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Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Top Secret DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Industrial Facilities (Non-Military Basic Imagery Interpretation Report Shang-hai Petroleum Refinery, Gough Island Area Shang-hai, China ? Top Secret Drc i-7/MAP/Ka 25X1 DATE JUNE 1969 copy 112 PAGES 12 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 25X1 TOP SECRET RUFF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence Imagery Analysis Service Shang-hai Petroleum Refinery, Gough Island Area GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES 31-20-IIN 121-33-17E MAC-P I C25X1 0492-28X2 USATC Series 200, Sheet 0492-2HL, 2nd edition, August 64, Scale 1:20025X1 (SECRET) Not Required This report provides an.imagery-derived analysis of the Shang-hai Petroleum Refinery, Gough Island Area. The major refinery components consist of crude oil distillation units, a probable thermal cracking unit, a possible catalytic cracking unit, a possible reformer, a possible gas processing unit, a lubri- cating oil plant, and several :treating and blending areas. The products of the refinery include straight-run and blended gasolines, kerosene, diesel and fuel oils, lubricating oils, waxes and probably coke and gaseous hydrocarbons. The refinery was in operation before March 1962, the date of the earliest photography used in this study. Two phases of expansion in facilities were noted on photography, one in 1964-65 and the second in 1966. These two periods of expansion greatly increased the capacity and variety of products of this refinery. This report includes a detailed line drawing, a photograph of the refinery, mensuration of storage tanks and a discussion of the status of facilities. -I- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 -2- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF The Shang-hai Petroleum Refinery, Gough Island Area, is located on the east bank of the Huang-pu Chiang (River) in the northeastern outskirts of Shang-hai. There is no rail service into the refinery area, and access by road is very limited. There are numerous offshore wharves with facilities for loading and unloading tankers and barges (Figures 2 and 3). Any significant quantities of crude oil received by or products shipped from this refinery would be by water transport. The first refinery facilities at this plant were built in the early 1950's at the site of an existing POL storage area. In 1958, the facilities were expanded and the capacity of the refinery was greatly increased to process crude oil from the rapidly developing oil fields of the Szechwan Basin and Yu.-men areas. Until about 1964 these were the major sources of crude for this refinery. A second period of expansion took place in the early 1960's and resulted in this plant becoming one of China's principal refineries. At present, crude oil for processing is received chiefly from the Sa-erh-tu oil field. 1,2/ 25X1 25X1 Several petrochemical plants are reportedly located in the Shang-hai area, but none could be identified on photography in the vicinity of the refinery. There is an unidentified processing plant located adjacent to the northwest side of the refinery which possibly receives raw materials from it. The Shang-hai Chemical Plant, Chung-hua lies directly across 25X1 the river from the refinery and the Shang-hai Thermal Power Plant, Cha-pei is located a short distance downriver from the chemical plant. 25X1 No direct connection between either of these plants and the refinery could be established from photography. Physical Features The refinery is quite irregular in plan. One side lies along and conforms to the river while the other sides reflect the different phases of expansion. The entire area is secured by walls with guard towers, and the access roads enter the plant through checking stations and gates. The walled area measures approximately 6,800 by 1,800 feet and includes about 305 acres. There is considerable room within the walled area in the northwest part of the refinery for expansion of facilities. However, in the processing area to the south, space for new construction within the walls is limited. Operational Functions The major refining equipment presently found in this plant includes crude oil distillation units, a probable thermal cracking unit, a possible fixed bed catalytic cracking unit, a possible catalytic reformer, a possible gas processing (possibly polymerization) unit, a lubricating oil plant and several treating and blending areas. The simple fractionation of crude oil is accomplished by both atmospheric and vacuum pipe stills and shell stills. Petroleum coke is probably also produced by the shell stills. The possible cracking units would increase the output of gasoline and gaseous hydrocarbons which in turn could be used in the possible gas processing (possibly polymerization) unit to produce blending stock to up-grade the octane rating of the gasoline. Straight-run gasolines from the crude oil distillation units would be considerably improved by processing through the possible catalytic reformer and at the same time additional fuel oil and gases would be produced. The lubricating oil plant probably produces wax products and some aromatics in addition to lubricants. The treating and blending facilities further purify and blend the products from the various processing units to obtain a wider range of desirable products. TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 App TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 25X1 Construction Status and Activity The earliest photography used in this study was from March 1962. At that time, there was no significant construction activity observed. The shell stills, at least four fractionators, and the probable and possible cracking units were in place. One of the treating areas and about 50 percent of the probable dewaxing facilities were also complete. The storage tank farms were essentially complete, except for the intermediates and products storage which was later expanded by approximately 30 percent. By July 1964, a new phase of construction had been started in the southeast part of the refinery. A new steam plant, the possible reform unit and the possible gas processing unit were in the early stages of construction. Additional facilities were being built in the lubricating oil plant, and a large, new vacuum fractionator with a pipe furnace had been added for crude oil distillation. Some replacement and refurbishing of facilities in the older distillation area was noted. A new, probable treating and drum filling area was added to the plant facilities. The construction phase which had been started in 1964 was mostly complete by October 1965. The possible reform unit, the possible gas processing unit, a new probable blending and treating plant and the steam plant were complete. A small stream had been diverted from the refinery area thus allowing expansion of the lubricating oil plant to proceed. Photography of October 1966 revealed that a cooling pond near the center of the processing areas had been earth filled, and a new distillation unit with two DeFlorez type furnaces was being constructed on the filled area. Work in the lubricating oil plant appeared to be at least 50 percent complete. The new distillation unit and the lubricating oil plant were both completed by August 1967. Since then, there have been no significant changes noted in the facilities. Operational Status The refinery was in operation on the earliest photography used in this study. At that time, the capacity and variety of products would have been quite limited. Several new primary and secondary units had been added to the facilities by October 1965. These additions would have greatly increased the refinery's capacity and variety of products. The latest major components of refining equipment built in this refinery appeared to be in operation by August 1967. On all imagery studied for this report, there has been fairly heavy tanker and barge traffic at the wharves serving the refinery and the refinery was probably in full operation. Facilities and Equipment The following table lists the functional areas and the facilities and equipment within the refinery. All items are shown on Figure 3. TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF Equipment and Facilities at the Shang-hai Petroleum Refinery, Gough Island Area Area Functional Description Equipment and Facilities* A Steam Plant I Boilerhouse 4 Storage/support buildings 3 Cylindrical fuel storage tanks 2 diam. 30 ft. I Water storage basin B Probable Blending and 2 Probable batch agitators/elevated Treating tanks 4 Probable small vertical mixers 6 Blending tanks (3 with a thin column on roof), diam. 25 ft. I Control, packaging, and shipping building 3 Support buildings I Cylindrical storage tank, diam. 25 ft. C Intermediates and Products 2 Support buildings Storage 10 Cylindrical storage tanks 2 diam. 55 ft. 6 diam. 50 ft. 2 diam. 40 ft. D Administration and Support II Miscellaneous buildings 4 Cylindrical storage tanks 2 diam. 15 ft. 2 diam. not measured 25X1 25X1 E Possible Reforming I Possible catalytic reform unit with 8 columns/reactors, 4 petrochemical furnaces I processing unit/equipment enclosed in scaffolding I small bank of heat exchangers/ accumulators I compressor building I control building 3 Miscellaneous buildings 2 Cylindrical storage tanks diam. 10 ft. 5 Horizontal pressure-type tanks F Lubricating Oil Production (I) Packaging and Shipping I Packaging/drum filling building I Storage building I Support building 4 Cylindrical storage tanks diam. 40 ft. Drums in open storage (2) Probable Solvent 5 Processing columns (I possible Extraction absorber and 4 possible extractors/ strippers in line) 2 Possible mixers I U/I processing unit 2 Small pipe furnaces 6 Processing buildings 8 Storage/support buildings TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF Area Functional Description F Lubricating Oil Production (2) Probable Solvent Extraction - Continued Equipment and Facilities* 42 Cylindrical storage and process tanks 2 diam. 30 ft. 9 diam. 25 ft. 4 diam. 15 ft. 27 diam. not measured 25X1 25X1 (3) Probable Dewaxing and Clay Treatment I Probable chiller building with 6 attached settling tanks 12 Mixing/settling tanks I Processing building with 3 attached treating tanks I Processing building with 2 attached treating tanks 4 Processing buildings 6 Storage/support buildings 13 Cylindrical storage tanks I diam. 30 ft. 12 diam. 25 ft. 2 Tank bases U/C 2 Water basins G Crude Oil Distillation and I Battery of shell stills (7) Probable Coke Production 2 Fractionating columns 5 U/I processing columns 3 Pipe furnaces 2 Banks heat exchangers/accumulators II Miscellaneous buildings 15 Cylindrical storage tanks I diam. 40 ft. I diam. 30 It. 4 diam. 25 ft. 4 diam. 15 ft. 5 diam. 10 ft. H Possible Gas Processing I Large unit with equipment enclosed (Possibly Polymerization) and line of 4-5 columns in scaffold- ing along one side 2 Banks heat exchangers/accumulators 5 Low mixing/blending or process tanks 2 Possible small reactors I Compressor building I U/I processing building with attached fractionator 2 Control/support buildings 4 Miscellaneous support buildings 5 Cylindrical storage tanks 2 diam. 15 ft. 3 diam. 10 ft. 2 Horizontal storage/settling tanks Probable Treating I Processing building with 3 attached columns I Pipe furnace 2 Processing buildings 6 Batch agitators/mixing/storage tanks 4 Horizontal treatment/storage tanks 4 Cylindrical storage tanks diam. 15 ft. TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Crude Oil Distillation and I Distillation unit with Probable Thermal Cracking Line of 7 columns (at least 3 fractionators and 4 possible extractors/strippers) I bank of heat exchangers/ accumulators 2 possible extractors I Probable thermal cracking unit with 3 reactors (associated flash drums obscured) 3 A-frame furnaces I U/I processing unit with I bank of heat exchangers/accumulators 2 Probable compressor buildings 3 Control/support buildings I Steam plant 4 Cylindrical storage tanks, no' measured Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Area Functional Description J U/I Processing Equipment and Facilities* 3 U/I processing units, equipment in scaffolds/covered I Possible absorber/reactor I Small bank of heat exchangers I Processing building with 2 attached tanks/reactors I Processing building with 4 attached treating tanks I Miscellaneous building K Crude Oil Distillation 2 Distillation columns (I atmospheric and Possible Cracking and I vacuum) I Possible fractionator/stripping column I Possible fixed-bed catalytic cracking unit with at least 2 reactors I U/I free-standing column 2 Pipe furnaces 3 Small banks of heat exchangers/ accumulators I Horizontal settling/treatment drum 3 Compressor buildings 5 Support buildings 4 Cylindrical storage tanks 3 diam. 15 ft. I diam. 10 ft. L Crude Oil Distillation 2 Large atmospheric distillation columns I Possible vacuum distillation column 2 Accumulators/treatment tanks 2 Pipe furnaces 2 DeFlorez type furnaces 2 Banks of heat exchangers/ accumulators I Bank of U/I equipment (possible heat exchangers) 6 Miscellaneous support buildings 3 Cylindrical storage tanks, not measured I Horizontal tank TOP SECRET RUFF -7- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF Area Functional Description Equipment and Facilities* N Probable Treating I Processing building with I attached treating tank/batch agitator I Processing building with 2 attached probable batch agitators 5 Mixers 2 Banksof heat exchangers/cooling coils 7 Processing/support buildings 3 Small cylindrical storage tanks/ mixers, not measured 3 Cylindrical storage tanks I diam. 30 ft. 2 diam. 15 ft. 0 Products and Intermediates 3 Support buildings Storage 97 Cylindrical storage tanks 21 diam. 40 ft. 13 diam. 30 ft. 19 diam. 25 ft. 30 diam. 20 ft. 2 diarn. 15 ft. 6 diarn. 10 ft. 6 diam. not measured, less than 10 ft. P Engineering and Support Q Water Treatment R Treating and Packaging S Crude Oil and Products Storage I Steam plant with 4 cylindrical fuel storage tanks 59 Miscellaneous buildings, including engineering, fabrication, admin- istration, storage, and support buildings I Gasholder, diam. 50 ft. I Water basin I Probable treatment building with II associated storage/treatment tanks 4 Support buildings I Circular water storage reservoir, diarn. 150 ft. I Water storage reservoir 3 Processing buildings 5 Probable batch agitators 4 Blending tanks/agitators 5 Mixers/treating tanks 6 Mixers/filtering tanks II Horizontal drums 13 Packaging/storage/support buildings 14 Support buildings 123 Cylindrical storage tanks I diam. 145 ft. 7 diam. 120 ft. 25 diam. 80 ft. II diam. 70 ft. 17 diam. 50 ft. 13 diam. 45 ft. 12 diam. 40 ft. 13 diam. 30 ft. 12 diam. 25 ft. 10 diam. 15 ft. 2 diam. 10 ft. 2 Horizontal storage tanks 5 Water storage basins TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF Area Functional Description Equipment and.Facilities* T Probable Treatment and Drum I Drum cleaning building Filling I Drum filling building 18 Processing and storage buildings 3 Cylindrical storage/blending tanks, not measured 2 Water storage basins 2 Horizontal tanks Drums in open storage U Administration, Storage, and I Administration building Shipping 5 Support buildings 13 Storage buildings 2 Water basins V Drum Fabrication and Filling 33 Fabrication, storage, and support buildings I Overhead loading rack I Water storage basin Drums in open storage W U/I Processing I Steam plant with 2 cylindrical fuel tanks, not measured 34 Processing, storage, and support buildings I Conveyor and concrete, open storage pad for dry, bulk material X Support 35 Miscellaneous buildings I Water storage basin Several tank bases for dismantled storage tanks 'All measurements are only approximate. 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 TOP SECRET RUFF Map US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0492-2HL, 2nd edition, 25X1;1 Aug 64, Scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) 2. CIA. CRS File No. 9063470, DDI 2 222 0191 68, 16 February 1968 (UNCLASSIFIED)' 3. DOD. LB - 0009/64, 15 January 1964 (CONFIDENTIAL) Requirement EXSUBCOM - BR-N/002-69 TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1 Top Secret Top Secret Approved For Release 2008/06/18: CIA-RDP79T00909A000500010019-1