheltered. The pre- ~rious siammf~r's dro-a~}7t, anr3 atiso othE~r causes, wo;~uen t'r~c; :,hysiolo~ical_ prepar3tirn f~~r winter:YrY~n and enhance thc; de- teri orate on. Sc~i 1. f'un~-i ma;r i.nereaaa the c~ama~e caused b;~ Card 1,/? APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 NA7AR~P'tiRl,Yo S.Lu�~,-~.l, Care ~+~:. sad, akademii na~zk Us?~,~kskoy ASR (far Hueanov~ PochanN~s~a) ; ~. Bot~anicheskiy sad Akad�mii nauk Turkrnenskoy ~~ (fo~� Blinovskiy); 45, 8espublikanskiy sad ~.kademii naul~ Ka~akhakoy ~~`R (for K'lyehe~r fl Mu~ihegyan) . APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 Ii~ZAHT6VSK1;Yo SoI,.--~-(continued) Card 3. Akasd.e~ii Weak USSR (for Grishkoy irikl~var', ail�chin$kiy); 24, Ki~revakiy sel'$kokhozyayetvenn~''Y institut (far Lypa)4 25. Botani- chuakiy aad Chsrnovitakogo ~~c~sxularstvszxxxoge~ xxnivaraitota (far Orekhov) ; 2b. Botanicheskiy sad pri I,~vovakom gosBotanicheskiy sadsKharekov- imnni Iv. Franko (for Shchsrbina); z7� skpgo gasudarstvennogo universiteta imsni A,M, GorBkogo (for TSygan- ka~ga); 28. Botanicheskiy sad Zhitomirskogo sal'skokhozyaY'atvennogo institute (for Baranavekiy); 29� Botanicheskiy aed Akadsmii Weak Belorusskay Ste. (for Georgiysvskiy); 30� Inatitut biologic Alcademii Weak Belorusskoy SSR (for Strrpunin); ~1. Botanicheskiy sad Akademii Litovakoy SSR (for I,ulcaytsns) a 32 � Bobanichssk~bardinakiyykrayeved- sudarstvennaga universiteta (for Ozolin)y 33� ch,eskiy Botanicheskiy sad (far Kos); 34~ Sukhwnakiy botanichaskiy sad Aka,d.emii Weak Gruzinakoy SSR (far Vasil~yev, Hukhadze); 3S� Ba- tLwskiy Botanicheskiy sad Akad.a~mii Weak Gruzinskoy SSH (for Shanidze); 3E,, Tbilisskiy Botanicheskiy sad Akadsmii Weak Gruzinskoy 5SR (for l~t.ndzhavidze); 37� Sochinakiy park Dendrariy (for Korksshka); 38� Gt-audarstvennyy ~Tikitskiy bataniche~ekiy s~Ai~demii~nauk SSSR (fort or S:-rgeysv, V'oloshin) ~ 39� Krymskiy :filial � ~ Botanicheskiy sad Maldavskogo filiala Akademii Weak SSS`fl H~~bin} , b. (~�or Ivanova) ; 4i,. Botanicheakiy s,ed gotanicheakogo institute Aka- SS8 (for R above); 42. Botanicheskiy sad xir- dl~mii nau}c Tadzhikskay y ~Y Botanicheskiy g.izakogo filiala Akadamii Weak ~~ (for(~ontinu�d on3next card) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 ]~AZA$EYS~IYo SoLo~_-(con~~inued) Card 2. goeudarstvennogo ordena I-enina uni~+ersiteta (for ZalesskSY~3 ~= PoI~- yarno-AI�piyekiy botanicheakiy sad ~ol'skago filiala imeni 5.~. Kirova i At~ademii nauk SSuH {for Avrorin); ~'. Batanicheakiy sak pri Tomskom gaaudaretvennom univeraiteta (for Iv~anov)y $. Botanicheskiy sad pri Tcmekom gosudarstvennom universitet~- imoni V.V, ~uybyeh�va (for Prik leriov)g 9. TSentr~gl�nyy Sibirskiy botanicheakiy sad ZapadnoP~~ibireko- gcl giliala Akademii nauk :~SiR (for aaiamotuniversiteta~meni A~A, Bo~ ts~nicheskiy sad Irkutsko gosudarstvisnnog ZYid.anova (for Malinovakiy) ; 11. Alitayslo~ya plod.ovo~yagodnaya opyt0 nE4ya stantsiya (for Luchnik)U 12. Bashkirskiy botanicheakiy sad (for Kravchenko)9 13. I~sostepnaya selektsionnaya opytnaya stantsiya deko~ rE-tivnykh kul�tux treats Gosz911e~nkh~zanekiytleaokhazyaYas�~3'oinsti- 2~raystva $,5F5H (for Vekhov) P Y tt~t (for Grozdov)p loo Botanirheskiy sad pri Voronezhakom gosudarm s',vennom u;; iversitete (for Ntashkin); lb. Orekhovo~-Zuysvskiy pedago~ g,~cheskiy inatitut (for Bosas)9 17. Botanicheakiy sad pri 8ostovskom g~ysudarstvennom univer$itete imeni '~.M~ Molotova (for Matukhin)Q 18. B~~tanicheakiy sad Kvybyshevskogo gorodckogo otdela narodnogo obrazo~ v;~iya {for Zatvarnitakiy); 19. Zoobotanicheakiy sad pri Kazanskom universitete (for Grachav)g 20. Goaudaratvennyy respublikanakiy peoektnyy inatitut "Giproko~nmunatroy" (for Cherkagov); 21. Botani~ eheskiy sad OdeBSkogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni IoI. b[echni~- kova (for girkopulo)~ 22. $otanicheakiy sad pri Dnepropetrovskom gosudaraty�nnom univeraitete (for I-svitskaya)p 23. Botanicheskiy sad (continued on neat card) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 NAZAREVSKIY, S.I. ; MAKAROV, S.N., PILIP'ENKC-A F4 y~ ; ~,N,BASIMOV 4 A4.V. ; IL� INSKAYA, A. ~ . dQ~~~~ ~~~ i - V~~SI:I.� ~~ ~~ F I .M. E IL� I~~h, N.V. ~ SOgOLOV, M. L. y VET, . o ~.... _ > iii, 'whllr in ttir iuwtheni rune ~ o A � ~ ~ ';. i at ~~~~~ ttut 1~(ws~~ ncw~lr~ry, r f1 Nuttrtr "' r � � + w .�ti1 M ' !' .� ai � � [' r d. ~ i ~, ~ A *A� ~M�d .~~.~ ~ , t M~� �' ~~!! ~ ~. Rr' ,~ ~1~_a>,� s~. -~rrN~rwr r4.-sxrrcat~sw _ ...... .ra�, .,t~+r.v KA� � _ ~.�� t1f0+n f'ir,a11!r^ .-. .-..,..~.-~,~..q,.-.....~..~..... .. ~i/11i d~A +lrr +r, +irlrtts~ KIr ~+r ~~1i M#x/ii+7trl.f .~ i+~ro !' _>1, !~ ~t �T ,y-w ..._.r i.~..f_ .`~ s ~ . y. y.~. f.. ~v.~.l~~..~ t r ~.. f- ~ .4 k ..--�~ ..~~ ~ .r .,~.. a-- ~ >i ~ ti 11 ar Q tt f ~ w p his � ~ a is ~ 1t +s p ~ u ~ i ~ r~~r~~~,l��~i�~8#~�~~�~ ~~~4~~~iiiiiliiiii~`sili APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 s/o~~4/6z/coo/oos/oo9/073 ~,iinor ~aysteme of differential C11'I/C333 The e~~uation 1;1) and (3) are identical for m a 1, for m ~ n (3) is a n scalar ec{uatic>n d ~ X ~/dt n ~ X I tr P, where t~.^ P ~ ,~ pii is the trace i~1 of P. If all t~i~(t) are limited in one interval, then sa are all pk~)(t); if all pin(t) ara periodic, then the scalar t3y$tem of equations (2) is regular an+l reducible. The expressions of the elements pki) by the p.~~ are given for all m = 2,3,...,n-1 anc~ n n 1,...,6; the corresponding matrices are found in an appendix. As application of'the properties of (2~~ mention i$ made of the A. lit. Lyapunov method for calculating the invariants of the characterif~tic equation of system (1) with poriodic Y(t). CAbstraater'$ notes Cpmplete tranalatian.~ ;.~ Card 3/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 ~ ~ ti ~ ` .~/04~/62/000/00s/0~~y/073 I~iinor sy:~tems of differential C111/C333 x~m~ which are compiled from the elements of the determinant ~ ~ of i~ , matrix ~C. Tt is proven that the -aatrix Xm of the u-atrix equation (which the author designates as a minor equation)satisf'ies -~' L~ dt Xm ~ Pm(t) Xm for all 1 ~- m ~ n (2) where the elements of the matrix Pm(t) ~ (pki)(t)) (k, 1 a 1,...,t1; N Cm -- the number of combinations of m elements from n) depend n linearly on thcl elements pin(t) of P(1;). Uince (2) is a Caley-IIamilton equation relat~,ve to the equation at x � pm(t)X (3) Xm is, thereforFl, the raatrix of the fundamental system of the >~olutions Card 2/3 R APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 ~ytJ~~ (~ +, `;_~~~~ ~/og4j~2,~aac~/ao8/oa9/~73 C111/C333 AUTiiOR: 2Viakarov, S. Li. TITLE: t~tinor sy stems of diff erential equations and thair applica- tion in the determina tion of the invariants of the characte ristic equati on PLRTOi):ICAL: ;teierati vnyy xhurnal, P~tatematika, no. 8~ 1962, 36, abstract 8I~161. ("~'r. Kuybyshevak. aviats. in-t", 1961, no. 12, 371-383) ~ ~ s TEXT: Let X ~. {xis) be the matrix of the fundamental system of the Solutions ~ ~ m (x1~ ,...,xn~) of the vector equation dtx ~ P(t)x (1) where the matrix P(t) :..~ (Pit(t)) satisfies the usual conditions for the existence a.nd uniqueness of the solution for ull t ~ to. `I!hQ elements of they matrix Xm (xis)) are the various minors of m-th order Card 1/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 MAI~1f~,QV, S.V. Evaluation of tt~e com~~lexity of a o~>litt~.r~; A.l.~orif,:~~, Kibornetika no. 4.:31-37 Jl hg ' 65. (MIF;~1 1.R :12 ) i, Sut~r-3.tted Jan, lS, 1965. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-R~P86-005138001031500042-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n t7 H a to v to h >y tt tt fi ` A l .~.,.x r u ~ ~ .~. u. Y ~.x.~.1t,.t..,,.~. ~A .p _ pc e l4 tY Sark w~ PNfrY iruta>a~u!rfk~>;t , Poi>fortstt~ of aluatlna-ttiUca cutatyat by water vapor 'S, f,. 1~q~}i(cty_and 1i. A. f;glikT,, .~\rf[)yrrl0f f~h+,;. 25, \Yfi ',T'w4� fl(lfiJi 1 A IIiHt+hy-i F-tv ulnnult,t ~qu�;i 4�~U,4 lycl utNttisdll't'al,gt,li� 1tl pt4klartpK q til' , kii l+t u} Kgwultn, , �u~r iatif a ,tT ;. pith! uftrr ~tutugr m uprn au ilu dcuttl~'uttuna dur partly t.. n+t~al4t/m and eatulhu>: rundeu.~luuu of sale( Y3tx,t (tutu the au In ad41n , chart is alw, ah+e,rptiun, which talcs }aluce at q lower rate than thr Iir.vt�atrt-tiunltil cffl�[�t qud which decreutrx with tt~[~ Ut temp. ~t (,tKl tilM1" rnuugh ghwaln�Il uu,i~tutr n�utuiu, in thr ratalyrt turuu~e sul,~rglu�ut deuct��gtiun ut htKlu't tl'gl{i+ l!.nutbrttutc rfllti�lo rt~lulntrTl w tlu ah ~urptntu uud dcA+aptiuu ixu{hunt. ut ttMl tu~r" ate a{+ purrntly due lu catalytk artiou Ytf moisture on tlrr pr[x�1,.~ of rY.�crystu, of the catalyst. The in~wiou~ irtEuence of ab+uxptioa can be prevented try the use of vacuum during, the period of th[~rtnal '�famadc-n" of t he catalyst atructwe, IK by rcuwving the residual f,hyt;ically h[ntttd muirture fmut the ratalp'+t by cuicinin}} it YM txrtuo at a tr,m~,. up to ;,(r-- t~+Mt ` liruuu C ~irtaurr [ Vts{AllUlrt+lCAi. 4irrttAtUNE GtA11KIC11'ttYN �"~ ~ " '^' {~ ,. ,_. _ _ . .. .. _ ,..,.. - ..1 11,Y � t)f}N! i~M illy `"""'�~ r111ar,u wtt CMY~ Cp[ Nit4)IQYt _ �~ltrl S%Mr ONTa t11 _ _ --.:~.._.t_..~ ~ ~ 1 r. -'--f��^-~-..�.~._..r...,�t...-.~ ~ Aft 1 ~t tt r1A 0 N tl 1ut/ /1 D di 0 ? !~ t ~ a ~~ tt n u ar ~ ~ ~ +t ~ K ~ tt It tK n t sett ~a �i������������� ���~t������������������ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/'1'1: CIA-R~P86-005'13800'103'1500042-6 ~ ~ i ~~ nwuM+e:.�,.,u w ,, ..~ _, ..-.,... n..w.,..R ~ r.w".a"~ ,v.,'e~,.-a, +im~~ .:..~. a.. -..: ~ _ ., ..�4...~.ti- ~ .~ 1~ n affN i T a, (;"' "' w`, :ii'i` rwcr~-ttt Atfo /Rt,tTf+tt ra4ir ~ - �-..,,~.,.._,,,~,m,�. ++Iltlr u111 :Illlr'+11'. III ,IgI r'IUi tll It tl 11 ~ [�� ~ f in� *t.ul;l:l11I* I+a su, h :1 lul I ul nt 11.1711,�11,11 +.~alll+n 1+.11 ' ! M ''~~ ~:11Nn lcnvlt fll Iht' 1iAl /t Luu 1UIIt.In dl,ulN 1~t111t1 Ilvtr _ [#� �� y ` Ughi K�t;~llux', K�+Ntllntr anti Ihr ,Ilkl'lhrurt lu� tl:u l l++� n. � �� l LlttlulK+ft Iwht tlta (tu�1\I+IN :Ifr+leariiNll:u1111+tlitgt Ilt"v I/t I.flt+gl'+ Illslw Att IAlllllalltl ~~ r It,h1111111k1~ Y .a , [�~ �� y�� _7 ( ' ICt� ~~9~ ~ T~t11 I ' 1 ~ f M~~ , I ,,, ~Fi~ ~ :qi ':: N ~ i (u~� . ..F ~ 1~~ ~f� IAA ~ff+itlUMSfKitl LI1fR41URf Ct1;S11-It~IftlN it' .., ~ ~dp� .._. ' i :C II~ ...{fli~ltl! YJ ~ SII IIt-. '�If .W� ,iYi +111+11.1vt~ ill/tl eMl UN1 i1+ s� ~ ~ N u air ici it a ' w n n -- Ir w K n a a K n n It t~ -a n l, w M 1} r a o M n t w w o .1 a t t ~ ~a � � ! � i ~j~ � � � M � � i � � � � 1 � � � � � �j 0 � � � � � � � � � 0 � � ~ � � � ~` �t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 1M li M ~ ~ ii f1 M i1.1Q APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 MAAKAROV~ .3. T.; KUZ~MIN, I.G. ,Aa~t~rz~tio coke Sampler. bor.;,~.],.vpsdr.~ ~coi~v, a~.5:43~- 11~0, ~~ ~.~i~~ 1.. 1~lagnitogorskiq metallurgichlsekiq kombinat. (Coke~~-Testing) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 BOCHAROV N.F. kand. tekYm. nauk, ~otserYt; GIISEV, V.I., inzr:.9 f 9 KF~ADIIIQV, Ye.B., kand. tekhn. nau~~; Mk~,Ar.OZ', ~.ia. y ;r~~. Ton~~mf:turi.n~ ciuv~r;e~ f'oz� mEr~isux�3n~; t;he ~f.f'arrr-r~tl.erta oI a ba~.luon tire. I~~v. vy;~. u~~ti~r1_~. 7a~~+~ . f ur~~Fa}-~ n~-;~tr. nc~.;'. l.l~~i�~ 123 '6~. (h1l:i~.t~ _l~l: 5 ) 1.. Mosk~vskaye vysaheye takhnichF.~k~y~, uc;hil.i.shche imeni. 13s.umana. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001031500042-6