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May 17, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP90-00552R000302750009-7 STAT
ON PAGE 17 MAY 1981
An Incr~dibieJio1~ Who WWo-
Several weeks ago the world.was sponsibilitY for counter intelligence l mthE
stunned to learn that a former head --or catching -enemy spies he I mc
of British intelligence was officially. worked closely with representatives: 1 ke?
suspected, oh-being a. Soviet agent.: of Soviet and East German intelli-_1 -Ta
The suspect,_nnw deceased, was Sir Bence. was the proper
Roger Hollis, who as head of MI-S Occasionally, his KGB, liaison of- CL,, channel. wntca In a oy law matter. s weeks, proper
from 1958 to 1966? was roughly the I ficer, a clever but boastful. Russian
British equivalent of J. Edgar Hoo- 1 named Col. Ivan Andreievich Raina, 'CIA advertised an address for the
ver. anonymous mole in a Frankfurt
~- - would allude' to very se
. ~ - - :
During ~~ od, other officers sources thaw the KGB had estab-, newspaper. It then began to receive
in the Britis3rxintelli ence service fished inside the CIA and other West- incredibly " ?_ detailed reports from
g " ern intelligence services. He ro Heckenschultze. .
videdonlyg hints - but no p names,, These reports quickly identified
if had the been actual:headidentified as .British moles."_ ser- ",--but-
~ of i he'
vice turned ourto be a mole, the en- On one occasion, for example, Co!. no fewer than seven spies. These in-
tire tire secretwortd ci intelligence dur-. Raina warned that the CIA would at, eluded named a. Harry British, admiralty ty aide
ing this period woud. have- to be. tempt to recruit a Polish diplomat in agonizingly reappraised. After this ; Switzerland.. He gave the. ' ap- furnished the SovHoughton, who had
iets with secret in formation about U.S. nuclear subma-
charge was mace; Prime Minister proximate: time and place that the Israel Beer, an Israeli mil%
Thatcher told p-srliament that ,two-- CIA approach would be made. trines; ;C Col. . Israel Be ra gained the
secret investigations of Sir Roger.: How. did'aRaina know the CIA confidhistorian.who
ence of Prime Minister David
had failed to? produce. any credible plans? Romanoff deduced from such co nfid n e and Col. nStig is Weaned
evidence that,hehad worked for So-1' tidbits of information that the KGB Ben- s-
viet Intelligence; yet, the swirl of had indeed succeeded in placing one from, the the Swedish
, air - attache hington suspicious ?and allegations.contin or more "moles" in the CIA. ashile the D.C was still hotly de-
ued. Then, through. a series of acct
J --.-Then, the bona fides of this m- stet
During this entire controversy dents, he was called upon by the Rus agent a documen. 'arrived at the
one of the. few men who could cast: ,ians to open the safe of a Soviet in- mail drop that Caused considerable
some light on Sir Roger's bona fides telligence officer in Poland who had cIt 'was a list of 26 Pol-
sat quietly in his-small apartment-hr-1 committed suicide. The contents of consternation. o officials that hbeen compiled
Kew Gardens, itz. Queens, -N:Y.,'? . the safe provided more pieces in the ish the officials h that had
at Service as compiled
shunned by all the intelligence set- jigsaw,' and led Romanoff. to con tential targets for recruitment. P
vices in the = dude that the KGB had "moles" op- I
-with erating in-West German, British and Such a list should have been kept
A pale tnan. walrus early ache in the most potected vault of British
a distinctive walrus mustache; this ? French intelligence. Then,, in 1958, and known only
man is Perhavs-.he- onlY'-tmPortant he decided to defect to the United intelligence, y to a CIA mole to havesuccessfully open- States - and provide this valuable in- fewtop British intelligence officials.
The CIA therefore wondered how
etratedthesecret-worid ofSovietin- formation to Western intelligence. eir mystery agent had obtained a
telligence and-:survived.-to tell:this In April 1958, Romanoff crossed tchpy.
tale in the West: (T3e CrA's other tog the border into West Berlin, and In. his next report, "Heckenschul-
moles - Ole& Penkgvsky-and Peter ..posted a letter addressed to Henry J. tze" explained that he had gotten
Popov - were both captured by. the Taylor, the U.S. ambassador to Swit- this British secret list from the KGB.
.KGB and meted) . He ?_now is:an- ; zerland. In this letter, he gave nei- The implication was clear-The KGB
Ainerican:.citizen_fiving .undezthe i leer his name nor his nationality. He had one or more moles, moles deep within
name Alekseia-Romanoff,.Who, ekes explainedtcAmbassador Taylor that
Britishintellige o had- stol en
out a living: editing a small_newslet-. :'the KGB had penetrated Western in- the list the
KGB _? - + s
ter. } elligence; and if he identified him- director o of f the
Twenty-three yearsago, however;.- self, . his : identity : would,`soon' be Allen en for
en Dulles; s; then en direto t the
he turned the entire universe of in- 'known to the KGB.:: to the personally brought the
attention of aritish Intelli-
telligence-inside out when he re- = Instead,, he proposed to. help the vealed the existence of KGB agents United States ferret out these moles gence. Among the top British offi-
cials queried about this list was Sir
who had risen--to the top echelons by supplying information that could
of British.. German,. French. and- be traced to them. He suggested that f Roger Hollis, who: then,. in 1960,
American intelligence. These KGB the FBI should set up a "mail drop" headed MI-5. The -CIA wanted to.
for him, and inform him of know if the list was genuine; and if
penetration- agents, or "moles," had . so, who was in a position to leak it
been actively undermining and be-, dress through a classified ad in a
traying the secret activities of West-, West German newspaper. ' He pre- to the KGB.'- . , ; . ?
._.ferred..theFBI _- since he believed Several weeks later, British intel-
ern intelligence;. ligence reported,back to the CIA-
This incredible "mole" case began that, after a thorough investigation -
manoffnearly, a who thquatter-en-ofawent by century the ago.Ro- name that, , was thorough that
was note
of Michael Goleniewski, was the vice the the the list wafabrs cnothing, more a re than a
chairman of military intelligence e-: the names could have been taken out
Poland. Since he had a special re- of book-
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP90-00552R000302750009-7