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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 G C take I of -avsral -- commentary.; list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 83 > co-=r anniversary 6658 i rorianov address at 5 nov kremlin celebratory meeting. Ltd (18 ,yin: turkish 054.-30; 15 min: hindi 1400; 14 min: ~ brad' pani~ 6. 5 min: sonali 071600; 2 min: turkish 05.1830) A-Ty reports describing soviet celebrations, red square military parade and civilian march-past and demonstration. (30 min, with 5 min ustinov: frenchinter 0100; 30 min; with 2 min ustinov: Spanish 072000; 29-29 min, with 4-3 min ustinov: turkish 071400 071630 dari 071700 engafr 072000 portafr.071830 amharic 071530 Somali 0-7-1600 frenchmag 0720-30 kor 1130 1330; 19 min: Berman 1000; 10 min,,.~ncl 2 min ustinov: Spanish 072230) 14 tinov speech at 7 nov red square parade. (tasse 070(300) (2. 5 .-,in, amharic 071530; 2-1 min: frenchinter 072-100 german-1000 1603 mandsea 1230 mand 0700 1230 1600; brief: enginter 0800 0980 1000 1400 1200 1-300 1400 1500 1600 1800 1900 frenchinter 17001\ angna 0001 spanla 0000 spancuba 01-00 french 1830 italian 1-800 port G~shad/ SPC'r- 1800 Spanish 072-230 finnish 16630 greekcy 1800 somali 07-x600 hung t730 2000 serbo 1700 2000 hindi 1130 urdu 1200 viet 1000 1300 1ADO 0 8 NOS11983 summary 8 november pravda report on 7 nov red square parade and demonstration, incl 2.5 min quotes ustinov speech. (rpt orbita72300,) (8. 5 min: orbita 0001 home 0400) pravda editorial, 9 nevember, on celebrations of 66th anniversary of gosr. (orbita 2300) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 C 665(1- 0, n1N 0z"t(, n) awebdtj -hku NdI 5pc Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 6 summaries tikhonov speech at 7 nov kremlin reception. (.Tauak 071100) (5-3 min: spancuba Ot,00 greek 1-600 greekcy 1400; 2-1 min: orbita 0001 0104 enginter 0800 0900 1000 1100 1.200 133-00 1400 150i-frenchinter 072-LOO engna 0601 spanish 072230 It - ge.rman 1600 turkish 1400 beng 150$ mandsea 1220 jap 071200 hindi 140 urdu 1200 1300+-,rnand 0760 1230 lao 1020 1300 viet 1000 1300 14G_ kor O 3O 1130 1330; brief: orbita 0100 home 0204 05.00 spanla reports on 7 nov kremlin reception to mark anniversary. (4 min, incl 3 min tikhonov speech: enginter 10-10 lao 1030; 3.5 min, incl 2. 5 -m n tikhonov: enginter 071-0) ecial program marking anniversary. (rpt enginter 070910) G -- (0,,J&L" (114 ,*i- enginter 0710 1010) special program marking anniversary: bert whyte on theme of peace dominating celebrations (rpt engna 010001); dmitriy linnik and aleksandr gurnov report on moscow street celebrations that continued late into night, interviewing revellers and describing festive scent; (mays ivanova) interviews prof stefan (grabchuk), 84-year-old gosr veteran, on his experiences during gosr; vladimir pozner criticizes new book by former nyt moscow bureau chief david shiplar entitled "russia -- broken idols, solemn dreams," saving continued achievements of soviet people under socialism spear for themselves and asking if all this could have occurred without socialism and faith that shipler claims no longer exists in ussr. (overal-1,25 min: engna 0001; pozner only: engna 2300) 10 feature marking gosr anniversary, recalling events of it revolution quoting lenin and others on socialism, soviet union and peaca,-. (25 min, interspersed with music: polish 1400) "the russian revolution and german cultural workers,' quoting east and west german writers and poets on worldwide significance of revolution and carrying revolutionary songs. (14 miry;, german 1600) - '08 NOV 1983 special program marking gosr: andropov's recent peace proposals quoted. (15 min: amharic 071530) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 6 9 13 'special program on gosr "increase your knowledge of soviet union": features interview with soviet writer (alin shukov); -i 2nlNi~/ evolution of October revolution; african people's views on equalit of soc ,..klism. (15 min: Somali 071600) do5X 14 - special feature, pegged, introducing statements by soviets gains of revolution; outline of right enjoyed by soviet people, partij's social program; quotes african correspondents on importance of gosr and peace, praising soviet policies on peace and nat,'na)ities. (20 min: engafr' 072000) saic, devoted to gosr. (rot Dort 061800) (port 1800) 1`2vanOn on 66th anniv of gosr. notes interview with (wasimi ycrigeno\), one of oldest comparty members, recalling time before sccialist revolution, cil'cunstances of revolution; lenin's letter of appeal to people calling for establishing soviet government, progress of revolution; detailed description of revolution, adoption of soviet laws, including land law, land reform in accordance with this law, introduction of social security y system, of plants formerly owned by capitalists, lenin's sY?a,_h recorded by 1.919 defining socialist govt, etc. (17 min, l n c l music: kor 070930) 3 - .08 Nov 1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Is take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 83 l 091505 17 anon on gosr, briefly citing recollection of gosr by (agripina kurorova), member of lenin party and deputy to second soviet assembly, notes lenin's declaration of law of soviet 08571E QWN(d government, lenin's call for ending war, for peace for people, for ending oppression. repeatedly stresses peace. again notes reference by leaders of coma nations to dangerof arms race perpetrated by usa and its allies, socialist internationalism, ~,. zhivkov`s reference at moscou meeting held in 1982 to mark 60th anniv of founding of ussr tosoviet aid to rural areas in bulgaria, A -Ly socialistties, economic cooperation among cema nations, talk by aleKsandrov, president of academy of sciences of ussr, on program r for developing soviet people's economy adopted at cpsu congress held in 1782, increase of labor productivity. (15 min, incl music: kor ar.drey shepilo-v presents second part of feature giving john reed's account of historical events of october, 1917, in Petrograd, f in his book "10 days that shook the world." also tells of reed's death from typhus in ussr in 1920. (19 min: engna 2300) G 19 youth program: incl report on views of soviet workers about L----- aip and ideals of gosr. (5 min: dari 1700) 08 NOV 1983 20 reviewing your letters: incl review of and thanks for C-- ~( listeners' congratulations onCosr anniversary, acknowledgement letters praising soviet peace policy. (engna 0001) 21 text of congratulatory telegram from afghan to soviet fI leaders. (riot j ri 051.700 on , nov list) (dari 071700) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Not 1, tx(l n 4. ger,nan -1600 italian 1600 finnish 1630 french 1620 dari 17-GO persian 1500 170) 1600 arabic 1734 t k (-7 , S n"1/ S ~~ ur 1400 greek 1%0 albanian 1530 bul nei1nL,~- 1630 polish 1500 serbo 1700 2000 lao 1300 mand 1230 kor 1330 camb I, NAY 330 th i 1100 indo 1330 1500 urdu 1300 bong 1500 bur 1420) K ken( ( ~ o(i1.. /( 9 beyand ussr's borders, such as in angola, which has chosen path of social in. set bylenin. - (5 min: portafr 18.`33) / t 24 "),lag? Of a communist" program: comparty leaders from (3b h vto- I~Yu.C(f-a (~rJ vv?~JhNa~ 25 intervieU with cuban (deputies) who are attending g osr celdorac_.;,ns, on u. s. invasionof grenada and on October revolution. G Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 22 anon eons reviewing goer celebra_ions throughout ussr and in other countries, brieflyquotingustinov red square and tikhonov 7 nov kremlin reception speeches; remarks in praise of leninist ideals and revolution by statesmen and press of bloc and capitalist countries: remarks b foreign y guests in ussr on impressions of gosr celebrations. (10-4 min: enginter 1-410 1840 21+0 portbraz 2200 wy jQ., .e uz o, ieaoer of angolan to delegation to moscow gosr celebrations and member of central council of national union of angolan workers, on gosr's political and historic significance bolivia. uruguay, argentine, ussr and others talk about gosr and differences between capitalism, socialism, communism, etc. (20 min- anla 0000) 26 turkish war veterans talk about gosr and lenin. (6 min, poor, tjurkish 1400) 27 aleksandr guly-ekovskiy report on 7 november moscow festive rally and troupe parade and interview with guests from frg about their impressions of ceremonies and on international role of October r volution. (9 min: german 1700; 6 min: german 1000) /--~ 60 9( --- -? pvelu ana critic of bangladesh, on gosr, noting It significance or revolution to soviet people and people ofother 0 8 NOV 1983 9eorgiy shakhnazarov "gosr and global peace." trpt german ~'1~") ) (13-9. 5 min: german 1000 17-00 italian 2000 port 1800 gre'ekcy - d1.0 GA4" ie..ori Polish 1400 kor 09-30 viet 1300 mand 1600) n r3) _ S A0V Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 /6 (5 min: beng 1500) 5 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 a C 05R- 30 georgiy shakhnazarov "gosr and real socialism." (rpt OjMiv ennin$?r_772010) (10-8 min: enginter 0910 turkish 1400 hung 17.30) 44 peace. critizies uashington's policy on lebanon, grenada and q~ J,~l~icaragua and its theory of limited nuclear war. P.eaffirms soviet resolve to support national liberation struggles. (5-3 min: enginter d,~ 1610 2110 portbraz 2200 23-00 spanla 2300 german 1600 italian 1.800 eng 20-00 persian 15C0 1700 hung 2000) I 0?1530 e. c 3 yuriy soltan "october and peace." states that ussr consistently pursues policyoi peace and has done since bolsheviks came to power. Briefly quotes andropov on soviet dedication to finnish 1620 dari 1700 arabic 1730 turk 1400 greek 1900 portafr 1830 czech/slovak 1600 polish 1500 serbo 1700 2000 urdu 1380 beng 1500 bur 1430Tindo 1330 1501) carob 1330 lao 130-0 kor 1330; anon: tiS take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 83 vladi:mir ilyin on significance of gosr, on good cooperation between fraternal socialist countries within cema and Warsaw pact, referring to recent peace statements. (5 min: romanian 1700) anon on meaning of october revolution. historic background on revolution headed by lenin, and social development in socialist coup ..P5 s. (10 min: spanla 2300) a 34 anon on 66th anniversary of october revolution. report from Moscow on festivities and interview with several latin american Comm?inist representatives onmeaning of this event. (6 min: I 35 lensov on gosr anniv, quoting srv leaders' greetings, recalling past soviet-viet interchanges. (5 min: viet 1000) Cubans attending gosr celebations in moscow give their imprssions. (spancuba 0100) 0 8 NOV 1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 7 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 G 6 b5(L )lov on sou foreign policy since gosr, underlining support for L 3' yevgeniy ivanov on principles of soviet foreign policy, as proclaimed by lenin after rev: the issue of peace, saying principle remains relevant today, referring to andropov's 28 sop stmt, stressing need for peaceful co-existence as advanced by lenin and developed by andropov. (4 min: enguk 2000) other countries' struggle to break free from foreign control. (5.5 ,A-in: mandsea 1230) 39 intvw with krishan iyer, mbr of presidium of india-soviet cultural organizatin who attended oct rev.funcitons in moscow, congratulating soviet ppl for their achievements through implementation of scientific socialism programs and chides u.s. for its aggression and invasion in world. believes after grenada u.s. might invade another part of world and 4i/4S/CV4hereby jeopardize peace. Hails soviet peace proposals and LadS and ai," socialist countries. (B min: lao 1030) socialist govts and countries following socialist development path: items on coop among cema mbr states and current NOV o s 1983 sityion in guinea. (3 min: amharic 071530) 42 time, events and ppl: incl petr fedorov on ltrs from radio l~tl~~ ,, ~OS~ and other parts of world, lauding soviet peace policy. its close friendship with india. (:5 min: hind US 40 recorded intvw with son khamvanvongsa, head of lao press delegation to conf of editors of fraternal parties' newspapers in mo:cow, given at red square while vi'ewing celebration of g:sr, noting his impression on might of soviet &.nJN//union and his confidence in this country's efforts to defend peace (4 ryfi:) home 0900 orbita 0900) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 i 43 "talking with you" feature: vyacheslav rostovtsev answers ltrs from listeners on soviet foreign policy, namely on soviet Pla P / position re arms race, installation of missiles.-in europe, invasion ,/a F(W with niragua. (10 min: portbraz 2300) "VI _ t1S - - -- - --------I. --? .-y .,. z a., a , anJsuoing listeners poem about u.s. aggression in grenada; note on celebration of gosr anniv. (finnish 1630) &65(Z. QNNI /- of grenada by u.s. and also on coop with brazil in building hydroelectric dams, etc, most listeners express solidarity take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 83 1d091531 l?('K_ 45 best letter of the month by nikolay ivanov: quotes listeners' frc 4.e O ltrs from Syria, algeria and saudi arabia expressing concern at 05 acts of present american admin and its nato allies, france and britain, in form of intervention abroad, u.s. milit ambitions in (ambit 1500) LL'f space u's . 46 resume of soviet press on u.s..development of nuclear weapons, quoting new times, krasnaya zvezda, pravda, trud and androp 7- IF replies to pravda. (enginter 2010) UIS 4 new york report onb soviet union's reply. included along with replies from other countries in un sec gen's report on regional disarmament. (300 text sent: tasse 1325 tassr 1150; brief: enginter 1600 1700 1800 1900 2100 enguk 2000 french 1830 port 1800 .i;.:.... y .. STAT finn' O Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 49 (viktor ilichev) on socialist countries' role in struggles for us.versal peace. 50 (rpt Persian 041700) (Persian 1800) S vladislav kozyakov on pp, M~I(in britain and frg. STAT uJ (-k S (rpt engna 050001) (engna 2300) preps for deployment of new missiles ('vuscihs f prgram in new series "all about cruise missile," nikolay borin deals with nuclear weapons which are about to be deployed on british soil, and intrvs dr vadim sobakin, leading ert on milit and political aspects of medium range nuclear ex p Uk- P~p1oy N,;,.,,,/,,weapons, says both perching and cruise missiles are equally 53 "for disarmament, detente and cooperation," feature: 0d.Q4A4r)cl mikhail dobrov on demonstrations held in italy against (j )0 log deployment of new american medium-range nuclear missiles. (sent: us fui5 SI Te( i to l ' n 2000) fIIII 54' radio forum for peace and security in europe: roundup of various peace rallies held in ussr, with voice-experts of one of Peertt- the speakers followed by extracts from listeners' ltrs AA2 praising ussr for its peace efforts and review of various peace proposals put forward by ussr, scoring U.S. aggressive policy. (9 min,;,~ort 1-500 italian 2000 german 1600 finnish 1630) (.s nikolay gratsianov on Banish parliament's initiative for halting increase in nuclear arsenals. (`pt anon finnish 061630) - -7- ( f i n n i h 1630) 0 8 NOV 1983 66 I f _AA-4 Gt S a~ plv~/ 10 M1551 Ilef Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 2000 dangerous, both are first-strike weapons and are designed to destroy mainly command posts, centers of political and military ldrship and means of communications, and are intended to paralyze milit apparatus for few hours enabling longer range inter-continental weapons to be put into action. (5 min: enguk Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 united states 56 summaries pravda "wasshington's adventurism," on aggressiveness and adventurism of u.s. imperialism, re grenada invasion, war against nicaragua, operation in lebanon, and approach ~~ - toarms race. (300 text sent: tasse 0717 tassr 0001; 4-3 min: `~~/(t.S'Id ma k 0350 enginter y'a 1410 1810 2110 german 1.600 italian 1800 finnish ' 1.630 dari 1700 persian 1500 1700 arab 1730 turk 1400 greek J"AA~~ 1900 bulg 1630 polish 1500 hung 2000 serbo 1700 2000 bur 1430 indo 1-33q 1500 lao 1300 kor 1330; not attributed to pravda: mand 1230; poorest: b u l g 1630) U'S ZS U_ S eorgiy shakhnazarov on u.s. adventurous policy: reagan believes that roosevelt is his master, but present u.s. admin has mor edangerous means at its disposal; aggression of grenada is example of this policy; no circumstances can excuse u.s. nvasion; will to deploy new euromissiles is characteristic and ominous; peace mvt embraces broad milieux throughout europe;. pp 1 ri ze dangers of u. s. 1 policy. (7 min: polish 1500) ?V 58 prof nikolay yakovlev n 50th aniv sov-u. s. relations. (riot US 52300) (engna 0001) stmt by soviet poet yevgeniy dolmatovskiy, war veteran and eye witness to historic linkup of soviet and u.s. troops in elbe in ap 945. (riot enana 040001). (engna 2300) cam- ~ ~ s grenada invasion 0 8 NOV 1.983------ I 0 / 60 tas corr vladimir mostovets new york report on u.s. occupatior IAW4 S Id 4j troops' hunt for patriots in grenada. (400 text sent:tasse 1833 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 (S Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 .I 61 "world condemns" feature on u.s. invasion of grenada: it is now difficult to get reliable info from grenada. weinberger has not given exact date for compllee withdrawal of u.s. forces. reagan is distorting real situation in grenada. ppl in grenada have rejected u. s. invasion. foreigners who lived in grenada ,~ ^ fLn~ _--"" report on criminal treatment by u. s. soldiers in grenada. efe ~J L reports on remarks made by former domincan president bosch saying if n U wALL (900,0&X-f4 that reagan's name will end up in trash can. soviet tv carries remarks on venezuelan communist party sec gen condemning invasion of grenada. pravda comments on world condemnation of grenada's invasion. (10 min: spanla 2300) Gtr Take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated B nov 03 I.d091532 62 volodia teitelboim on solidarity with grenada by chilean organizations nyt criticized reagan admin. Reagan doctrine has been isolated at un. even u.s. allies did not support reagan. intl observers say that grenada's invasion is repetition u~#-, of monroe doctrine. socialist intl labels invasion as incompatible kc with intl law. castro said invasion was political mistake. benjamin spock labeled reagan as trigger happy. (12 min: spanchile 2100) u 6 08N0'/1983 -1 ,OAWJ'*4--' 63 pope and katia on u. s. invasion of grenada. U. s. operation against grenada did not start on 25 oct but on 13 mar 1979 when dictatorship was overthrown. historic background of grenada given. report on social conditions in grenada during dictatorial regime, after armed insurrection on 13 mar 979, and cuban coop for building airport and developing country. (18 min: spanchile 2130) n Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 4mericas 64 new york report on 8 nov address to unga by indian unga rep singh on question "situation in central america: threats to intl peace and security and peace initiatives." (400 text: tasse 2034) 65 (carlos jorqueda) reports from bulgaria on ninth conference of construction workers. intvw with union reps on chilean struggle against pinochet. (6 min: spanchile 2100) by deployment of u.s. intermediate-range missiles in west europe 66 "good evening, austria" program for austrian listeners: aleksandr gulyakovskiy intvw with austrian comparty mbrs attending 7 nov festive rally in moscow marking 66th anniv of gosr, on chiavements of revolution and sov peace policy (5 min); intvw with austrian political scientist (herbert steiner) by nikolay yolkin on peace actions in austria and threat posed (total 18 mnin, inci rev songs: germaust 2000) 7 "glance at british scene": vladimir golovin dicusses term thatcherism which as is known is based on notorious strict economy drive aimed at sharply weakening state's economic activity. but strict economy theory was created as far back as 25 yrs ago or so in usa by noted economist milton friedman and his followers at chicago university. according to friedman to conquer inflation govt should cut expenditures which lead to money surplus in economy, and consequently to growth of prices. margaret thatcher nor her assoc tee have elaborated anything new. (3 min: enguk 2000) / 0 8 NOV 1983 (.c s 6 yuriy:(lubanov) giving profile of young portuguese communist paul ,oncalves. (rot cortuouese 061800) (port 1800) review of soviet-italian trade and recent exhibition of ~Wj ital' n agricultural machinery in moscow. (italian 2000) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 70 report. on cpsu cc condolence msgIvo finnish cp cc and op5a all finnish communists on death of Ville pessi, rpominent figure ? ~avtdul" Ce- in Finnish and intl communist and working class movt and honorary chmn of finland cp. (150 text sent: tasse 1435 tassr 1348; 1 train: home 1-6M orbita 1600 ens inter 22M Pnnna 22nn) 71 'friendship panorama" on sov-finn relations: report on event held in moscow to mark gosr anniv and start of sov-finn friendship month, attended by over 250 Finnish tourists, quotin from s ee h g c ud 0P chM p ~irJ1d- 005tZ- of prominent ldr of ussr-finland society, noting role of firendship NMV It .` k ). (finnish 1630) take 6 of several -- commentar'a list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 33 72 aleksandr fedorov on tanzanian economy. (r pt engafr 051700) (en4r 072000 1700 2000) 73 aleksandr (kirin) on report issued by ap in Paris that western countries and certain intnatl financial organs have agreed to give W L4 all- ou d aid to Somalia. (sent: engafr 1700 2000) 74 aleksandr fedorov on societies in good relations. speech in reply by journalist from tiedonantaja noting that ussr is hope of world (5._;_ intvw with eino saeaeskilahti, finnish war veteran who visited ussr and talks about coop btwn soviet and Finnish public circles in north, noting progress of peace work, mentioning north calotte conf next ,dune in luleaa, outlinig coop btwn rovaniemi and angolan independence anniv to be marked 11 nov, noting since independence angola has been fighting new enemy, that of u. s. -backed south african racist regime, stressint u.s. interference in angolan affairs is also connected with ~a protecting capitalism in southern africa, maintaining racists and their u.s. backers should understand it is not for them to decide angola's future. (3 min: engafr 072000; attrib belkin: ports 18'30) 1c 0 8 NOV 1983 ~S \ Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 75 grigory yefimov re armed forces day in benin. (rpt engafr 261700) (engafr 072000) 76 yuriy (rogov) on reagan's attempts to life restrictions on aterican exports to south africa. (sent: engafr 1-700 2000) rrideast P4 U ptbtt;~b_ 77 soviet press on zionist theory and practice. (rpt enginter 072010).(enginter 1531) poem by tawfiq ziyad, palestinian poet: freedom or death. c 1530) 79 andrey (mitserenko), economist, on anniversary of embargo on arab oil in oct 73; giving factual flash-back on cause of embargo, monopolist exploitation and israeli aggression, inflation in west and desire to get rid of subservience to west. (-arabic 1730) 80 item referring to soviet policy on iran. (8 min, poorest: per$ 1\ 1800) report on bock by soviet iranologist (artyum arabajan) published by ussr science academy in which he discusses iranian economy, book discusses how baselessnes of shah's econ policy was (7 nin: persian 1700) anon on earthquake in eastern turkey, criticizes western media for their attempts to show soviet union responsible for it due to n`lear tests. (3 min: turkish 051830) 83 anon on continued anti-govt and anti-u. s. demos in pakistan, and reg4me's increased milit coop with u. s.. (5 min: dari 1700) US V 64 yevgeniy sergeyev while hailing achievements of oct rev and its effect on independent nations of world, states that india got great incentive from it and ppl like mahatma gandhi, nehru and poet tagore wished for success of socialism which brought exploitationless society in world. also hails in this context. growing india-soviet econ and tech coop and india's progress after pandence. (10 min: hind U-30 urdu 1200) / "108 NOV 1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 I afghanistan ?& V_ Is fati dra," reviewing expansion of soviet-afghan relations and coop following april rev, also ussr's intnationalist assistance to dra, including milit aid to repel foreign aggression. (6 min: dari 71700) U 86 2d and last in series of talks entitled: "the great oct and Ct -PI 4X& ^1 LZC 85 anon kabul dispatch on increase in production of gas, chemical fertilizers, and food grains in afghanistan and welfare measures for afghan ppl by present regime despite undeclared war unleased by Washington through Pakistan territory. (4-3 min: enginter M10 1810 21-10 german 1-600 italian 1800 finnish 1639 persian-1500 1700 arabic - 730 turkish 1400 greek 1900 bulgarian 1-630 polish 1500 hungarian 2000 serbo 1700 2000 urdu 1.300 beng 1 -) (AS 87 recorded remarks by afghan poet wahhab na'stuh on freedom of religion in afghanistan. St youth program: incl intvw with mbr of an afghan cia has extended its support and patronage to afghan counterrev ldrs, scores cia's lies and rumors against afghanistan, and involvement in drug-trafficking. there are also cia ties with secret services of other countries, particularly britain, in waging subversion against afghanistan. b t this. (enginter 1531) N journalistic delegation that recently visited ussr, elaborating on newspapers and magazines that are published for afghan youth. (4_.m-tr,: dar i 1700) 69 oleg nikolayev on cia subversion against afghanistan, re newsweek leading story in 10th issue devoted to cia, quotes from newsweek in cia in afghanistan, notes as early as in 1978 cia drew up detailed plan to wage undeclared war against afghanistan and that (rpt persian 061700) (persian 1700) LtS newsweek *.aid-nat Ong N0'! 19,83 U-f Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 WS STAT Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 take 7 of several - commentary list: noscow consolidated 8 nov 83 1_dO91615 china 90 program for chi armymen: lavrov recalls sov-chi milip frship in 192 and 30's. (7 min: mand 1600) f ass /far east 5,S 91 "peace and disarm" program: yuriy afonin: "two policies in aria," on reagan's visit to asia. contrasting u. s. policy of turning ,dap into u.s. nuke bridgehead with sov policy of turning asia^ into cor,tiantn of peace, trust and coop. (8 min: jap 071000) 92 vsevelod ovchinnikov pravda questions why reasgan has singled out japan for visit, noting it is hoped that contact will prevent trade complications from aggravating. however, more important than trade and econs is political consideration, quoting yomiuri (eng-inter 2010 tcS 94 nikolay lutsenko on reagan's asian tour, which centers on u.s. pansionism worldwide. (sent: nayak 1030) vladimir borolev on planned arrival of u.s. president reagan in tokyo and visit to south korea. (3 min, sent: korean 1330; 4-3 min: enginter 1410 18tO 2110-italian 1800 german 1600 Bari 17-00 polish 1500 serbo 1700 2000 mand 1600 lao 1300 carob 1-330 urdu 1300 beng 1500 bur 1430 indo 1330 1500; anon: Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 96 oleg alekseyev on reagan's tour of japan and south korea. (sent:, " inter 1531) GCS ---a V? V.s. president reagan's ucoming visit N-- to ,)a n and south korea. (rpt thai 051100) (9 min: bur 1030) u s 13 vladimir viktorov noting pentagon's plan to deploy medium JaPar St3teg lc jet bombers in those countries. (rpt burm 051030) (6 min: - Ozpl~N S, kC)rcz thai 1100) cl-s range nuclear missiles in Japan and tok in addition to 99 grammatikov hails results of 114 '5dV vier (5. 5 nin: viet 1300) ppl, stressing fraternal relations btwn two ppls. (rpt viet 061000) (3.5 min: sov pty, govt deleg's visit to 100 (chinoyorskiy), veteran cpsu mbr, greets viet vie 4G0) U, east europ? 101 below on close coop among mbr states of socialist community. S (6.5 I,,e~era n d 0700) a11t,1i0, 6LL(c of i C', 102 aleksandr nikolayev on influence of oct rev and leninist ideas on ppls rev and communist movt in albaniam, mentioning patriotic figures and imprtance that communist press of time in albania gave to socialist rev in soviet union. (5 min, poor: albani 1530) 103 item on soviet-bulgarian friendship and coop. (4 min, poor: _U.ulg 1630) 104 feature describing some of events of month of soviet-czechoslovak/-friendship and coop btwn soviet and czechoslovak. workaf-s) (10 min: czech/slovak 1600) 105 "concert tour posters": forthcoming soviet musicians' trips to yugoslaviam, with musical illustrations. (13 min: jcLc1D 2000 -- (7 F1)V 1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 /0 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 socialism 6 avda on socialism and peace. (4 min: turk 071400) 107 vladi,iir kudryavtsev on implementation of principles of soci4k t democracy in ussr. (rpt finn 031630) (finn 1630) 08, talk by (kali,n sarafi), president of natl cultural organization of bangladesh, on virtues of socialist system and it brings all-round prosperity to mankind and economic progress. (6 wt b e n g 1500) U 55(L 109 feature on 40th anniv of great victory and ussr supsov 41 IIM ,,/ decree at tire instituting military orders of victory and glory. ot* stint by It gen oleg (kupriyanov), head of board responsible for conferring officer tanks and awards of ussr ministry of defense Su~161~ S ~AL~ and participant in great fatherland war, on milit circumstances at time awards were instituted ( min); intvws with two such veterans on their pride at being awarded honors; feature concludes with extract of voice recording of marshal shukov at victory day parade. (12 ,in, incl martial music, fyi sent: mayak 1530) 110 talk by col aleksandr orlov, milit historian, on autumn 1943 which represented turning point in war against hitler's army in russia and led to liberation of ukraine. (10 min: polish 6 min: Italian 2000 enginter 1531) .,(~~- 08NOV1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 take 8 of 8 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 8 nov 83 111 scientific observer on last week's unique experiment by Salyut- cosronauts. (3 min: portafr 1830) assn- 112 sci and tech: incl report on observation of famous halley 5 5 R ~7 comet (hung 2000) f 1 e in ussr C9 0S 113 valeriy sergeyev on intensified activities of soviet workers CAN ~; L-Ssn' in h r of 66th gosr anniv. (4 min: german 1700) details of state prizes awarded on eve of gosr anniv. uSSP tl (rpt en inter 062110) (5 min: persian 1800) r I.S5A- tk 5 5 R-- (6 min: greekcy 1800) 117 volodina on guaranteed social. welfare benefits enjoyed u. -) ,? F-- by so'pl. (7.5 min: mand 1230) LLS'S1- f'cl a N~_ 115 (arlov) on constitution-guaranteed rights of sov citizens. (6. 51mi : mandsea 1230) 116 aleksandra volodina on sov citizens' security for future as result of sov socialist system. 118 vladinir gureyvich, novosti observer, re belfast listener who has heard radio moscow talk of great econ progress in ussr and questions why should per capita natl income be lower there than in most western countries; gureyvich agrees that growth rates in ussr are higher than in west, but ravages of wwii hit ussr harder than anyone e1Se. sov economists believe incomes in west are U NO\' 1?83 ove stated. (poor: enginter 2010) Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6 L- SS(V 119 yuriy rogachev reply on employment in ussr, explaining unemployment was liquidated in 1930 with industrialization of country. full employment is ensured by public ownership of means of production and planned economy. right to work is guaranteed by sov constitution and is also protected by tus. (5 min: enginter 09,1.6) 120 (biltian) on development of education in ussr since gosr. (7.5 mA: ,rand 0700) 121 (giliyanov) on cpsu policy of equality toward nationalities in ussC\ (7 nin: mand 0700) 1222 anon on cultural benefits that federal structure of ussr brings to each republic. These benefits are evident in all arts, particularly theatrical arts. moscow university graduate art critic, studying development of theatrical arts-in repblic, --- ~? Same gosr. ( min: enguk 2000) '?' +~ -will uescriolgn hwo nationalities problem -?? -2 -'pv enginter 072010) (enginter 1531) item on muslims in soviet union. (poorest: Persian 1800) 125 visitors: members of Japanese automobile industry to deleg.ion: Spanish 062230 , 126 misc internal ussr items: global 4 sov 10 democ 6 eur 7 latam 4 mideast 1 ascom 1 asnoncom 3; linked to gosr: yugo id 2 ? - east Y arr 1 ascom 1 enginter 1650 czech/slovak 1700 poor: engna 0001 enginter 2000 engafr 1700 Persian 1800 missed: frenchafr 072030 part missed: finnish 1630 c `r'CV 1983 Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600002-6