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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 x/194 Ei2%ooo~ooe/o98/~ oo ~ � D413 D',i 08 ~, ~,: AU1'IiC.'x: Iialek, Antonin ,~T~~1~; Application of the modified reflector technique o 11 _~ Sti~R measurement .~,._ . ~- , r - . .;eferatlvnyy Ihur~nf' t).t~ltal. Central Devices of some physical values, for the direct guidance of manufacturing processes and far the autorr.1ted cantral. of whale ms,nufr~ctliring prae-~ esser;, Analog computing devices a~,re mostly used; digital computers are used especially when much complex information must be processed. In the USSR the method of Sorokin For tYir~ determination of the efficiency of ba_ast fur~nacPS in mim.rte-intervfll. ley means oi' an automt~ti.c contrail. device is used, The Soviet experts Calatkin and Zhilko prepared a system of linear equations for the cont~ro~-of rol ng mills, containing the mutual relations between the thickness of the processed material, the temperature, the pressure of 'the rollers rind the technologic con- stant of the rolling mill. In the rolling mill of the metallurgical combine of Magnitogorsk a single-purpose digital control device for the automatic cutting-off of rolling material is in operation now for some timer Digital control devices may be profitably used in power engineerir.,g, especially in the control of power plants and power grids. The possibilit,,y of using digital control devices in the field of scient�ifi.c--technical calculations, in the direct cantral of processes and in the complete control of plants arP of great importance Card 2/3 for the chemical industry. In Soviet RR traffic an analog computer is APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 f 2B(l,t?) X4/4-5g-11-p~~/56 AUTHOIi~i: Drab._ Zdenek. ~gineer, H�~lek Antonin --~.:r:.~.-~ TITI~;; The Direct Control of ~a,~uz"actur n~ Pr~ceu p a y i~1~~a.ns of Digital Control Devices PERI:OI)ICAL o A&i'IRA(�I' o Card. a/3 Nova Technika, 1958, Nr 11, pp 518-520 (CSR) The authors review the use of digital control devices in varitaus manufacturing processes, An all-state conference on the raising of the technical level in Czechoslovakian industry, traffic and con- struction, especially with regard to autom~ition by means of digital control devices is in preparation. In Moscc~w and at the Brno Sample Fair digital control devices for' the cantrul of machine ` ~ tools have been displayed. Scientists of the Vyzkurnni {zstav obrabecich {/ stro,~u a obrabeni (Research Institute for Machine Tools and Machining), the Vyzkumni ustav matematickych stro,ju (Research Institute for Mathemat- ical Machines) and the V~zkumni a vyvo,jovi {zstav Zavodu prumyslove automatizace Research and Developin Institute of the Plant for In- dustrial Automation are working on automation by means of digital con- trol devices, These devices may be used in metallurgical plants for the analysis of the manufacturing processes, for the rapid calculation APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 1' O L~1iv D ALEICSE'livDltU;~JIC~ Julian; .II~LF.CICI Jan and JA;~ICKI, Kazimierz; ~itird Internal ~,.. ;~ ~ ,o.A> ~:.~,~ y. k... i� Clinic oC :~iedica~ yCollegc (III K1 inilca Chorau 'v;cwnetrrnych AJ� , ~~ Head (Kierowni,k) Proi Dr Julian r1L1I:SlS1DROl~JIC%, Krakow. 11Lymr,hacytc I.~:ve1s in ijlaod of Cattle otl Farms ~rit:h lltlrnan Leuke.~lia." Lublin, i~leciycvn~7 ~�Jet:c>�ynary jna, Vol 21, ,to la., Oct 65; pp fiti6-Go7. R1~stract St:udy o` Mood o~ 91 head of cattle i:rom 37 i:a~~s where :~urk-ln leu- lcemi;l ~1ill:i�~~r~:.'il.'n~, LO VCC11~Y t.tlf! ~Oti:~l~)1~' j"uji' O1 tI'fill:~li1.4;;1111C� V)1'ili fl�(�Tl~fi ill 11115 diS('..1SC. CUCiIi)~3r1"uOn U1 1CSU1C5 1Jit;tl C11OS4'� i.n ~~ i~ntl ~-~3 head or" ca4t:lc with either no human disease or pe~;~;.ic ulcer-, r(~~,xart,lv~~ly conrii-mGd several dilierences, sound t:o bu statistically s:.cniZicant: to corns: decree. Two n,al)hs; 2 Western anti 4 i'oli5h retorences. 1/1 .. 4/~/t r APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 l~prl t;i121,.r(lOli)(~}r }It)NcaAitY BORON, Gyorgy, Dr, HALDk,~�_~~~t~~~.,~,.,~~~; ~'edical tJniv~~rsity of rec., Ii. t�".c,,iical Clinic (director: }iAORI, tirtur, Dr) and OphthalrnoloE;ica1 Clinic (~~.~rector; BOROS, Bela, Cir) (Pecsi Or�vostudomanyi EE;yetf.m, Ii. ~~-lklinika e~~ :~~:-~:z~ ~i Klinika). "Fffc~ct of Prr~c}ni:>olone on ChanE;r:s in the' runclu~~ Accompriny~n~7 L}~,~." Budapest, Orvasi Hetilap, Vol 108, do 9, 2b Fr:b b7, paces 410-412. Abstract: [Aut,hors' Hungarian summary In a male p~tic~nt sufferin,T from Lr,D, severe, rapidly pro~;rf~ssin}; piipillary c.derrW, c�xu~iat.ton any} retin~.l hemorrhage way, observed. The development of the chanG;r:; i.:; explainer, by a complex mechanism in which a role was attributed t.o the increa.;ed intra.~ cranial pros: ure and to allergic capillaritis. Thc~ ehanr;~~a in the funcjus r�egressc~d eomplc~tc;ly with no dcrcreas~; in i'unction, within 2 month:, in rc~;,-. ponse to prednisolone therapy. The patient is currently receiving rnaintE.nance doses of predriisolone. There was no recurrence of retinal i~emorrha~es during the 3 year observation period. 11 Eastern European, 21 Western references, 2473 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 li L~/~J ~;/11 ('1 :, i,~~ t'ar~or~j.caa, Far,~.rlism DescriCzn ';;r' R,F';t;_~ Z~otiorl af' a Frt~e Aotatin ~' Particle BQ9~3 - ~ , -� ASSOCrATION.: SUB~II T'I'ED Ca cd ~ /;~ ~- /8000 Ls,~, re.n"i formalism and Cher, f~'rms,l i:~rcc Tli:is to r~;;~,~h1.i ;7t~ r}~,,~ #ion cf this Ls.r~~.ran~,r:ian forwal..ism i~ dF.ra.~rea~zn ,,` Paper ~ ~ ' he ;; canonical formalism usinhe third section tt'ie .: 8 the above La ran .. author buz l;i~, ui; ti:k~ Hamili:ona,an w}zich B Sian., Both the scalar covariant Yields covariant canonical P Hamiltonian which leads to non�cov quatxons Lions expressed in terms of Lhe and the non ariant canonical equ~,_. canstructed~ In this P derivatives ~-ith respect to time,; simple cases Pa er the author restricts himself to ver ~. be zero as wellias oogcaerdni.o the external field wa. chosen t~o bP ng the form of the La r s assumed to l~.neax, In oonaiugian~ the author tha ks1Jn phich was and To Tak~~ba.yasi far many helpi'ul di.,cus5i.ons., 2'here P~ 41gier Institttt Henx.i are 17 references, Poincare Paris (Henri Poincare Insttrute, 1 A.u~ust 5~ 1959 Paris, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 24(5),,10(4) AUTH;OI; ~ -~~--F=- a._---�- 1'TTLE ; General L~~gxangi an and Motion of a Free Rotat ~'ER7:ODICALi Aota phyg:ica Polonica�~ ~/0~5/~0/01~/01;0o~/ooe AO 1 n,/8000 Canonic-al Formalism D:~s{Es'ibing the i~elf:`iv~ s~:i. r, ing Partic~~, 1960 Vo]. 19, Nr ?, pp 9~ ~ ~ ~~+ (Poland) ABS7'RACTo The 7>roblem of the relativistic rotating particle has not yet been treated in a Lagrangian foam; thereforev the author endeavors to uee the main results of his previouq hyd.rodynatnic theory for particle treatment by the application of a scalar Lagranglan. and its proper' time derivative along the world line follo'~ad by the particle He ! gtax'ts from the idea that a rotatin�, particle isennc~eberraf~rdegree5' ~, some extent in spacep possessing thus an infln~t of freedom which describe al ]. detaile bf atfinitecnumberxofoequations, exprelss the motion of such a parti c y a certair~ number of global quan~hP1PUo~.u~ioneofTlthea~c~lo~aligaant~` ~,.s ti.on avea~ the particle volume, being bound 'by dynamic equations A1.1 considerat:iatas ;xro based on the following; two assumptionsa 1) AlI th.e global quantities to be i.ntruu~.::;:;a must be relativa.9tic vecto�cs.: 2) A "GenteS'" of the psrticl.e reprF:sPntirf, its mean posi ti on can be defined On theec~ cor~dit�~.Uns t,h~a author Card 1/2 attempts to derive the laws of evolution of the vectors fro-n a suitable APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000617800019-6 .' ! 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