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Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 OIL, 84-1299 9 April 1984 Legislation Division Office of Legislative Liaison SUBJECT: Substitute to H.R. 3987, the "National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1984" 1. Attached for your information, review, and comment is an amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 3987. My understanding from a conversation with staff on the House Government Operations Committee this morning is that Chairman Brooks will offer the attached substitute at a Committee mark-up tomorrow morning and this will be the version of the bill, with some minor technical changes, which will be reported out of the full Committee. 2. The purpose of this legislation, as explained to me by staff, is to make it clear that the Archivist will have the authority to determine what constitutes an agency record. This is supposedly in response to the litigation which concerned the papers of former Secretary of State Kissinger and the dispute over what constitutes personal papers versus agency records. 3. In reviewing the substitute bill, please note the following three different provisions dealing with access to and inspection of federal agency records by the Archivist-- (1) proposed subsection 2104(f) on page 4; (2) proposed subsection 2906(a)(2) on page 21; and (3) proposed subsection 3301(b) on page 32. Committee staff are aware of the inconsistencies and redundancy of these provisions. I indicated that on initial reading I felt the Agency would certainly want the language in proposed subsection 2906(a)(2) to govern the inspection of records since this would be a continuation of the current statutory language which provides recognition of the special nature of national security information by making the inspections "...subject to the approval of the head of the agency concerned or of the President." du- ~~1L2e12a Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 4. Committee staff indicated that there is no intent to disrupt or carve away any of the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence to protect intelligence sources or methods or to change our current relationship with National Records and Archives regarding the disposal of records. The response to my inquiry as to the possibility of inserting a sentence in the substitute regarding the DCI's authority was negative; however, I was assured that this could be made clear in the Committee report to the substitute bill. 5. There is as yet no clear indication as to how long it will take the Committee to complete a report once the Committee has voted on a bill. I indicated to staff this morning that I would be circulating the proposed substitute bill to concerned components within the Agency today and that I would be back in touch as soon as I had received their comments. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could review the attached as quickly as possible so that we can have timely input into the drafting of the Committee report and decide what our position should be on the legislation as it proceeds to the House floor. Please feel free to relay your comments either in writing or by telephone Legislation Division Office of Legislative Liaison Attachment As stated Distribution of i 4ird'17vOLL Chrono, w/att. 1 - DDA, w/att. 1 - C/IPD/DDA, w/att. 1 - C/OIS/DDA, w/att. 1 - C/IMS/DDO, w/att. 1 - IRO/DDI w/att. 1 - IRO/DDS , w/att. 1 - IRG/OS w/att. 1 - C/L&LD/OGC, w/att. 1 - C/ALD/OGC, w/att. 1 - D/OLL, w/att. 1 - DD OLL w/att. 1 - LD/OLL, w/att. 1 - LEG File: GSA/NARS Access to Records, w/att. 1 - KAD Signer, w/att. LEG/OLL grf (9 April 1984) Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKSZL4 AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE TO H.R. 3987 OFFERED BY MR. BROOKS Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: 1 That this Act may be cited as the ''National Archives and 2 Records Administration Act of 1984''. 3 TITLE I--ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ARCHIVES 4 AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION 5 ESTABLISHMENT 6 SEC. 101. Section 2102 of title 44, United States Code, 7 is amended to read as follows: 8 '' ?2102. Establishment 9 ''There shall be an independent establishment in the 10 executive branch of the Government to be known as the 11 National Archives and Records Administration. The 12 Administration shall be administered under the supervision 13 and direction of the Archivist.''. 14 ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL AUTHORITY 15 SEC. 102. (a) Chapter 21 of title 44, United States 16 Code, is amended- 17 (1) by redesignating sections 2103 through 2114 as 18 sections 2107 through 2118, respectively; and 19 (2) by inserting after section 2102 the following 20 new sections: Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS1 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 1 1162103. Officers 2 ''(a) The Archivist of the United States shall be 3 appointed by the President by and with the advice and 4 consent of the Senate. The Archivist shall be appointed 5 without regard to political affiliations and solely on the 6 basis of the professional qualifications required to perform 7 the duties and responsibilities of the office of Archivist. 8 The Archivist may be removed from office by the President. 9 The President shall communicate the reasons for any such 10 removal to each House of the Congress. 11 " (b) The Archivist shall be compensated at the rate 12 provided for level III of the Executive Schedule under 13 section 5314 of title 5., 14 ''(c) There shall be in the Administration a Deputy 15 Archivist of the United States, who shall be appointed by 16 and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Archivist. The 17 Deputy Archivist shall be established as a career reserved 18 position in the Senior Executive Service within the meaning 19 of section 3132(a)(8) of title 5. The Deputy Archivist shall 20 perform such functions as the Archivist shall designate. 21 During any absence or disability of the Archivist, the 22 Deputy Archivist shall act as Archivist. In the event of a 23 vacancy in the office of the Archivist, the Deputy Archivist 24 shall act as Archivist until an Archivist is appointed under 25 subsection (a)*. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 3 1 '' ?2104. Administrative provisions 2 ''(a) The Archivist shall prescribe such policies 3 standards, criteria, procedures, rules, and regulations as 4 the Archivist finds necessary or appropriate to carry out 5 the functions of the Administration. The head of each 6 Federal agency shall issue such orders and directives as may 7 be necessary to conform the activities of the agency with 8 the policies, standards, criteria, procedures, rules, and 9 regulations prescribed by the Archivist. 10 ''(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the 11 Archivist may delegate functions to designated officers and 12 employees of the Administration, and may authorize such 13 successive redelegations of such functions as the Archivist 14 may deem to be necessary or appropriate. A delegation of 15 functions by the Archivist shall not relieve the Archivist 16 of responsibility for the administration of such functions. 17 ''(c) The Archivist is authorized to establish, 18 maintain, alter, or discontinue such regional, local, or 19 other field offices as the Archivist finds necessary or 20 appropriate to perform the functions of the Archivist or the 21 Administration. 22 ''(d) The Archivist may establish advisory committees to 23 advise him with respect to any function of the Archivist or 24 the Administration. Members of any such committee shall 25 serve without compensation but shall be entitled to Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BR00K52cApproved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 4 1 transportation expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence 2 in accordance with section 5703 of title 5. 3 '' (e) The Archivist shall advise and consult with 4 interested Federal agencies with a view to obtaining their 5 advice and assistance in carrying out the purposes of this 6 chapter. 7 ''(f) Each Federal agency is required to furnish to the 8 Archivist, upon request, any information or other data which 9 the Archivist finds necessary to carry out the duties of the 10 Archivist. 11 '' (h) If authorized by the Archivist, officers and 12 employees of the Administration having investigatory 13 functions are empowered, while engaged in the performance of 14 their duties in conducting investigations, to administer 15 oaths. 16 ' ' 2105. Personnel and services 17 ''(a) The Archivist is authorized to select, appoint, 18 employ, and fix the compensation of such officers and 19 employees, pursuant to part III of title 5, as are necessary 20 to perform the functions of the Archivist and the 21 Administration. 22 '' (b) The Archivist is authorized to obtain the services 23 of experts and consultants under section 3109 of title 5. 24 ''(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 973 of .25 title 10 or any other provision of law, the Archivist, in Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 BROOKSzz4 1 carrying out the functions of the Archivist or the 2 Administration, is authorized to utilize in the 3 Administration the services of officials, officers, and 4 other personnel in other Federal agencies, including 5 personnel of the armed services, with the consent of the 6 head of the agency concerned. 7 '' (d) The Archivist is authorized to accept and utilize 8 voluntary and uncompensated services. 9 '' ?2106. Reports to Congress 10 ''The Archivist shall submit to the Congress, in January 11 of each year and at such other times as the Archivist finds 12 appropriate, a report concerning the administration of 13 functions of the Archivist and the Administration.''. 14 (b) Section 2101 of title 44, United States Code, is 15 amended-- 16 (1) by designating the two indented paragraphs as 17 paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively; 18 (2) by striking out ''sections 2103-2113 of this 19 title'' in the matter preceding the first such paragraph 20 and inserting in-lieu thereof ''this chapter''; 21 (3) by striking out the period at the end and 22 inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon; and 23 (4) by adding at the end thereof the following new 24 paragraphs: 25 '' (3) 'Archivist' means the Archivist of the United Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 BROORS2~Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 6 1 States'appointed under section 2103; 2 11(4) 'Administration' means the National Archives 3 and Records Administration established under section 4 2102; and 5 11(5) 'Federal agency' means any executive 6 department, military department, Government corporation, 7 Government-controlled corporation, or other 8 establishment in the executive branch of the Government 9 (including the Executive Office of the President), any 10 independent regulatory agency, or any establishment in 11 the legislative or judicial branch of the Government 12 (except the Senate and the House of Representatives).". 13 (c)(1) The table of sections for chapter 21 of title 44, 14 United States Code, is amended to read as follows: 15 ''CHAPTER 21--NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION " Sec. " 2101. Definitions. " 2102. Establishment. " 2103. Officers. 112104. Administrative provisions. " 2105. Personnel and services. 112106. Reports to Congress. 112107. Acceptance of records for historical preservation. " 2108. Responsibility for custody, use, and withdrawal of records. 112109. Preservation, arrangement, duplication, exhibition of records. " 2110. Servicing records. " 2111. Material accepted for deposit. " 2112. Presidential archival depository. " 2113. Depository for agreements between States. " 2114. Preservation of motion-picture films, still pictures, and sound recordings. " 2115. Reports; correction of violations. " 2116. Legal status of reproductions; official seal, fees Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2~ pproved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 for copies and reproductions. 112117. Limitation on liability. '' 2118. Records of Congress.''. 1 (2) The item relating to chapter 21 in the table of 2 chapters for title 44, United States Code, is amended to 3 read as follows: '' 21. National Archives and Records Administration-----------------------------------2101 ''. 4 TRANSFERS 5 SEC. 103. (a) The National Archives and Records Service 6 of the General Services Administration is transferred to the 7 National Archives and Records Administration. 8 (b)(1) All functions which were assigned to the 9 Administrator of General Services by section 6 of Executive 10 Order No. 10530 of May 11, 1954 (19 Fed. Reg. 2709; relating 11 to documents and the Administrative Conference of the 12 Federal Register), and by Executive Order No. 11440 of 13 December 11, 1968 (33 Fed. Reg. 18475; relating to 14 supplemental use of Federal exhibits and displays), shall be 15 exercised by the Archivist of the United States. 16 (2) All functions pertaining to the maintenance, 17 operation, and protection of a Presidential archival 18 depository which were assigned to the Administrator of 19 General Services by the Act of September 6, 1965 (Public Law 20 89-169, 79 Stat. 648), relating to-the Lyndon Baines Johnson 21 Presidential Archival Depository, and by the Act of August 22 27, 1966 (Public Law 89-547, 80 Stat. 370) and the Act of Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2~Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 8 1 May 26, 1977.(Public Law 95-34, 91 Stat. 174), relating to 2 the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, shall be exercised by 3 the Archivist of the United States. 4 (3) All functions which were assigned to the 5 Administrator of General Services by the sections 5.1(b) and 6 5.2(a) of Executive Order No. 12356 of April 2, 1982 7 (relating to national security information and the --8--Information Security Oversight Office), shall be exercised by the Archivist of the United States. 10 (c) Prior to the appointment and confirmation of an 11 individual to serve as Archivist of the United States under 12 section 2103 of title 44, United States Code, the individual 13 holding the office of Archivist of the United States on the 14 day before the effective date of this Act may serve as 15 Archivist under such section, and while so serving shall be 16 compensated at the rate provided under subsection (b) of 17 such section. 18 TRANSFER OF PERSONNEL 19 SEC. 104. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, 20 the personnel employed in connection with, and the assets, 21 liabilities, contracts, property, records, and unexpended 22 balances of appropriations, authorizations, allocations, and 23 other funds employed, held, used, arising from, available to 24 or to be made available in connection with the functions and 25 agencies transferred by this Act or the amendments made by Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 . BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 1 this Act, subject to section 1531 of title 31, United States 2 Code, are transferred to the Archivist for appropriate 3 allocation. A percentage of the funds and associated 4' positions in the General Management and Administration 5 appropriation for the General Services Administration, 6 proportionate to the percentage of National Archives and 7 Records Service employees in the General Services 8 Administration, is transferred to the Archivist for 9 appropriate allocation. Unexpended funds transferred 10 pursuant to this subsection shall be used only for the 11 purposes for which the funds were originally authorized and 12 appropriated. 13 (b) The transfer pursuant to this title of full-time 14 personnel (except special Government employees) and 15 part-time personnel holding permanent positions shall not 16 cause any such employees to be separated or reduced in grade 17 or compensation for one year after such transfer or after 18 the effective date of this Act, whichever is later. 19 SAVINGS PROVISIONS 20 SEC. 105. (a) All orders, determinations, rules, 21 regulations, grants, contracts, agreements, permits, 22 licenses, privileges, and other actions which have been 23 issued, granted, made, undertaken, or entered into in the 24 performance of any function transferred by this Act or the 25 amendments made by this Act shall continue in effect Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22 CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 10 1 according to their terms until modified, terminated, 2 superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by 3 any authorized official, a court of competent jurisdiction, 4 or by operation of law. 5 (b)(1) The transfer of functions by this Act and by the 6 amendments made the amendments made by this Act shall not 7 affect any proceedings, including notices of proposed 8 rulemaking, or any application for any license, permit, 9 certificate, or financial assistance pending on the 10 effective date of this Act before the General Services 11 Administration; but such proceedings and applications, to 12 the extent that they relate to the functions so transferred, 13 shall be continued. Orders shall be issued in such 14 proceedings, appeals shall be taken therefrom, and payments 15 shall be made pursuant to such orders, as if this Act had 16 not been enacted; and orders issued in any such proceedings 17 shall continue in effect until modified, terminated, 18 superseded, or revoked by the Archivist, by a court of 19 competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law. Nothing in 20 this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the 21 discontinuance or modification of any such proceeding under 22 the same terms and conditions and to the same extent that 23 such proceeding could have been discontinued or modified if 24 this Act had not been enacted. 25 (2) The Archivist is authorized to promulgate Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 11 1 regulations providing for the orderly transfer of 2 proceedings continued under paragraph (1) from the General 3 Services Administration to the Administration. 4 (c) Except as provided in subsection (e)-- 5 (1) the provisions of this Act and of the amendments 6 made by this Act shall not affect actions commenced 7 prior to the effective date of this Act, and 8 (2) in all such actions, proceedings shall be had, 9 appeals taken, and judgments rendered in the same manner 10 and effect as if this Act had not been enacted. 11 (d) No action or other proceeding lawfully commenced by 12 or against any officer of the United States acting in his or 13 her official capacity shall abate by reason of any transfer 14 of functions by this Act or by an amendment made by this 15 Act. No cause of action by or against the General Services 16 Administration or by or against any officer thereof in the 17 official capacity of such officer shall abate by reason of 18 any such transfer of functions. 19 (e) If, before the date on which this Act takes effect, 20 the General Services Administration or any officer thereof 21 in the official capacity of such officer, is a party to an 22 action, and under this Act any function in connection with 23 such action is transferred to the Archivist or any other 24 official of the Administration, then such action shall be 25 continued with the Archivist or other appropriate official Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 12 1 of the Administration substituted or added as a party. 2 (f) Orders and actions of the Archivist in the exercise 3 of functions transferred by this Act or by amendments made 4 by this Act shall be subject to judicial review to the same 5 extent and in the same manner as if such orders and actions 6 had been by the individual holding the office of Archivist 7 of the United States on the day before the effective date of 8 this Act or the Administrator of General Services in the 9 exercise of such functions immediately preceding their 10 transfer. Any statutory requirements relating to notice, 11 hearings, action upon the record, or administrative review 12 that apply to any function transferred by this Act or by any 13 amendment made by this Act shall apply to the exercise of 14 such function by the Archivist. 15 REFERENCE 16 SEC. 106. With respect to any functions transferred by 17 this Act or by an amendment made by this Act and exercised 18 after the effective date of this Act, reference in any other 19 Federal law to the office of the Archivist of the United 20 States as in existence on the date before the effective date 21 of this Act, or the National Archives and Records Service of 22 the General Services Administration, or any office or 23 officer thereof,. shall be deemed to refer to the Archivist 24 or the Administration. 25 CONFORMING AMENDMENTS Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKSP Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 13 1 SEC. 107. (a)(1) Section 2107 of title 44, United States 2 Code, as redesignated by section 102(a)(1), is amended-- 3 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 4 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist' 5 (B) by striking out "section 2107' in paragraph 6 (4) and inserting in lieu thereof ''section 2111''; and 7 (C) by striking out ''Administrator'' in such 8 paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 9 (2) Section 2108 of such title, as redesignated by 10 section 102(a)(1), is amended- 11 (A) by striking out ''the Administrator, the 12 Archivist of the United States, and to the employees of 13 the General Services Administration'' in subsection (a) 14 and inserting in lieu thereof ''the Archivist and to the 15 employees of the National Archives and Records 16 Administration''; 17 (B) by striking out ''and in consultation with the 18 Archivist of the United States'' in such subsection; 19 (C) by striking out ''the Archivist and'' in the 20 fifth sentence of such subsection; 21 (D) by striking out ''Administrator of General 22 Services'', place it appears and inserting in lieu 23 thereof ''Archivist''; and 24 (E) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 25 appears and inserting in lieu ''Archivist''. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2; Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 14 1 (3) Section 2109 of such title, as redesignated by 2 section 102(a)(1), is amended by striking out 3 -''Administrator of General Services'' and inserting in 4 lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 5 (4) Section 2110'of such title, as redesignated by 6 section 102(a)(1), is amended by striking out 7 ''Administrator of General Services'' and inserting in 8 lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 9 (5) Section 2111 of such title, as redesignated by 10 section 102(a)(1), is amended- 11 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 12 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''; 13 and 14 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' and inserting 15 in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 16 (6) Section 2112 of such title, as redesignated by 17 section 102(a)(1), is amended-- 18 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 19 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''; 20 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 21 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''; and 22 (C) by striking out ''section-210711 each place it 23 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''section 2111''. 24 (7) Sections 2113, 2114, and 2117 of such title, as 25 redesignated by section 102(a)(1), are amended by striking Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS:. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 15 1 out ''Administrator of General Services'' and inserting in 2 lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 3 (8) Sections 2115 and 2116 of such title, as 4 redesignated by section 102(a)(1), are amended-- 5 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 6 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof "Archivist"; 7 and 8 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 9 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 10 (9) Section 2118 of such title, as redesignated by 11 section 102(a)(1), is amended by striking out ''General 12 Services Administration'' and inserting in lieu thereof 13 ''National Archives and Records Administration''. 14 (b)(1) Sections 710, 711, and 729 of title 44, United 15 States Code, are amended by striking out ''Administrator of 16 General Services'' each place it appears and inserting in 17 lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United States''. 18 (2) Section 1502 of such title is amended by striking 19 out ''Administrator of General Services'' each place it 20 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the 21 United States''. 22 (3) Section 1503 of such title is amended-- 23 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 24 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of 25 the United States''; and Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 16 1 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' and inserting 2 in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 3 (4) Section 1506 of such title is amended is amended by 4 striking out the third sentence. 5 (5) Section 1714 of such title is amended by striking 6 out ''to the General Services Administration''. (6) Sections 2204(c)(1) and 2205 of such title are amended by striking out ''National Archives and Records 9 Service of the General Services Administration'' and 10 inserting in lieu thereof ''National Archives and Records 11 Administration''. 12. (7) Section 2301 of such title is amended by striking 13 out the second sentence thereof. 14 (8) Section 2501 of such title is amended by striking 15 out the last sentence thereof. 16 (9) Section 2504 is amended-- 17 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 18 Services'' in the third sentence of subsection (a) and 19 inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United 20 States''; 21 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' in the fourth 22 sentence of such subsection and inserting in lieu 23 thereof "Archivist"; 24 (C) by striking out ''transmit to the 25 Administrator" in the last sentence of such subsection Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 17 1 and inserting in lieu thereof ''make available to the 2 public''; and 3 (D) by striking out ''General Services 4 Administrator'' in subsection (b) and inserting in lieu 5 thereof ''National Archives and Records 6 Administration''. 7 (10) Section 2506 of such title is amended-- 8 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General- 9 Services'' in subsection (a) and inserting in lieu 10 tehreof ''Archivist of the United States''; and 11 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' in subsection 12 (b) and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 13 (11) Section 2507 of such title is amended by striking 14 out ''Administrator of General Services'' and inserting in 15 lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United States''. 16 (12) Section 2901 of such title is amended-- 17 (A) by inserting before the semicolon at the end of 18 paragraph (2) the following: ''to achieve adequate and 19 proper documentation of the policies and transactions 20 of the Federal Government and effective and economical 21 management of agency operations''; 22 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 23 appears in paragraphs (6), (9), and (11) and inserting 24 in lieu thereof ''Archivist ''and 25 (C) by redesignating paragraphs.(12) and (13) as Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 IBROOKS 2:_ Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 18 1 paragraphs (13) and (14), respectively, and by inserting 2 after paragraph (11) the following new paragraph: 3 11(12) the term 'Archivist' means the Archivist of 4 the United States;". 5 (13) Section 2902(7) is amended by inserting ''or 6 the Archivist'' after. ''Administrator''. 7 (14) Sections 2903, 2905(b), 2907, 2908, and 2909 of 8 such title are amended by striking out ''Administrator'' and 9 ''Administrator of General Services'' each place they appear 10 and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 11 (15) Section 2904 is amended to read as follows: 12 . 1162904. General responsibilities for records management 13 ''(a) The Archivist shall provide guidance and 14 assistance to Federal agencies with respect to ensuring 15 adequate and proper documentation of the policies and 16 transactions of the Federal Government and ensuring proper 17 records disposition. 18 " (b) The Administrator shall provide guidance and 19 assistance to Federal agencies to ensure economical and 20 effective records management by such agencies. 21 "(c) In carrying out their responsibilities under 22 subsection (a) or (b), respectively, the Archivist and the 23 Administrator shall each have the responsibility-- 24 " (1) to promulgate standards, procedures, and 25 guidelines with respect to records management and the Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS246Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 19 1 conduct of records management studies; 2 ''(2) to conduct research with respect to the 3 improvement of records management practices and 4 programs; 5 ''(3) to collect and disseminate information on 6 training programs, technological developments, and other 7 activities relating to records management; 8 ''(4) to establish such interagency committees and 9 boards as may be necessary to provide an exchange of 10 information among Federal agencies with respect to 11 records management; 12 ''(5) to direct the continuing attention of Federal 13 agencies and the Congress on the need for adequate 14 policies governing records management; 15 ''(6) to conduct records management studies and, in 16 his discretion, designate the heads of executive 17 agencies to conduct records management studies with 18 respect to establishing systems and techniques designed 19 to save time and effort in records management; 20 I'M to conduct inspections or surveys of the 21 records and the records management programs and 22 practices within and between Federal agencies; 23 ''(8) to report to the appropriate oversight and 24 appropriations committees of the Congress and to the 25 Director of the Office of Management and Budget annually Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 20 1 and at. such other times as the Archivist or the 2 Administrator (as the case may be) deems desirable-- 3 ''(A) on the results of activities conducted 4 pursuant to paragraphs (1) through (7) of this 5 section, 6 ''(B) on evaluations of responses by Federal 7 agencies to any recommendations resulting from 8 inspections or studies conducted under paragraphs 9 (6) and (7) of this section, and 10 ''(C) to the extent practicable, estimates of 11 costs to the Federal Government resulting from the 12 failure of agencies to implement such 13 recommendations. 14 " (d) In addition, the Administrator, in carrying out 15 the responsibilities under subsection (b) shall have the 16 responsibility to promote economy and efficiency in the 17 selection and utilization of space, staff, equipment, and 18 supplies for records management. 19 (16) Section 2906 of such title is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 '' ?2906. Inspection of agency records 22 ''(a)(1) In carrying out their respective duties and 23 responsibilities under this chapter, the Administrator of 24 General Services and the Archivist (or the designee of 25 either) may inspect the records or the records management Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2~ pproved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 21 1 practices and programs of any Federal agency solely for the 2 purpose of rendering recommendations for the improvement of 3 records management practices and programs. Officers and 4 employees of such agencies shall cooperate fully in such 5 inspections, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and 6 (3) of this subsection. 7 ''(2) Records, the use of which is restricted by law or 8 for reasons of national security or the public interest, 9 shall be inspected, in accordance with regulations 10 promulgated by the Administrator and the Archivist, subject 11 to the approval of the head of the agency concerned or of 12 the President. The regulations promulgated by the 13 Administrator and the Archivist under this paragraph shall, 14 to the extent practicable, be identical. 15 "(3) If the Administrator or the Archivist (or the 16 designee of either) inspects a record, as provided in this 17 subsection, which is contained in a system of records which 18 is subject to section 552a of title 5, such record shall 19 be-- 20 ''(A) maintained by the Administrator, the 21 Archivist, or *such designee as a record contained in a 22 system of records; or 23 ''(B) deemed to be a record contained in a system of 24 records for purposes of subsections (b), (c), and (i) of 25 section 552a of title 5. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 22 1 '' (b) In conducting the inspection of agency records 2 provided for in subsection (a) of this section, the 3 Administrator and the Archivist (or the designee of either) 4 shall, in addition to complying with the provisions of law 5 cited in subsection (a)(3), comply with all other Federal 6 laws and be subject to the sanctions provided therein.''. 7 (17)(A) The heading of chapter 29 of title 44, United 8 States Code, is amended by inserting ''BY THE ARCHIVIST OF 9 THE UNITED STATES AND'' after ''RECORDS MANAGEMENT''. 10 (B) The item relating to chapter 29 in the table of 11 chapters for title 44, United States Code, is amended to 12 read as follows: 1129. Records Management by the Archivist of the United States and by the Administrator of General Service 2901''. 13 (18) Section 3102(2) of such title is amended by 14 inserting '.'and the Archivist of the United States'' after 15 ''Administrator of General Services' . 16 (19) Section 3103 of such title is amended by striking 17 out ''Administrator'' and inserting in lieu thereof 18 ''Archivist of the United States''. 19 (20)'Sections 3104 and 3106 of such title are amended-- 20 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 21 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of 22 the United States''; and 23 (B) by'striking out ''Administrator'' and inserting Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2~ pproved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 23 1 in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 2 - (21) Section 3105 of such title is amended by striking 3 out ''Administrator of General Services'' and inserting in 4 lieu thereof "Archivist of the United States''. 5 : (22) Sections 3302, 3303, 3308, and 3311 of such title 6 are amended by striking out ''Administrator of General 7 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the, 8 United States''. 9 (23) Sections 3303a and 3310 of such title are amended-- 10 (A) by striking out ''Administrator of General 11 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of 12 the United States''; and 13 (B) by striking.out ''Administrator'' each place it 14 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 15 (24)(A) The headings of sections 3303, 3303a, and 3311 16 of such title are amended by striking out ''Administrator 17 of General Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof 18 ''Archivist of the United States''. 19 (B) The table of sections for chapter 33 of such title 20 is amended by striking out ''Administrator of General 21 Services'' in the items pertaining to sections 3303, 3303a, 22 and 3311 and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the 23 United States''. 24 (25) Section 3504(e) of such title is amended by 25 inserting ''the Archivist of the United States and.'' before Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 24 1 ''the Administrator of General Services'' each place it 2 appears in paragraphs (1) and (2). 3 (26) Section 3513 of such title is amended by inserting 4 ''and the Archivist of the United States' after 5 ''Administrator of General Services ". 6 (c)(1) Section 101 of the Presidential Recordings and 7 Materials Preservation Act is amended-- 8 (A) by striking out ''section 210711 each place it 9 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''section 2111''; 10 (B) by striking out ''Administrator of General 11 Services (hereinafter referred to as the 12. 'Administrator') " and inserting in lieu thereof 13 ''Archivist of the United States (hereinafter referred 14 to as the 'Archivist') ''; and 15 (C) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 16 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 17 (2) Section 102 of such Act is amended-- 18 (A) by striking out ''section 210711 and inserting 19 in lieu thereof ''section 211111, and 20 (B) by striking out ''Administrator'' each place it 21 appears and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist''. 22 (3) Section 103 of such Act is amended by striking out 23 ''Administrator'' and inserting in lieu thereof 24 ''Archivist''. 25 (d) Sections 106a, 106b, and.112 of title 1, United Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 25 1 States Code, are amended by striking out ''Administrator of 2 General Services'' and ''General Services Administration'' 3 each place they appears and inserting in lieu thereof 4 .'.'Archivist of the United States'' and ''National Archives 5 and Records Administration'', respectively. 6 (e)(1) Sections 6 and 11 through 13 of title 3, United 7 States. Code, are amended by striking out ''Administrator of 8 General Services'' and ''General Services Administration'' 9 each place they appear and inserting in lieu thereof 10 ''Archivist of the United States,'' and ''National Archives 11 and Records Administration'', respectively. 12 (2) The headings of sections 6 and 12 of such title are 13 amended by striking out ''Administrator of General 14 Services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the 15 United States''. 16 (3) The table of sections for chapter 1 of such title is 17 amended by striking out ''Administrator of General 18 Services'' in the items pertaining to sections 6 and 12 and 19 inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United 20 States''. 21 (f) Sections 141 through 145 of title 4, United States 22 Code, are amended by striking out-''Administrator of General 23 Services'', ''Administrator'', and ''General Services 24 Administration'' each place they appear and inserting in 25 lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United States'', Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 26 1 ''Archivist'', and ''National Archives and Records 2 Administration'', respectively. 3 (g) Subsections (b)(6) and (1)(1) of section 552a of 4 title 5, United States Code, are amended by striking out 5 ''Administrator of General Services'' each place it appears 6 and inserting in lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United 7 States.'' 8 (h) Section 5314 of title 5, United States Code, is 9 amended by adding at the end thereof the following: 10 ''Archivist of the United States.''. 11 (i) Section 4(5) of the Act of October 25, 1951 (25 12 U.S.C. 199a) is amended by striking out ''Administrator of 13 General Services'' each place it appears and inserting in 14 lieu thereof ''Archivist of the United States''. 15 DEFINITIONS 16 SEC. 108. For purposes of sections 103 through 106-- 17 (1) the term ''Archivist'' means the Archivist of 18 the United States appointed under section 2104 of title 19 44, United States Code, as added by section 2 of this 20 Act; 21 (2) the term ''Administration'' means the National 22 Archives and Records Administration established under 23 section 2103 of such title (as amended by section-2 of 24 this Act); and 25 (3) the term ''function'' includes any duty, Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 27 1 obligation, power, authority, responsibility, right, 2 privilege, activity, or program. 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4 SEC. 109. The provisions of this title shall be 5 effective 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. 6 TITLE II--ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS 7 COPYING AND AUTHENTICATING CHARGES 8 SEC. 201. Section 2116(c) of title 44, United States 9 Code (as redesignated by section 102(a)), is amended to read 10 as follows: 11 11(c) The Archivist may charge a fee set to recover the 12 costs for making or authenticating copies or reproductions 13 of materials transferred to his custody. Such fee shall be 14 fixed by the Archivist at a level which will recover, so far 15 as practicable, all elements of such costs, and may, in the 16 Archivist's discretion, include increments for the estimated 17 replacement cost of equipment. The Archivist may not charge 18 for making or authenticating copies or reproductions of 19 materials for official use by the United States Government 20 unless appropriations available to the Archivist for this 21 purpose are insufficient to cover the cost of performing the 22 work. Fees shall be deposited to the credit of the 23 appropriation against which charges have been made. ''. 24 NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD 25 SEC. 202. (a) Chapter 23 of title 44, United States Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 r BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 28 1 Code, is amended by striking out sections 2302 through 2305 2 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 3 11?2302. Authority of the Board; seal; services; annual 4 report; bylaws; rules; regulations 5 ''In carrying out the purposes of this chapter, the 6 Board shall-- 7 ''(1) adopt an official seal, which shall be 8 judicially noticed; 9 ''(2) utilize on a reimbursable basis the services 10 and personnel of the National Archives and Records 11 Administration necessary (as determined by the 12 Archivist) to assist the Board in the administration of 13 the trust fund, and in the preparation and publication 14 of special works and collections of sources and 15 preparation, duplication, editing, and release of 16 historical photographic materials and sound recordings; 17 ''(3) submit to the Congress an annual report of the 18 moneys, securities, and other personal property received 19 and held by it, and of its operations, which shall 20 include a listing of the purposes for which funds are 21 transferred to the National Archives and Records 22 Administration for expenditure; 23 ''(4) adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations necessary 24 for the administration of its functions under this 25 chapter. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 29 1 1152303. Powers and obligations of the Board; liability of 2 members 3 "Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, the 4 Board shall have all the usual powers and obligations of a 5 trustee with respect to property and funds administered by 6 it, but the members of the Board are not personally liable, 7 except for malfeasance. 8 11?2304. Compensation of members; availability of trust 9 funds for expenses of the Board 10 ''Compensation may not be paid to the members of the 11 Board for their services as members. Costs incurred by the 12 Board in carrying out its duties under this chapter, 13 including the obligations necessarily incurred by the 14 members of the Board in the performance of their duties, 15 shall be paid by the Archivist of the United States from 16 trust funds available to the Board for this purpose. The 17 Board, by resolution may authorize the transfer of funds 18 (including the principal or interest of a gift or request) 19 to the National Archives and Records Administration to be 20 expended on an archival or records activity approved by the 21 Board or to accomplish the purpose of a gift or bequest. 22 Unless otherwise required by the instrument of gift or 23 bequest, no expenditure shall be approved or made toward an 24 object or purposes for which appropriated funds could not be 25 expended. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 30 1 '' ?2305. Acceptance of gifts 2 ''The Board may solicit and accept gifts or bequests of 3 money, securities, or other personal property, for the 4 benefit of or in connection with the national archival and 5 records activities administered by the National Archives and 6 Records Administration. Moneys that are for deposit into the 7 trust fund shall be deposited within 5 working days of the 8 receipt thereof.''. 9 (b) Section 2307 of title 44, United States Code, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 11?2307. Trust fund account; disbursements; sales of 12 publications and releases 13 ''The income from trust funds held by the Board and the 14 proceeds from the sale of securities and other personal 15 property, as and when collected, shall be covered into the 16 Treasury of the United States in a trust fund account to be 17 known as the National Archives Trust Fund, subject to 18 disbursement on the basis of certified vouchers of the 19 Archivist of the United States (or his designee) for 20 activities approved by the Board and in the interest of the 21 national archival and records activities administered by the 22 National Archives and Records Administration, including but 23 not restricted to the preparation and publication of special 24 works, and collections of sources and the preparation, 25 duplication, editing, and release. of historical photographic Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS: Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 31 1 materials and sound recordings. The Archivist may sell 2 publications and releases authorized by this section and 3 paid for out of the income derived from trust funds at a 4 price which will cover their cost, and moneys received from 5 these sales shall be paid into, administered, and expended 6 as part of the National Archives Trust Fund.''. 7 (c) The table of sections for chapter 23 of title 44, 8 United States Code, is amended by striking out 9 ''employees;'' in the item pertaining to section 2302 and 10 inserting in lieu thereof ''services; annual report;''. AUTHORITY TO LITIGATE 12 SEC. 203. (a) Section 2905(a) of title 44, United 13 States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the 14 following new sentence: ''In any case in which the head of 15 the agency fails to initiate an action for such recovery or 16 other redress within a reasonable period of time after being 17 notified of any such unlawful action, the Archivist of the 18 United States may, through the Attorney General, initiate 19 such an action; and the Archivist shall report the 20 circumstances of any such failure by the head of the agency 21 to the appropriate committees of the Congress.''. 22 (b) Section 3106 of title 44,-United States Code, is 23 amended by adding at the end thereof the following new 24 sentence: ''In any case in which the head of the agency 25 fails to initiate an action for such recovery or other Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS" Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 32 1 redress within a reasonable period of time after being 2 notified of any such unlawful action, the Archivist of the 3 United States may, through the Attorney General, initiate 4 such an action; and the Archivist shall report the 5 circumstances of any such failure by the head of the agency 6 to the appropriate committees of the Congress.''. 7 INSPECTION OF RECORDS 8 SEC. 204. Section 3301 of title 44, United States Code, 9 is amended-- 10 (1) by inserting ''(a)'' before ''As used in this 11 chapter,''; 12. (2) by inserting " , as determined by the Archivist 13 of the United States,'' after ''public business and 14 preserved or''; and 15 (3) by adding at the end thereof the following new 16 subsection: 17 ''(b) The Archivist of the United States shall, by 18 regulation, establish detailed criteria under which material 19 shall be examined to determine if it is a record as defined 20 under subsection (a) and such regulation. The Archivist may 21 have access, to determine compliance with such subsection 22 and such regulations, to any material made or received by an 23 agency of the United States Government.". 24 PUBLIC NOTICE 25 SEC. 205.. Section 3303a(a) of title 44, United States Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90BO137OR001201590030-1 BROOKS 2 Approved For Release 2009/04/22: CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1 33 1 Code, is amended by inserting '', after publication of 2 notice in the Federal. Register and an opportunity for 3 interested persons to submit comment thereon'' immediately 4 after ''may'' in the second sentence thereof. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP90B01370R001201590030-1