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February 23, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/29: CIA-RDP90-00552R000303370004-3 ARTICLE ~-?? iriz=s~ TIME ON I'ACL_ 23 February 1981 Press The 2,300-Word Times Correction A diplomat is cleared under curious circumstances or nearly seven years. Edward Kor- N- g, was U.S. Ambassador to Chile when President Salva or Allen a ossens came to power in 1970 has insisted that he had nothing to do with secret CIA plans to overthrow the Marxist leader- But few believed senate Seleci Committee on Intelligence reported in 1975 that Korry had p aye a m Nor role in the aborted cou ; the New York Times, Washington Post and other pub- lications repeated the charge in numerous subsequent stories.* Korry's eight-year diplomatic career was ruined, and not until 1979 did he land his present job as visiting professor of international rela- tions at Connecticut College. Then last week, in an extraordinary front-page mea culpa, the New York Times set about refurbishing Korry's reputation. Headlined "New Evidence Backs Ex-Envoy on His Role in Chile," a 2,300-word article by former Times Investigative Ace Seymour Hersh, who still does occasional freelance pieces for the paper, reported that although at- tempts had been made by the CIA to en- gineer a military takeover in Chile, "none of this, it is now evident, was known to Ambassador Korry." What the Times failed to mention was that the writer who was clearing Korry's name was the man who had written some of the pa- per's most damaging stories about Korry -and that Korry was now one of Hersh's sources for a book he was doing on Henry Kissinger. The Times article, surely the longest correction ever published in the presti- gious paper, was commissioned byExec- utive Editor A.M. Rosenthal at Hersh's suggestion. Says Rosenthal: "Sy called me and said that he had come across new in- formation that indicated that some of the things we had written about Korry were wrong. My God, if we were wrong in any way I would want to correct it. I asked him to write it for the Times. " Rosenthal felt the Times had a particular responsibility to correct the record. Says he: "We had published [the Kor- ry story) extensively and on the front page. There was no question that we should cor- rect the record on the front page." Rosenthal apparently did not know that much of the evidence cited by Hersh TIME in its coverage of these events gave no great credence to the accusations against Korry, reporting that he was among the US. officials who had been accused of and had de- nied any part in anti-Allende activ- ities, and noting that "they may not have known about the operations." Korry in his office at Connecticut College "Put it in writing. Tell Abe Rosenthal. had been kicking around for years or that Hersh had been pressing Korry for help on his book. While working at the Times, Pulitzer prizewinner Hersh had written numerous stories linking Korry with the Chilean de- bacle. In one article, he reported that Korry was about to be charged with con- tempt of Congress for misleading testi mony before the Senate committee. Sa Korry: "Hersh was the first reporter t stick it to me hard." Admits Hersh: "I led the way in trashing him." When Kor- ry protested to Hersh and other reporters that some witnesses had lied to the Sen- ate committee about his role, only one newsman, Joe Trento of the Wilmington (Del.) News Journal, investigated the case in detail. In 1976 Trento wrote that Kor- ry had been victimized by other Govern- ment officials looking for a scapegoat, but the story was largely ignored by the Times and other major news organizations. Not that Hersh had lost interest in the matter. Korry says the Timesman ap- proached him on several occasions, first in Hersh in Washington, D.C. 1976, offering to report afresh the Chilean story if Korry would talk with him about se- cret intelligence activities. Korry says he refused as a matter of principle. Hersh Hersh called Korry again last No- vember. Says the ex-diplomat: "He asked me to help him with his book. I blew up and asked, `Why should I?' He mentioned that he now knew everything I had told him was true. I said, `Put it in writing. Tell Abe Rosenthal.' I thought that a re- sponsible editor of a responsible paper would want to correct the record." Ro- senthal readily authorized the corrective story. Korry, in turn, says that he then provided the information for the Kissin- ger project that Hersh wanted. Says Korry: "I've always believed in justice. But there was misreporting by the Times, and certain people at the paper knew that." Korry says he is not bitter about the seven years "spent in a kind of iso- lation ward." As for the Times's belated .effort to clear his name: "It's a start." ^ heatedly denies that he tried to make such a deal, but con- cedes that he should have re- examined the Korry case ; sooner. Says he: "I thought he had withheld information from me when I needed it. I probably punished Korry -unconsciously anyway -for not telling me more." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/29: CIA-RDP90-00552R000303370004-3