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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Imagery analysis report 23rd Army, Shenyang Military Region, China Top Secret Top Secret 25X1 IAR-0354/80 25X1 APRIL 1981 Copy 17 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81TOO38OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 23RD ARMY, SHENYANG MILITARY REGION, CHINA This report discusses the status of the 23rd Army in the Shenyang Military Region (MR), China as of It describes physical and functional changes to the facilities in addition to order of battle changes and fluctuations for the period 2. ~ A moderate level of activity was observed throughout the units and installations of the 23rd Army during the reporting period. One artillery regiment was upgraded with the augmentation of a second howitzer battalion (replacing a mortar battalion) and the addition of a multiple rocket launcher unit. A new armor unit has been identified within the 67th Infantry Division, but the echelon cannot be determined from available photography. Limited construction activity was observed at four installations within the Army; extensive construction was observed at two. 3. (U) This report contains two location maps, one chart, three annotated photographs, and one table. INTRODUCTION 4. ~ The 23rd Army is one of six main force armies in the Shenyang MR, China and has the same general organizational structure as the ground forces throughout China-the rule of three. Each army generally has three infantry divisions with three infantry regiments each. The divisions are normally sequentially numbered and positioned two forward and one back (in reserve) in relation to the perceived line of threat. Combat support units such as artillery regiments are usually sequentially numbered within each army. Individual combat divisions normally are comprised of three regiments numbered in series. The 23rd Army's three divisions, however, do not conform to the sequentially numbered rule of three. The 67th and 69th divisions conform but the 73rd does not.' 5. ~ The 23rd Army (Figure 1) is the northernmost army in the MR and is the first main force line of defense against an invading Soviet force from the north or east. This army sits astride the Manchurian Plain in southern Heilongjiang province (Figure 2) along a northwest/ southeast line from Qiqihar (47-20N 123-58E) through Harbin (45-44N 126-37E) to Mudanjiang (44-34N 129-36E). The army headquarters, its support units, and one division are housed in and around Harbin. The other two divisions are in the Qiqihar and Mudanjiang areas.'.2 6. In January 1949, the 23rd Army was formed from the 4th Column of the East China People's Liberation Army. In August 1952, the army entered Korea. Eventually, it took part in the late March and 17-23 April 1953 fight for Porkchop Hill. The 23rd Army left Korea in April 1958 and deployed to its present location.' At the end of 1977, the commander of the 23rd Army was Yuan Chun. No information concerning any possible command changes since that date is currently available. Units not directly addressed in the text were determined to have remained 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret R U F (--] ,Ha-mi SINKIANG KANSU Ken-min4*") YUNNAN {}1 Hu-ho-hao-t e Paa-i ou INNER Nat -a IT SHENSI. T'ai-yon S HANSI HbNA!N lining-tan! HUPEH Haia-erh 23rd,JAR~ IY AREA' III ail.,) a erh pin (Harbin) Ho?fei "- ,A N H W`f ?Hai-k'ou N`AI NAN TAO 0 200 400 Kilometers 0 200 400 Miles Ch'Ih fangi ~~" hen-ya ,b1~l6"G;g -ITIENTSIN ' ienchin lu#a HQPEH ITientsinj (oao-en) Yen-i ai Ihv aang, ,lGhetool Chi-n a IT ITalnan Ch'ing faa SHANTUNG r.asteal iichou (Suchawl KIANGSU Fu-cheu- FUiKIEN KWAN Sl Kugn -choa Shan ton am l '~N8n911ng aH s w Kan-hsiunp Hong Kong ..~ Macao (U K) ,Shang-hai SHANGHAI T'AI PEI r`*r'(TAIPEI) (TAIWAN t Demarcation Line FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF 23RD ARMY IN SHENYANG MILITARY REGION, CHINA Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81TOO38OR000101120001-8 /AR-0354/80 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret R U F 25X1 349 ? l1NIo M UNID BATTALION n REGIMENT BRIGADE I 1 DIVISION rn CORPS rI ARMY FIGURE 2. LOCATIONS OF 23RD ARMY UNITS Top Secret vac.`-'` 211 IA R-0354/80 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81TOO38OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret RUFF Table 1. 23rd Army Units Derived From All-Source Information //v triple in in emirrn i, rln"i/ird 117P S/itRI I Rt /I 23rd Army HQ and Support Units 23rd Army Harhin Hq and Army Bks AL 45-46-30N Headquarters 126-40-IOE Eng hn 45-28-20N 12',th Arty Regt 127-08-201- AAA regt Shuangcheng Army 45-23-20N Bks AL 2 126-17-401- 44-35-36N Bks AL 2 '129-22-351- Hailin Bks Area NNW AL I 44-37-52E 129-21-I51 AAA Bn Hailin Hq In 1' Div A 44-35-30N Bks AL 2 129-22-35E 199th Inf Regt Modaoshi Army Bks E AL I 44-33-23N 129-53-28E 200th [tit' Regt Ningan Army Bks AL I 44-20-20N 129-26-30E 201st nf Regt Yimianpo Army Bks AL 2 45-03-42N 128-06-12E 347th Arty Regt Mudanjiang Army 44-3S-04N Bks AL I 129-40-12E 69th Inf Div Hq Qiqihar Hq Inf Div Army 47-20-41 N Bks AL I 123-58-261- Eng hn AAA hn 205th nf Regt Qiqihar Army Bks NE AL 3 47-23-13N 124-00-371- 205th Inf Regt Qiqihar Army Bks S AL 5 47-16-30N 123-55-201-; 206th In I' Regi Yushutun Army Bks E AL I 47-09-ION 123-54-051- 207th hit Regt Hulanergi Army Bks AL I 47-16-30N 123-33-40F 349th Arty Regt Qiqihar Army Bks SE AL 2 47-19-25N 124-02-051, 349th Arty Regt Qiqihar Army Bks AL 6 47-19-30N 124-00-421- 349th Arty Regt Qiqihar Army Bks E AL 4 47-19-40N 124-06-401- 274th Tank Regt Sartu Army Bks SW AL I 46-31-51 N 124-53-25I- 73rd Inf Div Hq Harbin Hq Inf Div and 45-40-09N Bks SE AL 3 126-4 S-0 I E Boundaries changed to reflect nea anahsis No eng equip on record at this instl Ness facilities to house AAA bty, redesignation ol'suhunits Ness facilities added Armor has been introduced into this area, construction continues Regt hq and tao inf hn 3rd In I' Bn of Regt Inf only , AAA housed at div hq Regt hq and arty hn (pons hoA) Mort hn replaced by loss hn and MRI hn Lidded Proh gun hit -5- Top Secret IA R -0354 /80 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 ARMY DIVISION REGIMENT BATTALION ? INFANTRY 1.1 IQ ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY Im] 18-BM 14/17/19 MRL 18-85/100mm FG 18-85/100mm FG 18-85/100mm FG 12-122mm HOW 12-122mm HOW 12 122mm HOW 12-120/160 MORT 12-122mm HOW 12-120/160m MORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 18-85/100mm FG 12-122mm HOW 12-122mm HOW III Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret RUFF relatively unchanged from the published National Basic Reference Graphics (NBRG).' All major combat elements of the Army are presented in Table 1. 8. (S) The information presented in this report has been coordinated with members of the China Ground Forces Working Group. BASIC DESCRIPTION 9. ~ The 23rd Army is comprised of the 23rd Army Headquarters and its support units and the 67th, the 69th, and the 73rd Infantry Divisions. Each army, division, and regiment in China is slightly different in its structure and assigned equipment. Primarily using referenced document 5 as a base and photographic intelligence for confirmation, a unit structure was de- signed for the 64th Army Headquarters and its three subordinate infantry divisions (Chart I and Table I). 23rd Army Headquarters and Army-Level Support Units 10. The 23rd Army Headquarters and its support units are located in and around Harbin. The only change observed involving these units during the reporting period occurred at Harbin Hq and Army Barracks AL-1, the facility housing the Army headquarters. The boundaries for this facility, depicted in the current NBRG, have been reanalyzed and include all the facilities having similar building and road patterns enclosed in the designated fenced area (Figure 3). 11. (S/D) The army-level antiaircraft artillery (AAA) regiment is housed at Shuangcheng Army Barracks AL-2 (Figure 4). Construction in area Al has expanded that area by a third. Area Al now houses the units from former areas A2 and A4, which are being dismantled. Equipment is still in former Area A3. The NBRG boundaries of Area Al are now enlarged to incorporate the new facilities and Area A3 has been redesignated Area A2. 12. 0 The army-level engineer battalion and the 126th Artillery Regiment have been reportedly' collocated at Yuquan Army Barracks AL-2. Artillery has been regularly observed here, but no engineer equipment has been identified at this facility. There were no significant physical changes to this installation during the reporting period. 67th Infantry Division 13. ~ The 67th Infantry Division is located in the Hailin Area. The division headquar- ters and its subordinate AAA battalion and motor transport unit are collocated at Hailin Head- quarters Infantry Division and Barracks AL-2. There have been no significant changes to this installation. 14. (S/D) Hailin Barracks Area NNW AL-1 (Figure 5) reportedly houses the engineer unit of the division.' This installation has been expanded. Two new areas have been added north of the facility. Expansion has included the addition of two possible barracks, four storage/support build- ings, and a building under construction. No engineer equipment has been seen here since F 15. ~ The 199th Infantry Regiment is housed at Madoshi Army Barracks East AL-l. The sighting of armored vehicles in Area A3 on four occasions since indicates an Top Secret 1.1 R-03.54180 25X1 LOA I 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81TOO38OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret RUFF augmentation of armor to this unit. Between eight and 11 armored vehicles have been observed. There are no vehicle storage buildings present. However, an underground storage area with one entrance is on the northwest edge of the area. Extensive construction activity has occurred in Areas A3 and A4, indicating a possible change in function (possibly armor associated). Areas Al and A2 remain intact. 16. 0 The 200th Infantry Regiment is housed at Ningan Army Barracks AL-1. A significant amount of construction is adjacent to this installation. The function of this new area and the possible boundary changes to the existing facility cannot be determined from available imagery. 69th Infantry Division 17. 0 The 69th Infantry Division is in the Qiqihar Area. The division headquarters and its subordinate AAA and engineer battalions are collocated at Qiqihar Headquarters Infantry Division Army Barracks AL-l. The AAA battalion was previously reported at Yushutun Army Bks East AL-1,4 but there is no history of AAA equipment as that installation. 18. 0 The 206th Infantry Regiment is housed at Yushutun Army Barracks East AL-1. The AAA battalion reported4 in Area BI (which is adjacent to the south edge of Area A2) is not present (See para 17 above), and the area is considered to be an integral part of Area A2. No AAA equipment has been observed at this installation since There has been no physical change to this installation. 19. 0 The 349th Artillery Regiment is housed at Qiqihar Army Barracks Southeast AL-2, Qiqihar Army Barracks AL-6, and Qiqihar Army Barracks East AL-4, respectively. The mortar battalion reported at Qiqihar Army Barracks AL-6 has not been seen since It apparently has been replaced by a battalion of howitzers. A multiple rocket launcher battalion has also been added. No significant major physical changes have occurred at any of the three installations housing the 349th. 20. The 274th Tank Regiment is housed at Sartu Army Barracks Southwest AL-1. Minor physical changes at this location include the addition of armored vehicle storage buildings within the confines of the installation. 73rd Infantry Division 21. 0 The 73d Infantry Division is in the Harbin Area. The division headquarters, its subordinate AAA and engineer battalions, the 217th Infantry Regiment, the 219th Infantry Regi- ment, and the 353rd Artillery Regiment are collocated at Harbin Headquarters Infantry Division and Barracks Southeast AL-3. Within this facility, additional buildings have been constructed in Area A l and the AAA battalion has been relocated from Area C l to Area Al. No other changes have been observed at this installation. -8- Top Secret IAR-0354/80 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81TOO38OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret RUFF (TSR) All applicable KEYHOLE imagery acquired through was used in the prepara- DMAAC. Operational Navigation Charts; Series ONC; Sheet F9, 4th ed, 7 Nov 79; 1:1,000,000 (UN- CLASSIFIED) DMAAC. USATC: Series 200; Sheets 0283-1, 0283-6, 0283-7, 0283-13, 0283-18, 0283-19, 0283-24, 0283- 25; scale 1:200,000 (UNCLASSIFIED) 1. NSA. 3/00/34905-74 (CCM), The Chinese People's Liberation Artn,v: Ground Forces, 20 Dec 74, Change 10-15 Jul 77 (TOP SECRET 2. DIA. DDB-I100-0201-79-SE, Combined Order of Battle (GOB) China (CH), Aug 79 (TOP SECRET/- 3. NSA. Militarv Unit Cover Designator List, Feb 80 (TOP SECRET 4. CIA/OIA 23rd Artni, Shen-yang Militarl? Region, I I Mar 77 (TOP SECRETT 5. DIA. DDB-1100-209-79, Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE) People ',s Republic of China Arnie (PRCA), Sep 79 (SECRET) (S) Comments and queries regarding this report are welcome. They may be directed Asian Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC, Top Secret /AR-0354/411 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ?r,X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/10: CIA-RDP81T0038OR000101120001-8