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Document Release Date: 
March 26, 2010
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Publication Date: 
July 10, 1968
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80T01137A000200060027-4.pdf76.65 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4 iur ztis i."A rt rr 10 July-1-968 Copy I MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant to Deputy Director, NPIC SUBJECT: Peaceful Uses of Satellite Photography One of our PIs~ has proposed two new suggestions 25X1 for the peaceful uses of photography, which the ARGO Project might have an interest in. A copy of his memorandum of 10 July 1968 is attached. Chief, Imagery Exploitation Group NPIC Attachment: Memo (dated 10 July 1968 Distribution: Copy 1 NPIC/DD/Asst (watt) 2 - NPIC/IEG/SD (wo,att) 3-4+ - NPIC/IEG/SD/NIB (watt) Exar."A t,', n automatic Uu r'CIC,?, and ~~ !pe-lil:ation~ TOP EMU RJ1E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4 10 July 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Nuclear/Industrial Branch, SD/IEG SUBJECT: Two Suggested Ideas for Peaceful Uses of Satellite Photography Program 1. Two ship borne expeditions nave explored the sea off Hawaii to describe and to study successfully the migration of gigantic eddies 50 miles across, a wave length of 85 miles, and a movement of 22 miles per day. The eddies move in the current induced by its flow around islands according to von Karman's Law of Wake Effect. The eddies are said to bring up food fishes from the colder deeper waters. Similar eddies are said to be observed by cloud distribution in air currents flowing around mountainous tropical islands. Gigantic storm induced eddies have been observed on index camera photography off the Kurile Islands and th? central Caspian Sea. A brief written description of the eddies is to be found in the Pacific Science Association Information Bulletin, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 45, April 1968, Unclassified. 2. An abstract of a Russian paper presented at a US meeting on the Physics of the Atmosphere, reports that hail studies were conducted during 1964-67 in Moldavia, USSR. More information on the time and place probably can be obtained from the manuscript possibly on file with the American Meteorological Society. If the ground facilities and field equipment deployment can be located on satellite coverage a comparison with US Air Force studies in Colorado and the Alberta Provincial Research Council might be of interest and value on severe weather modification studies. Source: American Meterol. Society, Bulletin vol. 49, no. 5, pt 2, p. 620, may 1968. Nuclear/ n us ria Branch, SD/ IEG/NPIC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/03/26: CIA-RDP80TO1137A000200060027-4