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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1984
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Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90BO1370R000200200005-3 DDA 84-0217/3 25 January 1984 ?4 vDRANDtM FOR: Executive Director Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director for Science and Technology General Counsel Inspector General Director, Office of Legislative Liaison Comptroller Director, Public Affairs Office FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Package for Managers as a Guideline for Development of Goals, Principles, and Standards for the CIA 1. Attached are the packages that the DCI referred to during his speech on 24 January 1984. The distribution of these packages within your organization and the manner in which you get your people involved is left to you. You will recall that the DCI wants ". . . from every corner of the organization, a broad examination of what we are about, what it is we want to foster and encourage, and the kind of things we can do to accomplish that. From this we will develop a statement of purpose applicable to this organization, to our mission, to the kind of customers we serve, and to the kind of work environment and tasks which our mission requires." 2. Your inputs to the Director should be approximately two pages and provided to the Deputy Director for Administration not later than COB 22 February 1984. 3. 1 have also attached copies of the DCI's speech for you to distribute within your organization for a better understanding of the Director's purpose and desires. STAT Attachments cc: Executive Secretary Mply r. i er Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90BO1370R000200200005-3 Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90B0l370R000200200005-3 DCI 24 January 1981 PACKAGE FOR MANAGERS Tab A Draft of CIA Objectives B Samples of Statements of Purpose - Boeing - IBM - Hewlett-Packard - Norton Company - Bechtel C How Star Corporate Performers Do It (Summarized from In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best Run Companies, by Peters and Waterman which has for months taken first place on best seller lists away from various guides to making love, makin money and eating well without getting fat Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90B0l370R000200200005-3 Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90B01370R000200200005-3 24I 24 Jan 84 A critical ingredient in the success of an institution is its ability to articulate the principles that provide the framework in which it operates. As the Central Intelligence Agency grows and becomes increasingly complex and specialized, a greater effort is required to establish its corporate identity and create broad understanding of its purposes, principles and standards. There follows an initial draft of such a statement designed to be critiqued and improved and generate thought and discussion in every corner of the organization on what we're about and how the qualities 'idich make CIA a standout in excellence of performance can best be strengthened and extended at all levels and in all areas. STATEMENT OF GOALS, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR CIA Purpose. To provide accurate, comprehensive intelligence support to a broad range of consumers in a timely manner and in a form to be of greatest utility. No matter what job we have or the nature of our immediate tasks, our independent and collective efforts are all directed towards this purpose. Organization. The CIA is made up of operating elements that are critically dependent on one another to support their individual and joint activities. Each element's departmental and national responsibilities are respected and, in turn, will undertake to contribute to and make use of the role and performance of other relevant elements. Ethics. Our activities are conducted under the Constitution and laws of the United States. The nature of our work is such that every member of the Agency must be aware of and sensitive to the letter and spirit of this legal context, and manifest the highest degree of integrity in performance and conduct. People. CIA's people are the root source of its capabilities. The strength of the organization is dependent on the quality of its people, and its future is related to the opportunities it affords for their professional and personal growth. Skills are recognized and fostered through training, travel and assignments; management personnel are selected for their ability to inspire enthusiasm and promote excellence based on their own performance. Management. CIA's operating style is to foster initiatives and creativity by allowing the individual great freedom of action in attaining well-defined objectives, while requiring efficiency, accountability, and results at all levels. Measure of Results. Business organizations measure results in profits, return on investment and capital growth required to deliver the expanded and improved service which further increases profit and capital value. This is achieved by meeting the needs of customers more satisfactorily than alternative sources. As a public service, this organization does not have profitability Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90BOl370R000200200005-3 Approved For Release 2008/10/20: CIA-RDP90BOl370R000200200005-3 and capital value to measure its results. Still, its results are in the satisfaction of its customers in the value, relevance, and timeliness of the intelligence and operational inputs they receive. Those results come from the qualities of its people and their creativity, dedication, and success in utilizing technology and resources to collect, analyze, and apply information and judgment to foster the security and prosperity of the United States. The resources needed to achieve those results 'come from the way the President and the Congress aid the public assess and value these results. Standards. We seek to exemplify in everything we do: -- performance of the highest quality; ethics and integrity of the highest order; -- development of outstanding skills, confidence, and personal resources in our people; -- utilization of the most effective technologies; -- capability and flexibility to meet tough and sudden challenges; -- leadership and recognition as the best intelligence service in the world. 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