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Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 T' take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 dec 83 tj,,cIL s -o S l f De 0 1d061505 G' 9 Iobal 5av, a9ka' 4+\ 1 time, events, and ppl: incl resume of soviet listenrs' & NW L) hltrs expressing their concern for peace; vladimir fadeyev P a~Kp.,,~,j- 3.ykabul report on 5th anniv sou-afghan treaty (sent). (home 0900 0 1-K- 2 v. tseregin on human rights declaration anniversary. Q,,i1 (6 . 5 JV10a UIS c polish 1400) "children accuse imperialism": vladimir grigoryev reports from luanda on end of proceedings of intl tribunal "children accuse imperialism," incl intvw with first natl sect' of "agostinho neto" young pioneers movt, goncalves manuel muandumba, highlighting purpose of tribunal, namely to denounce u.s. policy of armed aggression and milit intervention aimed at stopping natlib struggle waged by oppressed ppls in world, and praising outstanding role played by ussr in struggle for world peace. (6 min: ports 041830) 4 "intl communist labor movt" feature: outline of activities and communist parties; chronicle. (6 min: portbraz 2300) 3 "intl communist and workers movt": requested info on communist and workers parties in socialist and nonsocialist countries, given by vadim zagladin from cpsu cc (6.mmiin);report on activities of communist parties in various countries, incl info on preps of portuguese cp for its party congress, on plenum of bolivian cp cc, on program of comparty of canada, preps of norwegian comparty for its party congress, etc (4 min). (total 10 ': Berman 1700) Ld7 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 I~ 0 5 ~z ~ ~g83 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 6 "socialist countries and countries following socialist path ,gf-1evelopment." (rpt amharic 021530) (amharic 1530) L4 -S -:r ~r- + I ~S Q. h4 (Si 0001) arNI-S /&UJ-'--- mailbag for northam listenrs. (rpt engna 040001) (engna US mailbag: reading jap listenrs' ltrs on reagan's ,dap "replies to listeners ltrs": incl review of last JNVcL3 week's mail denouncing u. s. aggression against grenada and u. s. l9 rj ,- d- a L-S visit, u. s. aggressive policy, others. (28 min with music: hegemonistic imperialist policies around world (5 min); talk on foreign students studying in ussr, explaining system of studies, grants, applications and fact that they come from all parts of world incl greece and cyprus (5 min). (greek k3-I oj 5 0-= 1y33 10 live relay of press conf given at soviet foreign ministry PA)-46 U)N-4 press center, incl speeches by zamyatin, koriyenko and marshal ogarkov, followed by question and answer session. (one hr, 45 min, Iei*ncl 15 min orgakov, sent: enginter 0800) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 11 reports on press conf given at soviet foreign ministry press center on euromissiles. (23-20 min, incl 14-13 min ogarkov, fyi comp sent: hoo 1-200 orbits 1200 italian 2000; 22-20 min, incl 4.5 min ogarkov: home 1600 1600--spanchile -21 german 1000 romanian 1700; 19-10 min, incl 9-5 min ogarkov: enginter 11 2010 engna 2300portbraz 2200 2380-spanla 2300 french 1930 portugues 1800 Finnish 1630/twice/ german 1600 germaust 2000 persian i-80,\ es arabic 1530 greek 1600 engaf 17-00 2000 albanian 1530 bulgarian 1630 hungarian.2000 serbo 1700 2000 camb 1330 mand 1600 hind 1400 burm 1430 indo 1330 1500t 9-7 min, incl 5-3 min ogarkov: home 1900 orbita 1900 2200 2300 enginter 1410 1-510 spanla 2300 enguk 2006 twi-ce/ italian 1-800 finnish 1630 german 1600 persian 1500 1700 arabic 1730 greekcy 1800 Swahili 1730 somali 1600 amharic 1-530 czech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 hungarian 1730 viet 1300; 4-3 min, incl one min-brief ogarkov; home 1.745 enginter 1000 1100 1200-1301500 1600 portuguese 1800 german 1000 1600 1700 germaust 2000 persian 1500 1700 1700 swahili 1730 amharic 150 czech/slovak 1600 serbo 1700 2000 lao 1030 1330/twice-/ hind 11-30; 2-1 min_ incl one min-brief ogarkov: _ $ 0 0 0 2200 %~ - -) frenchinter 17-00 engna 2300 enguk 2000 french 1830_italian 1800 2000 finnish 1630 greek 1600 greekcy 1800 engaf 1700 2000 somali 1-600 ,pol iish 1400 1500-hungarian 2000) summaries marshal ogarkov stmt at moscow press conf on euromissiles. (450 text sent: tasse 1021 tassr 1013; 200 text sent: tasse 0903 tassr 0900; 3 min: mand 1230 1600 mandsea 1230 kor 11-30; 2` min: viet 1000 1400; brief: portbraz 2200 2300 spanl 340 mand 0700 viet 1300) mary georgiy korniyenko stmt at moscow press conf ew 6 on euromissiles. (300 text sent: tasse 0858 tassr 0847) 05 DEC 198'+ viet t f so a ~~e5 14 question and answer session during press con Jq~ - w6 foreign ministry press center, quoting remarks by marshal ogarkov- georgiy korniyenko and leonid zamyatin. (text, 2000 text sent: tasse 1625 mayak 1530; 16.5 min: enginter 1731; A 1231 ss Va P~ 4,4V 1, 2u0 text Sent: tasse 'k-6V( 2 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 l~'v andropov's stmt on euromissiles. (rpt enginte 040910) (engaf 2 - take of -several -- commentary list: ;>scow consolidated 5 dec 83 1d061601 i3 summaries sovietskaya rossiya article by soviet dpty defense minister marshal vasiliy petrov on greater concentration of weapons in europ" an rest of world. (5 min: spanla 0000 greek 041600) 16-1isarm, issue of the day: question and answer session on ?i 041700 ar e1 041900) n(V~ ~iSsII~S I 17 roundup items in pravda on intl reactions to andropov's ~- 24 nov s t on euromissiles. (10 min: romanian 1.7_Q.0) S51I.&S ( #r ) 18 roundup reports on worldwide favorable response to andropov's 24 nov stmt on euromissiles. (8-6 min: frenchinter 042100 greek 021-9:00 fr hmag 042030 polish 1400 kor 0930 viet 1000 1300 mand 0766) z 19 georgiy grammatchikov on reaction to andropov's 24 nov stmt in socialist countries, stressing that soviet states are determined to safeguard their security and at the same time continue to be committed to a policy of peace. (4 min: czech/slovak 1604 albanian 1530 po, -s-f 1500 kor 1130-- anon: hungarian 17-30) and events: incl remarks by students at lumumba univ r praising andropov's stand on euromissiles. (rpt engaf 021700 op~ I (P ~a:-Pr (7 0 o Zoo6) 21 summary anon pravda on nato's atlantic marathon, taking -t-,,) place when siting of new u. s. missiles in in full swing. (200 L S n(o! text sent: tasse 042151 tassr 042157; 3. 5 min: enguk 2000) Miss+h ;K1 /,---0 5 DL.- 1983 S 22 summary vitaliy korionov pravda "the struggle goes on," on u.s. deployment of missiles in western euro e i k d f p n wa e o e grena LL5 Iv5111t5invasion. (5 min: greek 023900) LCS Am - idwtod Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 STAT 24 guriy soltan on components of u.s. cruise missiles arriving in sicily. (rpt enginter 291410) (enginter 0710 101-0 frenchinter S51(~s 042100 spancuba 0160 jap 041200) uS summary undated yuiiy yakhontov pravda "dangerous security," dealing with. deployment of new u.s. missiles in europe which led to discontinuation of geneva talks, noting frg_ leaders, incl frg chancellor kohl, tried to convey an impression that ussr would ,41 be prepared to revise its position, but ussr position is quite I11` clear and there can be no doubt about it, stressing that western stand amounts to deceiving its own ppl when it claims that nothingjXappened. (6 min: german 1600) L-S _etl i 5- 0 5 nom,. ,nog anon re wpc-sponsored intl week of action against deployment eJ U (C- LLc ' ilychev on U.S. continuing deliveries of missiles in europe. ,MvfzS (rpt ginter 031410) (greek 031900) ~01 rs (I ) p Lod 2 intvw with (ariavanse lesto rugue), president of intl fed of tus of educational workers, welcoming wpc's call for observing r1n 5S Intl week of action against deployment of euromissiles. (rpt I~~S enginter 031410) (greek 031900) L-J D.q iQLj VWLSS I ~,S \tssak of euromissiles in europe, citing anti-missile actions and stmts in frg, italy, britain, usa and. ussr as reported by correspondents (3.5 min: enginter 14-10 1510 1810 2110 italian 1900 finish 1630 german 1600 bulgarian 1630 czech/slovak 1600 polish1500 serbo aCfiOds 17Qcj00 lao 1300 urdu 1300 mand 1230) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 LL S C 24 reports datelined come, athens, new York, brussels, and ,06havana roundup news of anti-missile week measures. (approx 400 WIC words: tassr 1547) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 30 anon on children and nuclear consisting of intvws with british schoolchildren givinfg their opinions on arms race, stressing how a negative psychological effect on children which give" em a pessimistic view of the future., (enguk 2000) (nikolay blokhin) president of soviet acad of medical sciences, on dangerous consequences of nuclear holocaust. (rpt enainter 011410) (enginter-0710 101-6 frenchinter 04-00 greek 04-1600__v+-et 1000) 0,Larv~us ) 32 special feature "nuclear disarm: who is for and who is _fUI/Qlc- Oo2I7()J) V S `II (2 nd; ?e ~.~,. czec ' _ S ~".r1 y --- ('I ) us ~Al CLW CZ -take 3 of 4everal -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 sec 83 1d061600 gas pipeline k6 51 I pL((AJ1f that u. s. embargo on supplies of technology has not impeded uction of pipeline. (3 min: german 1700) U.S 34 tass observer leonid ponomarev on dangers posed by washington's militarist course, re events in grenada, lebanon. t4~ ~ (1400 text sent: tassr 1510 tasse 2121) (,IC L,-b an d fJ 0 5 DEC 1983 CI (0-- 33 boris shcherbina, sov minister of gas and mineral oil industr tells about production of its own technical equipment for construction of gas pipleine urengoy-western europe. it is noted 35 yuriy soltan on discrepancies in reports on soviet defense spending supplied by cia and u.s. defense dept, both trying to outdo each other in falsifying soviet defense spending. (3 min, sent: enginter 1810 port 100 polish 1500; anon: hung 2000) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 36 viktor rogov noting dangerous course of u.s. militaristic DtPwt'j. policy in view of deployment of new missiles in western europe. ~'tSSIf~S (rpt hind 041400) as aSiw (5 mA. thai 1100) 37 a. lyutyy washington report on cia recruitment attempts Ilk- lk~ C( U- S U-5 U at u.s. universities, few students succumb in spite of unemploymer (rc 38 tars corr legantsov washington report on use of cheap labor in planttions of georgia, florida, texas and other styates. (300 text: tassr 1437) U S 39 vladimir pozner daily talk on books he found when tidying his son's room. Lrpt engna 042300) (engna 2300) americas 40 hernan del canto on increasing dissatisfaction in chile and govt stubborn position against ppls will. most ppl and opposition groups, incl catholic church, are demanding pinochet's resi,ation. (5 min: spanchile 2100) 41 pedro correa on common practice of torture in chile and intl condemnation of pinochet's repressive apparatus: cni. discovery of cni's secret torture centers. (7 min: spanchile 2130), 42 anon on disastrous econ situation in chile, esply in agricuXtyre sector. (6 min: spanchile 2130) 05DEC1983 reports on presentation of friendship order award to Cuban ambassador to ussr anillo capote by kuznetsov in kremlin 5 nov, f6h~ with remarks exchanged on occasion by both. (140 text sent: ae ma ak)11-003 160 text: home 1990 orbita 1900 2200) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 L"U 44 "celebration of cuban army anniv": soviet defense minister ustinov sent congratulatory msg to cuban defense minister O raul castro ruz on cuban armed forces anniv; text of msg; krasnaya awd zvezda reproduces verde olivo article on training of cuban army; details of ceremony held at soviet milit academy and speech delivered by cuban milit attache to moscow; sebastopol site of struggle of cuban ppl; cuban solidarity reasserted in severalties throughout ussr. (5 min: spancuba 0100) I j 45 mikhail kremnev on developments in grenade, where u. s. ^^NSfdoccupation troops are establishing democracy and order reagan sty l.e. (4 min, sent: engna 0001) (,LS "your opinion/ feature: reading ltrs from latam listeners rJA who repcrdiate u. s. ionvasion of grenada. (10 min: spanla 0000) 11 C-+'n l,4 S managua report summarizing speech by daniel ortaga. (300 text: tassr 0802) west europe L), ewt franc-- / 00 5P,L Aid LLS 48 albert balebanov brussels report on start of another "winter atlantic week" and opening of two-day session of nato eurogroup in which defense ministers of 12 countries (excluding france and spain) are taking part. (400 text sent: tassr 1101) 49 vladislav (grobkov) on nato winter mtgs in evere, says atlantic marathon is starting off at very moment when in britain, frg, italy installation of new american missiles is in full swing. it is no secret tht arrogance with which Washington has d_qloq got installations accepted has highlighted certain divergences M~SSIW within nato -- examples of attitudes of greece, netherlands , ~? I1 lg~~ ~ belgium. (3 min: italian 19W finn 163Q) r -R' 05 DEC 1983 ItS 0 t sosnovskiy bonn repor resurgence of neofascists. (300 text: tassr 1829) J Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 \AShkCV' Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 -r, k (u y i 0-Q 52 recorded intvw with charles fiterman, french minister of transport, on arrival in moscow on official visit, outlines purpose _Y'~-'(15P of hi vsit. (6 min: french 1830) "italian topics in soviet press": a) sov press as usual TAW MtS51 fro take Y of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 dec 83 151 "your write to moscow" presented by nina pavlova: listeners sent in reception reports regretting lot of interference "and jamming" but this tended to make them more than ever determined. referred listeners to radio moscow's schedule for list of frequencies. address from which sov periodicals in english can be obtained givena nd announcements on concert and mailbag made. (enguk 2f . 0) devoted ample coverage to subject of antimilitarist struggle. pravda on anxiety expressed by Sicilian scientific and cultural circles following start of deployment of american missiles; b) krasnaya zvezda on arrival of u.s. missile components at sigonella air base; c) pravda and izvestiya condemned italian media attempts to give false version of soviet withdrawal from geneva negotiations; d) sov press last week commented on results of local govt by-elections in italy. tass corr in rome reported that results confirmed that dc is continuing to lose support; e) moskovskaya pravda on scandal arising out of arrest of general ferroni and his mafia accomplices accused of bribery and corruption; f) selskaya zhizn on failure of italian authorities to reconstruct towns S (i to l,i)an 2000) ,..r destroyed by 1980 earthquake in southern italy; g) tass rome corr reports on mtgheld in milan btwn italian and cema countries' reps; h) pravda on restoration work in progress at Sistine chapel. 0 1 r 1001 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 3 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 54 eduard kovalev on stepping up of portuguese workers' struggl in defense of nationalized sector of economy against govt's righttying-inspired onslaught. facts and figures given to show that govt's attack on, and neglect of, state sector serves only to worsen econ criroundup of labor disputes. (5. min: port 1800) 1,JCL 2100 2330 enginter 1-600 1808 1900 #renchinter 1700-engafr 1700 2000 V~ 150D orbita 2004; brief: home 16-00 2059-orbita 1600 2110 mayak 1850 huing 17 o 2000 serbo 1700 2000 mand 1600) 56 v. ivanov reports on finnish independence day commemorations rrn(. au~ 55 reports on ussr supsov presidium greetings to finnish president koivisto, and ussr council of ministers greetings to p finnish prime minister sorsa on 66th anniv Finland's independence. CI/Ou" (380 text: finnish 1-630; 200 text sent: tasse 1500 tassr 1538 mayak (350 text: tassr 1144) 0",1olOL,- 57 friendship panorama on sov-finnish friendship: rudolf hiltunen on traditional sov-finn friendship month, which ends on 6 dec, describes many events held to mark friendship month, notes an important event stressing friendship was president koivisto's 60th birthday (5.5 min); (raini lehtonen on helsinki-moscow book (9,min). (finn 1630) airica restored (no details). (4 min: engafr 1700 2000) 58 (igor potaski) on another campaign of slander unleashed by intl imperialism aimed at making angolans turn off road of building new society and their course for socialist orientation. responsibility for aggravation of situation in angola rests with u.s.-led intl imperialism. as president dos cantos stated on 11 nov. schemes of imperialism will receive worthy rebuff. with assistance from socialist countries destroyed econ facilities are being l0 05pr-198 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 C a V'b c> ,J 59 leonid (seflin) on econ situation in cameroon, attributes country's achievements to ppl's devoted work, building enterprises public sector, limiting foreign loans and preventing an oil boom. but laws of capitalism are severe and already now cameroon is encountering difficulties in its econ development. broad access of foreign capital to leading branches of country will not only increa econ dependence, but will also drain funds so necessary for country operations conducted jointly by foreign and local capitalists undermine public sector of economy which stands in their way. (3.5 min: kn-aafr 1700 2000) 60 georgiy (surname indistinct) on recent call by kenyan mps fo revising country's legislation, to delete from it vestiges of colonial times; justifies kenyan demands as judicial system and legislation since colonial times often pose loopholes for former colonizers to interfere in domestic affairs of sovereign nation. with help of englishmen clad in robes of judges, london directs kenya's jurisdiction, protects interests of western transnational corporations which dominate country's economy, and encourages triba'l'sm and corruption. (3 min: engafr 1700 2000) / 05DEG1983 sov way of life program: sov doctor (ramanin) on his medical -2- b P-+r\I OPiC- care Aork in republic of mali. (3 min: mand 1230) take 5 of several -- commentary list.: moscow consolidated 5 dec E33 ld061635 62 "east africa last week": ethiopian herald and zambian mail blame usa for breakup of geneva peace talks (2.5 min); anon on western allegations of ethiopian aggression against sudan ( min); anon on tanzania's education system (2 min); soviet book fair opens in lusaka; ethiopia decorates revolution heroes; seminar on workers in madagascar (2 min). (somali 1600) (f~ VS-( Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 S mideast tass stmt on u.s. escalation of its armed intervention in mideast. (300 text sent: tasse 1635 camp fyi sent tassr 1624 home 1600 orbita 1600 mayak 1790; 3 min: enginter 24-10 portbraz 2200 2309-italian 2 0 serbo 2008, 2-1j: mayak #-850 2330 home 1900 20"orbita 1900 2004 2110 2200 enginter 1990 italian 1900 portbraz 1800 hungarian 17 O-2000/twice/; brief: ~ ma yak 2100 enginter 2200 engna 2300 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla ~W 1 230 e g k 2000 arabiv 1730 serbo 20O)0) I,S 6 report on exchange of greetings telegrams betwee n supreme l~ - ~sc~viet presidium and lebanese president amin jumayyil on lebanese - Leta~l SK! 50/natl day. STAT 3;L' 66 rassadin on indignation expressed by arab world re conclusio ~ f u. s. -Israeli talks in washington. (rpt enginter 011410) (engint u--k V 071-0 101'0 frenchinter 042100 jap 04-1200) 67 rassadin on u. s. air raid in lebanon. (rpt enginter 042110) (engi er 0710 1010) M& ~Ik i STATE iO J Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 (- S 69 leonid rassadin condemning latest u.s. air strikes against syrian positions in lebanon close on heels of shamir's u.s. visit, says american actions were premediated under framework of u.s.-israeL strategic coop agmt indicating washingt-tel aviv plans to engage in direct confrontation with syria, also citing khaddam's msg to yin secgen describing u.s. actions as threat to Intl peace. (6-3 min: enginter 1-410 15-10 1830 211-0 italian 1800 finnish 1630 Berman 1'600 Swahili 1730 amharic 1530 czecheslovak 1600 polish 1500 mand 1230 lao 1330 urdu 1300 burm 1430 indo 1330 1500; anon: arabic 15t ) tkg 1%7 % anon on u.s. air raids on syrian positions in lebanon and thr6 american planes being shot down. (sent: engn 2300) p S ,LUA W~tA G4-S US 73 cpsu cc greetings to cc of party of progress and socialism morocco. (tassr 021130) (brief: greek 021900) 71 anon on syrian condemnation of u.s. air strike on syrian positions in lebanon, citing reaction from damascus over incident. /'t 72 anon "world press denounced american-israeli strategic alliance", reviewing Israeli officials' stmt about alliance and various western press reactions critical of alliance. (arabic evidence on soviet-tudeh collusion. (rpt pets' O) (persian 74 anon on iranian publication sepehr which contains false 180 anon on tudeh party trial on 6 dec, referring to reports in iranian press which show that one of major objectives of those who have organized trial is to fan flames of anti-sovietism in ~~A---1(8 min; sent: persian 1700 16.0.0) 05 DEC 1983 76 anon on anniv soviet appeal to muslim countries, discussing how ussr has been failthful to lenin's principles in its relations with iran and quoting parts of iranian listeners' letters in which sovie_support for iran rev is lauded. (5 min: persian 1700) 2/ Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5~ Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 C I pro-s Li- S 77 report on british doctor's article on evin prison published in quarnian, aster his visit to prison as a member of delegation of doctnrs. (4 min. sen - -- anon "to whose advantage is continuation of iran-iraq war*," (rpt persian 041500) (persian 1700) 8O (valentin kashin) in series "karl marx and india," pegged to marx's 100th death anniv, dealing with marx exposing exploitatior 1 JA&AA of inti? n farmers by british colonialists. (8.5 min: hind 1400) v r1 I 106 Of suvoral -- commentaru List: moscow consolidated 5 dec 83 d()rlr46 afghanistan }31 reports on exchange of greetings telegrams btwn cpsu cc/supsc and sov govt and rev cncl and govt of dra, re 5th anniv treaty of 3 Sh/9 friendship, goadnei4hboriinp-m-m 2,,4 ---- 1.L..._ CAWf., _- - - - . - ???,?,~, -_,"`n: ma y a k x421 O0 0-300 0400 0430 -Z;-- __ ~~ N w~ s0 /0 orbita 0004 0200 0300 home 0304 f r e n c h i n ter 04440 engna ,,0001 gasman 1Q00 polish 1400 mand 1230 lao 1300 hind if30 1400 d ur u 1200 1303 thai 1300 mandsea 1230p brief: tasse 0520 tassr Spanish 042230 greek 041900 frenchaf 042030 amharic 1530 mand 1.600 052230 mayak 1600 orbita 0001 0100 0104 0400 home (244 0500 enginter 1000 11.00 1200 1300 1500 spanla 0000-portbraz 2300- viet 1001300 1400) 0 5 n t-r 1983 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 82 anon kabul dispatch on babrak karmal's remarks at ceremony of receiving soviet party/govt greetings. (tasse 041959) rshP (5-3 min: enginter 1410 1510 211 finnish 1636 german 1600 persian 1500 1700- arabic 1720 swahili 1730 amharic 1538- bulgarian t630 hu~ Gu(Sd/ __zech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 hungarian 1730 2000 serbo-1700 5W COUI ndo L330 burm 1430; poor: albanian 1430) 8 ummaries sovetskaya rossiya intvw with afghan president sultan ali keshtmand re 5th anniv soviet-afghan friendship treaty. S( (tasse 040727) (5-3 min: enginter 0700 engna 0001 lao 1300) 8 On pegged to 5th anniv soviet-afghan friendship treaty, citing babrak karmal's kabul speech highlighting gains of april rev, expressing gratitude to ussr for its lib assistance' and condemning anti-afghan activities carried out. by impist nations. (5-4 ss-i-n : i n d o 1-c330 ur d u 1300) intvw with dra's cncl of min chmn, pegged to anniv of signing of ussr-afghan friendship treaty, pointing to favorable conditions brought on by treaty in terms of development of econ-trad coop bki0t)two countries. (3 min: viet +=Y) 86 domov on anniv of signing of friendship, coop treaty between a- a ka,~ 1 s1a~ sa q i.4q +re.a. - J #-LS i tne6r+- lP-dj- 'nl s ~ p-N Sss- tvaa,+,R+ ,~ S_;.IDn.ortaot ,ro,.P....n. etoop ID r~ss ~._. afgg~aoastao, sawn A ? aggro-Sl4on from outside forces. (5 min: mandsea 1230) 87 summary izvestiya on prc foreign minister xuegian's press conf remarks in ,jap city of nagasaki on problem of mediumrange armaments in europe. (350 text: tassr 1658) 15- r 05DE1'1983 88 "fraternal parties life" program: zagladin, dep chief of intl dept of cpsu cc, on development of communist, workers parties in world (4 min); report on party congress at grassroots level in mongolia (2 intro of "world daily" published by american communists in usa ( min); brief news on activities of fraternal parties, citing nodong sinmun article supporting andropov's recent stmt,,' teems (4 min). total 13 min: mand 0700) G,.drd oc/ ttS-/ 5-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Drogram for chi youths: youths life program: election campaigr of k.omsomol ends; polish journalist says polish youths support M,~slkSandropov`s stmt on euromissile issue, others (4._5 min); sov aeronautics prof talks about her recent book in which she recalls P2~ her, other sov experts' work, life in china in 1950s (24 min with s P. m u s . (total 28.5 min: mand 1600) -r east 90 introduction of new book published in moscow on minority ppl in se aria, noting social.ist transformation in srv has improved S C' ~~a living conditions of ppl of minority nationalities there. (4 /"sea 1230) min: ma I ar an communist LIOS C,J'IX16 Fr& r-t--Q- ? article by son khamvanvongsa, acting chmn of lpdr state cmtee for news agency, newspapers, radio, and tv, entitled "great oct rev and lao revolution," describing emergence of lao rev movt following introduction of marxism-leninism into indochina by ho hi minh, citing effects of defeat of fascism by sov red army on lao rev struggle against french colonialists and u.s. imperialism. U5 DEr, 1983 $2 anon on activities carried out during month of friendship 5- fn organized on occasion of 5th anniv of sov-viet treaty, incl G.NN,4 mtgs. J-~lm shows, exhibs. (8. 5 min: viet 1000) h v WI-56V 93 intvww with hanoi acupuncture institute director during his T ITq l-~2 8 P ussr visit, telling of acupuncturist achievements in srv, coop btwn v, viet public health min. (5 min: viet 1400) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 q take 7 of 7 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 dec 83 94 leonid krichevskiy on recent mtg of cema foreign trade commissi n. (rpt italian 031800) (serbo 1700) incl roundup econ successes in socialist countries. (rpt orbita 042330) (orbita 1030 1345 1430) 96 "practice of cooperation" feature: roundup reports on I socialist countries' econ and cultural cooperation. (25-20 min withugic: bulg 1690 czech/slovak 160 polish 1-400) "voices of friendship" program for gdr listeners. (rpt german 021700) (german 1000) 98 reports on 2 dec moscow mtg btwn soviet and polish foreign j,Pt S'ministers, gromyko and olszowski. (tasse 021805) va- -TV P (300-q I'D ,I e1I C?(f ( 6-4 m J - r L : , g r e e k 021900 031900) 99 yuriy kornilov on how usa, violating every norm accepted in relations btwn civilized countries, exploits its official mission in poland for carrying out subversive activities against in poland. (5 min, sent: polish 1500) uS G 10d diary of sov-yugo ties. (rpt serbo 041700) (serbo n 2000, Uu / jD 11J11 0 / 0 5 DEC 1983 101 literary talk based on book on lenin's life. (10 min: G persian 1800) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 1 ?- Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 Ul-S 102 summary yevgeniy rusakov pravda "space fever," on washinn`s space ambitions. (3 min, sent: mayak 0350) LL S 103 report on press article by boris paton, president of ukrainian acad sci, on sov space program in service of peace, and sov space propsects. 'Lpt finn 301630), (engafr 000 1-709--2Q00 ) 104 talk on peaceful prospects of soviet space projects, stresses peaceful purpsoe of projecvts such as weather O 5 foragers. * agriculture, others. (4 min: korean 1130-) 105 summary pravda editorial, 7 dec, devoted to importance of ensuring high quality in econ education. (orbita 2300) 106 report ,n cpsu cc and ussr council of ministers decisior on raising efficiency of utilizaiton of transport facilities C,PsU ICM oLt.C4sion3 and `:~3 safeguard fuel and lubricants. (220 text sent: mayak. 'f Yc~.^s by 1 i 40~ I P PuCI lifi,-5 107 "man and law": albert rozanov--chief of dept at rsfsr procuracy, and nikolay arestovich--ussr supreme court mbr, take part in program about recovery of losses caused by - II,. workers to enterprise, and criminal responsibility U~SJ~ for extortions in sphere of consumer services. (sent: U. S 5(,- ` 0 5 DE, 1983 108 yuriy rogachev on coming supsov session. (rpt enginter 01181A) (enginter 0730 1010 frenchinter 0421-00 spancuba-0100) Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 LLSs(L- ('55~-- Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5 109 aleksey (muskochev), head of natl program at sov health ministry, on sov health and annual checkups. (rpt enginter O3141fr4\(enginter 1010) 110 from here and there: incl item on rescue operations mounted to help soviet ships stranded in frozen northern seas. (rpt amharic 281530 on 29 nov list) (amharic 1530) 111 aleksandra volodina on soviet retail price policy, describing some recent price reductions, aim of which is to raise sov ppls living standard. (3 min: finn 1630) misc internal ussr items: 64 sov 9 democ 4 eur 7 northam 8 lftam 10 mideast 5 afr 6 asc 6 asnc 9 q vl+ o: enginter 1650 poorest: dari 1700 frenchafr 042030 kor 1330 poor: enginter 1000 greek 031900 engafr 042000 missed: czech/slovak 1700 part missed: polish 14000 ~,a l IOv~AlF Approved For Release 2009/07/06: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201620001-5