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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Directorate of 1)r-V11 Secret N Soviet Climate Change: Implications for Grain Production A Research Paper Secret GI 85-10128 May 1985 COPY 3 2 2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Directorate of Secret Intelligence Soviet Climate Change: Implications for Grain Production[ Office of Global Issues. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, This paper was prepared by Strategic Resources Division, OGI, Secret GI 85-10128 May 1985 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Soviet Climate Change: Implications for Grain ProductionF_ Summary During the past several decades, grain production in the USSR has Information available benefited from a general improvement in climate-increased precipitation as of 23 April 1985 and slightly higher temperature-and massive investments in agrotech- was used in this report. nology. Of these two factors, climate and agrotechnology, the former has been the most important. Aside from its direct impact on crop growth, climate indirectly determines in large measure the effectiveness of technol- ogy such as fertilizer applications. Other determinants of grain output such as political decisions, the quality of management, and worker incentives, while important, have had much less impact While the long-term climate trend has been favorable, there has been a slight drop in precipitation in the 1980s. However, it is too early to assume a permanent change in the long-term pattern. Our analysis indicates that precipitation probably will remain near its present level during the rest of the decade. At the same time, we expect temperatures to continue their rise in the grain area because of worldwide increases -in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Temperature increases will lengthen the growing season in the north-providing opportunities for increased production of hardier crops such as rye. Increased temperatures, however, will exacerbate the dry conditions in the southern Urals, lower Volga, and Kazakhstan-areas that account for 20 percent of Soviet grain production Long-term weather patterns and trends in fertilizer deliveries to agricul- ture suggest that Soviet grain production during the 1986-90 period most likely will average 195 million metric tons annually-about 60 million tons below target. Thus, at this level of production, Moscow will remain dependent on foreign sources for grains if the leadership intends to achieve projected levels of livestock production and fulfill promises to improve the diet of Soviet citizens. Given the uncertainties of climate prediction, the grain-growing environment in the USSR could be somewhat better or worse than this most likely estimate: ? If a more favorable climate prevails, one with precipitation equal to the 1976-80 period-the best five-year average of the last 65 years-and if fertilizer deliveries reach planned levels, the Soviets could produce an average of 221 million tons per year. ? With bad weather similar to the 1961-65 period-the lowest five-year average precipitation of the last 25 years-and fertilizer deliveries increasing at only the average rate of the last 10 years, production could average as low as 165 million tons annually iii Secret GI 85-10128 May 1985 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret LOA-1 Given the scenarios, Moscow will not be able to make rapid progress on two key goals of the Food Program-improving food supplies while reducing dependence on Western farm products. Indeed, the Soviets would need to import an average of 15 to 65 million tons of grain annually during the 1986-90 period to meet domestic requirements. Although imports at the upper end of this range are logistically and financially feasible, they would strain the transportation system and could force reduction in other hard currency impor At least two options could enable the Soviets to boost grain output substantially above our most likely estimate. For example, grain yields could be raised significantly by importing more and better agrochemicals and improving application techniques. We believe the Soviets could also increase grain production by changing the crop mix. Specifically, we estimate that a substitution of corn for wheat and other grains on irrigated land could result in a net increase of as much as 12 to 14 million tons by 1990. Despite the benefits associated with such options, the Soviets have al- ways been slow to change agricultural polic$ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Climate and Technology Implications 8 10 10 A Simple Regression Model for Estimating Grain Yields of the USSR 15 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Soviet Climate Change: Implications for Grain Production Introduction Soviet efforts to put more and better meat on the table-a principal measure by which Soviet citizens judge their standard of living-have resulted in mas- sive investments in agriculture and in grain produc- tion in particular. Over the past two decades, Moscow has committed billions of rubles to land reclamation and irrigation, the production of agrochemicals, farm machinery and equipment, and to a wide variety of construction. These measures, coupled with generally favorable weather, have caused grain production to increase impressively. Nonetheless, the demands of the steadily increasing livestock herds for grain still far exceed the amount farms have been reliably able to produce. As a result, the Soviets have been forced to expend sizable amounts of hard currency for grain imports. Numerous factors have prevented the Soviets from achieving their grain production goals, including poor management and lack of incentives for farm workers. We believe that the most important factor in the year- to-year variation in Soviet grain production has been weather. Indeed, the climate,' although gradually getting warmer and wetter, is generally unfavorable for grain cultivation. Because climate changes slowly over many years, while weather varies widely from year to year, a long weather record is necessary to analyze climate trends properly. We developed a climate data base, covering 1920-84, to analyze his- torical weather records and project weather for the next five years. Our research also indicated that fertilizer deliveries to agriculture, an important factor in Soviet attempts to increase grain yields, can serve as a surrogate for other kinds of technological im- provements in regression analysis. This study shows that past changes in Soviet climate and technology- particularly the precipitation component of climate ' Climate is weather over a longer period. For example, daily mean temperature is used to describe weather, while mean temperature for 10 years or longer is used to characterize climate. Both are and the fertilizer component of technology- correspond well with historical variations in grain production and should provide a key to future Soviet performance. 25X1 The Role of Climate Grain is grown primarily in a zone extending from the borders of Eastern Europe to western Siberia-nearly 4,500 kilometers (km) west to east-and from the dry steppes of Central Asia to the tundra regions-some 1,800 km south to north. For the most part, soils in the zone are comparable or somewhat inferior to those of the northern plains of the United States. Soil deficiencies aside, our analysis indicates that the low precipitation in the relatively more important south- ern regions (Ukraine, Volga Valley, and the Caucasus) has been the key limitation to grain production in the USSR. Primarily because of yearly variation in pre- cipitation, total grain production during the 1971-80 period ranged from a low of 140 million metric tons in 1975 to an alltime high of about 237 million tons in 1978. Only about 2 percent of the grain area in the USSR is irrigated, and it accounts for only ab25X1 of The timing of rainfall can be as important as the annual volume. In the Soviet Union, most grain crops are grown with less reliable precipitation than in the United States. Moreover, in most grain areas a smaller percentage of annual precipitation is concen- trated during the growing season than in the United 25X1 States. This is the case, for example, throughout most 2 For previous studies on climate change in the USSR, see joint Economic Com- mittee, Congress of the United States, Soviet Economy in the 1980s: Problems and Prospects, Part II, Selected Papers, Decem- ber 1982, pp. 10-12, "Climate and Grain Production in the Soviet Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 of the Ukraine and northern Caucasus the most important Soviet grain-growing region-which is gen- erally comparable in climate to eastern Nebraska and southern Minnesota. The Nebraska/ Minnesota areas generally receive over 610 millimeters (mm) of precip- itation per year, of which 75 percent occurs during April to September (when the grain is growing) and thus can be used most effectively by the plants. In contrast, the Ukraine/Caucasus region receives about 510 mm, with only 55 percent falling during the growing season Although precipitation is the principal determinant of grain yields in the most important grain regions of the USSR, agricultural decisions by the Soviet leadership can have a lesser but still important impact on production. For example, the record-high five-year average production of 205 million tons during 1976- 80 resulted not only from three consecutive years of good weather (1976-78)-highly unusual-but also from a decision to substantially increase planted area. Total harvested area during the three-year period averaged almost 129 million hectares (ha). In contrast, during the 1981-84 period, the weather was relatively poorer and the average harvested area dropped to an estimated 122 million ha, mainly because of a deci- sion to increase fallow, a technique used in the USSR primarily to build up soil moisture and dampen year- to-year fluctuations in production. Largely because of these factors, production during 1981-84 declined to an estimated average of 180 million tons 25X1 Climate Change Our analysis of the two most common measures of climate, average annual precipitation and tempera- ture, shows a slow change in the climate throughout the Soviet grain-growing region. Both temperature and precipitation are increasing. While precipitation and temperature are related, our analysis indicates that precipitation is normally the more important factor in determining Soviet grain yields Long-Term Trend. Since the 1930s there has been a general trend of increasing precipitation in the Soviet grain-growing region (figure 2). Although precipita- tion has varied greatly from year to year, on average it has increased about 20 mm per decade since the The precipitation and temperature regimes of the major grain-growing regions of the Soviet Union were compiled from data recorded at 66 Soviet climatolog- ical stations.- The stations are distributed nearly evenly across the grain-growing regions of the USSR (figure 1). Of the 66 stations, 21 provided data from 1920 to 1949, all provided data from 1950 to 1974, and 36 provided data from 1975 to 1984F__1 Because of the good correspondence between annual averages obtained from the sets of 21, 36, and 66 stations for the period 1950 to 1974, we were able to use the data from only the 21 stations for 1920-49 and the 36 stations for 1975-84 with confidence. The grain region's annual temperature and precipitation averages were obtained by weighting each station's average by the fraction of total grain area within a surrounding polygon.b The annual precipitation aver- ages of the 21 and 36 station sets were in most cases within 2 to 3 percent of the annual averages of the 66 stations, and the five-year averages of the 21 and 36 station sets were within 1 to 1.5 percent of the five- year averages of the 66 stations (table 1). Even better correspondence was obtained in the temperature com- parison ., Sources of information for this data base are "World Weather Records, "published by the old US Weather Bureau, and "Month- ly Climatic Data for the World, "published by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAH) n A standard technique called the Thiessen polygon met ho was used. The technique assumes that the precipitation at any station can be applied halfway to the next station in any direction. The polygons are formed by the perpendicular bisectors of the line joining nearby stations. The grain area in each polygon is used to weight the precipitation nt (or temperature) of the station in the center of the polygon 1940s. Precipitation averaged about 476 mm in the 1970s-25 mm more than the 1960s and 71 mm (almost 3 inches) more than the dry 1930s. The latest five-year average (1980-84) shows a slight decrease to 470 mm-still considerably above the long-term (1920-84) average of 435 mmF_~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Figure 1 Selected Climatic Stations 1920-84 1951-84 1920-74 1951-74 I Major grain-producing area Economic region boundary Union republic (SSR) boundary Baltic Sea n -' ..ig l uop ip: d "I Kalinin ra R.S.f S R. ~yy! M ~h rp n ^#!Yr~~Md4C a MOLDAVi... S.S.R. Kishin Sbvi t Union R. S. 1F, Caspian J Sea +~ tdlov. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Table I USSR: Precipitation and Temperature Averages for the Grain Area 21-Station 36-Station 66-Station 21-Station 36-Station 66-Station Average Average Average Average 'Average Average 1920 375 5.3 1921 335 4.6 1922 443 4.5 1923 413 4.9 1924 402 5.4 1920-24 394 4.9, 1925 388 6.0 1926 470 4.6 1927 429 5.0 1928 491 3.5 1929 389 3.8 1925-29 433 4.6 1930 431 5.1 1931 412 4.1 1932 417 5.2 1933 459 4.2 1934 405 4.1 1930-34 425 4.5 1935 403 5.0 1936 369 4.8 1937 433 5.4 1938 359 5.7 1939 363 5.1 1935-39 385 5.2 1940 415 4.3 1941 472 4.0 1942 429 2.7 1943 383 4.7 1944 406 5.8 1940-44 421 ' 4.3- 1945 404 3.5 1946 393 5.0 1947 419 3.8 1948 422 5.7 1949 396 5.2 1945-49 407 4.6- 1950 442 449 448 4.3 4.7 4.7 1951 351 376 377 4.9 4.9 4.9 1952 385 400 412 4.9 4.8 4.8 1953 446 452 455 4.8 4.8 4.8 1954 405 390 400 3.2 3.6 3.5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Table 1 (continued) Precipitation (millimeters) 21-Station 21-Station Average 36-Station Average 66-Station Average 21-Station Average 36-Station Average 66-Station Average 1950-54 406a 413- 419a 4.5a 4.6 4.5 1955 442 443 438 5.2 5.1 5.1 1956 478 471 466 3.3 3.7 3.7 1957 426 420 414 5.3 5.1 5.1 1958 480 481 487 4.8 4.7 4.7 1959 397 393 399 5.3 5.2 5.2 1955-59 445- 442 a 441 4.8a 4.8 a 4.8 1960 437 456 457 3.6 3.9 3.9 1961 479 462 461 5.4 5.4 5.4 1962 459 430 439 5.8 5.6 5.7 1963 418 407 417 4.8 4.8 4.8 1964 429 459 469 4.7 4.3 4.4 1960-64 444 a 443 a 449- 4.9 a 4.8 a 4.8 1965 402 395 402 5.3 4.9 5.1 1966 505 540 516 5.6 5.4 5.5 1967 454 459 451 4.7 4.5 4.8 1968 453 458 444 5.3 5.2 5.3 1969 454 463 450 2.7 2.9 2.7 1965-69 454 a 463 a 453 a 4.7- 4.6 a 4.7- 1970 606 585 547 4.9 4.8 5.0 1971 478 462 468 4.7 4.6 4.6 1972 438 425 441 5.1 4.9 4.7 1973 453 474 465 5.4 5.2 5.0 1974 459 448 447 5.1 5.0 5.1 1970-74 487 a 478- 474 a 5.0 a 4.9 4.9 a 1975 401 6.4 1976 462 3.6 1977 490 4.2 1978 545 4.7 1979 494 4.6 1975-79 478 a 4.7- 1980 498 4.1 1981 470 5.8 1982 489 5.2 1983 464 6.5 1984 432 5.3 1980-84 470 a .4 a 5.4- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Figure 2 Annual Precipitation in Major Grain Area; 1920-84 MiIIimetcrs 600 III'.,. I I Ii I I I IIIII~I.L! 0 1920 30 40 tutu) is liu Oclohcr through Septemher \,erages li>r 21 alation,, 66 stations, and 36 stations, respectivcly, were used liar the periods 19211-4'1, 19 0-74, and 1975-84. i iL 1I I 11. i ii J. 1 60 70 Although precipitation in the grain-producing zone has increased overall, analysis of the weather data shows a significant change in the geographical distri- bution of precipitation during the last 10 years (1975- 84) compared with the 1950-74 period (figure 3). Most of the grain area experienced an increase in precipita- tion-as much as 75 mm in parts of European RSFSR and eastern Ukraine. Significant decreases occurred, however, in some important grain- producing areas of the southern Urals and western and eastern Kazakhstan in some cases a decline of about 25 mm or more occurred in these regions As for temperature, our analysis also shows a gradual increase overall in the grain-growing region, from a 10-year average of about 4.5?C in the 1940s to about 5.0?C for the 1975-84 period (table I and figure 4). Part of this long-term temperature increase may reflect urbanization (increased pollution and city heat-island effects). The rest may represent an in- crease in air temperature worldwide that US scientists generally attribute to a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. ' Changing Climate, National Academy of Science, National Academy Press, l98 25X1 25X1 An analysis of changes in temperatures by geographic area shows regional changes in annual temperature during the last 10 years (1975-84) compared with the 1950-74 period (figure 5). Temperature increases of about 0.5? to 1.0?C are evident over most of the north, central, and eastern regions of the grain area. A climatic increase in temperature usually causes a lengthening of the growing period, which in the future may permit additional areas in Siberia and northern European RSFSR to come under cultivation, especial- ly with the hardier rye varieties that are already showing success. On the other hand, we believe future temperature increases in the southern Urals, lower Volga, and Kazakhstan would further exacerbate the already dry climate there Future Trends. Our analysis of climate indicates that temperature will continue to increase and precipita- tion is likely to remain above the long-term average. Although average annual precipitation during the 1980-84 period was slightly less than during the 1970s-470 mm compared with 476 mm--it is still too early to conclude that a downward trend-or leveling off-has set in. Indeed, recent precipitation levels are still well above the pre-1970 averages Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Figure 3 Change in Mean Annual Precipitation for 1975-84 Compared With 1950-74 -25 0 +25 50 75 Major grain-producing limit Economic region boundary Union republic (SSR) boundary 75 The Un+Yed States Government h** host recongnrsad the inoorporhon of Wopip, Lativia, and Lithuania into the SOY at Un,on. Boundary rapveaetttation is not naceraaatily authoritative, TheMoldovbn SSRis not part of any aoanomic roveon. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 -Mfg Baltic Kiev.( L hr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Figure 4 Average Annual Temperature for the Soviet Grain Area," 1920-84 I)egrccs centigridU IlllilIIIII~IIIlilillllllll U 192 )) 3)) 40 s() 60 rr,,a i s I u r Oclnher I hrI'ugh Sc hte III he r ' el.l4e, IOU 21 sLItluni, 06 staII?ns, an(1 36 suit ions, ICspecti?e I), were used liu Inc tperiods 1920-49, 19N0-'4, u1(1 197>-84. We postulate that, for the 1986-90 period, average rainfall should not depart greatly from the 1980-84 average of 470 mm even though year-to-year precipi- tation amounts will continue to vary widely. Statisti- cal analysis of the change in precipitation between sequential five-year intervals during the 1920-84 peri- od showed about a 50-percent probability that precipi- tation in the 1986-90 period will average 476 mm or above, and about a 15-percent probability that it will 25X1 be above 500 mm or below 440 mm. As for temperature, we expect an increase that will generally follow the long-term trend, as a result of a continued increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The temperature increase, however, may not be as great as that experienced from 1975-79 to 1980-84 (4.7? to 5.4?C), since the latter period was considera- bly above trend. Continuation of the trend of five-year averages from the 1940s to 1990 would place the average 1985-90 temperature at about 5.0? to 5.2?C. I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I L ?_ili 70 80 25X1 Climate and Technology Climate directly affects crop growth and technology inputs, namely fertilizer. Together climate and tech- nology are key determinants of grain yields. Further- more, other technological improvements-such as new seed varieties and the application of improved herbicides and pesticides-are not totally effective without good weather. For example, should precipita- tion in the USSR return to the low levels of the 1930s and 1940s, the benefits of most of the new technology would be greatly reduced.' If the climate continues to improve for grain production or remains about the same, more likely in our view, Soviet success in raising production will increasingly rely on technology. Our analysis indicates that chemical fertilizer has been an ' Under such circumstances, lack of moisture would be the key yield-limiting factor. For example, fertilizer needs moisture to be used effectively by crops. Furthermore, additional technological investments such as new seed varieties, herbicides, or farm tillage and irrigation equipment would have little value without timely and Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Figure 5 Change in Mean Annual Temperature for 1975-84 Compared With 1950-74 Celsius (?C) Major grain-producing limit Economic region boundary Union republic (SSR) boundary -25 0 +25 50 75 1 00 Baltic Sea Lenin ad,) /' -,Riga N t I Baltic Kara Sea S,bviE R. S. F R. Caspian ^ Sea West Iberia 75 The Un+t d Slaf. ~arirh#iR nc racahgnitod thu ncor ni ki Lativwh#AdLithuania Nit! Union. 9oundaq rspeyteatatF 't- #~1/pi ?uthorBaCaw of Liatfiwiin i. h~ part of an 'c Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 important input in enhancing grain yields. We also found that, in regression analysis, fertilizer can serve as a surrogate for the other kinds of technological improvements gradually introduced during the last 25 year 25X1 Looking Ahead To evaluate the impact of climate change on future grain output in the Soviet Union, we selected three alternative weather scenarios-favorable, most likely, and unfavorable. Because of the important impact of technology on grain production, we also developed three corollary scenarios for fertilizer deliveries to agriculture. The combinations of weather and fertiliz- er scenarios were used in a newly developed regression model to estimate future grain yields. We believe that the nominal-or most likely- combination of weather and fertilizer scenarios provides the best indication of Soviet grain production for the rest of the I980s.`F- Weather Scenarios. We estimate with confidence from weather trends (figures 2 and 4 and table I) that during 1986-90 the average precipitation in the grain area will most likely range between 450 and 490 mm and that temperature will average between 5.0? to 5.2?C. The general upward trend in temperature and precipitation is consistent with the findings of the National Academy of Science,' which projects that mean global temperature and precipitation will in- crease because of increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, the Academy cannot predict the magnitude or location of such increases. The climate probably would not suddenly revert to the lower precipitation levels of the 1940s and 1950s, although sudden shifts in precipitation-as i25X1 The three weather scenarios we selected to estimate the range of Soviet production in the 1986-90 period are: ? The most likely, derived from the precipitation and temperature regimes of the 1970-84 period with annual averages of 474 mm and 5.0?C. Average grain yields for the 1986-90 period were estimated using a simple regression model (see the appendix). To derive these estimates, we examined various factors which influence grain production. Statistical analysis showed that precipitation, tempera- ture, and the level of fertilizer deliveries to agriculture adequately rapture the variability in Soviet grain yields ('hanging Climate, National Academy Press, 1983. 25X1 ? The favorable, based on the 1976-80 period, which shows the highest five-year precipitation average (498 mm) of our 65-year record. ? The unfavorable and least likely, based on the five- year period 1961-65, which averaged 438 mm, the lowest of the last 25 years. Fertilizer Delivery Scenarios. Following a four-year lull that began in the mid-1970s, fertilizer deliveries to agriculture regained their upward momentum after 1979, growing at an average rate of 1.1 million tons per year to a record 23.1 million tons in 1984. Such a continued rate of growth (almost 6 percent per year) in fertilizer deliveries during the next six years would fulfill Soviet plans to deliver 30-32 million tons of fertilizer for crops in 1990.1 We developed three fertilizer delivery scenarios: ? The high or best case, which projects an annual 6- percent increase in fertilizer delivery, or an average of about 1.5 million tons per year. Although the 6- percent rate of growth approximates the 1979-84 average, we doubt that the Soviets will be able to maintain this rate because of expected lags in the commissioning of new facilities for the production of fertilizers, poor management, and the underuse of existing facilities. The 1984 rate of growth was in fact less than I percent. ? The medium, or most likely case, which projects that deliveries will increase by about 1.0 million tons per year, or a 4-percent growth, yielding a total delivery to agriculture of 29 million tons by 1990. We judge this scenario the most likely because we expect the Soviets to fall 1-2 million tons short of plan in 1985 and be unable to produce enough fertilizer in 1986-90 to make up the 1981-85 short- falls and meet 1986-90 goals as well. A statistical analysis of the change in precipitation between five- year intervals during 1920-84 results in the following approximate probabilities of occurrence for the three precipitation scenarios chosen for the 1986-90 period: 15-20 percent probability that precipitation will be 498 mm or above. 45-50 percent probability that precipitation will be 474 mm or above. 5-10 percent probability that precipitation will be 438 mm or Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97ROO694ROO0400720001-7 ,secret ? The low case, which projects a 2-percent-per-annum growth rate. This rate was derived from a model using the last 10 years' deliveries of fertilizer to agriculture. The model results project a total deliv- ery of 26 million tons by 1990, for an increase of only about 0.5 million tons per yea The projected fertilizer deliveries to agriculture for the entire USSR for the three scenarios described above were translated into fertilizer delivery rates in kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) for each republic by dividing by agricultural area. In all cases, we assume total harvested area will approximate 124 million ha, roughly equal to the annual average hectarage for 1979-83. This relatively low hectarage figure assumes that the Soviets will maintain current levels of fallow. 25X1 Projected Yields and Production Grain yields and production to 1990 were calculated with the regression model using the three fertilizer scenarios and the actual weather variables for 1961- 65, 1976-80, and 1970-84, periods typical of unfavor- able, favorable, and most likely weather conditions (table 2). 25X1 The model forecasts that, given what we consider the most likely weather and fertilizer scenario, the USSR's average grain yield during 1986-90 will be 15.7 centners per hectare (ce/ha). Using a harvested area of about 124 million ha, this equates to an average annual production of 195 million tons. Given this scenario, the model projects that there is a 95- percent probability 10 that Soviet grain production during 1986-90 will average between 180 million tons and 210 million tons. 25X1 With afavorable weather scenario similar to 1976-80 and the high fertilizer delivery levels that the Soviets are striving to achieve, Moscow could average 17.8 cc/ha or 221 million tons, with a 95-percent probabil- ity that the average will be more than 206 million tons but less than 236 million tons.l 25X1 " Roughly 60 percent of the 75-million-ton Soviet grain production increase from the 1961-65 period to the 1976-80 period (130 million25X1 tons versus 205 million tons) was caused by an increase in average precipitation (438 mm versus 498 mm). The remaining 40 percent was caused by improvements in agrotechnology " This assumes that neither the mix of feed nor current levels of The 95-percent probability range is approximately defined by the model's estimate ? two standard errors of estimate, or within 15 million tons of the projected average of 195 million tons. One standard error of estimate was calculated to be 7.5 million tons An unfavorable weather scenario typical of 1961-65 (the least likely of the three scenarios) and low fertilizer delivery growth rates could plunge average grain production to 165 million tons, with less than a 5-percent probability that it would be above 180 million tons 25X1 Analysis of the regression model results, using the three weather and three fertilizer scenarios and as- suming a harvested area of 124 million ha, shows that, at a constant fertilizer level, every 10-mm increase in average annual precipitation will result in a 7.5- million-ton increase in average grain production. Cor- respondingly, at a constant precipitation level, every million-ton increase in fertilizer deliveries to agricul- ture will produce about an additional 2.5 million tons of grain.' 25X1 Implications The three grain production scenarios for the 1986-90 period suggest that the USSR will not progress rapidly on two key goals of the Food Program- improving food supplies while reducing dependence on Western farm products. Indeed, even if grain produc- tion averages 221 million tons, Moscow would still need to import at least 15 million tons of grain annually to maintain current levels of seed, food, and industrial use, as well as to achieve planned output levels for meat, milk, and eggs." Given the most likely scenario of 195 million tons, grain imports would have to exceed 35 million tons annually In the unlikely event that production falls to 165 million tons, the Soviets would require an average of roughly 65 million tons of grain imports annually. This would be an enormous amount, but probably not one beyond the USSR's improved logistic capability. It would be financially difficult, but possible, so long as grain prices remain relatively low. If Moscow animal productivity chang~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97ROO694ROO0400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Table 2 USSR: Projections of All-Grain Average Yields and Production, 1986-90 Weather Scenario Increase in Fertilizer Deliveries to Agriculture Yield (centners per hectare) Average Production b (million metric tons) 95-Percent Probability Range of Production (million metric tons) Unfavorable weather Low 13.3 165 150-180 Medium 13.6 169 154-184 High 14.2 177 162-192 Favorable weather Low 16.8 209 194-224 Medium 17.2 214 199-229 High 17.8 221 206-236 Most likely weather Low 15.3 190 175-205 Medium 15.7 195 180-210 High 16.2 202 187-217 Low, medium, and high increases in fertilizer deliveries to agriculture correspond to approximately 2-, 4-, and 6-percent increases per year. I Production is estimated by assuming an average grain area of 124 million hectares, similar to that of the 1979-83 period. The 95-percent probability range is approximately defined by the average ? 2 standard errors of estimate. chooses not to test the transportation system and/or not to reduce other hard currency imports, however, the need for grain could be reduced in several ways. Planners could save a few million tons by reducing the quantity of grain used for food, industrial purposes, and export, as they have done in the past. They could cut grain demand by reducing livestock inventories- a tactic strenuously avoided since 1975. This would increase meat supplies temporarily but would proba- bly slow subsequent growth in meat production. A third alternative is to curtail quantities of grain fed per animal. But the reduction would have to be offset by other feeds or animal productivity, and thus meat, milk, and egg production would suffer. Consumers would be faced with diets of somewhat lesser variety and quality, but the extensive special food distribution systems put in place during 1979-81 to cope with the widespread food shortages probably would help offset the effects 25X1 Soviet Policy Options In our view, the Soviets have at least two policy options that may enable them to boost output substan- tially above the levels indicated in our most likely weather and fertilizer scenario by 1990: ? Grain yields could be raised significantly if a deci- sion were made to purchase more and better agro- chemicals, that is, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plant-disease protective agents, etc., from foreign suppliers, and if steps were taken to improve appli- cation at the farm level. ? We also believe the Soviets could increase overall grain production by changing the crop mix." For example, by substituting corn for wheat and other grains on irrigated lands, Moscow could boost out- put by as much as 12-14 million tons by 1990. " The potential to increase grain production in the USSR by changing crop mixes is the topic of a forthcoming CIA research Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 LYV IVI cantly affect production by 1990. Other options, such as the purchase of turnkey agro- chemical plants, are possible but would not signifi- 25X1 Despite the potential benefits associated with these options, history has shown that the Soviets are slow to change their agricultural policy, particularly for wheat production. We judge the possibility of the Soviets deciding to import larger amounts of agro- chemicals and agrochemical technology to be some- what greater than the likelihood of the crop mix being tion before 1990 1985 with imported agrochemicals. Purchases of large quantities of agrochemicals from the United States and other Western nations could help boost grain production above trend in the near term, but the time required to install turnkey production facilities would preclude domestic chemical output from reaching a high enough level to significantly affect grain produc- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 secret Appendix A Simple Regression Model for Estimating Grain Yields of the USSR A grain-yield regression model enables us to estimate grain yields during the 1986-90 period under different weather and technology growth scenarios. The model, therefore, has to be a function of variables that measure the contribution of weather and technology to grain yields 25X1 Figure 6 illustrates the historical all-grain yields, total precipitation in the grain area during the growing period (October-July), and the average amount of fertilizer (kg/ha) delivered to agriculture in the USSR. The graph shows a considerable increase in yields from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s, with simultaneous increases in fertilizer delivery and levels of precipitation. With a few exceptions, there is a general correspondence between high and low points of precipitation and yield. Thus, precipitation and fertilizer delivery rates are likely candidates for de- scribing grain yields by means of a ---;ion 25X1 Because of the paucity of published Soviet grain data since 1975, our grain-yield equations were derived for large areas covering one or more republics and having sufficient climatic stations to adequately describe weather parameters. For example, from 1975 through 1980, only republic grain yields were published by the Soviets; after 1980 practically no rain-yield informa- tion was published 25X1 We used the RSQUARE procedure of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) computer software package to narrow down the selection of variables for the predic- tive model. The RSQUARE procedure performs all possible regressions for a dependent variable (grain yield, in this instance) and a collection of independent variables, and gives the r-square value for each model. With the selected parameters, we then derived the yield equations using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SA$ Table 3 lists the variables tested by the RSQUARE routine and the equations finally adopted.14 An inter- esting result of the selection process was that fertilizer application variable (FERTH) produced higher r-squares than the variable YEAR, a term traditional- ly used as a surrogate for technology." Fertilizer application rates to grain area would be an even better parameter to use in the regression, but these data are not generally available at the republic level. We found no improvement in estimating Soviet all-grain yields by using separate winter and spring grain yield equa- tions. We therefore elected to use the all-grain yield equations for the combinations of republics shown in table 3, which also gave better results than a single equation derived for the entire Soviet Union. The major assumptions inherent in the use of the regression model for forecasting grain production in the 1986-90 period are: ? That projected increases in fertilizer deliveries to agriculture represent the major contribution of tech- nology to grain-yield increases. " We tested three variables for describing the technology contribu- tion to yield: YEAR, total fertilizer deliveries to agriculture (FERTD), and average fertilizer deliveries per hectare of agricul- tural land (FERTH) from Soviet published data. We also tested cross terms such as FERTH*PREC to detect any interaction between fertilizer response and precipitation amounts, and nonlin- ear terms such as log(FERTH) to describe diminishing yield returns at high fertilizer delivery levels. In all instances, except one, we found no significant increase in r-square when crossterms or other nonlinear terms were added to the candidate models. We believe that this occurred because the geographic areas covered by the model's equations were too large to adequately capture the interac- tion between FERTH and PREC. Only in Belorussia and in the Baltic, where fertilizer delivery levels are among the highest in the country, did we find that the use of a log(FERTH) term produced " Fertilizer delivered per hectare of agricultural land (FERTH) has increased nearly linearly with time (FERTH and YEAR show a correlation coefficient of 0.98). Therefore, FERTH, in addition to being directly related to grain-yield increases, is also a surrogate for other technological improvements that have gradually been intro- duced during the last 25 years and have also been responsible for Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Figure 6 Growing Period Precipitation, All-Grain Yields, and Average Fertilizer Per Hectare," 1960-84 NoI .cJIe chanuc~ \lillimctcr. t ;nln.] >Up `1 f )i i,~brrJuh ["'1 ilaliun fnr the '-'ICI 2111111 arc,i_ Avcrapc fcrtil d.ln.rc~l i. per I Tiara nI iericullur.iI Ianll. 25X1 urc (-I \ cUima~c,. ? That any changes in the mix of grains planted or in other agricultural practices, such as the amount of cropland under irrigation, will take place gradually and therefore will be included in the model variable representing the delivery of fertilizer nPr hectare (FERTH). 25X1 ? That the mean square error of our regression model adequately describes the errors of the modelF---] Figure 7 and table 4 show how the model's estimated yields compare with the actual yields for 1960-80, the period used to derive the model. Also plotted on figure 7 are the model estimates for 1981-84 compared with CIA estimates. The model fits the observations with an average error of 1.1 ce/ha and a mean square error of 1.4 ce/ha for individual years and 0.6 ce/ha for a five-year period." The model is able to explain 80 percent of the variation in the all-grain yieldsF_ '? The mean square error for a five-year period is 1.4/ V 5 = 0.6. Three Nears (1971, 1973, and 1976) show particularly large model errors of the order of 2 to 3 cc/ha. We will investigate the causes of ~ "Id Precipitation The model's errors may be caused by a combination of factors. The first is the gross nature of the model itself. Because of a paucity of data, the model must use meteorological variables averaged for relatively long periods (four to 10 months) and for very large areas (as large as the RSFSR). Second, although the years used in the model (1960-80) are the most relevant in terms of describing recent Soviet agricul- tural and climate changes, they may not be sufficient to capture the range of errors inherent in the model. Third, the variables in the model may be related to yield in a more complex, nonlinear, and interactive way than can be represented by our simple linear model. Finally, there are certainly other variables such as short-term weather events, the quality of management, work incentives, and political decisions, that influence yield but could not be included in the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Table 3 USSR: An All-Grain Yield Regression Model Variables Tested by the RSQUARE Procedure a PREC (4-9) PREC (10-3) PREC (io-9) PREC (10-8) PREC (4-7) TEMP (4-9) FERTD FERTH YEAR (FERTH) X (PREC) TEMP (10-3) LOG(FERTD) LOG(FERTH) YEAR' TEMP ((o-9) SQRT(FERTD) SQRT(FERTH) TEMP ((0-8) TEMP (4-7) Equations Selected for Estimating All-Grain Yields b R2 For the RSFSR: YIELD, = -3.97 + 0.0875 PREC (4-7) + 0.0141 FERTH 0.80 For Kazakhstan: YIELDk = 3.52 + 0.0472 PREC ((0-8) - 0.5367 TEMP (4-7) + 0.1277 FERTH 0.73 For Ukraine + Moldavia: YIELD? = 25.44 + 0.0313 PREC (4-9) + 1.334 TEMP (10-3) - 1.156 TEMP (4-7) + 0.0544 FERTH 0.81 For Belorussia + Baltic: YIELDb = -15.069 - 1.1584 TEMP (4-7) + 9.519 LOG(FERTH) 0.83 a PREC-average region precipitation in millimeters weighted by b Letter subscripts r, k, u, and b refer respectively to RSFSR, grain area. Kazakhstan, Ukraine plus Moldavia, Belorussia plus Baltic; p TEMP-average region temperature in ?C weighted by grain refers to all these areas combined, representing about 96 percent of area. total Soviet grain area. FERTD-total fertilizer delivered to agriculture in million metric tons. FERTH-average fertilizer delivered per hectare of agricultural land in kilograms. YIELD average region grain yield of major grain area in centners per hectare. Number subscripts refer to first and last months of period averaged for temperature (TEMP), or totaled for precipitation (PREC). For example, PREC (10-3) refers to total precipitation during October-March. For all areas combined: YIELDP = (A, YIELD, + Ak YIELDk + A. YIELD? + Ab YIELDb)/Ap, where A? Ak, A?, Ab are the grain areas, and Ap = A, + Ak + A? + Ab For the USSR: YIELD = -1.472 + 1.104 YIELDP Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Figure 7 Comparison of Observed All-Grain Yields and Model's Yields, 1960-84 C11111Crti pCr 11c'Imc '() Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Table 4 USSR: All-Grain Yields and Production, 1960-84 Actual Yield (centners per hectare) Actual Production (million metric tons) Model Yield (centners per hectare) Model Production (million metric tons) 1960 10.9 125.5 11.9 137.5 1961 10.7 130.8 11.6 141.8 1962 10.9 140.2 10.7 137.7 1963 8.3 107.5 8.5 110.4 1964 11.4 152.1 11.2 149.3 1965 9.5 121.1 10.1 129.3 1961-65 130.3 133.7 1966 13.7 171.2 14.4 179.7 1967 12.1 147.9 12.2 149.0 1968 14.0 169.5 14.8 179.8 1969 13.2 162.4 12.6 154.6 1970 15.7 186.8 15.4 183.7 1966-70 167.5 169.4 1971 15.4 181.2 13.5 159.2 1972 14.0 168.2 12.9 155.1 1973 17.6 222.5 14.2 180.0 1974 15.4 195.7 14.7 187.0 1975 11.0 140.1 12.0 153.5 1971-75 181.6- 167.0 1976 17.5 223.8 15.5 198.1 1977 15.0 195.7 15.7 204.6 1978 18.5 237.4 18.5 237.7 1979 14.2 179.2 15.6 197.1 1980 14.9 189.1 16.3 206.3 1976-80 205.5- 208.8 1981 NA 13.0 163.3 1982 NA 15.9 195.5 1983 NA 16.3 196.9 1984 NA 14.5 173.3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7 Secret Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/07: CIA-RDP97R00694R000400720001-7