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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 tak4 1 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 26 oov S3 I Bergey alekseyev vietnam report, interviewing deputy editor of cp youth paper, who hails wisdom of andropov's stmt 2 x` V hi, i (2 VU STAT international diary 4 yu. kobaladze london report on continuing greenham protest. (one,min: home 1745) STAT rompo~ X M 004 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 summary gennadiy shishkin selskaya zhizn on shortsightedness of wy? is policy. (350 text sent: tasse 0745 tassr 0215) 8 reports datelined caracas and harare on how transnational com23nies plunder natural wealth of venezuela and other lat.in countries and role of barclays bank in south africa. (450 text: tasse 251732) STAT Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 al G spartak beglov on progress of new delhi summit o C0 tJ commonwealth heads of states, drawing attn to Indira gandhi's C speech and that of other delegates condemning u.s. for its aggression in grenada, discussion re econ development and (,~ S CrtAlQda- G C coop and elimination of remains of colonialism. (enginter 252110 071+ 0) 3 (vi t.s ktor savikov) noting concern registered at new delhi summit on activities of u.s. and others which aggravated situation in europe, grenada and elsewhere and quotes mrs gandhi's stmt in whicc+ she opposed use of force against any legally instituted govt,,, (4 min: hind 11130) 1. S 1:_'? time, events and ppl: incl anon on report back party conf taking place in capital of north ossetiya, corr meets two communists of kirov wagon repair works in ordzhonikidze. int , with first sec of industrial raykom of party on eve of conf; / anon on 40th anniv of gomel offensive; political observer vladimir tsvetov replies to listeners' ltrs on intnatl issues. (home 26NO'!1983 "listeners' program. (rpt persian 161700) (persian 1800) STAT Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 15 talks about communists: 40th anniv of struggle: devoted to founding of moroccan cp, which has become great gain for working moroccan ppl and important step in their struggle against col'3nialist domination, recalling contribution paid by moroccan communists in liquidating frenchmandate regime and other issues; muhammad abu sham'ah, mbr of palestinian epee, talks about Pd C.~s l -~ founding of palestinian cp in feb 1982 as organized vanguard of palestinian working ppl and how this was warmly received at time by masses, its anti-imperialism and pro-soviet foreign policy ~fJV~-S16 0 stressed sec gen of ppl's progressive party of guyana condemns u.s.,gression on grenada. (arabic 1530) U-S Vk V (LS `"~ airican mailbag: incl reply on how students from developing countries benefit from training in soviet union and brief biography 3 cosmonaut savitskaya and review of soviet space flights. (engafr 17 mailbag for british listeners: incl replies to listeners' ltr= =:n u.s. invasion of grenada, saying event has opened gees of 1p'_ who formerly had reservations about intentions of imp?r:alistic forces, other listeners also express indignation 4,~jvu(d4bo?J' invasion; listener feels britain, entangled by its blind 69renla eQ-,6- us 13 intvw with sarawar ali, president of bangladesh afro-asian soli.:arity cmtee, noting u.s. arms race everywhere in world and its attempt to aggravate peace in south asian by arming pakistan. a -C~sl4, thanking ussr for its help and assistance to bangladesh. (5 min: , . ben 500) 26 NOV 1983 S ~ . Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 sup:3rt for u. s. imperialism, may have difficulty in taking cont.-1-31 of its own destiny; littlehampton listener is told that morinans, like all other believers, are free to practise their religion in ussr, noting small groups of mormons, are found in western and southern parts of european ussr; listener who asks if current tense intnatl situation will.affect soviet participation in next year's olympics, is told "games represent fessivaI of world sport and intnatl situation will not affect,s.pviet decision to participate in games. (enguk 2000) UCS Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 taka 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 26 nov 83 disarm/peace 19 andropov stmt on deployment of u.s. medium-range missiles in europe. (ce 241811)_,(18-10 min: enginter 0910 frenchinter 252100 engna 0001 2300 german 25-1000 251600 251700 french 1630 italian 2000 Spanish 252000 252230 port 1800 finnish 1430 persian 1500 arabic 1730 turkish 253830 1400-frenchmag 252030 frenchafr 25202.0 serbo `-0 bulg 2.51630 romanian 251700 korean 0930 1130 ,dap 2.5-1000 251200 mandsea 1230 viet 1400 bur 25f030 251430 indo hnISS)/eS133*1 Urdu 1200 thai 11001 9-3 min: enginter 0710 10-tO frerchinter 202100 spancuba 0100 turkish 251830 engafr 202000 amharic i5S34~portafr 251230 czech/slovak 16-0-0 serbo 1700 albanian 251530/twine/ ,dap 251-000 251200/twice-/ hind 1130 bur 251-030 lao 103 2-1 min: enginter 0800 1000 1100-engna 0001 Spanish 252230 ssu maries Pravda e!-txLL al article. discussing wide-ranging support for andropov's stmt. (orbita 252..300) (6.5-5.5 min: orbi*a 0001 0200 home 0400 enginter 0710 1010 frenchinter 252100 eng.a~r 2526 0 portafr 251-S30 bur 1030 brief: frenchinter 252-t000 hunuian 12000 viet 1000) 21 summaries arbatov izvestiya on andropov's stmt. (tasse ~S 11(., 251-,I3) (5 min: enginter 1 10 21-10 serbo 2000) 00 indo 15OO~brurfl30 camb 1330 lao 1300) NO 983 22 valentin mashkin on andropov's declaration. (rpt portbraz 25230-) (spancuba 0100) DD y M'S C) 22 roundup favorable world reaction to andropov's stmt. quoting bloc and western press and personalities. (5-3 min: frenchinter C 2a2!!_',0 enginter 1410 1810 2110 german 1600 italian 1.800 spanish 1400 1500 czech/slovak 1600 hungarian 2000 serbo 17-00 urdu 52230 finnish 1630 turkish 1400 persian 1500 1700 1800 polish Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 24 roundup of intvws of ppl on moscow street approving 15 - andropov's stmt. (portbraz 252200) (Spanish 252000 german 4-700 Q,N\y~,~rv~6 PtIs-fiJ mand iel5 diet 1000) 25 reporters' accounts of rallies in support of andropov's stmt held in kiev and moscow and quoting speakers at rallies. C 1 (5. -'3 min: home 16170 1960 orbita 1600 1900 2200 enginter 181& spancuba 0100 finnish 1-630 polish 1500 hungarian 2000 26 anselmo septiem intvw with ruben Sousa, head of.panamanian (Lnl b /r` a. pp ,D, (0 (~S ~i~e d'' t of u. s. missiles. (5 min: spanla 2300) 7 report on rallies in cities and villages across ussr in Cl 1 ) sup;r ;rt for andropov's stmt. ulaanbaatar report citing montsame quoting statemt by mongolian president, yu. tsedenbal, expressing mongolian ~--ppl support for andropov's declaration. (text, 400 text sent: 29 czechoslovak political commentator on andropov's stmt hails stint, supports soviet overtures on nuclear arms reduction ~- in europe advanced at geneva talks. (4 min: bulgarian ,1r 25162" rean 1330) Iti-S --1-'( k' 2 G NOV 1983 a(-r^ viktor levin on publication by rude pravda on czssr cp stmt on start of preparatory work for missile deployment in country. C I. (sen^ home 1600 orbita 1600) b1p10 . tr ,s i 113 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 s party, expressing support for andropov's declaration on 1:1 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353ROO2201610006-1 G 31 summary anon pravda reviewing soviet documentary film "whence the threat to peace," saying it exposes instigators of war and warns about dangers flowing from their actions. (350 text: tasse 0610 tassr 0253) 3-2 summary nikolay polyanov Sovetskaya rossiya on rr ~~55~~cg euromissiles. (300 text: tasse 2207) Cdr LI. 33 tars political news analyst anatoliy krasikov on dangers of new u.s. missiles. (400 text sent: tasse 2023 tassr 1741) O zpl" - 4 D ry -csjb~~ L G C,--35 tars corn s. baikov on un 6th cmtees discussions about nuclear war threat. (350 text sent: tasse 1121 tassr,- 0737.) '3 uIaanbeatar report citing, montsame commentator on u.s. missiles and threat they pose to world peace, hailing andropov's Mt55I tact stmt saying it reflects ussr's peaceful policy. aym Alu,l (3 C_, text: tasse 1418) 37 soviet panorama: inci olga studentsova, of soviet students' (/lfi-a e and that antiwar demos are organized and supervised by aut;iorities, points to scale of such rallies and other peace acti.-Ins by young ppl. (9 min: enguk 2000) ___ 4 - 2 6 NOV 1983 "8 anon on worldwide antiwar, antinuclear movements and demos. V5 j10I (rpi, ixminter 251410) (frenchinter 2521,00 bulgarian 251530) 1\ LL C, 'JaVd, Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353ROO2201610006-1 cnci, on soviet students' involvement in peace movement, refuting ~~-western allegation that there is no youth peace movement in user STAT Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 US '1)c.p(o vv\CSb tak- 7 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 26 nov e2 :3y anon: deployment of u. s. missiles balancing nuke strength, but for winning initial victory in :?a," of limited nuke war. (5 min: mand 1230) u 16 german. 00? Lq Ipis ~2-) lS ,Pyto~ &jAl yr155 41 vladen kuznetsov: "the extent of danger" on deployment of u. s. intermediate-range adopted by frg missiles in europe, stating resolution bundestag was against-majority of-frg ppl and that the deployment of "perching-2" will by no means increase security of ra a (3 min erman 17`00 t I' 266 europe against missiles: (rpt german 251600) (port 1800 CE 4F r-4~ t( S ft "- ti?st'; ? r--- .k g LA_ -,., info about anti-missiles movement in frg, referring to a~ t Wactivities in ramstein and quoting from ex eneral C2t staremment by cssr comparty and others, including also `info from D4 IV r,,,A, 2 uk, and denmark. (4 min: german 1690) r,i[- "soviet firm stand": anon reviewing andropov's stmt b'(' 1 and condemn deployment of american missiles in europe. (Jty~Ar~ ~~v J7 44 t1 on settlement of-issue of reducing nuclear wepaons in europe" describes soviet stance on opposing u.s. deployment of cruise and pershing ii missiles in europe. (5 min, sent.: korean 1.330; 6-4 min enginter 1-410 spanla beng t50 bur 1430 urdu 1600 finnish 1630 turkish 1400 engafr 1700 2000 polish 1500 serbo 2000 camb 1330 lao 1300 230,3 ?nguk 2000 italian 1800 german .,7- anon intvw with 1300 indo 1300) 2 6 NOV 1983 composers of p. c (20 min, incl music: mand on their work 1~ Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 4b letters from italy: item presented by igor krymov and T -O giving roundup of ltrs on struggle for maintainance of peace and tc}/Isrevent arms race. (18 min: italian 2000) united states 47 viktor ilyichev on reagan signing bill for so-called new LL 48 youth program: incl report on moscow youth V'S democracy fund, (rnt enainter 251410) (frenchinter 2524-00 bulgarian VS rally against u. s. impism, referring to resolution adopted during IAS meeting (3 min: german f-7@A-) 417- highlights of 22 nov press conf held for 1 (~-S CIlk &rJ Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 sov and foreign journalists in kiev during which speakers exposed link of cia with organization of ukrainian nationalists. (tassr 11 220 dlp) (3. 5 min: engna 0001) answers to listeners' questions: responding to "listeners' hilt.:ry club" program, prof nikolay yakovlev says he was deeply moved that so many letters gave such a high appraisal of ussr's military efforts during ww2, citing examples which also criticized u. s. contribution, also scoring u. s. policy of cold war period, citing one letter that reagan's belligerent policy tow.rd ussr is a page from past, elaborating on contribution made by all three allies during war against nazi germany, recalling u.s. atom bomb dropped on japan and claims that u.s. intended to I " - Q'~r ., ,. ,.Inv ino, L(, S drop u ber of atom bombs on ussr after ww2. (engna 0001) S/ Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 TOPI 52 vladimir pozner 'daily talk' re nyt report that americans are buying more luxuries than ever before, noting this was supposed to be a sign of economic recovery, scoring u.s. authorities' capacity to ignore plight of america's poor, scoring motivations of american society and capacity of rich 5,7, yuryev discusses u. s. capitalist to 2300) aggression against grenada, underlines way this aggression demonstrates that washington does not intend to show due consideration for mvmt of nonalignment, citing u. s. c ~bdjjLyj aggression in lebanon, nicaragua, threats against S~J a--6L vlaccount of u. s. invasion of grenada. (rot engna 202300) CU,bQ.. (fin2-jh 1630) US u1i spanla QOOO) (rpt enginter 251531) (enginter 1531) Lc 54 boris nikolayev, third and last part eye-witness tuc summary of cottlmunique issued by argentine, bolivian, uruguayan and Chilean comparties on lib struggle of latam ppls against u.s. govt aggressive stand. (5 min: I_ 2 6 NOV 1983 chmn wpc, on week of solidarity with central america and Caribbean, on mass demos that took place in various parts of world in which ppl voiced their cond em,,nation of u. s. action against grenada, scoring u.s. buildup of forces in area and threat this poses for nicaragua and world peace generally. (3 min: Czech/slovak 1600 polish 4-500 serbp-700 2000 german 1600 italian 1800 finnish 1630) LS Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 - - /0 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201610006-1 57 anselmo septiem intvw with carlos soria, mbr bolivian comp.rty, on current situatiomn in bolivia and how democratic proc.jjsls was forged. (4 min: spanla 2300) 5B viktor olin on more signs that reagan admin is heightening its policy to nicaragua, noting cia report leaked, to media which says that since counter-rev groups have proved incapable of over' rowing sandinista govt in-nicaragua, theee should be tougher action and changes of emphasis in was?ington's anti-nicaraguan moves, maintaining new plans for toppling sandinista govt give counter-revs an auxiliary role, pointing out precedence is now given to what are called collective anti-nicaraguan actions with direct involvement CAA- of regimes in honduras, el salvador and guatemala. (3 min: enginter IL& "uruguayan panorama": ricardo saxiund on joint declaration rel '3,ed by comparties of argentina, uruguaya, bolivia, and chile on U. s. interference in latam; struggle for independences need for aVJ^Jl progressive econ measures against policies of imf; call for release U(VI of uruguayan and ch i lean 10 26