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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 i Energy Inequ$ ;for Some Classes of Muted S C20 60 ~003~ TYPe Equa~ian~ ` ~ ~ 32~C3~Ot~f~64 I!(1 +~x2�2b[v~ `~o ;r c qv I) . This inequality is suf~i + cient in oxder to Prove the existence of the Weak solution u of the considered aerod.ynamia boundary value prQb1~-m with, the seoondary cahdition I u ~2 dx There are 9 :references s ASSOC~ATIQNs Inet~.tut ~n Institute PRESEI4TEDs December 299 SUBMITTEDa December 259 Card 3~3 2 5 Soviet and 4 American. atematiki lkade~mii Houk IIkr SSI~ of Mathematics AS IIkr SSR) 19.59: by S.L. Sabolev9 Academician X959 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 i 1, energy inequa3ities for Some Classes of Mized Sf d2fl~60~~3 ~~O1/~p1/064 Typa equations (2) ~ L Cu~ ~I o ~ c {E u ~ ~ o ~~ ~+ [v~ ~~~ o ~ ~~ ~E ~ ~ * (u E W~ (Rb) y ~ !`s FF2 (Rb) ~ Q c?0 ~ )v where !i i' ~~ o - norm is Lz(G.yy W~,(Rb) and W~(Rb)� are the sets of the funatione oir WZ(C) ~rhich satiai'y certain boundary co~sditions Rb and ( ) (Rb~~ reepa~rti~elrp ~ahile II u it * (and similarly I-. II )are definlsd ae fc:Ilcrre s ,~ I~ulg~~ Iu12da+ a. xD uD,udx+ ~ ti fig{ ) k ~ S ~ Y �mk D1u D,- ul ~dx l ~9k~1 G ~ h Thin x~mnlt. compl>s.te~r the earlier pa~-er of the authax (8ef a i) since ace�rd- . irk to (aef, 1) the etxietence of s. we~:k solution of a boua~a,ry value problem for. L~u] ~, f is gaar~~nteed by the ,sec�ad ins 9 y (2) while the first in-~ s.qu,a.] .ia snffi_giet~t for the unique~-eeer of a amaath salutian, Thext it.. ie~ :aeeertad lchat the. outfla~r v~' a s~pere~onio het out of any infinite taa~..leeda to the. Cha~P1yBj-n equation in Gp where G11 j.s infinite, Thsr~fore tie abo~ results ca~;not be .extended directly~'tc tFiitr caeea The author in- troduces a weighted norm and instead of (2) he prp~eri the inequality Card 2/3 .~...~.. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 1 - 1~,~5'OQ F ,y - "1~ 3 8~03~ .._ s/o2o/~0/132/o1/a1/o6a ~.UTHORs . BereZanski~ ~.A_ .~ ~~.. ~O TITLRa Enargy Inequalities for Some, Classed. of Mixed Type Equationn~ PERIODICgI,s Doklad,~ Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, volo 132, Noe 19 pp. 9-12 TTXTs In a finite domain Q of the (x19x2)-plane ehich lfee in thtd strip - h~ x4 < H9 intersects the :z1 - .axis .and is bounded by a pieQe~ise smooth curve (~ , the authoy~ can~'iders the differential expression ~,., . (1~ L ~u, _ ~ D (a (x)D u) + ~ e (x) D u + a{x~u , ~vk'~1 ~ 3k k ~~1 ~ ~ d rrhare D~ dx~ 9 ~ ~ 192 It is assumed that L. is elliptic in G1 G n ~ x2:- o~ and hyperboli,o in ~n ~ G (~ ~ a2 < 0~ and that Oh ha~e a pertain .special ~nrsio Further ore the ,~,uth~c~r gives numerous assuslptions an the coeffi.ciertrde Hel proYea the energy inequalities Card 1 ~ j APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 t- Nit ~~~~ S/o4~ 60/0, z/ooa/otif ~/o~ ~ On a Problem of Dirichlet Type for tha Equation of10scillationa of a ~t Theorem 1 t Let G be an admissible region the boundary of wh:tch contains no straight lime segments x~ + x2 C. aor ev�ry f of the n~~,gative epsae W21 ~ L~ , the lboundary value problem (~~ has a weak so lutian of L2 (i.e. there e~cis is an u E L2 e a that for every v ~ tiP~ ~ v r 0 it holds; (~~) 1 Every smooth ao]�ution (i.e. of W2) of (1) fe uniqu�, The solvability of 1 is stable with reapeot to the mentioned small var~,atione t ~ Let ~~ be the s~~raight line x a x �~ G� 1 2 ,and ~ 2 be the straight line x~*-x2; ~~ let �� (~~ ~ _ 5~~ . Let G be fixed! let ~` contain no arts . Let G be covered by a finite number of p parallel to ~ neighborhoods p~ ~. p~ Sri G (~ "� 1,.�.N~ with piecewiae smooth boundaries rY�~, , xhere ever at a y r igbt line being para11e1 to ~ ~ ar ~ 2 intersects every ~~ in at most 2 ointm. Card 4/ 5 ~ p APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 a~,.,.,, ~/o~ ~ 6�/0~ 2/oat/aa~/o~ ~ On a Problem a~" Di C111~222 ri0hlet Type for the equation of Osci~.~,atians of a .String then far u ~ ~~2 vanishing on r there exists t;ha ever gy inequaXity (7) ~I L ~u 1 ~I ~ ~ C II u ~I w~ (C> 0) 2 2 The author considers (1). putting lk(x) ~ c x + c x ~ then paeitive definite if k1 1 k2 2 (5) bacomes (9) _ c22 c11 ~ 0 ~ ~c22 c? 9) 2 '~ X012 ~ 021 )2 y 0 � Now the author ~~eeks functions fi(x) satisfying n km1 Tf a boundary of a bounded region G can be farmed by a finite numb surt'ecee ~ (x) m~ C then t~ has the properties mentioned above. To er o! aka satisfying (g) there correspond different adm:tasible G ~ different Card 3/ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 a~~oo /~ ~soa s/oat ~~/,3~~/~U~/~c~~/c~~~ C111 c222 dUTHORs Bere;zanekiy, Yu.M. TITLLs Una ;Problem of Dirichlet T~rpe for the Equation of aeoillat~.ons of a 15tring PERIUDTCAL: 'Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Yol. 12, No. 4, PP� 363 372 TEXTS It is shown that there exist bounded re~~ions G of the (x1, z~~ plane in which the problem 2 2 (1) a2-~.~ u~r .c~ '~x1 aX2 where ~ fe the boundary of G, for an arbitra~.�y F has a weak solution o~ L2 ~ LZ(G), where the solvability io stable with respect to small vari~s,tionQ of G. In tl~e bounded region G off' the n-dimensional sa~aoe (with a pieoewiee smooth boundary r') at first the system card i/5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 16(1) AGT;fIOR: Berezanski -~--~~~.._. y y Y~~ ., TITLE: Generalized ~oltitions of I~oundar~,~ Ys, r ~CIY/~o~126-.6~~~F7 P~RTODiC1~La Dokladt lue P~oblems 5 Akademii nauk S55R~19599Yo1 12Ep~;r� b9pp 115~.~1 ~b2 ~.~sTRACT: Let L ~ tuu~~~ ~u 1 be a differenti$1 expressi.nn of order r a'rEth suffici.eritly sraaa~th ~oefficientg ; W~ (1~ p~ the Sobo~ev fundtion apace, W~l the space of tt~e ~er~ertt.~.;~zed funelt with negative norm. The author investigates the bounda.r~ons value problem Y L~u~ ~~f u r~ Y~J2 on tl~e boundary, ~rhere f ~ ~~r ~ o The prt}bZem is called solva'a~ e9 if there exists an appra,ximatir~; setltienct3 iii ~a thn t L ,~ '" ,,..~. f J! ~.n the sense cif the oonver. r-. ` n,~ ~'.nce in t~~x The author t~enral.i~es his method from Ref ~ Card 1~2 i~he defined solution ~Rlill b~.aan i~rdinand inve;ati~tes ~~hen ~'Y gene~i~~.~,ized ~`i;tnt;tiozi. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 ~` k ,J E E 1 � ~ ~ Y ~ 1{r1 .li ~ Av.ipe~' 1 4 . o r.1 !3 I r ~ v.r ~ p o ~a~p b... 1 0 ~ a ! tlfRt-y ari o~UO+9ropsut,.~ru 9 ~Y~o~ ~ Doi-3 r ~~~ro~oa~Qa~,oa.u, b b yC N 'rE7P � p~~ Ua+U~ ~ ~ QQ O alGv , /+ .Y f.4 .C uH' ~d~up.Ni~ Cousvlei ~ E" a� o ~~ u ~ ~ .a H.~1~ y 4 n ,QH b M ~ N W x v m d u �'C ,,.~ ,a O~t'pub7c~Itl0uN pppCr py t! ~ M 10 r ~ N ��p 94 ~ peyOlo~~ oalp.,7tMOrly~a. o ~ ~~ '[~; ~ yyon~ u o7 ~ ~ ~ b ~.A~ y pSp y l ~ �oi ~ F b o fy. pp' �p~ ~ p; ~ qp0 (toi CO ~ p~ ^ '~ ~f0 ! . $~>~ ~ NC~'~~C GU Oy6F~~04 I~L' Q bC fOM 3 p q ~ q 0 .i f1C4yf m 4U ~ HAk~C a~ ppsi FArIqq~~ .q~{~ ~,~ O a`i '~ 0`+ �Q 1-J � .C~ 9 Ja .1'10A rib M u~ b N .cP'ia~ioR 1Y ~bqp I4 w~iaEtlp Fo,~NOCO."iii~ yy~'fN~' ~+r,i o Sm~c ~! upgw~ tp. p ~uoM~ho/ U.iN~b .qy H~ ooa0q�p A .C r u . I~ s~~ ~ . . 'C ~ tl (~ t. ~ ~ 4 N , '~ ,tt p U a k a ~~>t5? {~oyy qpo~ ~o uvccuoo~~++�ppJra~ O Q~ CRee ~ ~ �F cpiCy ~h !�, Y RC y4~~p111d~~1aF~~. jS ~ O~h ~ .-~ ~pL� ~ b~ ~~ yYt1 O 4 ~O O AM1 hiQ o C.1c 0 .! r r ++ o ~+y uuc~Y~1c~p o oet ~g ~ u 4 proN Y p ~ ./ '.'a d ra p~ u U O o ~ Ps.q e~+0 ~ o ~ ~f ! .~ @ y{{C~1Lp�p ltti . ,s1 ~pnlvM 7p~up.pi}C~gg r]Q p uu , ' u. YCf/o w ..71 y1~), pF, $ .. ~ .i ~',d gp.'+a+.i .~{ W 111 ~ iN accQ}}E ,,~~~~`Y qi oM -��i~ .~j ~~ Q~~�~Yn F+oi�q ��pio A QCq p yp. ~i .1qqi ~y>NN NNQ .�Ib ~pY tl.CC bpgpp tltlo p, ppo tl au lA1 c arFO.~tip 611 �C~rlx0 �� ~~j$o!~S~.aN~~~+�^.'`O >'�O ~ ~'~ O ~~� ~ ~riu~N C ~~~~~ ~~Ara~SDr0-�$I~~oa~a ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ RRRRIJ F M a~ h ~ A t ~ pp q a A Q d ~ ~ b a~*1 x(~~Y(k}c~kl cjkl ~- structural constants 9 are valid. The authors extend the notion of the hypercomplex system to the ease that metric spaceo The authors restrict thgmR~elves t @ is a locall~ Then it is shown that b o positive structuralaconsta complex systemso to the $rsystemsitheto (in a certain sense symmetric h nts. analysi$ on commutative locall Px`incipal xe~ YPer~ examples are given. Y com act P groups can~~bettrausfer~^edrmonic � Numerous APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 ~ Doklady gkad.Nauk 11ps gg3_g9~ ~ 6 95 ) CARD 2~2 PG - 694 tOO ~~ where ~~xtYi ~} is a family of elementar is a non�.decreasing function it is neces arysandvElufff finite kernels and g (,~, } pres$ion Z' fie hermitean in the scalar product 1oient that the ex_ ~f,6~ ~ K(xry}f~Y~g a dz dy, K6 i � e. that "'�~ �- L f'g~ ~f,b' 8~ for a~,1 finite r tames dif functions f,g. If g~~ ferentiable ,_. ,y} is r times continuously di. to = and ;y, then L~ is hermitean if y ~'ferentiable with respect and inversely, ~CK~x,y}~ yI g(x:Y}~ (z,Y E G} holds INSTITUTICNt Math.Inst.,Acad.Sei. IISSRS APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 SUB~CT QSSx~~,gTYQS~~'unctional analysis C1RD 9~~' Pp ~- 69p AUTfi08 BPREZANSBIJ Ju.x. TITLE A generalisation o! a theorem of Bocb.nar to decanxpositions in terms of eigen~'unctione of partial d~,fferent~,a~ ~:r~u�tione. P~HIDDICl,~L Doklady Akad.lYauk 1� yi a93~e9~ (1950 reviewed 4/1957 Let G be: a finite ar infinite dpmain of the n�di�e~nsional spac,~e pith a piece wise smooth boundary. The function f(x~ (x ~ G) is called finitte if it annihilates in the neighborhood of the boundary of G. Let be ~-alid in Gs -t a k 1 +... +k~~ L Cf] " I,x [f 1 ` ~ ak: ... k (z ~ k g t' . 1 n i r~ ,~ n o: k1+..kncr az1 ... . n ~- Let the a(x~ be complex, L arises from L i:E 3.nste~~d of the a(;c~ the conjugate- camplez terms are taken, let L' be the expression being conjugated to L. ~ continuous, positive definite kernel 1~' (x,y; ~ ~ i:~ called eler~entary if it is r times oontinuou$ly differentiable with respe~?t ito x z~nd y and sstisf.'~es the equation i(~]= ~ '~ or LyC'~ - ~~' The principal result of the author is as follows: In order that a continuous positive definite kern~91 K(x,y) (x,y ~ G} admits the representation APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 Dvklady Akad.Nauk 9__._08., 379382 (1956} CARD 2,/2 Br ~. ~r.77 has a square integ~xable solution B(x) dei7ine~l in t~a~~ entirA space. applying Parseval'.g formula to the identity (f,g) 3 (Dbf~~')r ~(Df)tx}~~.~(x~,Y}f(y)dY}p we get (F,G) .� ( C( ~1ry}f(Y)dy}�G T d5'(`7~} wher~a f E C�p van:LShes outside a compact subset of S, G ~ Ug and C( ~,y) ~ U B x~;, '~. Bet;ause x ( Y~ g is arbitrary, Uf ~~ ~ t ~~~~ F(~~ C ~9y}bf(Y~ dy ig e, distribution for s.~ao~1. 'hen S is the entire apace (1 } II I C(~>aY}~ 2 d 6(;~) dy ~(1 +,~ ~,~ r~+~) ~ oo ~f ~- p ~. , n+~ which means that 2 G~~I~Y}~ dy ~ (~ ~ ~YS ~ is f'ioite for a.a.~. (The author gets the exponent 2n+1+ ~ because of ano~h~ax chaa.ce of b~. Tlie xesults are specialized to the case when .A, is the x~es trict;lon of a diffe~~�ez~tial operator do (considered as a distribution) with sufficiently dif'j'erantiable coefficients. When .A.v is elliptic, b(Dy)C(~ ~y) exists and ie an ox~~iiisary eigenfunction of Ao and (1) can be impro~v~~d. Finall.ya explicit formulas axe given when S is the rantire space9 n ~ 2 s.nd ~, ~ a`~ cox ,. 0 1 ~ Z~ ~ s~ . INSTTTUTTON: Math.Inst.Acad.Sci. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 (~~.~~~~~1N5Ks ~! ~~.~'1 r � SUBJECT USSR~MATH:~~9,TlCS~k'unc�tian~.l anal.;~a ~r~ ~~~.Y~~) t~~ pr; - 5~~ JlUTH4x BEREZgNSKIJ Ju.~, TITLE On ei,genfunction expansions for ~ene:~,~,1, self~adjoizY~Wd differential operators. PERIODICAI, Doklady A?sad.Nauk 108, 379-382 (1956) revis~red '1/1957 Let ~ be e, measure on 'Ishe real line anti N( ,~) a dimension function. The direct integral L2(~,N) is bar definition a Hilbert space consisting of the veotar- valued functions F(~) ~ ~Fk('~)}N(~} xit;ti the scalar product {F',,G}~. rF(~) �G ?~ d6~(~i), J (F( ?t)�C iti! �~Fk(~i) Gk '~ ). Let ~ be a self-adjoint operc,tgx on a separable Flilbert apace H. The s;;-ectral theorem may be stated in the following form: there a=lets a direct integral H* ~ L2{ Fj;~N) and a unitary mapping U from H err to H which diagonalix~re ~, in the sense that UA[f""1 i~9 rn~.ltiplioation by ~1. NoR let H be all aquar~~ integrable functions on ate o;psn subset S of real n��apace. T:he author shaevs that fox almost all "~, p th~a components of ~'{71)~ (II f) (-~) are distributions considered as functions of f. S1ig31tly a~odified, the prc,of rune az~ follows, L�t b be the differentialL operator {-,p )~ ~ 19 (~k;. n), It APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 Dd-k~.~ta,Y. A,kad. Nauk ,1Q;~� '197'~20(~ ~~~~~~>-~ t~.~bh.l7 ~�l~.n~ ~rhiah i.e ~~5rurded by et~rfaaeep rrhF~re i,n �v~axy ~~.n.ite p~.x~: ~~ fine ~pa~~e there 3,~ on~~' �~~ f3,r,ii;e aumbe7r ai: these: surfaa~$. xn. 0 the eu'Gb.o~c L-o;asi.dexe i ~ } pith the baWndary ~ condi'~ion ~ ~a(p}t~. ~.3 ~~ 't~ tz ~~~p) a x�eai;s fun.+:t~.qn of ~ ~t~:ul~.a~~ ~Y'r~t� s~, ~~ ~h~ dMriL~~~~�~ d>> .. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 p .. I l 4~ � ~r~ ' { ivl\.1611 il~� 1;� rj,~t~,;ju.', t~~~~/I~h+~m~t~.~~ - ~"inite ~if~~~x~n~~;~ ~, Nc~v ~~ "~xpens~;an in the Eigen~'u~ctions oP Partial-last Aiff~renGes Equati~s~SR u' M. ~3exe~anskiYr of Meth, Arad sGx AA1~ ~iSSR, vol 93, Na 1, pF ~"~ Shar~t~ that for asecond-order differE~ncenodp~rfo~r 3n p~~rtial differences L.[u~~0 one can fi mina Frith an ir~inite-dimen~ourieret~ransformatian" wh~,c'~ is analogous to thy. in the of the ordinary differernwe, operation ~75~6~i ,~ ~.~~~ ~ a u ,~-1 ,g-~i . ~ ,~ ~ ,~+1 :~l~1} , Presented. t~ Akh~:y~2er, t~sp M+a~tc~ N~1,~~, ~, Acscl A. N. I~olmo~�rc?v lr ~4p ~3~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 [[,~ T~, .f... "f! i tJ/ ltd ~ ry'^ j.l:Jlj.: ~Jl ei:.; ~)f~.i..L, I.AY ll:f "`$ypercomplex Systems Constructed, in Accordance the Sturm-Liouv,ille ~quatio~l on the SemiaX~:ss" -71'~~ M. Bex~ezanskiy, ~ ~nst of Lath, Acad Sci Uk~~ 5~R IAN SSSR, Vol Ql, ~Qo ~, pp ~.2~5-1.?~~ y#tudies rizzgs of summab~.e funct~,c~ns constructwd From the Sturm-Liouville eq y" ~ q(t)Y - ~Y ~fl +~ t ~ oo} without any limitat9.ons on the order ~P smallness off' q,(t} at infinity,, but under tlse E-s~umption that this function is of bounded v~~ria- ~aion on the semiaxis (U,oa} ~ Tfi~.s problem wa~~ ~r~~~~ i,'irst studied by A. lay F"vzner (A~at Sbor.� 23 (~6~}, ~~n 1, 194$)- for q{ t} = 0 (t'a~" ~) I, a~2, 3; E > d) ~znd jlater by'"~. S. Agranovich (DAN Ufa, Na ~, 19~9~) ~~ ~~~ A. l~zrchenko in his doctoz�al f~issertation ('?`rudy ~+fa:~k~v I~t t3b�va, Vol ~, ~'o ~, ~-r~~3) � Ci.te~ l~. J~evins�n,, Duke Lath ~'. ~.~, 1~� i., 1.98. Presented ley' Ac$d A~ ~'. Kalm~$a~~v ~'~ Jun !7~a APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 P~~~~u~;~,SKI'~, Y..tJ. M. "Generalized Almost-Periodic 1+~unctians and 5equeur~~ Connected With Differential and Difference,Equa.- tions~" Yu. M.,Berezanskiy, Kiev "Matentat Sbor" Vol. 32 (74), No 1, pp ].57-1q4 Derives a new mrethod for de~aonstrat i~a@; the Parsev~t:R eq ~'ar sub,~ect case. Diacusges ~imoat-periodic funct~.ons relative to digple,cement g~ex~erated by Sturm-~Liouville eq; operators of gen~er~alized dis- placen~ent which sore generated by or~hclgonal poly- nomia].s relative to a certain weight; and orthogoruil polynomials "close" to Chebyshev palyx~omials . Sub- mitte~! 2~ Ifiax' ~~. 2~t1T'7~ I'A 21.1T`r'9 s APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 ~e ~~i~~ 've cif' o~~'a~~`~_{ reeul~e of Shia .p~l~!~' - N, S~~ ~~'~,, 333 - 'tt ~Se+~t~l~A, W~ } ., r .. ~I~.. Y~' , APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 - _ _ _ _ - t: -. _ - _ ^j. - _ - _ _ . .t. ~~~w _ 1y-r~4~~� _/{ ~p~.j et~~Q ~ y}~~,{ y~ y~r -^r~y~ -._ .,~.i~,y" .j ~ .y~.(~ { y~ y~Apyq _~~ y g ~p x y~.~~j , ;~j~ r~, ~'~~iy~~~iR~~ +W YaL;Ft~~Fl~~-. ~~~/~'i #'~~~~fP'~~ ~F .fE ;l~!! ~~~ ~'Mii VY~i�;'V~,' i~Vi ~il~~ ~~le~~ - N VM~~}~ M.i 1~iY Y~~ ~ ~i'~ - ,_ ` ~~ - ...- :``:.. `~.!~.~~�~~~'~^~._ ~;:_ �~~.NeiF`~~tn-~' .f �-~,~i7iic~~~.~ .4++~M~i.1WiR~ ~A ~ t~WNtiMi7 ~~ ~# f, _ , c~~.~a~~~~:oa ~~ ~a_se: ~~ ,~ ae~ ener~al fG,rm~ ~~ ~`c~~1.c~+s~ - � - ~ ~ , - ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ t`;~~ ~ ca~apa~~~:,.~ie~~et=:~p~ ~~.~.,o+a} a:nd ~~~ a~,: .~ - -~. .l w ;~;`~ ,~ ~ 's:' ~y ~:. ' -:f~JL. ;' -r' ;~ ._ - ~',~~ yy11 ,,,~~{}~. // ~M y~,{p~ ~ ~ ~e ~Y ~y `3a ATi{1~tN ~{ ^i ._~~i-`~.~T *!4':}R,'yI/r[e Y,~, ,.~ '~~-i.ix~.�,".=' 46}~~;'W V~ -?rM ~~'.r li~!~/.1kW~',:.-f.}~~yK NAYi.~ - ' `:~'.. a~'sb~ _ !. . as _ Ti _ _ fj,~'SYhI `Fiat.- ~ ti_, - ~ - ~i"'', - { . _ - _ Lk; ;, : =:~~~:='~h~~:~v, :,.~i~o>r~,.:~_ :~~~' `,~: ~~ cab ~- ~�~'~~ .P~ - .~ -. ~ ~ _ ~~: _,~- ~ . 1~~~.>:~:~f ; ~;~ =~~~. oars-' cc~aiii~uta~~v~ ,aar~c~ ~i~~o~ :~a~ ~~aai:t~ - . - "' - ab.?' ~~ z~~~ yy~[ w!C'~( T!T ~�~~y~f rt -~ t ~~i.~771T .. �'. ."~F i' :'f., 7 ~~ Y'~ ,~~; :i.~ j",J'~.J .`~- '~'_ .~'.�. - Tit� ~.~I(ty~{. j~~y -.~'. _ -- _ � , T�, -z J; ~r.,{ 'lta� - Il. ..M'+ ~yy~~~~ ^~~y~gl~.~l~?Q~. f~T'\I! ; ~T~1 ~~'~.~~~~~~~q~ ~�V~-(yr~p'~3~~1~ y~yy ~~r~g+~!~ 1 _a ~:ta';-,,:',rj'=,v:4i '~~". .~G~~~~~A'!`'�_,~!'~ ~1,'_4 {- - ~~ ~ ,.! - M/ii7M}N ~~A/M~ Wii.ll~' ~ s'' APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 Apnaor~ov, Z.K,, professor; B~_NS,XA, Yo.s.~ {~I,AGOt.~', N.B.; ~~PNAN, ~.Ya,f prafeaslor; A~~}I~4Ta'~TSu~'f , Y`B,Nr ;" IT ~~AT, A. Ye. ~ dot sent; LYAPTN', S, Ye, f MUI,YABC'HIg, M.Z,, uchitel'; P~T~K'oy, I.S.; CHICHIGI2+T, Y,G, Li Alekaan~~r Niko~.aevieh Barsukov. Ms.t. v shkole no.i:72.-~4 ,~a_~ ~~*j. (~8A lOs2) 1. IKosk~~vek~,y oblastnoy pedagogioheskiy inatitut (for Anilronov), 2, Zaveduyu~~hchiy kafedroy metodiki matematiki 1~oskavekogo pedago- gicheskogo 3,nstituta imeni Y, I, Canine (for Bere~anska ), 3. t~etodiat Shcher ~kovs~kogo rayons gorada Moskvy (for (~lagolev). ~. I~eningrad- akiy pegog;icheskiy inatitut (for Depman). ,~. 1~fetadis~C ~3alashil~-it~- ekogo rayons, ~Ioskovskoy oblasti (far ~olotovitekiy). 6. ~~OSkovakiY pedagngiahea~kiy inatitut imeni V, I, Canine (for Il'ixt~ ~7, Zaveduyn- stxchiy kafed,ray metadiki matematiki I.euingxadskogo ped~go~~.cheakogo institute im~ani .~c,I, Gertsana (for 7~rapin). 8, Shkola No,29 goroda Noskvy (for I~tulyarohik). 9, 7.aveduyushchi~- tcabimetom mate~matiki Mo- ~av'akc~ooblastnogo institui;a usovershenstvovaniya uchite].ey (for Petrakov), 10, Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy metodiki matemati~~. Moskov- skogo pedagG,gicheskag4 institute imeni ; P~ Patemkina, (for ~hiohigin). (Baraukov, Alekaandr Ptikola~,~rich, 189x- ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 ACC NlZr._~... ~__~_ _ ..,.._.~..._~ APbO,~ u~34. rig� ~, ~... se~asin~ el�meilts � . 3 ~- po] r�lc~ . , 2 -comparison lulzt;~; .. calculation-cun�tro7, devico~l(~de rye' ,~ eler~~3nts; 7 - s~.avo machanisnas; 8 _ ~.7-acing sons:ing aleraor~tn ,~ parar�o~t;Er;; sirat~.tanootts:ly and on tho roCl~atod p~zramotor c ef.~iciency aro cannoctr~c� t a o the cor,~an control dQVioe t~o~?~rac tarizin, �the ;~rocoss relays9 ]~ac}~ of these relay s vorgenC4 ;, ,!' aparate~ as a funct:i.on of tiro comuinationco:~ ti three is accamplishoclob both z`egu].a ted param�ters from the given valu ~e di- Y polar iz�d x�alays conaieetocl �to the outpu~Ls of et~ha corns operation Orig. axt. has : 1 figure, ~~t�i S~3 COD ~ : C9, 13/ SUB1~ DAT]~: 15Jun~* Card 2/2 p seln t?nzts .~._~ f .; ~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 .~ ~ ACC NRi Ap60ti~i,3~ __.. - _ _. _.......... I l;v ~'I1TOit: Doroza, V. Shy oRCi : 21t7no ___.r.ti_...__...__.~..~_.._........ j oou~c ~~ con>J: U~~1o~.3/~6/ooo%-a.~./c~o~~/oo~~ TT"i'S~~ : ~'~ system ~,or cambinod rogu~.a ~~.on o~ tt�ro parnnoters A s 2~., tdo. 1c~?2~.?. annatutc:ad bar Ala.-Union ~c:iotzt~.~,':ic Rc~so~~z�cii ~nrlt;i.t;trt+a of Rttbbaz~ ~.rtg ~'ic,tde~ niici~in L-, V. I,ebedov (Vs~~so zrny~ nnuchllo~-~.:I:+ludavata~.i;~ic~.y~;atit,ut sa.ntat~.c:hosk�~;o lcetucliuka)�,~ 54UHCE: Izobratc3ni.ya, p:rolr~.thlennyyo obrazt:Iy~ tavarn;~yo ,naic:ID tlo. la.' 1.960, ~ i T0~'IC TttiGS : ~3n~iliar,r:ing, q~iality control, nutol.~ata.c control system: I Card ~18STRJ1Ci : 't'his Au'f;hor C~3rtil' present, a system for .ro~~ilatian of two paz�ar~c~telrse Tila systarr :includes s~~ns:ini; c3lf~z7clnl~s ~'or t~1i~~ i~az�al~nl.i~rs bU1r,; rc;;ulfitac~r aor,~parzsan un:i.ts, a contl�ol dav:ieo, slave mechanism, x�;in~; elc;monLa, and pasi-- tian sarlsing elal:~ants of the regulating clor,IC.nts {sore F~.g. 1). Tiae dosig~n optimizes the process of aalocting the regulating; action as a fultction of ttI� character o~ the actuating disturbance in the p~.�ocoss. The pos:it~.ort sollsinE; elo~~ionts o� tfio' alGmorlts (trhich act un bath regulated parabvtars simultaneously) ar� conr~l~ctol to the ; input of th� Lo;ntrol dev~~co. Th� control do;rice is connect�d ~;o the slav~3 sac harlisrl I which acts only an th4 rEtgt~.f~,tod parartater the gi.~l:ity of t.~c~ ,,~raduct sought. Tho s1.av� mnchuzti.sms of the rogu~.ating elvntont;~ ttcting an k~oth r13;~u:I.atQd ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6 SOV~f 1 ~Ir~-~`:'~~~~2 j 17 E~.eetroacousti~~ Re~~ula,tar for Feeding Ball &i~.' Zs 'brit:; ~atfr~.;~1. to Re Cr~.,hr~~ r~.nd transforms them ~.nta an t.mfo The F.~mplWfl.ex trc~rlsdiarer equipment s,mplifies thin emf on the one hand ElIlt~ i;ranti~fornis ~t into a cuxrent nn tale other: ~ h~e:ing ~r~~;~p;~rt.~.;;r~ai. t iihl~ i;?:~C:~.l.~clt:.:l.t?Ya .~~.'f'i;~'IE't7'~~t4' (~~ ~~~?k' ~.':~11'~i':+4 1?r~ i;~ ~.,. ,. ~l~ t~1~ t~U.:~!ilt. r, t! k31:{~? rs'F't :.3, ~'t~l;;:Igt' :l;s g(`Ylc}~;'�3,+~E;t1 ';~?3;; a-g ~7u: on the px~ten~~iameter ~.r., a;, l,h~_~h ~nd~ a+F~-, ;, d. xe~ noisES frequenoyp This frequen~~;,~ 4s ~ Ira:llxt? fe,r .i'eed~~~g t'r~ mill with material. Simillt~.I:~sc�:;a,y9 tf-:e ~,ut~ir:?~.t?.r,, z~otrynt:cm�*~~r t onta�ol~ the le~ l r1lat c~. ~t~ ~~ mi ll x;;l.le~~.~3 b4r ,5,,-;~n`` � t~f a contact mec;laniUm ores thr~ ante::nF;ll.ave rE:?a~~ and tr~;= rllagnEytostarters. In this wa.y, a prr:;.cd:ic .feedii~ig ~;~xt~;. mate:.~~~.. i.s ac;hieved, ~~he E1C~lE�?lA~? t)f '~~11? alllt)l:i,Z:t.%'~',' '~I''iS';[;cillc~+'~' ,sF3t ~;~ ~'1~,'~^I'i~ ~~. !.:()tU pr~.sers the f`ollc~~in~ e~ F~z~aent~: v~a:~ves- type nIdBS arid. 6IS9Sy ~~erma,nium diode6, typz~ 7Y~�-Tl 13. Z'he a!iff erer.ce betlti'e',:n ttie ^ :gul~~tors RZ~1T 3 ar.-;J. R~;~~..~ q R.~~?'~i~~`e consists only therein that they executing ^1~~;.Cta:';, a.!^e of dif' f erer,:t design accordi n~� t o thEa.r du may. Fbx pickiT?g up the n~~is~s the eZectri~d't~s,r'~w..' y icrrnc~:.e, tyPH M~�35 1~ U9P.d thil.t hClS c: g(~i}(~ C};.s'Y'du~:;ecl that p?rmi t, undE3r certain cond.~.ti.c~nsi a tr~_ple or dual r,3~;ul,btic~n c?f th~ct: c~~.yr:ta,~n~. ~ r;~ie.?^U� Card. 1~j phon:e, type ~D�,.jj picks up the r.e~:i;;e~ e~f. �r.Ea v, ba~.l mii?.~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000204800027-6